Chris Brown the Women Hitter W/ Battered Pic

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Lol, I thought the title of this thread was Charlie Brown the Woman hitter. That maybe he finally punched out that bitch that takes the football away when he goes to kick it.[/QUOTE]

There have been a lot of parodies of the Peanuts characters as grownups but my favorite features Charlie Brown as having grown into a vicious sociopath modeled on Robert DeNiro in 'Cape Fear,' tracking down and punishing all who inflicted his childhood traumas.
Chris Brown is the motha fuckin man....he beat that bitch up good...doesn't matter if she's Rihanna or that girl that you $$$$$$s jerk it to in your Sociology class...

He's the man.
[quote name='ricoraney']A quick response first to the dumbass who said they are both talentless. STFU! First of all we are talking about the incident at hand, not your dumbass uneducated opinion. Just because you like Rock and Roll, don't be a jackass and dump on R&B. ]

Rap sucks, hip hop sucks, pop sucks, r&b sucks, well u get the picture... Anyways, they are both talentless fakes who nobody AT LEAST HERE really cares about.
[quote name='ricoraney']A quick response first to the dumbass who said they are both talentless. STFU! First of all we are talking about the incident at hand, not your dumbass uneducated opinion. Just because you like Rock and Roll, don't be a jackass and dump on R&B. "[/quote]

Rap sucks, hip hop sucks, pop sucks, r&b sucks, well u get the picture... Anyways, they are both talentless fakes who nobody AT LEAST HERE really cares about. :booty:
Some lady was talking about this at work today and said she was back with him? If so, the whole situation is laughable and she deserves to get beat on if she's putting herself in the position to be beat on.
[quote name='Koggit']I'm really confused as to why you tried to imply that he's gay.. I really don't care about your little quarrel one way or the other but I see nothing that could result in an assumption about his sexuality, which leads me to believe you were attempting to use it as insult. Please tell me that isn't the case. Please tell me CAG isn't home to kids that think accusing a person of being homosexual is an insult. Please.[/quote]

Well said, well said. This crushtopher guy (or gal, whatever) must get so much attention from members of the opposite sex that he/she/it can ask everyone to take an STD test before deciding to have sex with them. Shyeah right. What a virgin.
For Chris Browns birthday, I think we should send him a Rihanna Pinata! . . . . . maybe filled with dark chocolates.
[quote name='snookie_wookums']Well said, well said. This crushtopher guy (or gal, whatever) must get so much attention from members of the opposite sex that he/she/it can ask everyone to take an STD test before deciding to have sex with them. Shyeah right. What a virgin.[/quote]
Okay, well don't beat up someone if they give you herpes.
[quote name='Monsta Mack'][/quote]


But to be serious now, smacking someone for spreading is pretty much a pussy move... this is america, sue the fucking pants off that person :cool: Better to get a couple million out it than having to deal with a record.

But to be even more twisted... just be glad that it can't kill you... but this virus should have died away, it's disease factories out there that are uninformed and do really stupid things... There isn't a vaccine, but if people stop having sex with douchebags then it will simply die off like measles.... (which recently came back).
hey I don't think anyone should hit a women if you got money or not.
did you see her on the cover of people magazine. Went to the grocery store to get some soy sauce and saw it. She was messed.

And wouldn't it make sense that if she gave him herpes she would have it to?
The herpes thing is only a rumor and hasn't been proven true. It's just a way for men and women who feel that beating is justifiable in any way, shape or form to try and put a reasoning to this whole situation.
Yeah, cmon now, even if she did give him herpes, no reason to beat on her. He's a punkass, pure and simple. If it was really that bad, he could have restrained her and just threw her out of the car.
LOL at the replies.
I wasnt there so i really cant talk about what happened. I just laugh at all the stuff people say about it when only two people know the truth and they are not talking about it.
It's ironic, all these rappers are rewarded for singing about the gangster lifestyle, violence, and pimping women. Then one goes out and actually does something a pimp would do and suddenly everyone is surprised. Seriously, what did you expect people?
[quote name='motuza']The herpes thing is only a rumor and hasn't been proven true. It's just a way for men and women who feel that beating is justifiable in any way, shape or form to try and put a reasoning to this whole situation.[/QUOTE]

So you are going to wait for a major pop star to come out saying she has herpes? You might be waiting a while.
[quote name='camoor']It's ironic, all these rappers are rewarded for singing about the gangster lifestyle, violence, and pimping women. Then one goes out and actually does something a pimp would do and suddenly everyone is surprised. Seriously, what did you expect people?[/quote]
Since when was Chris Brown considered a rapper :whistle2:s ?
No he did not. It would not be awesome. I love her music.
Her new album is slated for summer release with lead single Warning.
[quote name='soriku']Since when was Chris Brown considered a rapper :whistle2:s ?[/QUOTE]

Since the people that don't listen to RnB and Hip-Hop music think every black person in a rapper.

If she really gave him herpes(for life), I think she deserved it.
Rihanna looks good sometimes but the Herpes thing...i don't know.
I don't believe the herpes thing. I think its just his way of trying to make it ok. Hey what would you do if that was your sister or daughter? Then would it still be okay or funny? And no Chris Brown is not a rapper. He's a r&b singer with two platinum album that thinks he's tough shit for slapping and hitting on a girl.
[quote name='adriley313']And no Chris Brown is not a rapper. He's a r&b singer with two platinum album that thinks he's tough shit for slapping and hitting on a girl.[/quote]

R Kelly is too, and he's done some equally nasty stuff. Singer, rapper, producer, artist (*cough* *cough*) whatever these thugs want to call themselves, their material is demeaning to women and yet everyone is all surprised when something comes out of the lyrics and into real life.
This headline came up on my Google homepage.,,20262240,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together, PEOPLE has learned exclusively.

The pair have reunited almost three weeks after Brown, 19, allegedly battered the "Umbrella" singer on Feb. 8, a source tells PEOPLE.

"They're together again. They care for each other," says the source. The on-again couple are currently spending time together at one of Sean "Diddy" Combs's homes.

Adds the source: "While Chris is reflective and saddened about what happened, he is really happy to be with the woman he loves."

In its latest issue, PEOPLE reports that Brown called Rihanna on her 21st birthday one week ago. "He called to wish her happy birthday," a source told the magazine. "They've reached out to each other. It's been mutual."

Brown was booked by LAPD for making criminal threats but the case has not yet been presented to the District Attorney, who will ultimately determine which charges, if any, will be prosecuted.

Apparently Rihanna is the type of person who has to learn through repetition. Unbelievably stupid. If that leaked photo was undoctored then he clearly didn't just slap her once in the heat of the moment, he beat her. So of course she goes back to him. What is wrong with women who do that? It's especially bizarre in her case since she's not dependent on him for support. I'll be more shocked if he doesn't beat her again than if he does. I hope there's someone in her family still trying to convince her to end it.
So they can have herpes outbreaks together again.
As long as the future child doesn't get herpes. That could be disastrous.
No sympathy for her anymore.

There's MILLIONS of guys who would not only date her, but also not turn her face into a bruised and bloody mess. One of my exes twisted my arm and banged me into a desk (which didn't cause any actual damage except the initial impact), and it was bad enough that I didn't leave him then, but I'm very certain that I would leave any relationship without hesitation if a guy did what Chris Brown did to her to me. I mean that isn't just a slap. That's an incredibly violent beatdown if the pics are real, nothing like what my ex did. And it's not like she's dating him for the money either; she's probably richer than him at this point. So what the fuck is her excuse? She has NONE except that she is a dumb bitch.

I like how the article says Chris Brown "cares for" her and "loves her." Uh no he doesn't. fuck he probably begged to be taken back because he knows she's the one with the money in the relationship, now that he's lost all his endorsement deals and radio stations have stopped playing his shitty music.
The R&B singers seem to have more trouble than the rappers. Bobby Brown, Chris Brown, James Brown (he was just convenient to add) R.Kelly
I like that, The Brown Effect. This singers and stupid rappers think they can do anything cause we let them.

I think R. Kelly is just as bad as Brown and Jackson.
His song shouldn't be Im a Flirt. Me and my friends call it Ima Piss. Now everytime you hear the song say I'ma Piss instead of Im a Flirt.
And Mr. Brown as well. Instead of all these women from Wall to Wall. Sing im a beat these women from Wall to Wall.

And Dufus(Diddy) of all people should leave them the he'll alone. Take a look at his dating life. J.Lo anyone? Let's see him put back together Danity Kane ( my favorite group) that he broke up before he starts helping the world. I think he's just as bad as my super-ego West.

What the he'll is happening to music? Why can't these stars just entertain us with their music and not their personal life? Is it that hard a tree, go to the bathroom or find a gay guy your own age( MJ)?
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[quote name='MillerTime2523']


I don't know why I find this so funny. But I do.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit I knew he was on Sesame Street but Jesus Christ that's embarrassing.
[quote name='crushtopher']What are you like 15? Maybe your parents should be slapped for raising such a naive and idiotic child. Perhaps one day, when you meet that special girl, or most likely guy in your case, you'll actually take pride in your self and do what you can to prevent yourself from contracting a STD. Until then, grow up and keep your closeminded comments to yourself.

Thank you...[/QUOTE]

You see, you don't know the gender of this person, so you are either saying that there is no possibility a woman could be posting in this thread, or that there is something wrong with being potentially gay - not saying anyone is or isnt (special girl, or most likely boy).

I also think that although it shouldnt be ok to hit women, there should be an equal charge for a woman hitting a man, and the fact that Rihanna is a woman shouldnt be the big deal in this. Also, if I just found out I was given herpes, Im unsure if I would have reacted much differently.
[quote name='adriley313']I like that, The Brown Effect. This singers and stupid rappers think they can do anything cause we let them.

I think R. Kelly is just as bad as Brown and Jackson.
His song shouldn't be Im a Flirt. Me and my friends call it Ima Piss. Now everytime you hear the song say I'ma Piss instead of Im a Flirt.
And Mr. Brown as well. Instead of all these women from Wall to Wall. Sing im a beat these women from Wall to Wall.

And Dufus(Diddy) of all people should leave them the he'll alone. Take a look at his dating life. J.Lo anyone? Let's see him put back together Danity Kane ( my favorite group) that he broke up before he starts helping the world. I think he's just as bad as my super-ego West.

What the he'll is happening to music? Why can't these stars just entertain us with their music and not their personal life? Is it that hard a tree, go to the bathroom or find a gay guy your own age( MJ)?[/QUOTE]

Also, shut the hell up about Michael Jackson. He's fucked up in the head, but he never did anything, and that has been proven. Also, read my above post (2nd part) so I dont have to copy+paste
[quote name='Filler2001']Also, shut the hell up about Michael Jackson. He's fucked up in the head, but he never did anything, and that has been proven. Also, read my above post (2nd part) so I dont have to copy+paste[/QUOTE]

Ya and OJ wasnt proven guilty either, so your saying he didnt do it. Not saying he didnt make great music I have most of his music. I'm just saying these stars do what they want and dont pay for their wrong doing.

And there ain't nothing wrong with being gay so please lay off the gay jokes guys please!!!
OJ was found guilty in civil court and had to pay basically every cent he owned as well as most of his property... and I said second part, not first
Totally agree. Dont care if your male female or confused about both. Anyone thats hits someone should be punished.
I really think the title is.......wrong. Its not like he went on global conquest and put millions of people in concentration camps, he hit a bitch who gave him herpes. I think that people should be legally inclined to inform people of STDs before sex and if they are infected without notification, there should be grounds for suing
[quote name='Filler2001']I really think the title is.......wrong. Its not like he went on global conquest and put millions of people in concentration camps, he hit a bitch who gave him herpes. I think that people should be legally inclined to inform people of STDs before sex and if they are infected without notification, there should be grounds for suing[/quote]
And as we all know kids, a lawsuit will clear that AIDS right up.
bread's done