Chris hecker Hates Nintendo

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[quote name='DarkNessBear']I have a feeling they will make an Upgraded Wii or Wii 2 once the difference is noticable..

I just have a hunch.[/quote]

Uhh, I think the difference is pretty noticable right now.
There's no Wii game that even comes close to 360/PS3 games in terms of graphics.

But there will be no Wii 2.
There's no need for there to be. The graphics are fine, they're still clear, and pretty to look at.

The only Wii problems: no HD resolutions, and no digital sound.
[quote name='dallow']Uhh, I think the difference is pretty noticable right now.
There's no Wii game that even comes close to 360/PS3 games in terms of graphics.

But there will be no Wii 2.
There's no need for there to be. The graphics are fine, they're still clear, and pretty to look at.

The only Wii problems: no HD resolutions, and no digital sound.[/QUOTE]

Well, them bitch ass controllers eat batteries like Sony fans eat bullshit and the speaker is shittier quality than most first party Sony games, so I wouldn't complain if they fixed both of those issues.

What? Uncalled for? Nah. Too many oversensitive pussies over there, is all. They should just learn to accept constant obnoxious trolling like the rest of us.
[quote name='trq']Well, them bitch ass controllers eat batteries like Sony fans eat bullshit and the speaker is shittier quality than most first party Sony games, so I wouldn't complain if they fixed both of those issues.

What? Uncalled for? Nah. Too many oversensitive pussies over there, is all. They should just learn to accept constant obnoxious trolling like the rest of us.[/quote]

I have a launch Wii and have only changed the batteries in the original Wiimote once.
However, I don't play that often. And when I do, it's usually a GC game.

Oh yeah, and that speaker is pretty shitty.
I really hate the "crackly" sound it produces in Zelda.... man. I lower the volume on it quite a bit.
I'd buy a Wiimote v.2 for a better speaker.
He's a programmer, an AI prgrammer of all things, what does he know about art? His job is to suck away processor resources from art and sound :) He's probably mad cause hes got to redo a ton of his code to make it work on the wii.

Also, I don't think games are art, at least not in the strict sense of the word. I think when one talks about art and video games, they are actually refering to asthetics of the product. I do agree that games contain art, and that a few games come off as interactive works of art. Although, most games these days, and I use the word "games" loosely, come off as "role playing" or "simulation".

The only game I can think of that comes even anywhere near being actaul art, is electroplankton.
[quote name='dallow']I have a launch Wii and have only changed the batteries in the original Wiimote once.
However, I don't play that often. And when I do, it's usually a GC game.

Oh yeah, and that speaker is pretty shitty.
I really hate the "crackly" sound it produces in Zelda.... man. I lower the volume on it quite a bit.
I'd buy a Wiimote v.2 for a better speaker.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I went through about four pairs in the 60 hours I put into Zelda, but I was also using low-end, imported-from-a-random-third-world-country Duracells. I bought rechargables (ironically, from Sony) after that, let me tell you.
To illustrate his point, he searched for references to games as art on all three console manufacturers web sites. While he found numerous such references on both the official PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 sites, had none at all. He then shared quotes from executives at Sony and Microsoft talking about games as a serious artistic medium, and then a quote from a Nintendo executive saying the company only wanted to make "fun" games.

Maybe the most amusing thing about all of this is his excellent application of the scientific method here.

Per Google:
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,660,000 from for fun.
Results 1 - 10 of about 57 from for fun.

The PS3 is more fun too!

Seriously though, the site is only for the wii, whereas the "official Playstation 3 site" has 3 generations of content on it.
What confuses me is why does everyone think that because CAG is pro-Nintendo that means anything that goes against Nintendo will be shot down. The Sony trolling is more anti-Sony then it is pro-Nintendo and when an anti-Nintendo thread pops up, it's usually either retarded and flamebaitie (like this or your typical Richbastard post) or relatively well handled. I think the majority of the "Nintendo regulars" are pretty level headed for the most part as are the "Sony regulars" like whoknows, Darknessbear, and dallow (don't take this as a "OMG I think you're insane" post if you aren't mentioned by name).

Also, I don't any of the Microsoft regulars to really say one thing or the other about them.
I think, bottom line, anyone who says they are already completely satisified with the Wii, PS3, or even the 360 right now are delusional. All three systems have just really gotten started, and who knows what goodness there is to come for all 3 that we have no idea is coming.

I'm glad I got a 360 to have next to my Wii to really compare two different "worlds" and ideals about games, what they're like and how they're played. Gears of War looks incredible, and plays well now that I'm more used to it, but to be honest, I'd take Mario Galaxy over Gears in a heartbeat. Even from a purely graphical standpoint--it just looks better. It may not be pushing the polygon numbers that the Wii does but Galaxy is a much richer environment, even just from the trailed we saw from GDC. Thankfully, though, I don't have to choose, and I can play and own both and not have the government hunt me down.

Gamers are a fickle crew. They don't want droughts, but they don't want shovelware either. Good games take time, my friends. Elebits was cool, but you could tell it was kinda hastily put together. Trauma Center was neat, but it was a DS port. The Wii got Sonic and the PS3 Motostorm just recently, which are both the first "meaty" titles to hit either platform since their launch.

The "drought" is a little bit harder for me to cope with because I'm not used to being in at the ground floor of a system. I got my Wii at launch, which was the first time I ever got a system that early, and even the 360, getting it about 14 months after launch was far earlier than I've ever gotten any console. I'm used to buying a system and having 7-10 AAA games out already because I'm late to the game. The "hurry up and wait" feeling is a cruel, new kind of torture for me. Luckily the DS taught me a bit how to wait for Castlevania: DoS, Mario Kart, NSMB, Tetris DS, Sonic Rush, et al.

Someone can certainly say "The Wii/PS3/360 are just not worth it right now," and I'd probably agree on all three counts. But to say "The Wii/PS3/360 is and will forever be a hunk of crap." is just ignorant.
[quote name='furyk']What confuses me is why does everyone think that because CAG is pro-Nintendo that means anything that goes against Nintendo will be shot down. The Sony trolling is more anti-Sony then it is pro-Nintendo and when an anti-Nintendo thread pops up, it's usually either retarded and flamebaitie (like this or your typical Richbastard post) or relatively well handled. I think the majority of the "Nintendo regulars" are pretty level headed for the most part as are the "Sony regulars" like whoknows, Darknessbear, and dallow (don't take this as a "OMG I think you're insane" post if you aren't mentioned by name).

Also, I don't any of the Microsoft regulars to really say one thing or the other about them.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. You are frii to hate the wii. Pun intended. However if you post nonsense reasons dont be surprised to get shot down. The wii has never been proclaimed a graphics powerhouse. There are no technical limitations to "finally point out" since the technical abilities have always been made clear. Its the majority of thick headed morons that ignored every statement of Nintendo that the wii will not be a powerhouse or graphics monster.
[quote name='daroga']I think, bottom line, anyone who says they are already completely satisified with the Wii, PS3, or even the 360 right now are delusional. All three systems have just really gotten started, and who knows what goodness there is to come for all 3 that we have no idea is coming.[/QUOTE]

When I got my PS3, I knew it wouldn't be worth its pricetag at first, but I thought it would be with time which is why I got it.

Has it been worth it yet? Nope. But have I gotten a good amount of enjoyment out of it so far? Most definitely.
[quote name='whoknows']Agreed.

When I got my PS3, I knew it wouldn't be worth its pricetag at first, but I thought it would be with time which is why I got it.

Has it been worth it yet? Nope. But have I gotten a good amount of enjoyment out of it so far? Most definitely.[/quote]Bingo. The PS3's pricetag was just too much for me; through some sales I was able to get both the Wii and 360 for about the cost of the 20 gig model. But if I had just unending money, I'd totally have gotten a PS3.

Buying consoles this early is always a gamble of sorts. I don't think any of the new 3 are destined to become the next Dreamcast, but you never really know. But even so, all you need to do if find that one time-sink game that you adore that will make the console price worth it to you, or a lot of little timesinks that you really like.

Why we need to have this irrational desire to say that anyone who didn't buy our pet system is wrong is beyond me. I wonder if most of the PS3 and Wii naysayers aren't just jealous that they can't afford / find the system. Even if that's true, there's no need to bring other people down just like there would be no reason for someone on the flip-side to rub it in someone's face.

Personally, I think the Wii is a fantastic system that, at $200 or less should be in every gamer's home. And when it hits that pricepoint maybe developers mostly will stop porting just crap and actually bring some pretty nice games to the system that are uniquie and use the Wii well.
[quote name='dastly75']quick a mod needs to close this before it breaks out in flames again[/QUOTE]

indeed. someone do the mod summoning jutsu.
If a great painting or musical piece also happened to let you hold a controller and press buttons while viewing it, would it not be a great work of art?

Anybody who states that games are not art is basically saying that animation, musical recordings, etc. are not as well.
Umm, getting back on topic amid the flaming--I guess--

Don't know if anyone saw this, but Hecker "apologized" for calling the Wii a piece of crap--

GDC 2007: "The Wii is NOT a Piece of $#&%!"
Chris Hecker apologizes for heckling Nintendo.
by Daemon Hatfield

March 9, 2007 - Maxis employee and Spore designer Chris Hecker caused quite a stir on Wednesday when he declared "The Wii is a piece of $#&%!" during a GDC-sponsored rant. He said the Wii was nothing more than two GameCubes stuck together with duct tape, and Nintendo didn't treat games as a serious art form. Apparently there was more fallout than Hecker anticipated, as he made a public apology the following afternoon.

Before beginning a talk entitled "Animating a Character You've Never Seen Before," Hecker took a moment to reverse his previous statement. "I do not think the Wii is a piece of $#&%," he said. He explained he was trying to be thought provoking and funny, but that his rant went too far.

He also said Nintendo should be applauded for their efforts in trying to take gaming in new directions. "It's obvious everyone at Nintendo is serious about games. To sweep all that away in order to get a laugh from the audience was unkind and uncool."

Hecker also noted that when he is giving a speech (or rant) he is speaking for himself, and not for Maxis or EA, which owns Maxis. EA has been throwing a lot of support behind the Wii, so it may have put the company in a strange spot when one of its employees publicly denounced Nintendo's new console.
i find it funny everytime the wii is attacked for being an fancy gamecube people always try and take it to the wiimote being this amazing thing that sets it apart from all consoles when the fuckin wiimote was originally something for the gamecube that never got released and even worse than that the fuckin thing works like the old nes power glove.

if you like the wii and its limited game lineup great more power to ya but fuckin own up to the reality of the system already. its a gimmicky system built around games for AAD sufferers many of which now use their wii's to play gc games. and im no fanboy for any systems all of them have their issues and problems but to me the wii much like trix cereal is just for kids....... and nongamers who are easily amused and want to jump on the bandwagon. one fo the major complaints about gaming from many nongamers is theres too many buttons on most advanced consoles which is why the wiimote is how it is.
[quote name='lokizz']i find it funny everytime the wii is attacked for being an fancy gamecube people always try and take it to the wiimote being this amazing thing that sets it apart from all consoles when the fuckin wiimote was originally something for the gamecube that never got released and even worse than that the fuckin thing works like the old nes power glove.

if you like the wii and its limited game lineup great more power to ya but fuckin own up to the reality of the system already. its a gimmicky system built around games for AAD sufferers many of which now use their wii's to play gc games. and im no fanboy for any systems all of them have their issues and problems but to me the wii much like trix cereal is just for kids....... and nongamers who are easily amused and want to jump on the bandwagon. one fo the major complaints about gaming from many nongamers is theres too many buttons on most advanced consoles which is why the wiimote is how it is.[/quote]
You're the worst kind of fanboy. A fanboy in denial.
[quote name='yukine']You're the worst kind of fanboy. A fanboy in denial.[/quote]

lol dude ive been gaming since before your dads condom broke and your mom conned him into getting married. i like games period and i coudl give 2 shits what system theyre on but as a gamer i can tell when a system is just crakin out crap and when its got gold comin and most of the wii's stuff is crap. mind you i love the snes, nes, and n64 but the reality is the wii is a joke compared to those systems. no fanboy here just a experienced gamer who knows real gaming over gimmicks.
[quote name='lokizz']lol dude ive been gaming since before your dads condom broke and your mom conned him into getting married. i like games period and i coudl give 2 shits what system theyre on but as a gamer i can tell when a system is just crakin out crap and when its got gold comin and most of the wii's stuff is crap. mind you i love the snes, nes, and n64 but the reality is the wii is a joke compared to those systems. no fanboy here just a experienced gamer who knows real gaming over gimmicks.[/quote]Wow, that helped your credibility.
I think it proves my point of we're all reasonable people for the most part, we just flame at morons.

For example, we think this guy is a moron. So the question becomes with the excellent spelling of "comin" and "coudl" mixed with the gimmick of being Ganstah on the Internet really makes us blind Nintendo fanboys for thinking this kid is a dumb asshole?

On a different note, it was rather funny how bitchslapped Chris Hecker must have been by Maxis and EA before his retraction.

And nothing, absolutely nothing, is a joke compared to the disaster that was the N64.
[quote name='lokizz']lol dude ive been gaming since before your dads condom broke and your mom conned him into getting married. i like games period and i coudl give 2 shits what system theyre on but as a gamer i can tell when a system is just crakin out crap and when its got gold comin and most of the wii's stuff is crap. mind you i love the snes, nes, and n64 but the reality is the wii is a joke compared to those systems. no fanboy here just a experienced gamer who knows real gaming over gimmicks.[/quote]Judging by your typing, spelling, and sentence structure skills, if you're as old as you say you are, that's to your discredit not your credit.

If the DS is indicative of a "gimmicky" system, then that means I get more playtime out of gimmicks than I do "real" systems. So, I guess, bring them on?
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