ChromeHounds - Gen. Discussion & Info

Damn, I'm gonna have to duck out again because the yard nazis (ie, Homeowner's Association) are on my ass about pulling a few weeds in the yard (including some clover which is a pain to get out). I'll need to spend this evening doing that instead :cry:. If I don't get it all done by Thurs, there's some $25/day fines coming my way. Yay!

Me and RX finally got the bronze patriot metal yesterday. So RX has requested we move to Morskoj for the next war if no one has any problems with it in the current squad. He needs to buy parts from them to get all parts medal.

[quote name='flybrione']Ramo,

Me and RX finally got the bronze patriot metal yesterday. So RX has requested we move to Morskoj for the next war if no one has any problems with it in the current squad. He needs to buy parts from them to get all parts medal.

Sounds fine by me. Anybody that was trying to get that medal for 3 Wars with the same Nation should log on for a minute and get it as well before this War ends.
[quote name='Santurio']Sounds fine by me. Anybody that was trying to get that medal for 3 Wars with the same Nation should log on for a minute and get it as well before this War ends.[/QUOTE]

I need to do that. But I thought we were only on 2 in a row? Oh well, if I miss out no big deal. I may have missed the last war entirely, but I'll try to get on later this evening just to see what happens.
did you get the ach io? If not just let me know and I can stay with the same nation for another war and switch over to Morskoj on the next one after. It would be easier to let you get the ach than have to do 3 straight again.
[quote name='Santurio']did you get the ach io? If not just let me know and I can stay with the same nation for another war and switch over to Morskoj on the next one after. It would be easier to let you get the ach than have to do 3 straight again.[/QUOTE]

I haven't checked, but you know what, I'll do that RIGHT now and get back to you in a few minutes.

Edit - D'oh! Got distracted by one of my kids last night after I checked this.
I did, in fact, get the achievement, so switch away!
i havent played in a LONG time, but if other cags are back on, ill be on for sure. LOVE this game.
not sure if im still in the hostile clan though.
I wish I had the time but I don' bet is to start a new CAG Clan since we would need our leader Ramo Z to clean the roster and accept new members. It's just easier if you guys start a new one, that way you're not dependent on us CH Vets...that have taken a break from it.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Is it a very complicated game Prime? Or is the learning curve semi-decent?[/quote]

I've never been into mech games...they always seemed too complicated but this one was just on the sweet spot. Play a couple single player missions and you'll get the hang of once you have a squad of Hounds and play online, its all about way to play this online if you don't have a headset...its all about teamwork and communication. It's fun as hell after the short learning curve.
I convinced my friends to pick this up not too long ago and we have been playing on and off.

Such a fun game - easily the most overlooked and underappreciated Xbox360 title.
if you guys want to get into this pm here or on xbl.
ill gladly start a new clan if we can get enough cags to fill it.
were keeping the hideous bright orange/green camo though.
[quote name='sp00ge']I've had this game for over a year and only did the first few training missions. I'm pathetic. :)[/quote]

no you're not.......i've had this game for over a year and haven't even opened it yet. :lol:

if someone can convince me to crack it open i could be up for some online stuff.....
When I pick it up within the next week or so I'll contact some of you guys so maybe we can make a clan or something. This game seems too good to pass up.
There are a few pains in this game now

Boosters: Do NOTHING but go up against CPUs on a crazy rate to get the gold medals.
Dualers: Get two xbox users online (on different consoles, different TVs, same household), and have one beat the other every time, for cheap points.

And there's problematic users and squads. 4LEGENDS is the worst squad, with DukeNukem64Rox being the worst user.
We had fun just running groups against the CPU too though, so that might not be a big problem. I might snag this off of Goozex if interest piques again.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']We had fun just running groups against the CPU too though, so that might not be a big problem. I might snag this off of Goozex if interest piques again.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was gonna say, the several times I played with the CAG group we nearly always went against the CPU. Though one time a single guy took us on - it was pretty funny as we were being very cautious thinking we had a tough group in there and some of the vets surrounded and blasted this one guy who we thought was an advance scout or something - all of a sudden we won :lol:. The poor guy didn't even know what hit him.
[quote name='io']Yeah, I was gonna say, the several times I played with the CAG group we nearly always went against the CPU. Though one time a single guy took us on - it was pretty funny as we were being very cautious thinking we had a tough group in there and some of the vets surrounded and blasted this one guy who we thought was an advance scout or something - all of a sudden we won :lol:. The poor guy didn't even know what hit him.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I remember that. We were like, "Oh shit, real human opponents.... Just one guy, where are the rest? Check our base, maybe they're using radar jammers."


End of mission

Frankly, we usually got our asses handed to us whenever playing people so we just went up against the AI.
I've been playing this game forever, over 2000 games played and almost all against humans. If you have any questions about what you need to be doing to win, let me know.
I've had some of the most amusing online moments ever with this game. It's fun when you get away from com range from the rest of the squad and you can hear the rest of the squad wondering where the hell you are or what the fuck you're doing. Then the squad gets cut down to you and you manage to bring down the enemy base using the enemy's own barrage of missiles since you ran out of ammo yourself.
[quote name='io']Yeah, I was gonna say, the several times I played with the CAG group we nearly always went against the CPU. Though one time a single guy took us on - it was pretty funny as we were being very cautious thinking we had a tough group in there and some of the vets surrounded and blasted this one guy who we thought was an advance scout or something - all of a sudden we won :lol:. The poor guy didn't even know what hit him.[/quote]

I remember that! I was kind of nervous too since it was my first and last match against a live opponent. Everyone made it sound like we were about to get slaughtered.
I would play some, I never got a chance to play when everyone was playing every Tuesday, but I would be down for some games here in the future.
Would be cool to play again. I'm going to need some tips on building a decent mech again tho, has been quite a while since I've played.
im playing this again. fr me and put, "cag ch" in the subject.
ill start a new group tomorrow when i get on. i really like the hostile cag so i might do, hostile cag1
[quote name='paz9x']im playing this again. fr me and put, "cag ch" in the subject.
ill start a new group tomorrow when i get on. i really like the hostile cag so i might do, hostile cag1[/quote]

I sent you a FR from the website, so it didn't allow me to put in any subject, so if you see a FR from AK85, it is me wanting to get in on some Chromehounds action ;)

EDIT: Also what nation is the squad going to be under that way we can all make sure to join the right nation when the war is over?
new clan is, hostile cag.
if i recall i have to be online in order for someone to apply. ill be on for a while, otherwise name a time and ill try and work it out.

im very out of practice. i think ive lost hlf my missions so far trying to rebuild my hounds.
my best hound is gone somehow, so thats awesome.
as i mentioned above, the new clan is, "hostile cag." be sure to put the period.
were currently fighting with tarakia. i wouldnt mind returning to hound tuesdays.
so i vote tuesday as a hound day. i dont care what time as long as its no earlier than 6pm pst.
for those that havent played i highly suggest gettign accclimated to your old hounds or building some new ones. I had forgotten how to play with different hounds and it was ugly early going for me.
as i mentioned above, the new clan is, "hostile cag." be sure to put the period.
were currently fighting with tarakia. i wouldnt mind returning to hound tuesdays.
so i vote tuesday as a hound day. i dont care what time as long as its no earlier than 6pm pst.
for those that havent played i highly suggest gettign accclimated to your old hounds or building some new ones. I had forgotten how to play with different hounds and it was ugly early going for me.
bread's done