City's DNA fight against Dog Poo


49 (100%)

City's DNA Fight Against Dog Poo

:24pm UK, Wednesday September 17, 2008
An Israeli city is hoping to combat dog poo - along with pet owners who leave it littering footpaths - with the help of DNA.

Vets in Petah Tikva will collect doggy DNA from mouth swabs

Residents of the city of Petah Tikva, a suburb of Tel Aviv, have been asked to take their pooch to their local vet, where a DNA sample can be collected.
The city hopes to build a database so faeces can be matched to registered dogs and their masters.
Owners who scoop up their dog's poo and put it in specially marked bins on Petah Tikva's streets will be eligible for rewards - like pet food coupons and dog toys.
But owners who leave their pet's droppings on footpaths could face a fine.
If the voluntary programme takes off, the city will consider making it mandatory for owners to provide DNA samples from their dogs.
Tika Bar-On, the city's chief veterinarian, came up with the plan and said so far, dog owners had reacted positively to the initiative.
"[Residents] are co-operating because they want their neighbourhood to be clean," she said.
She added there was many other applications vets could use the DNA database for - such as research of genetic diseases, investigating canine pedigree and identifying stray animals.

I wish they'd do that here. Some asshole keeps letting their dog shit all over the sidewalk in front of my house and across the street.
I approve of this. It should be federal law. I'm sick of the 99% of dog owners around here who don't clean up after their dog and don't discipline it, so it barks all the fucking time. Yes, I live in a yuppieville.
Interesting bill...I wonder if it would work here.

I have 2 dogs, and live in a townhouse with about 55 other units. Whenever I go for a walk with my dogs I have a little pouch filled with plastic baggies. Shit I will take free dog toys/food coupons for something I already do :)
Haha! Yeah, it's a great concept! I just get this mental image of massive lines at the vets office waiting to have their poo sampled (the dogs) ! ;) Haha!!
here is an example of government overstepping there boundries...motherfuckers

here is a bill waiting to get passed

  • Imposing mandatory spay/neuter of all dogs over 12 months of age; or in the alternative, owners will have to qualify for and annually purchase an intact animal permit at a cost of up to $500 per dog.
  • Limiting the number of reproductive events per female dog to one litter per year, with few exceptions.
  • Requiring the reporting of all sales of puppies to local jurisdictions.
  • Eliminating the practice of humane tethering, without allowances for hunting or sled dogs.
  • Allowing towns and cities to impose breed-specific ordinances.
  • Instituting state-mandated vaccination schedules, instead of allowing vaccination schedules to be provided by, and in consultation with, a veterinarian.
  • Establishing unreasonable nuisance laws that can result in the forced sterilization, banishment, or euthanization of dogs.
bread's done