Cloverfield Movie Thread - DVD Out on April 22nd

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']
They were on a ferris wheel, not a train. And that wasn't a pod containing the monster; it was a piece of a satellite. You'll only know what that's about if you dig through the viral ad sites.
Hey, coffeeedge, I just saw Cloverfield last night and I thought it was pretty good. Now that I saw it, I want to, no, I need to know more. I saw in the thread you're pretty knowledgeable about it. I was just wondering if you could explain some of the back story to it since it seems to go so deep. I did go to the sites you said in the thread, but they're "locked" now, which sucks. Or if you know any sites that explain it, it would be deeply appreciated.
There's no real backstory. It's a bunch of random information about fictional organizations that don't directly tie in with anything, other than an offshore oil rig which is oviously destroyed by the monster.
[quote name='lilboo']Yeah can someone just explain the backstory? I don't want links, I just want to read exactly what it's all about.[/QUOTE]

Damn it, it would seem there is NO novelization to the movie :( That usually gives you stuff that doesn't make it to the screen and sometimes a back story.
Yeah I read some of those weird sites and I get the fact that there's some ficitional companies and shit.. like Slusho. If I'm right, Slusho is supposed to have ingrediants (from the bottom of the ocean) that can mutate animals..?

So, is the monster just a mutation??
Did he come from the bottom of the ocean.. pissed? LOL

What bothers me is
I am cool for wherever this monster came from. Seriously. But what makes me crazy is that.. this thing is HUUUUGE...and..he came from no where? You know what I mean? How did this big thing just.. show up without being noticed? LOL
Saw it. Loved it.

Oh, and about the whole SD card in the camera thing: maybe someone transfered the video onto an SD card or something.
This is going to be long. Apologies on the detail.

For its documentary style, I think Cloverfield is a good movie. The actors acted believably and how I assume people would act in that situation. The story told as best as the documentary style allowed. Nothing was excluded that should have otherwise been covered; nothing implausible covered. It is important that the movie have its viewers care about the characters, and I did feel compelled to care about Rob and Beth; primarily because of the underlying romantic plot. Jason's role was to add drama to the story, and did when Mother Hawkins called Rob. Marlena, while the 'out-of-place' character, offered the necessary sacrifice, and supplementary love interest for Hud. Hud himself played an important role as comic relief. I feel had he not been the 'dumb ass' that the movie would have been a bit too dramatic. Lily is the survivor. I thought the editing of romance and main story was well-timed; scenes placed at appropriate times. Truly, I think the romance held the story together. For without it, I would not have cared about any of the characters. I really liked how the last words of Rob and Beth was of love. I would have done the same thing. Of issue, I have little. I attribute Beth's survival to sheer will. However, I found it less plausible how they survived the helicopter crash, and with little injury, or so little injury that they could still flee. If this were captured on a tape format, I would find it highly-implausible that it would survive the bombing and bridge debris. However, as a smaller SD card, I find it a lot more believable. And let us remember, no where in the movie did they refer to 'leveling the area' with nukes. Those bits, and how no one armed themself with any weapon of sort. The ax was rendered useless, as the little monster was still alive, and the most important action was to flee, but I would have kept on me the crowbar Rob used to pry open the beverage machine. This grievance is minor, and I could understand how it would pass their minds, so I look past it. I think they were generous with the shots of the monster, and that things blurred were things that would reasonably be blurred with a consumer video camera. Additionally, I had no idea Drew Goddard wrote this movie. He was a key writer of the Buffyverse, and I like it that he's found good work. Of course, Cloverfield is a 'one shot' view. If I were to watch this movie more than once it would bore and Hud would become extraordinarily annoying. I doubt a sequel. Everything that could have been covered was covered, and the only way to further expand the story would be through supplementary media. Comic books, manga, DVD extras, novels, and the sort. Overall, as a 'one shot' view, I would hand back a 'B' grade on its paper.
Just got back from seeing this.

I thought it was awesome. Super, super intense. Really well done. Definitely a good way to start the year.
Just got back myself and I thought it was great. The hand-held view the whole time was amazing since it really made me feel for the characters more. I thought the acting was done very well and I am so glad it lived up to the hype, at least to me it did.
I'm ok with the ending. It adds to the reality of it. If "it" went down and we had a cam corder (which is all we had through the movie) there's a good chance all we would have is confusion, no backstory. And the no conclusive ending was appropriate for the situations (don't know the spoiler tags so i'm being vague).

Anyways for a one-shot, I thought it was good. It excelled in my books as being "recovered footage" that we were watching, so remember that. It wasn't "edited footage to give you a beginning, middle, and end"

And you guys know JJ Abrams work, did you really expect everything tied up nicely?
That monster was pretty fucking scary... and whatever the hell those things where that fell off him. If those little mosters had clown masks on I don't think I would ever sleep again
[quote name='SpottedNigel']That monster was pretty fucking scary... and whatever the hell those things where that fell off him. If those little mosters had clown masks on I don't think I would ever sleep again[/QUOTE]

I know :cry:
I really don't handle scares very well.. :lol:.. :whistle2:(
[quote name='lilboo']Yeah I read some of those weird sites and I get the fact that there's some ficitional companies and shit.. like Slusho. If I'm right, Slusho is supposed to have ingrediants (from the bottom of the ocean) that can mutate animals..?

So, is the monster just a mutation??
Did he come from the bottom of the ocean.. pissed? LOL

What bothers me is
I am cool for wherever this monster came from. Seriously. But what makes me crazy is that.. this thing is HUUUUGE...and..he came from no where? You know what I mean? How did this big thing just.. show up without being noticed? LOL

It came from the sky. You can see it falling during the last part at Koney Island
[quote name='SpottedNigel']
It came from the sky. You can see it falling during the last part at Koney Island

I've read that several times. Sadly I didn't catch that. But from when they went out for the day to the night of his party.. wasn't that about a month?

Where did this thing go and hide and be undetected for a month? How did it even come out of the sky without being detected?!
not sure about the being detected part, but the last few pictures on involve something "alien" dead on a beach, a broken ship and some nightvision explosions out at sea. Could explain why the army was there so damn quick
The dudes name was Hudson, but they called him Hud.

Hud= Heads Up Display? Or is that just they geek in me thinking that, seeing as we saw the majority movie from his prospective.
Absolutely a blast. Was probably one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had at a theater in a long time.

At the end people clapped and some yelled "Play It again!"

A roller coaster ride. Definately check the movie out and MAKE OPINIONS of your own people. Just because someone said it was bad doesnt mean that you wont love it.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Great film. Lots of fun. I really recommend staying through the credits for the Cloverfield Overture.[/quote]

fucking awesome movie, i thought there might have been something after the credits but my wife wanted to leave, would anyone mind posting what happend, thanks
[quote name='buffdrew84']fucking awesome movie, i thought there might have been something after the credits but my wife wanted to leave, would anyone mind posting what happend, thanks[/quote]

and yeah, for me too can someone show what happens
[quote name='zedarkness']and yeah, for me too can someone show what happens[/quote]
Well, at the VERY end of the credits there is an audio clip that plays that kind of sounds like someone says "Help Us." But it's very unclear. So someone who had recorded the movie on a camera reversed the audio on this part and you can hear someone say much more clearly, "It's still alive." Very cool.
I still haven't had a chance to see this but the question is this...

Is the movie comparable to a 80 minute episode of Lost?
check out


pure rip off of this movie. dont expect much cause i think the bud. was around 300 bucks or so .

for the people asking will i like this movie or not a simple question

If you liked blair witch type of movie you will
if you hated blair witch type of movie you probally wont

once the movie hits the buck show i probally go see it 2 or 3 more times to try to catch the parts i missed. Really dont have an extra 6 bucks to just see the little parts i might of missed (like the monster ending like some have said to seee)

still say movie of the year. i f this movie only cost 30 million, its going to make tons of cash. I will say30- 50 million first weekend. ending around 120 to 150.... IF THERE IS A PART 2 get the same people to do it. Dont do a blair witch #$#$#$ up toss 100 + million at it and really #$$#$ up the movie

i wonder where the creature was going. Find it werid the people would keep running into it. also the thing didnt really seem to worry about its babies (if those were its babies) hell they could be parisites that was attached to the creature.
Saw it last night and honestly it didn't live up to the hype IMO. But then again what does in our modern day society? Overall I really just want some more information on the whole thing oh and spoilers spoilers spoilers!!!!!!!!


My friend said in the coney island footage at the end something can be seen falling into the ocean. Anyone able to confirm?
Really disappointed in this flick. I wish Hud would've died sooner, he was really getting on my nerves. At least the actor didn't have to learn a lot of lines..."Rob! Rob! Rob! Rob!"....

Something definitley fell into the water while they were at Coney Island.
I don't know how people DIDN'T see it.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']
It came from the sky. You can see it falling during the last part at Koney Island
Wrong. What you see falling from the sky in the last scene is a piece of a satellite. The monster has actually been living at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years. It is NOT an alien, or at least, if it is, it arrived here millenia ago.

[quote name='SpottedNigel']not sure about the being detected part, but the last few pictures on involve something "alien" dead on a beach, a broken ship and some nightvision explosions out at sea. Could explain why the army was there so damn quick[/QUOTE]
Those are pictures of dead sperm whales, not the monster.

[quote name='Radioactive_Man']
The dudes name was Hudson, but they called him Hud.

Hud= Heads Up Display? Or is that just they geek in me thinking that, seeing as we saw the majority movie from his prospective.
I'm pretty sure that was just the geek in you thinking that. Hud is a common nickname for Hudson, just like Rob is a common nickname for Robert, and Beth is a common nickname for Bethany.
[quote name='anomynous']It was an awesome movie, that's all

and Linkpwns,
that isn't a train they were on. It's the Wonder Wheel.

My bad. I was friggin exhausted.

That's what I meant

And as for that...
I haven't been through ALL of the sites. I've only been through Slusho... not Tagruato and TidoWave... bot of which are taken down now. Imma go through them when releases the mirror for TidoWave
[quote name='anomynous']
Something definitley fell into the water while they were at Coney Island.
I don't know how people DIDN'T see it.

If it's as blatantly obvious as everyone claims it is, I too, have no idea how I didn't see it.

It's time for me to start downloading...
[quote name='zedarkness']Yeah, I would give it a B and it would deserve it. Definatly looking for some more information.[/quote]

Have you considered the premise of the movie? You couldn't get more information... the point is that you are seeing it from the point of view of the people who are trying to survive the attack...

And I think that the Hud thing was intentional...
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Terrible terrible movie. 2 hours of running. Terribly shot. Terrible concept. Open Water + Godzilla = Cloverfield.[/QUOTE]
It was less than 75 minutes long...
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Terrible terrible movie. 2 hours of running. Terribly shot. Terrible concept. Open Water + Godzilla = Cloverfield.[/quote]
I don't get people complaining about it being terribly shot or a terrible concept. If you couldn't tell how it was shot or what the concept was from the months of marketing and trailers that had already come out then you must be living in a cave and deserve your disappointment. Like slidecage said, if the Blair Witch style of filming is not your cup of tea, then stay away from this movie. If you like something that takes a standard concept (giant monster attacks city) and gives it to you from a new persepective, then you should thoroughly enjoy it.

The movie is simply a showing of the video filmed by some people who were caught in the middle of the attack, you're not SUPPOSED to have all the questions answered about the where and how. If it makes enough $$$ maybe they'll make a sequel from the God's eye perspective it seems some people were expecting from this movie.

A highly entertaining and enjoyable hour and a half. I will def pick it up on DVD when it comes out.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']It was less than 75 minutes long...[/QUOTE]

He must have counted the trailers as part of the film's running time.
bread's done