Cloverfield Movie Thread - DVD Out on April 22nd

I'm still surprised that the trailer is not online. Seen in at youtube, but it gets taken off almost immediately.

We'll see how long this lasts:

[quote name='shieryda']It's all in Japanese, so I'm thinking another Godzilla. I didn't see the entire suck-fest from 1998 with Matthew Broderick, but did they "kill" Godzilla in that film?[/quote]
No one has the rights to make an American Godzilla film right now. Sony didn't renew their rights a few years ago, and as far as we know no other studio has even attempted to get the rights to Godzilla. Even if they did I seriously doubt Toho would let an American studio get the rights to Godzilla again.
[quote name='mr ryles']The great war of the gods will come upon the earth; the fires and terror of their rule will return for a time, but the children of the gods may be thus prepared, themselves aware and powerful…they may stand along side the gods not as equals, but as allies, feared and ready.[/quote]

Eternal Darkness?
[quote name='Halo05']Has anyone got anything to happen at You can drag the pictures around but nothing else seems to happen. I have noticed that after the pictures have been moved, they slowly continue to rotate like the hands of an analog clock. I tried overlapping the pictures so that one completely covers the other but nothing happened.

I'm such a sucker for end of the world type movies, nuclear wars, zombies, plagues, monsters, aliens... bring it on.[/quote]

Zoom in on the pic of the 2 people looking on in shock - look carefully at the 'frizzy hair' on the person on the right.

It looks like a GARGOYLE/DEMON.
[quote name='karkyco']Zoom in on the pic of the 2 people looking on in shock - look carefully at the 'frizzy hair' on the person on the right.

It looks like a GARGOYLE/DEMON.[/quote]

Whoa...I see it too.

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']
Yes, but there was one egg left at the end.

they made a cartoon series after what happened at the end, so its not a Godzilla movie
In the trailer the first "earthquake" wasn't an explosion or anything, meaning that it was some type of giant that fell from the sky or landed on earth.
[quote name='mr ryles']In the trailer the first "earthquake" wasn't an explosion or anything, meaning that it was some type of giant that fell from the sky or landed on earth.[/quote]

I was thinking it came up from the ground? But either way works, I guess.

Although if it hit with enough force to cause that quake, where was the explosion? The explosion from what appeared to be an atomic scale event came much later.

And I swear, it definitely sounds like the guy says "It's a's HUGE."

I need some damn subtitles on my trailers!!!
[quote name='primetime']Slusho might be connected though, someone in the trailer had a Slusho shirt.[/QUOTE]

Many people have asked me, why is the new J.J. Abrams produced monster movie code-named Cloverfield? Residents of Santa Monica and Los Angeles might have some ideas. We set out to find an answer, and this is what we came up with. Abrams’ production company Bad Robot is located on West Olympic Blvd. in Santa Monica, California. The office is located just minutes away from the Santa Monica Airport and Clover Field Blvd. Santa Monica Airport was also originally called Clover Field. The first successful flight around the world took off from and returned to Clover Field in 1924.

Abrams has been known to use inside references as the code-names for projects. For example, earlier this month we learned that some of the on location production of Cloverfield was using “Slusho” as it’s undercover film title. Hardcore fans of Abrams’ Alias may remember as the Slurpee-type beverage that Vaughn offers to Sydney in the second episode of the series.

Has anyone else read the history on the Slusho site? Trippy stuff. Also,
if you send an e-mail to Slusho you get an auto-response that says, "Slusho! loves your mails!! You Can't Drink Just Six!!!"

[quote name='karkyco']Someone mentioned there's a puzzle on 1/18/ - could we get a spoiler?[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen it yet other than the "face" Linkin pointed out earlier. In the AIC forum, I read that if you wait long enough the pictures start rotating like the hands of a clock. One thing I have noticed is that earlier I was able to make duplicate pictures now I can only rotate them.
[quote name='ITDEFX']what time frame is this? 1m:??s???[/quote]

its on the official site, not the teaser video

and if you look at it, it just looks like light shining through hair...and could also be a coincidence.
[quote name='becuzimbrown']its on the official site, not the teaser video

and if you look at it, it just looks like light shining through hair...and could also be a coincidence.[/QUOTE]

oh fuck , now that is creepy.

i wonder why people think this might be a *lost* movie? Just cause its by that JJ Abrams guy doesn't necessarily mean its a lost movie.
[quote name='becuzimbrown']its on the official site, not the teaser video

and if you look at it, it just looks like light shining through hair...and could also be a coincidence.[/quote]

It looks like way more than light. You don't need to zoom at all. Look at the site again.
[quote name='mr ryles']I'll add in that the little gremlin/alien thing in the ladies hair seems to blatant to be a lighting coincidence[/QUOTE]

you don't even have to zoom in on the picture, and you can actually see it clearer.
Ok, maybe it is just me, but that initial "animal" noise sounds like a whale, especially with the peeks and lows and its extended reverberation.

But, right after that, does the girls voice say "it sounds like an alien" or "it sounds like an animal"?

The final thing, and I am not sure this matters, but at 1:12 in the trailer, when the far building is hit, the wall next to the roof entrance is illuminated, and it says "... 2004 ACE"
OMG that gargoyle in her hair is totally not a coincidence, just like the Hobgoblin in the Spiderman 3 teaser poster!!!

HOLY CRAP! If you turn the picture over, it looks like he's biting the head off of a lizard, and not actually taking a drink!!! TOO BLATANT TO NOT BE A COINCIDENCE!!!
My money is on the film's name actually being "1-18-08." It's obviously the date that the events of the movie are taking place (check timestamps on the photos), so it does make sense, and it is a more dramatic and mysterious title than "Name of Monster," if you ask me.

You know, I had convinced myself that it wasn't Cthulhu (tone just doesn't seem right), but on the history page at the Slusho site (which is for sure related to the movie, unlike the Ethan Hass sites, which are confirmed to be unrelated), there is mention of dreaming, and the ocean floor. That may just be a coincidence, but at the same time, it could be a dead-giveaway that this movie is indeed about a certain Dreamer in R'lyeh. But just to note, if it IS about Cthulhu, I don't think they'd call it "1-18-08." That title just isn't fitting of a Cthulhu movie.
[quote name='coolcolt'][/QUOTE]

Wow. With a single 3 minute and 43 second video, speculation about this movie has gone from merely pretty stupid, to stupid beyond belief. It's okay to speculate, and it's good that people are getting excited one way or the other, but this is getting ridiculous.

I would bet my balls that this movie is a brand new, original property (or maybe Cthulhu, but even that seems almost impossible). There are no seriously credible hints that it isn't, and pretty much every stupid theory someone has come up with to peg it as a remake of their favorite childhood brand is completely impossible. It can't (that's CAN'T, as in, CAN NOT, not just "probably won't") be Godzilla, The Host, Voltron, or, and I can't believe that I'm actually having to debunk this, the Power Rangers, because even if it wasn't obvious from just watching the trailer that it's none of these things, the fact stands that Paramount doesn't have the rights or licenses to any of those properties.

And seriously people, something like Godzilla or a high-concept Power Rangers or Voltron reboot would probably require more than 6 months (they started filming less than a month ago) and 30 million dollars to make. Those two factors alone are enough to absolutely convince me that this is going to be a sort of cinéma vérité deal, done in the style of a handheld-camcorder recording, like the trailer, with only fleeting glimpses of whatever is causing all the destruction. A monster-movie-meets-Blair-Witch deal, basically. Hell, we've already got the weepy girl nostril shot, am I right?

I just hope they release something new about this movie soon, so that people will stop making Youtube videos about how they think it's Power Rangers, set to Linkin Park songs.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wow. With a single 3 minute and 43 second video, speculation about this movie has gone from merely pretty stupid, to stupid beyond belief. It's okay to speculate, and it's good that people are getting excited one way or the other, but this is getting ridiculous.

I would bet my balls that this movie is a brand new, original property (or maybe Cthulhu, but even that seems almost impossible). There are no seriously credible hints that it isn't, and pretty much every stupid theory someone has come up with to peg it as a remake of their favorite childhood brand is completely impossible. It can't (that's CAN'T, as in, CAN NOT, not just "probably won't") be Godzilla, The Host, Voltron, or, and I can't believe that I'm actually having to debunk this, the Power Rangers, because even if it wasn't obvious from just watching the trailer that it's none of these things, the fact stands that Paramount doesn't have the rights or licenses to any of those properties.

And seriously people, something like Godzilla or a high-concept Power Rangers or Voltron reboot would probably require more than 6 months (they started filming less than a month ago) and 30 million dollars to make. Those two factors alone are enough to absolutely convince me that this is going to be a sort of cinéma vérité deal, done in the style of a handheld-camcorder recording, like the trailer, with only fleeting glimpses of whatever is causing all the destruction. A monster-movie-meets-Blair-Witch deal, basically. Hell, we've already got the weepy girl nostril shot, am I right?

I just hope they release something new about this movie soon, so that people will stop making Youtube videos about how they think it's Power Rangers, set to Linkin Park songs.[/quote]

never mind, it cant be Power Rangers....Power Rangers was never set in New York City, it was Angel City (i think)
It would be so fucking awesome if JJ Abrams got the whole interweb speculating and making youtube videos and shit over a new Power Rangers movie.
[quote name='Trakan']It would be so fucking awesome if JJ Abrams got the whole interweb speculating and making youtube videos and shit over a new Power Rangers movie.[/quote]

power rangers never took place in NYC though
[quote name='becuzimbrown']never mind, it cant be Power Rangers....Power Rangers was never set in New York City, it was Angel City (i think)[/QUOTE]
Uh, setting is irrelevant here. The fact that it's in New York isn't what makes it impossible for it to be Power Rangers. It's the fact that Disney owns the US rights to Power Rangers, not Paramount (1-18-08 is being distributed by Paramount, if you haven't guessed).

[quote name='Trakan']It would be so fucking awesome if JJ Abrams got the whole interweb speculating and making youtube videos and shit over a new Power Rangers movie.[/QUOTE]
What would be even more awesome would be, in the impossible event that that happened, watching JJ Abrams literally get laughed off the face of the earth. Or at the very least, never work in Hollywood again.
bread's done