Cloverfield Movie Thread - DVD Out on April 22nd

[quote name='the_deej']haha i wonder if this becomes as big as that thing[/quote]

Never mind, wiki is my friend.

these guys hav some good updates, including their latest update which shows that its not many of the movies we all think it is (godzilla, pokemon, power rangers etc.)

it also shows that its something new that we've never seen before

but sometimes i feel like they look into things way too much so dont get too sucked in.

sorry for posting all of this stuff continuosly, im just really interested in trying to find out what this is.
[quote name='karkyco']What the eff is that ilovebees all about?[/quote]

before halo 2 was about to come out, a trailer was shown in theaters (for halo 2) and at the end under the xbox logo it said "" instead of ""

people looked into this, and it was an ARG (alternate reality game) in which people tried to fit together pieces of a story being told and even required some people to go to payphones at certain times.

when the game ended, participants were awarded prizes

cloverfield isnt really ARG since we arent playing a game, we just want to know what this movie is about!
[quote name='ITDEFX']will you guys shut up about "its a LION" ..the guy doesn't say that.... who the fuck would make a movie about a giant lion capable of blowing up new york and throwing the statue of liberty's head around the city?!?!?[/quote]

VOLTRON, mutha fucka!!! You betta wrickity-wreck-ag-nize!!!

In all seriousness though, I replayed it again and heard "It's alive" this time. Ah well, at least it didn't sound like "It's a Me - MAAAARRIO!"

Check out the fourth pic. So we go from "Party/Celebration" to "Holy fucking God what the hell is that thing?" in a matter of minutes, to "it's smashing buildings and turning them into concrete powder" to "it looks like it's shooting weird blue goo/fire on one of the Manhattan bridges while a soldier is shitting his pants" in all of an hour and a half.

Hopefully it's not going to be a US version of The Host or any other Japanese/Korean/Chinese horror film.
[quote name='karkyco']VOLTRON, mutha fucka!!! You betta wrickity-wreck-ag-nize!!!

In all seriousness though, I replayed it again and heard "It's alive" this time. Ah well, at least it didn't sound like "It's a Me - MAAAARRIO!"

Check out the fourth pic. So we go from "Party/Celebration" to "Holy fucking God what the hell is that thing?" in a matter of minutes, to "it's smashing buildings and turning them into concrete powder" to "it looks like it's shooting weird blue goo/fire on one of the Manhattan bridges while a soldier is shitting his pants" in all of an hour and a half.

Hopefully it's not going to be a US version of The Host or any other Japanese/Korean/Chinese horror film.[/quote]

we know its not The Host, Voltron, or Mario (maybe he ate too many shrooms?) since its something new that we havent seen before

i also read somewhere that its a "live, organic creature" and not a machine/robot
Why can't anyone believe that it is going to be an original monster?!

Edit: Did nightowl read this thread? I was fucking around when I said it would be about pokemon lol.
[quote name='linkpwns']Why can't anyone believe that it is going to be an original monster?!

Edit: Did nightowl read this thread? I was fucking around when I said it would be about pokemon lol.[/quote]

i believe its going to be an original monster

i dont think nightowl read this thread lol, there are a lot of other morons running around youtube who actually believe it will be a pokemon movie
[quote name='becuzimbrown']i believe its going to be an original monster

i dont think nightowl read this thread lol, there are a lot of other morons running around youtube who actually believe it will be a pokemon movie[/quote]

I'm 75% certain it's going to be an original monster, the 25% remainder that it could be a "pre owned property" is from previous experience where people LIE STRAIGHTFACED. They want to keep people guessing, so of course they're going to deny deny deny everything. It's keeps the hype up.

But I know there's no way it's a Voltron, Lost, Godzilla movie because of where the rights to make film versions of those are (not with Paramount). And of course it's not anything goofy and childish like Power Rangers, Pokemon, Yugioh or whatever the hell, because those IP owners wouldn't follow this route of mysterious hype (and wouldn't need to), not to mention there's no way they would alienate their fans with something so radically different.
[quote name='karkyco']I'm 75% certain it's going to be an original monster, the 25% remainder that it could be a "pre owned property" is from previous experience where people LIE STRAIGHTFACED. They want to keep people guessing, so of course they're going to deny deny deny everything. It's keeps the hype up.

But I know there's no way it's a Voltron, Lost, Godzilla movie because of where the rights to make film versions of those are (not with Paramount). And of course it's not anything goofy and childish like Power Rangers, Pokemon, Yugioh or whatever the hell, because those IP owners wouldn't follow this route of mysterious hype (and wouldn't need to), not to mention there's no way they would alienate their fans with something so radically different.[/quote]

hopefully they tell us tommorrow at ComicCon!!

by the way for any Lost fans:

Michael (the black dude) is coming back!
Obviously it's not a licenced thing because the whole point of making a movie on a franchise is to get the following of the franchise to watch it.
[quote name='karkyco']I'm 75% certain it's going to be an original monster, the 25% remainder that it could be a "pre owned property" is from previous experience where people LIE STRAIGHTFACED. They want to keep people guessing, so of course they're going to deny deny deny everything. It's keeps the hype up.[/QUOTE]
Well, Moriarty from AICN, who is the original source of almost all of the info about Cloverfield that wasn't actually in the trailer, has said that he knows for a fact that it's an original monster. So, seeing as he's basically the only real source for info so far, I trust him.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Well, Moriarty from AICN, who is the original source of almost all of the info about Cloverfield that wasn't actually in the trailer, has said that he knows for a fact that it's an original monster. So, seeing as he's basically the only real source for info so far, I trust him.[/quote]

thats good to know. is there a page or something on AICN where he posts all of his info? i just want to see if theres something i didnt catch
[quote name='becuzimbrown']thats good to know. is there a page or something on AICN where he posts all of his info? i just want to see if theres something i didnt catch[/QUOTE]
He's only made two posts about it, but the first post was where almost all info about the movie came from (most other sites stole it from him without crediting him for the info).

Here's the original post that he made right after the trailer premiered:

And here's his second post, made more recently:
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']He's only made two posts about it, but the first post was where almost all info about the movie came from (most other sites stole it from him without crediting him for the info).

Here's the original post that he made right after the trailer premiered:

And here's his second post, made more recently:[/quote]

oh, ive read these before

but at least now i know that this is the original source!

Monstrous Poster High Res!!!!!!!!!

Dennis from posted this:




Unfiction's AshJWilliams FTW!

What is this thing?? Notice the:
• Huge gash marks where the hard was torn off
• Huge round hole through the city
• Trail marks in the water
• Helicopters flying over the city
[quote name='becuzimbrown']1. face in the cloud look familiar to anyone? (maybe im looking too closely into this)[/QUOTE]

I'll be damned. That does remind me of the gremlin from before.

Jesus. Want to point out how the light reflecting on the poster creates a grid, and this is a sequel to Tron?

Jesus. Want to point out how the light reflecting on the poster creates a grid, and this is a sequel to Tron?[/quote]

calm down buddy, we are just pointing out possibilities and i even stated in my last post that i might be "looking way too much into this"

the gremlin thing also looks like the one in the other picture which is why it could be important

and this movie IS a sequel to Tron, so get used to it
Anyone notice what appears to be a light fixture on the top-left corner of the poster? It looks as though it is creating that wavy, sphere-ish thing around the city.

Jesus. Want to point out how the light reflecting on the poster creates a grid, and this is a sequel to Tron?[/QUOTE]
Oh, so I take it you're on the production team? Mind settling some of these mysteries for us, then?

Oh, wait, you're not? Then kindly STFU.
[quote name='Cleaner7']Anyone notice what appears to be a light fixture on the top-left corner of the poster? It looks as though it is creating that wavy, sphere-ish thing around the city.[/quote]

yea those waves are not part of the poster, and are probably a glare or something like that
[quote name='mr ryles']so is it safe to say that the monster attacking the city is a sea creature of some sort?[/quote]

its a big possibility but we dont really know for sure
hey guys think about this for a second:

maybe the moster in this movie is really ourselves

i'll give you all some time to contemplate that one cause it's pretty deep, I know.
It seems as though it is a sea/ocean creature, especially with the history at the Slusho website. Although that's just my hunch.

On another note, saw The Host for rent at Blockbuster, but they were out. Anyone see that yet? Is it any good?
Reasons why it could be a sea monster:
1) poster setting
2) slusho history
3) that toxic chemical waste website found by many people that might have been dumped in the ocean creating this creature
[quote name='AshesofWake']dammit it's going to be godzilla isn't it? :bomb:[/quote]

no, its going to be something original that we've never seen before

so its not godzilla, cthulu, pokemon, power rangers, voltron, lost, war of the worlds, ghostbusters etc.
The lady that took those pictures had this to say:

"A few people on the IMDB wondered why I didn't BUY a poster or talk to the vendor. The answer is: No, I'm not a cheapskate or an idiot. The booth was closed as the vendor is on his/her way to Comic-Con. I took the above photos through a locked gate/grid. It's the best I could do. Luckily, Comic-Con starts tomorrow and I'm sure we'll soon have EVEN BETTER images to ogle."

so how about we take a rest until tommorrow night when we get more info from Comic-Con
[quote name='becuzimbrown']Reasons why it could be a sea monster:
1) poster setting
2) slusho history
3) that toxic chemical waste website found by many people that might have been dumped in the ocean creating this creature[/QUOTE]

Which website would that be? What's the deal behind it?
[quote name='Cleaner7']Which website would that be? What's the deal behind it?[/quote]

i forgot how they did it (watch nightowls latest update on youtube) but they found a website dealing with toxic waste and somehow it connects to cloverfield.

EDIT: they did an anagram analysis on Slusho's catchphrase "you cant drink just six" and came up with "A Toxic Industry Junks"

there was also something in the trailer that lead other people to a website on toxic waste, which probably means the monster was created because of toxic waste
The amount of hype around this movie is unbelievable. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a movie that I know absolutely nothing about.

If we make it to 1-18-08 without any new information whatsoever, you can bet your ass I'm gunna be at the theater at midnight, day one, with a big fucking soda and the biggest goddamn bucket of popcorn they've got.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Well, Moriarty from AICN, who is the original source of almost all of the info about Cloverfield that wasn't actually in the trailer, has said that he knows for a fact that it's an original monster. So, seeing as he's basically the only real source for info so far, I trust him.[/quote]

Sounds good to me! Like I said, I'm pretty much certain it's a noob monster, but I was just throwing out the fact that the spinsters, creators, PR etc. will often times lie straightfaced, especially on secretive stuff like this to keep people guessing.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']The amount of hype around this movie is unbelievable. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a movie that I know absolutely nothing about.

If we make it to 1-18-08 without any new information whatsoever, you can bet your ass I'm gunna be at the theater at midnight, day one, with a big fucking soda and the biggest goddamn bucket of popcorn they've got.[/QUOTE]
I hope you have an extra $80 laying around for your movie refreshments :lol:
[quote name='Cleaner7']Anyone notice what appears to be a light fixture on the top-left corner of the poster? It looks as though it is creating that wavy, sphere-ish thing around the city.[/quote]

Not only that, look across the ENTIRE upper portion of the poster, in the really dark parts. There are definite shapes there, above and by the lettering of MONSTROUS.

There appears to be a blimp near the first few letters, and something else further in the upper left that I can't recognize. Then, look at those reddish/orange lights/"eyes" above the letters, and some more odd shapes...alien space ship, or just too much crack rock on my part?

I'd love to know what others see/think all that is, as I'm certain it's intentional. Maybe some transparent/watermark hazy image of the monster? Heli/aircraft in the foreground somehow?

EDIT: Never mind the red lights, that looks like it's just flash/reflection. But the dark rounded shape up there looks like it's something, and ther is definitely some sort of blimp and something else near it behind the M...the something looks like a boom mike, hahaha!!!
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']hey guys think about this for a second:

maybe the moster in this movie is really ourselves

i'll give you all some time to contemplate that one cause it's pretty deep, I know.[/quote]

Nah, it's illegal aliens and/or al Qaeda. Don't you see the metaphors? Destroying the Statue of Liberty and what it represents, crushing the crown jewel of our financial empire, NYC, etc.

The monster, and the movie itself, are metaphors for illegal aliens and terrorists coming to our country and destroying it by shattering our common values, tradition, freedoms, blah blah blah whatever.

Disclaimer: yes, the above is a joke, just like CoffeeEdge's post was.
[quote name='Cleaner7']It seems as though it is a sea/ocean creature, especially with the history at the Slusho website. Although that's just my hunch.

On another note, saw The Host for rent at Blockbuster, but they were out. Anyone see that yet? Is it any good?[/quote]

I was foolish enough to buy it since I needed some entertainment the other day and God damn Best Buy had no copies of Monster Squad after only 2 hours of being open on Tuesday. It's pretty lame, entertaining enough I guess (don't know what those crackhead critics who had their quotes plastered on the cover and back were thinking when they said BS like 'as good as Jaws' etc.) but I can see why people are thinking Cloverfield is the American version of it, as Hollywood has been borrowing from the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans for horror for the last few years.

"The Host" ~ "Parasite" (feeds on its host)
large creepy UGLY reptilian-amphibious-fish monster ~ SUPER HUGE unknown monster
terrorizes city ~ terrorizes city

Somebody also posted this - "3) that toxic chemical waste website found by many people that might have been dumped in the ocean creating this creature"

Oh crap, it looks like it IS the American version of the Host, if that's true. Except with a MUCH larger monster doing much more damage, and possibly spitting flaming debris fireballs (or just throwing random flaming chunks of debris?), and different characters/character stories, obviously.

God, I hope not. But with the rumors so far, toxic waste creating a giant sea monster that terrorizes humanity, good God that's not the plot for, ohhhh, I don't know, Godzilla or anything. VERY original. Okay, so maybe it was atomic testing in the case of Godzilla instead of toxic waste. So much for 'original monster' if this turns out to be the case. Hopefully it will be entertaining nonetheless.

"The amount of hype around this movie is unbelievable. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a movie that I know absolutely nothing about.

If we make it to 1-18-08 without any new information whatsoever, you can bet your ass I'm gunna be at the theater at midnight, day one, with a big fucking soda and the biggest goddamn bucket of popcorn they've got."

No Slusho? And remember, "A Toxic Industry Junks".
[quote name='karkyco']...and ther is definitely some sort of blimp and something else near it behind the M...the something looks like a boom mike, hahaha!!![/QUOTE]
The "blimp" you see is actually not part of the's a floodlight bulb, like this, attached to the vendor's booth, reflecting off the poster. The black shape extending behind, going to the upper left, is the socket for the bulb.

[quote name='Cleaner7']On another note, saw The Host for rent at Blockbuster, but they were out. Anyone see that yet? Is it any good?[/QUOTE]
Don't listen to karkyco. The Host is fantastic, if you appreciate the genre at all. :)
[quote name='becuzimbrown']

people waiting in line for JJ Abrams at Comic-con got giftbags with Slusho Tshirts!!!!!!!!!

JJ Abrams Has to talk about Cloverfield now!!!!!![/quote]
Anybody live blogging it?
[quote name='evilmax17']Anybody live blogging it?[/quote]

just pay attention to's getting the latest updates from people at Comic-Con
Latest from AICN (seems like the poster was photoshopped):

Hey, everyone, "Moriarty" here. I was in San Diego for a grand total of about two hours last night, then got out of there. In that time, I heard (A) "CLOVERFIELD is really RAMPAGE," (B) "CLOVERFIELD is really VOLTRON," and (C) "CLOVERFIELD is called MONSTROUS," all rumors that have been floating around the internet for weeks now.

Here's what we do know: ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY has just published a high-res version of the poster, and it's the same poster we've been seeing for the last week, but you'll notice that the word "MONSTROUS" is nowhere to be seen.

So what's the deal? Did someone take a real scoop (that first image of the poster that someone snapped) and feel the need to jazz it up a bit? If so, that's a shame, because the poster itself is a very cool reveal. Check it out here:


Entertainment Weekly's website has an exclusive First Look at the new teaser poster for JJ Abrams' latest cinematic enigma -- codenamed Cloverfield..... as well as a few other hush-hush details. It's a must-see! The Statue of Liberty without her head? What exactly is this movie all about?

Get the scoop on Cloverfield at The poster will also appear in Entertainment Weekly magazine, hitting stands tomorrow (Friday). Please feel free to do something with this breaking news, but make sure to credit and please link back to the full story.
bread's done