Club Nintendo 2012 (Club Year Ends 6/30/12)

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Also, I'm clearing out my entire survey backlog (dear me it was almost 50 surveys...) I figure with the Wii U I'm going to reach platinum for next year anyway, I see no reason to ration the points.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I HATE that DSiWare games require internal memory (as opposed to 3DS games, virtual console games that can run off of the SD card). I transferred all of my DSiWare games over, and they take too much space, so I have to have 10+ on the SD card, and cannot play them from there...

I want Dr. Mario Express, but I am hesitant. Also, why is it 150 coins (normally $5), and Dr. Mario Online RX is 100 coins (normally $10)? Seems uneven.[/QUOTE]

because Dr. Mario Online RX on Wii is not as much fun. The game is awesome on a handheld. If they sold virus buster I think that's what it's called for 3DS I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I really don't want to have to buy Brainage 2 just to play that.

I agree, I'm liking they're finally offering a growing downloading game market and for coins no less.
May pick up Dr. Mario Online.

Doubt I'd ever get around to replaying Majora's Mask as I didn't care for it much the first time around. Only have a DS Lite, so those games aren't an option.
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I dont know if Kirby is worth the coins but as it stands, there isn't anything else to buy

I'm not getting anything on the wii…I have 12K in nin pts from Pepsi rock band that are free.

Knowing that the dsi dr Mario uses internal memory kinda sours that option… is ther any multiplayer options???

Picking up MvDK was worth every coin since it is a unique game and the cost coin vs dollar was not much

I hope they can do better.
See, to me, I find stuff like Kirby and Xevious to be perfect for this kind of promotion. Do I love stuff like Mario vs. DK, Majora's Mask, and Dr. Mario? Yes, but that's the problem... anything I wanted that much I've likely already purchased. In fact, out of the 8 games they've put up so far, I've owned 5 of them.

Stuff like Kirby and Xevious are things I had interest in, but not quite enough to justify the money for. This is a great outlet to actually get them, which is a huge reason I'm excited about this. I've had Kirby on my wishlist since it went up, but I can basically guarantee I never would've actually spent the $4 (right?) on it.

The timing for this is also pretty great since I, like I assume most here, have a ton of unspent coins just sitting around. With the exception of the Zelda posters, the only time I've spent any of my full three years worth of coins are when they're about to expire. 90 coins is nothing to me, honestly, so even if a game isn't awesome I won't be too annoyed.
[quote name='xycury']I dont know if Kirby is worth the coins but as it stands, there isn't anything else to buy

I'm not getting anything on the wii…I have 12K in nin pts from Pepsi rock band that are free.

Knowing that the dsi dr Mario uses internal memory kinda sours that option… is ther any multiplayer options???

Picking up MvDK was worth every coin since it is a unique game and the cost coin vs dollar was not much

I hope they can do better.[/QUOTE]

If you arent heavy on DSiware games you'll be fine, I dont have any DSiware games on my SD card, but I think I may be out of space for anything else at this point.
I do love me some Majora's Mask, but I can't help thinking that they'll eventually release a remake on the 3DS................decisions decisions
Dr Mario is very tempting as I've sunk more hours (weeks) into Dr. Wario on that GBA WarioWare game than I care to admit. I've never played an original Dr Mario, but which one to get? The Wii or DS one?

Also, I have that promotional Gamecube disk that contains Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and two older Zelda games. Does the Wiiware version of Majora's Mask differ from the "gamecube" version?
I want to say I remember chatter when Majora's Mask was released on Wiiware that it was based on that compilation version, but that the compilation version suffered from improper emulation on the Gamecube, resulting in some sound issues. This might have been due to the game switching from its original cartridge format to the somewhat slower disc release.

As such, the Wiiware version was scrutinized heavily at release to see if it had the same sound problems, but that they are largely fixed in the Wiiware release, although noticeable to A) very observant people, or B) if you walk around in the main hub town for too long. As such, I believe it might be the best way to play the game beyond breaking out an N64.

Those of you who know more than me, please feel free to correct me if I've said anything wrong.
[quote name='Daisydog']Dr Mario is very tempting as I've sunk more hours (weeks) into Dr. Wario on that GBA WarioWare game than I care to admit. I've never played an original Dr Mario, but which one to get? The Wii or DS one?

Also, I have that promotional Gamecube disk that contains Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and two older Zelda games. Does the Wiiware version of Majora's Mask differ from the "gamecube" version?[/QUOTE]

Majora's Mask Wii VC differs from the disc version in the way that it DOESN'T RANDOMLY CRASH ALL THE TIME.

Ahem, sorry. That was old anger coming back up. Honestly, yeah, it's the same game, but the porting on the GC disc had some severe problems. The freezing on my playthrough was so bad that I eventually just abandoned it. If you're honestly planning on playing MM, I strongly recommend doing on the Wii VC version.
Thanks Strell, it looks like the Wiiware version is superior.
I couldn't find anything through google until I searched sound issues and locking up. I came across this:
According to a few players who have played Majora's Mask from the PAL Virtual Console, several glitches from Majora's Mask's Collector's Edition version have been present in the Virtual Console release, including freezing, making it possible that the Virtual Console release may be a direct port from the Collector's Edition. However some players have reported that their's 'runs perfectly and smoothly'. According to IGN, the NSTC version of the game is glitch-free, and players are encouraged to download it with confidence
Majora's Mask, just like DK64 is a hard game to emulate/port because of the Expansion Pack add-on required to play them. I know the game crashed on me once on the VC, but what was a long time ago, and all of my VC/WW games had this bug where they'd freeze and the system would give me a high pitched squeal.

The sound on Majora's Mask however is off, but it's A LOT better than the Gamecube version.

Also, I went ahead and ordered the Zelda 25th Anniversary Posters. I'm also going to the Zelda Concert in Atlanta in May in case anyone else is going to go.
I'm going to the concert in Vancouver, but since you're all in the US I don't think anyone wants to fly in for it :)

The Zelda Collector's Edition did freeze on me a couple of times while playing it, so that much I can vouch for and the sound quality was choppy. HOWEVER, that does not mean the game isn't 24 flavours of awesome.

Btw, the anniversary posters are very sexy.
Pshaw. I'll just play Majora's Mask on my holographic artwork cartridge for N64. ;) But I did get Dr. Mario Online RX. A $10 game for 100 coins was interesting enough.

Hoping for more Zelda games and other first-party games next month. Oracle of Ages/Seasons, please!
I'm suspecting that Nintendo is putting Majora's Mask out there to see how many people will actually pick it up and use that to sort of gauge interest in a 3DS version.
[quote name='007']See, to me, I find stuff like Kirby and Xevious to be perfect for this kind of promotion. Do I love stuff like Mario vs. DK, Majora's Mask, and Dr. Mario? Yes, but that's the problem... anything I wanted that much I've likely already purchased. In fact, out of the 8 games they've put up so far, I've owned 5 of them.

Stuff like Kirby and Xevious are things I had interest in, but not quite enough to justify the money for. This is a great outlet to actually get them, which is a huge reason I'm excited about this. I've had Kirby on my wishlist since it went up, but I can basically guarantee I never would've actually spent the $4 (right?) on it.

The timing for this is also pretty great since I, like I assume most here, have a ton of unspent coins just sitting around. With the exception of the Zelda posters, the only time I've spent any of my full three years worth of coins are when they're about to expire. 90 coins is nothing to me, honestly, so even if a game isn't awesome I won't be too annoyed.[/QUOTE]

See, this program is great for me because I never got into the DSiWare at all. I bought a DSi when they first came out and didn't even start using it until about 6 months ago ;). I was content with my DS Lite till then. I still have the 1000 points my DSi came with but other than that have never funded it or bought any downloadable games. And for the Wii I haven't bought anything since the first year it was out. Still, I'll probably pass on most WiiWare games since we don't use it all that often any more. I did get Fluidity - though had I known they would offer more games so quickly I probably would have passed on that to save the coins for later.
Has anyone been able to test whether surveys now expire within the year?

I have a post play survey for Days of ruin that has an expiration date of 1/21 that before the redesign was not set to expire this year. I'm tempted to skip it and see if it is still around on 1/22 in order to determine if there are still years attached to expiration dates even if we can't see them. If someone has already done this I'd like to save the coins however.

For what it's worth the new FAQ reads as follows:
"NOTE: Some of the original product registration surveys had a much longer expiration; however, we find it most valuable to receive your feedback right away. Don't take the chance that your expiration year is in the future. To ensure that you receive your Coins, complete your survey(s) now, before they expire."

The words "had" and "chance" make it look like the period may have been shortened, but not necessarily to less than a year.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']

I want Dr. Mario Express, but I am hesitant. Also, why is it 150 coins (normally $5), and Dr. Mario Online RX is 100 coins (normally $10)? Seems uneven.[/QUOTE]

I noticed this also, I got Dr. Mario express, but kinda felt ripped off thats its only $5 but they wanted 150 for it, yet when I got Xevious it was only 100 coins for a $6 game??
[quote name='kvadair']Has anyone been able to test whether surveys now expire within the year?


This too I would like to know…
FYI - I'm the worst Dr Mario player in the world. No joke. I played for about an hour the other day online and didn't win once, and only came close to winning like once.
New intend to buy survey is up: Rhythm Heaven Fever. You can find it below your to-dos on the "Earn Coins" tab. Expires 2/6.

In other news for any ambassadors on the fence about buying Dr. Mario for 3DS don't forget you can unlock Dr. Wario in WarioWare. It's not quite the same, but for most it will probably be close enough.
I posted this in the code trading thread also, but I don't really see anyone trading download codes there so I'm putting it here also:

Have: 1 Mario Kart SNES Wiiware download code.
Want: 1 Dr. Mario Wiiware download code.

I bought Mario Kart, but I have not redeemed the code yet, and I'd rather have Dr. Mario. If you missed Mario Kart, let's trade.
[quote name='Lugi']someone buy and then sell me the 3DS Dr. Mario Code.

Paypal? :D[/QUOTE]

Not sure if this was sarcasm, but if not, how much do you hope to save on a $5 game?
I regret "buying' Dr Mario even with my "free" coins. There's a reason I never really got into Tetris and the like. I simply don't like falling block puzzles (on the other hand I loved Puzzle Quest and Hexic - I just don't like the frantic dropping thing I guess).

I played it for about 30 minutes and almost for sure will never play it again.

Xevious, on the other hand, I find way more addicting. But that could also be because I remember playing that in arcades. Dr. Mario was completely new to me and thus holds no nostalgia factor whatsoever.
a buck or two. Cheaper for me and someone got cash out of fake coins.
everyone wins!
So the post-play surveys expiring 120 days after registering a game. Is that true? If so, it looks like I went over platinum status by 60 coins, oops :whistle2:#

I happen to like Dr. Mario. But I can't seem to beat the computer on medium difficulty. I don't know what it is. I thought I was playing well because I'm always setting up combos, but eventually the non matching pieces stack up and while I'm busting those the computer ends up winning. I kind of want the 3DS version but keep talking myself out of it.
The bright side of the downloadable games being changed monthly is that I'll pop on to the site enough to keep up with the surveys. Back when you had like 2 years to do them, I visited the site once a year... usually the week before I had to hit Platinum. So, while I don't like the change to the timeframe, at least they gave me an easy way to remember to actually do the surveys.

I noticed that the 25th Anniversary Zelda posters are officially gone. All orders already in and set to 'backorder' will go out by the end of January, but you can't order them anymore. I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised that these really were a somewhat 'limited edition' like the site claimed. I'm so used to companies claiming that and then still having stuff readily available for over a year that this is a refreshing change of pace.

... now, hopefully the replacement set shows up okay. My first set was crushed in the mail. Bleh.
I redeemed coins for Kirby's Dream Land (I never owned the original. I had Adventure on NES though). What a short game! 37 minutes and it is complete! It is a fun through back though. Kirby cannot absorb abilities, but it is still a solid game regardless.
[quote name='007']

I noticed that the 25th Anniversary Zelda posters are officially gone. All orders already in and set to 'backorder' will go out by the end of January, but you can't order them anymore. I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised that these really were a somewhat 'limited edition' like the site claimed. I'm so used to companies claiming that and then still having stuff readily available for over a year that this is a refreshing change of pace.

... now, hopefully the replacement set shows up okay. My first set was crushed in the mail. Bleh.[/QUOTE]

Good thing I ordered these. I was on the fence about it since the the 1st Zelda set was still available but it did say "limited" so I caved in. Dont get me wrong I was eventually gonna order them just later than sooner.

How the heck did ur posters get crushed?? Those containers are hard as a rock!! You can use them as weapons.
[quote name='007']I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised that these really were a somewhat 'limited edition' like the site claimed.[/QUOTE]

I'm not, I wasn't able to get those last few coins for them in time. :whistle2:/
[quote name='BitLooter']I'm not, I wasn't able to get those last few coins for them in time. :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

Shit, I didn't get them either. Just kept intending to log in and order them. Figured they'd be like the others, and stick around forever.
[quote name='kvadair']
I have a post play survey for Days of ruin that has an expiration date of 1/21 that before the redesign was not set to expire this year. I'm tempted to skip it and see if it is still around on 1/22 in order to determine if there are still years attached to expiration dates even if we can't see them. If someone has already done this I'd like to save the coins however.

The 21st has come and gone and the post play survey is still there. I think it is safe to assume that all of the surveys still have the same expiration dates and years that they did before the redesign. So I guess that's at least two more years of platinum status for me, yay!
So when do they new club offers pop up? Will there be a new downloadable title like majoras mask? Any early word? I'm trying to decide if I should spend points on dr Mario or save them for next months possibly cool rewards. I'm a noob to the club.
Dear Club Nintendo Member,

As you may have noticed, 1 of the posters in the Legend of Zelda 25th
Anniversary Poster Set that we sent to you contained a minor flaw.
On The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword poster, there is a design flaw
on the outline of the loft wing, to the right of the sword.

We apologize for the mistake and will be shipping a replacement poster
to you the first week of February. You can expect to receive a
confirmation email when the package is shipped.

Again, we apologize for this error and we hope that you enjoy your
new poster.

Thanks again for your membership and loyalty.


Club Nintendo
I haven't opened mine and it is still in the packaging cylinder.
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Just got this email from Club Nintendo, anyone else get it?

Dear Club Nintendo Member,

As you may have noticed, 1 of the posters in the Legend of Zelda 25th
Anniversary Poster Set that we sent to you contained a minor flaw.
On The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword poster, there is a design flaw
on the outline of the loft wing, to the right of the sword.

We apologize for the mistake and will be shipping a replacement poster
to you the first week of February. You can expect to receive a
confirmation email when the package is shipped.

Again, we apologize for this error and we hope that you enjoy your
new poster.

Thanks again for your membership and loyalty.


Club Nintendo
Yeah, I briefly looked at the posters but never noticed Error...

Here's the flaw:

[quote name='Lugi']a buck or two. Cheaper for me and someone got cash out of fake coins.
everyone wins![/QUOTE]

Thank you for being the dumbass read of the day, I had to laugh... You realize people put around $150 to get those coins for you to try saving a buck or two. Quit being a cheap ass and spend the $5.

As for the next round of dig games, I just hope for something I don't already own. That is of course if they fix my floppy screen on my Zelda 3DS. If not it's a write off because I'll sell all the Nin shit I own. My 3ds is currently almost unplayable due to the loose screen...
The games are tempting, but I would rather spend my coins on stuff that I wouldn't normally get. I can spend $5-$10 to get the games, but the rewards are pretty cool and hard to get anywhere else.
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