CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='LordKefka06']Has 6 maps even been confirmed?

I would think it would be 2 packs: 4 new maps. Then another pack of 4 MW1 maps.[/QUOTE]

I read that these were the maps:


I even saw a video with multiple screenshots of all six.

Is this not confirmed? Sorry, I didn't mean to spread false information.
[quote name='Puffa469']I read that these were the maps:


I even saw a video with multiple screenshots of all six.

Is this not confirmed? Sorry, I didn't mean to spread false information.[/QUOTE]

There was a "" video out but it didn't contain Shipment. So if anything, it may be being held back for the next pack.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']There was a "" video out but it didn't contain Shipment. So if anything, it may be being held back for the next pack.[/QUOTE]

Your right, Shipment wasn't in that vid. Shipment sucks anyway.

I'll still take the other 5 maps for 1200 points.
[quote name='Ronzilla']Hey Thekrakrabbit, did you know that you can respond to several posts in a single post? Just hit that green (+) button in the right corner
of each person you want to respond to. Just thought it might streamline your responses. ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but I don't really like the way it looks. Just my posting style LOL.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']We play CoD posted on their Twitter that the pack will be 1200 points. Apparently that's confirmed.[/QUOTE]

"Confirmed". I never really believe it until somebody more official then some people on Twitter say it.
[quote name='InfiniteTeqniq']Does anyone have a link to a video with some of these maps? All other links are broken.[/QUOTE]

Just go to the Tech Game or Youtube (search Modern Warfare 2 DLC maps or something of the like) and all will be revealed my Apprentice.:bouncy:
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Just go to the Tech Game or Youtube (search Modern Warfare 2 DLC maps or something of the like) and all will be revealed my Apprentice.:bouncy:[/QUOTE]

I did, and I found was some shady account posting screen shots of the map, and not actual gameplay. I thought there was video of people playing in them?
[quote name='InfiniteTeqniq']I did, and I found was some shady account posting screen shots of the map, and not actual gameplay. I thought there was video of people playing in them?[/QUOTE]

Fast forward to 4:01 to see actual gameplay on the CRASH map.

[quote name='blk00civicsi']We play CoD posted on their Twitter that the pack will be 1200 points. Apparently that's confirmed.[/QUOTE]

No thanks. I know it has more maps but a bunch of them are old. If I want to play them I can just play COD4.
Overgrown and Crash. :drool:

I'll be fine with the $15 price as long as those 3 new maps don't suck ass.

I was hoping for new titles and emblems after Bowling asked the community for suggestions but it's not important.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Overgrown and Crash. :drool:

I'll be fine with the $15 price as long as those original maps don't suck ass.

I was hoping for new titles and emblems after Bowling asked the community for suggestions but it's not important.[/QUOTE]

Those are my 2 fav maps from MW1, so they would have to go way out of their way to fuck them up.

I can't wait to get a chopper gunner and rain down hell on the 3 story building in Crash.
[quote name='Puffa469']Those are my 2 fav maps from MW1, so they would have to go way out of their way to fuck them up.

I can't wait to get a chopper gunner and rain down hell on the 3 story building in Crash.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that.

I also wish that they'd put Vacant in there and make it all three from the MW1 Beta. I know those three maps like the back of my hand.
[quote name='moojuice']
No price yet.
5 Maps.
-3 new (Bailout, Storm, Salvage), 2 Old (Crash, Overgrown)
No Perks.
No Spec Ops.
No New Guns.
No New Titles.
No New Emblems.
No gods or kings - only man.[/QUOTE]

Gee. That last one seems a bit out of place.
It's safe to say I'm going to wait until gameplay vids of the maps hit YouTube before I'll reconsider a purchase. Two flashback maps I enjoyed every so often won't be enough to mend the scar in my wallet if the new remaining maps aren't worth a damn. It appears I won't have to postpone my date with Perfect Dark after all.
[quote name='moojuice']

No price yet.
5 Maps.
-3 new (Bailout, Storm, Salvage), 2 Old (Crash, Overgrown)
No Perks.
No Spec Ops.
No New Guns.
No New Titles.
No New Emblems.[/QUOTE]

Very nice. The "multi-level appartment" area sounds familar....Vacant I believe it was called in MW1...

Nonetheless, I loved Crash (favorite map) and Overgrown will be a nice fit for me as well. Excited to get the map month on PS3 (arg!)

I am a little disappointed that we didn't get anymore Titles or Emblems (although they could come at another pack) but like I said eariler I couldn't get my hopes up too high because people like to lie.
[quote name='Puffa469']Those are my 2 fav maps from MW1, so they would have to go way out of their way to fuck them up.

I can't wait to get a chopper gunner and rain down hell on the 3 story building in Crash.[/QUOTE]

I have a feeling the Chopper Gunner won't work all too well on Crash, because there are so many buildings. AC-130 might work a bit better LOL.

I still can't WAIT.
You do realise that that info is just for the map pack DLC...

They still are going to release a patch along with the DLC. That patch could contain extra emlems, titles, golden/platinum guns, extra game modes, the OMA change.... Etc.... Even their built-in video capture they were talking about....
[quote name='LordKefka06']You do realise that that info is just for the map pack DLC...

They still are going to release a patch along with the DLC. That patch could contain extra emlems, titles, golden/platinum guns, extra game modes, the OMA change.... Etc.... Even their built-in video capture they were talking about....[/QUOTE]

While that would be great, where have you heard this from? Why would they give away guns for free? I could see a OMA patch maybe. Adding all that shit to the map pack would guarantee more sales as well...
[quote name='LordKefka06']You do realise that that info is just for the map pack DLC...

They still are going to release a patch along with the DLC. That patch could contain extra emlems, titles, golden/platinum guns, extra game modes, the OMA change.... Etc.... Even their built-in video capture they were talking about....[/QUOTE]

But a patch with features would probably just take away from the map pack. If it had guns or Titles/Emblems I think those things would be content you could put into DLC.

Would be awesome to have for free though, considering we have been supporting Activision and the CoD franchise for 10000 years.

I mean, even I, who NEVER EVER NEVEREVER buys games on launch, bought this one online before it even came out.:whistle2:#
[quote name='Trakan']While that would be great, where have you heard this from? Why would they give away guns for free? I could see a OMA patch maybe. Adding all that shit to the map pack would guarantee more sales as well...[/QUOTE]

Totally true, adding stuff like guns or Titles/Emblems and other goodies could be added into DLC packs to make it more appealing.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Plat/Gold guns though, since people wouldn't really like to pay for that.

I wonder as well, what an OMA patch would be? Limit the amount of times you can use it per game, or perhaps just not have it refill grenades?
[quote name='Trakan']While that would be great, where have you heard this from? Why would they give away guns for free? I could see a OMA patch maybe. Adding all that shit to the map pack would guarantee more sales as well...[/QUOTE]
That patch could contain extra emlems, titles, & challenges
I am just going off what the wikia said: "There are hidden titles that may be released in the Spring DLC. They also may have been cut out of the game pre-release."


golden/platinum guns
Refer to this.


extra game modes
Refer to this. Some of these might not show up, but I bet GTNW will. Here is also some gameplay footage of them.


the OMA change
Thanks for taking the time to answer questions! Mine is: Will there be a fix for the One Man Army/Infinite noob tube exploit?

Yeah, there are a few OMA tweaks planned. No details yet though on what exactly.
Taken from his official twitter.


Even their built-in video capture they were talking about... Bugger. What about the idea of video sharing: in games like Halo 3 it has gone down quite well with the online community, have you considered implementing it in Modern Warfare 2?

TA: Yeah we looked at it... it’s not something we are going to do in the initial release. But it is definitely something we’ve looked at and thought about... we have it in our future to-do pile. Is it possible to implement a feature like that as DLC?

TA: Anything could be DLC right now, so yeah.

I never said anything about free/new guns, so I can not answer that. The closest thing I said was about the golden/platinum weapon skins.


I can not provide a link for it, but I am pretty sure that there was an official post about there being a free patch with content, alongside the DLC. Since it was not mentioned in this, it would make sense to release some of the things I mentioned in the free patch. Either that, or they are saving it for later/2nd map pack.


Man, I would really, really like to see this included in the game.
I dont know why people skip Rust all the time, honestly, its not too bad of a map, and its a good change from all the other maps that I seem to run into all the time
Had a bunch of booster/cheating assholes last night. There has to be a way for them to do something when one guy on one team is 39-2 and somebody who has prestiged on the other team is 1-40.
[quote name='LordKefka06']I am just going off what the wikia said: "There are hidden titles that may be released in the Spring DLC. They also may have been cut out of the game pre-release."


The ONLY thing concrete in your post is the OMA balance. Everything 100% pure, unproven speculation. One of your "sources" of information quote someone as saying a video recording feature could be patched in because "Anything could be DLC right now, so yeah." Well, I guess that means we can become hot dog cart operators in the next patch too. Or maybe they'll patch in the a Where's Waldo game you can play between matches. I mean, hey, "Anything could be DLC right now, so yeah." Besides, you don't think adding a major feature like video recording would be free would you?

Also, a majority of the stuff "found" on the disks has been confirmed before as leftover assets, which are found on games all the time. There was an Arwing leftover in Ocarina of Time, but that didn't mean you could actually fly one.

edit: Whoops, Trakan pretty much beat me to it
[quote name='LordKefka06']You do realise that that info is just for the map pack DLC...

They still are going to release a patch along with the DLC. That patch could contain extra emlems, titles, golden/platinum guns, extra game modes, the OMA change.... Etc.... Even their built-in video capture they were talking about....[/QUOTE]I was not saying that they are going to show up in the patch. Please look at that post as a collaboration of speculations of what could be in store for us in a patch/DLC.
Ok, well what I am saying is that those things won't be patched in, except for the OMA change and the addition of GTNW. OMA, because of obvious reasons, and GTNW, if added, won't need to be patched in (i.e TDM Express and HCHQ: Ricochet).
anyone else shooting people and killing them "after the fact" = i shot a guy like thirty times, he hid, i waited, he died.

oh and why am i dieing on last stand? the first time i used it, i waited and stood up.. but every time since then i just "Die"
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[quote name='timesplitt']oh and why am i dieing on last stand? the first time i used it, i waited and stood up.. but every time since then i just "Die"[/QUOTE]

Deathstreak Last Stand != Perk Last Stand

Deathstreak version lets you use your normal weapons and allows you to survive if you wait long enough. Perk version makes you pull out a pistol, gives you the "coward's way out" option, and kills you after so many seconds. Pro version of the perk lets you still use equipment (grenades), but you still die after some period of time.
[quote name='timesplitt']anyone else shooting people and killing them "after the fact" = i shot a guy like thrid times, he hid, i waited, he died.

They might have last stand on and that's the delay in you shooting them and them dying.
Deathstreak is Final Stand, lets you get back up.

Last Stand is Perk 3, gives you 10 seconds or whatever before you die.
thanks. whats funny is every time since using the last stand perk 3 i find it useless, the guys just unload MORE into me to finish me.

about that one where i killed the guy after the fact. he thought it was weird to, i didn't see what happened totally but i shot him while he was standing STILL and when he ran i didn't. he took cover. then died. if he went into last stand he wouldn't have been able to run, for all i know.
I've been playing with Last Stand Pro perk the last couple of weeks. When I go down, if I can't shoot the guy right away, I pull out my grenade and hold on to it till it explodes, they do not get the kill, it counts as a suicide only. Some of the time they run up to me only to explode when my grenade goes off, I get the kill but they get nothing.
bread's done