CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='SlimJim0725']There are more than maps coming with it. There are more spec ops missions, more titles and emblems, and a few new guns.[/QUOTE]

Really? With all the prev updates (COD4, WOW), have they ever had new guns with the downloads?
[quote name='Kaoz']Never played any online shooter before, so I got rolled pretty good when I put this in earlier. Ended on a good note at least (15 kills, 7 deaths, couple UAV's - no killstreak higher than 3 though)

Any tips for dealing with people running around with the speed and knife perks? Have been getting dominated pretty good by them. Guess it is just a matter of seeing them far enough away to shoot them down before they get to you, but figured it can't hurt to ask.[/QUOTE]

The Noob Tube takes care of them pretty well if you are good at aiming it, but most people are not and just tube endlessly like the people will just appear out of nowhere in front of you :lol:

Runners can be tough to beat at first, but they are not invincible.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']There are more than maps coming with it. There are more spec ops missions, more titles and emblems, and a few new guns.[/QUOTE]

That would be very good if it came with new emblems/titles, guns and 4-6 new maps for 1200-1600 MS points. I may save up for that much content, but no source behind it, am I right.
[quote name='LordKefka06']I think he thinks that there will be new weapons, because of those gun files found in the PC codes.[/QUOTE]

Most likely, but that code/sounds could just be leftover for another CoD game. The first Modern Warfare had map coding or something of the like called "mp_Rundown" and some of the other maps, but they weren't in the game until MW2.

I hope that we would get new guns though.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']That would be very good if it came with new emblems/titles, guns and 4-6 new maps for 1200-1600 MS points. I may save up for that much content, but no source behind it, am I right.[/QUOTE]

I do have a personal source, but I don't care to name them. I really don't care whether anyone on a video game message board believes me or not, so I am going to leave everything at that, especially since I really don't even care about this game or its map pack.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']There are more than maps coming with it. There are more spec ops missions[/QUOTE]

^ Pretty much why I'll buy it if I do
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I do have a personal source, but I don't care to name them. I really don't care whether anyone on a video game message board believes me or not, so I am going to leave everything at that, especially since I really don't even care about this game or its map pack.[/QUOTE]

There are six maps in total in the map pack. The first three maps are from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, while the other three are new.

* Crash
* Overgrown
* Shipment
* Complex
* Compact
* Storm

Challenges, Titles and Emblems

It is currently unknown what Challenges, Titles, and Emblems there are, only how many of each. There are 20 new Challenges, 10 Titles, and 10 Emblems.


Perks are going to be added in the map pack. The first two are new, while the third is from previous games.

* Quickhands (allows the player to switch weapons faster)
* Heterochromaniac (allows the player to toggle thermal vision)
* Overkill (allows the player to equip two primary weapons.)


There are three new weapons to be added in the map pack.

* Dragunov - A semi-automatic sniper rifle.
* Skorpion - A submachine gun
* Unknown weapon

Special Ops

There are five new Spec Ops missions in the new section, "Foxtrot".
This what your personal source say it'll have? I just took that off of GameFaqs. I don't really see how it's possible to release new weapons/perks, but everyone doesn't have access to them (unless they patch them in). Doesn't seem fair.
[quote name='Bavgate']This what your personal source say it'll have? I just took that off of GameFaqs. I don't really see how it's possible to release new weapons/perks, but everyone doesn't have access to them (unless they patch them in). Doesn't seem fair. Then again, what do I know? All this could be completely true, but I find it hard to believe.[/QUOTE]

They can do it the same way they did things with W@W... If you don't have the content you get the boot. The one time I went back to play W@W there were like 10 times I got kicked just from not having the map, so it is very possible.

Edit: And yes that is what they had to say minus knowing which guns and perks would be in it, but this was a few days ago that I heard this stuff before 402 even made the official announcement.
That would be the best damn map pack, if true. Hopefully the Spec Ops maps are co-op focused or are cuts that didn't make it like the bridge level, otherwise I won't play them until I get frustrated online.
Overgrown and Crash are my two favorite MW1 maps. I hope this info is true. I'll gladly pay for this map pack.

I feel like my gaming free time has turned into a tug of war between MW2 and BFBC2.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']They can do it the same way they did things with W@W... If you don't have the content you get the boot. The one time I went back to play W@W there were like 10 times I got kicked just from not having the map, so it is very possible.

Edit: And yes that is what they had to say minus knowing which guns and perks would be in it, but this was a few days ago that I heard this stuff before 402 even made the official announcement.[/QUOTE]

Everyone heard this information before 402 said anything. It was also called the "Stimulus Pack" and not "Mapathy". The perks are retarded. Overkill would be too powerful, and Heterochromaniac would eliminate the need for thermal on any weapon. And Quickhands? That's the purpose of having a handgun as a secondary. It already switches ridiculously fast. So I don't think this information is valid at all.

I think 1200-1600 is too much for maps especially when CoD4 & WaW were priced at 800 out the gate. But this is Activision and they're acting like EA's little brother. So 1200-1600 isn't out of the realm of possibility.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The Noob Tube takes care of them pretty well if you are good at aiming it, but most people are not and just tube endlessly like the people will just appear out of nowhere in front of you :lol:

Runners can be tough to beat at first, but they are not invincible.[/QUOTE]

Cool, I will toss it on next time and try it out. Was using heartbeat + FMJ
[quote name='Kaoz']Cool, I will toss it on next time and try it out. Was using heartbeat + FMJ[/QUOTE]

Heartbeat is no good against runners because by time you see the first beep they are on you, your dead, and their already past you.

Try going wide around corners, so if someone is on the other side, they arent 2 feet away when you first see them.

Also, if a runner gets right in front of you, sidestep because they will probably go for a knife kill. If you back up you will still die if they have commando equipped, it basically teleports them 10 feet, so if your moving straight back you will still die. if you sidestep they may miss with the knife, allowing you to knife them back or shoot them.

Try covering areas where there is alot of open ground in front of you. Then when you see a runner, you have ample time to waste em. They usually run in a straight line, so are easy to kill.

Nothing better than seeing a runner with dual shotties when he's still a hundred feet away from you.
[quote name='Puffa469']Heartbeat is no good against runners because by time you see the first beep they are on you, your dead, and their already past you.

Try going wide around corners, so if someone is on the other side, they arent 2 feet away when you first see them.

Also, if a runner gets right in front of you, sidestep because they will probably go for a knife kill. If you back up you will still die if they have commando equipped, it basically teleports them 10 feet, so if your moving straight back you will still die. if you sidestep they may miss with the knife, allowing you to knife them back or shoot them.

Try covering areas where there is alot of open ground in front of you. Then when you see a runner, you have ample time to waste em. They usually run in a straight line, so are easy to kill.

Nothing better than seeing a runner with dual shotties when he's still a hundred feet away from you.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Heartbeat was more for everyone else, I don't know the maps yet (where people like to hide) so it is really helpful. Sidestep would be funny if it gets em, which I imagine it would for most. I didn't know that perk launched that far, thanks for the tip.

I noticed they generally run in one big circle around the map, at least the ones I have encountered. So it shouldn't be too hard to spot them once I get used to all the maps.

I do always take corners tight, so I will have to switch that up.
[quote name='Kaoz']Yeah, Heartbeat was more for everyone else, I don't know the maps yet (where people like to hide) so it is really helpful. Sidestep would be funny if it gets em, which I imagine it would for most. I didn't know that perk launched that far, thanks for the tip.

I noticed they generally run in one big circle around the map, at least the ones I have encountered. So it shouldn't be too hard to spot them once I get used to all the maps.

I do always take corners tight, so I will have to switch that up.[/QUOTE]

Yeah thats the runners strategy. Run in a huge circle around the outside edges of the map. That way they only have to worry about danger from 2 directions, in front,and to the inner side of the map. No one ever gets them from behind because they never stop running.

Also, as far as taking corners tightly, that is the best way to do it, unless there are runners. So play accordingly, stick to walls and take corners tighly, unless your getting harassed by a runner.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Everyone heard this information before 402 said anything. It was also called the "Stimulus Pack" and not "Mapathy". The perks are retarded. Overkill would be too powerful, and Heterochromaniac would eliminate the need for thermal on any weapon. And Quickhands? That's the purpose of having a handgun as a secondary. It already switches ridiculously fast. So I don't think this information is valid at all.

I think 1200-1600 is too much for maps especially when CoD4 & WaW were priced at 800 out the gate. But this is Activision and they're acting like EA's little brother. So 1200-1600 isn't out of the realm of possibility.[/QUOTE]

I know exactly what it was called and I had heard all about the maps before as well, but nothing about perks, spec op missions, and pricing. As for your opinion on the perks, that is all they are is your opinion. None of them seem too unrealistic IMO and far from being too powerful. Again though, I am not really looking into anything myself as I don't even play this game anymore, I just check back in here to see how bad things still are so I don't feel bad about deciding not to play.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Everyone heard this information before 402 said anything. It was also called the "Stimulus Pack" and not "Mapathy". The perks are retarded. Overkill would be too powerful, and Heterochromaniac would eliminate the need for thermal on any weapon. And Quickhands? That's the purpose of having a handgun as a secondary. It already switches ridiculously fast. So I don't think this information is valid at all.[/QUOTE]

How would Overkill be too powerful? You can have a shotgun right now and there really isn't anything more powerful than that.

I am pretty sure that you will still need to have a thermal in order to be able to switch to regular. They are just making it that way so you aren't getting screwed over for having a thermal equipped.

Quickhands will be nice for the people that don't have a modded controller to fire the handguns like machine guns, run around with tact knives, and sit in corners with pistols. It will allow you to pull out the shotties faster and be able to actually fight for your life when using a riot shield.
[quote name='mvp828']How would Overkill be too powerful? You can have a shotgun right now and there really isn't anything more powerful than that.

I am pretty sure that you will still need to have a thermal in order to be able to switch to regular. They are just making it that way so you aren't getting screwed over for having a thermal equipped.

Quickhands will be nice for the people that don't have a modded controller to fire the handguns like machine guns, run around with tact knives, and sit in corners with pistols. It will allow you to pull out the shotties faster and be able to actually fight for your life when using a riot shield.[/QUOTE]

How is two Primaries not too powerful? Imagine some idiot using a SCAR-H & ACR. What about the Pro feature if it were the option of two Secondaries? Imagine that same guy with an RPG & A4-HT. Especially with Danger Close. F that noise.

If they still need thermal attached then what purpose would it serve? I still don't really get that "perk" but if true it'll make Core games less fun that's for sure.

I don't get the "Modded Controller" comment. Supposedly the "Perk" allows switching between Primary & Secondary (on all weapons??) to be the speed of if you were switching from an AR to Handgun. Seems unfair to me.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']How is two Primaries not too powerful? Imagine some idiot using a SCAR-H & ACR. What about the Pro feature if it were the option of two Secondaries? Imagine that same guy with an RPG & A4-HT. Especially with Danger Close. F that noise.

If they still need thermal attached then what purpose would it serve? I still don't really get that "perk" but if true it'll make Core games less fun that's for sure.

I don't get the "Modded Controller" comment. Supposedly the "Perk" allows switching between Primary & Secondary (on all weapons??) to be the speed of if you were switching from an AR to Handgun. Seems unfair to me.[/QUOTE]

So what if they have a Scar-H and an ACR, it is basically the same as having a machine pistol or shotgun with maybe a sleight advantage (which is why it would be a perk). 2 secondaries? Big deal, 2 primaries is better as it is, most secondaries run out of ammo fairly quick and this would likely be in the same tier as bling or something.

The thermal perk could make it where you don't have to give up an attachment to have thermal my guess, but again I don't see how that is going to make anything "less fun" since it again has to replace a perk people normally use.

As for the modded controller comment, he is saying the only secondary weapon that switches fast at all is the handgun which unless you are using a modded controller usually handicaps you in a fire fight. This would make it to where you could switch to any other secondary at a decent speed to have a fighting chance. Again, it is a perk that has to replace another one, so you always have to give up something in order to use it, so I honestly don't don't see how it is unfair, but to each their own.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']How is two Primaries not too powerful? Imagine some idiot using a SCAR-H & ACR. What about the Pro feature if it were the option of two Secondaries? Imagine that same guy with an RPG & A4-HT. Especially with Danger Close. F that noise.

If they still need thermal attached then what purpose would it serve? I still don't really get that "perk" but if true it'll make Core games less fun that's for sure.

I don't get the "Modded Controller" comment. Supposedly the "Perk" allows switching between Primary & Secondary (on all weapons??) to be the speed of if you were switching from an AR to Handgun. Seems unfair to me.[/QUOTE]

I would still rather have a secondary over an ACR and a SCAR-H. Why? We get close range, and I guarantee you you are dropping to a shotty before you are dropping from a SCAR or ACR. Plus, just look at COD4, it had Overkill, and how many people actually used it or were that effective with it. Not many and that is because you had to sacrifice something (Stopping Power in COD4 and probably in MW2 as well).

The whole point of being able to switch out of thermal is so that you can actually see shit. Have you ever been trying to snipe on Afghan, Derail, or Sub Base? You can't see shit unless you are looking into a dark building or into one of the bunkers or the cave. Ability to switch in and out would be huge, or for example the FAL. You could have a scope with a larger zoom that has both Thermal and standard.

Slim hit my Modded Controller comment above... As for being unfair, isn't that the point of perks in general. They give the user an edge over the competition at the cost of something else. MLC is unfair, danger close is unfair, stopping power could be viewed as unfair, and various others could be considered unfair... So that is just a poor excuse.
two primaries seems OP if it would replace perk 1 or perk 3....
Barrett 50 w/ heartbeat and then an ACR/M16 w/ stopping power would be sick. If the 2 primaries replaced stopping power/danger close I can see it possible.

I can't say I am super excited by maps only. The past few nights I haven't seen derail, afghan or highrise due to the poor map rotation. I would stay in a lobby for a few hours but would only play about 5 different maps. Having 6 additional maps will just make this rotation much worse.

If they give us something other than maps like more perks/challenges im stoked but more maps doesn't have me super excited since I know I will just be playing those over and over to death until they fix the damn map rotation.
[quote name='naiku']two primaries seems OP if it would replace perk 1 or perk 3....
Barrett 50 w/ heartbeat and then an ACR/M16 w/ stopping power would be sick. If the 2 primaries replaced stopping power/danger close I can see it possible.

I can't say I am super excited by maps only. The past few nights I haven't seen derail, afghan or highrise due to the poor map rotation. I would stay in a lobby for a few hours but would only play about 5 different maps. Having 6 additional maps will just make this rotation much worse.

If they give us something other than maps like more perks/challenges im stoked but more maps doesn't have me super excited since I know I will just be playing those over and over to death until they fix the damn map rotation.[/QUOTE]

But again it really isn't that overpowered... maybe if it replaced perk 3 since there were only like 1 or 2 that even seemed decent for that tier, but they wouldn't put something like overkill in that tier my guess (probably the thermal thing).
I used Overkill on MW1 because I wanted the Ghillie suit with my assault rifle. You can't do that with One Man Army since it changes your whole class. Too similar if you ask me, but I'm not the balance tester (yet. The pack isn't live. But when it is we all will be the testers).
Ive heard people talk about something where you lay prone and press Y a few times or something and you end up looking dead. Is this a feature in the game, or some kind of glitch? Im not totally sure what kind of suits you unlock during the game, except for the ones that camouflage you.
[quote name='Bavgate']This what your personal source say it'll have? I just took that off of GameFaqs. I don't really see how it's possible to release new weapons/perks, but everyone doesn't have access to them (unless they patch them in). Doesn't seem fair.[/QUOTE]

Hm....sounds amazing and I would happily pay $10 for all that. Even $15 possibly with that those goods, but that is pushing it in my opinion.

But....can't anyone throw stuff up on GFAQs? Or was that from an article?
[quote name='Puffa469']Overgrown and Crash are my two favorite MW1 maps. I hope this info is true. I'll gladly pay for this map pack.

I feel like my gaming free time has turned into a tug of war between MW2 and BFBC2.[/QUOTE]

I didn't love Overgrown, because I used to not be good at it (I am at Underpass though, so basically the same map) but I did always love Crash. My favorite MW1 map.:bomb:
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ive heard people talk about something where you lay prone and press Y a few times or something and you end up looking dead. Is this a feature in the game, or some kind of glitch? Im not totally sure what kind of suits you unlock during the game, except for the ones that camouflage you.[/QUOTE]

Its a kind of glitch. If you have a sniper, lay down and keep pressing Y (or triangle on PS3), your arm kinda sticks behind you and makes you look dead.

Its not effective though, I know. I have seen people doing it, and their name still pops up red (nobody uses Cold Blooded Pro), and on top of that I always check bodies just lying on the floor.
[quote name='naiku']two primaries seems OP if it would replace perk 1 or perk 3....
Barrett 50 w/ heartbeat and then an ACR/M16 w/ stopping power would be sick. If the 2 primaries replaced stopping power/danger close I can see it possible.

I can't say I am super excited by maps only. The past few nights I haven't seen derail, afghan or highrise due to the poor map rotation. I would stay in a lobby for a few hours but would only play about 5 different maps. Having 6 additional maps will just make this rotation much worse.

If they give us something other than maps like more perks/challenges im stoked but more maps doesn't have me super excited since I know I will just be playing those over and over to death until they fix the damn map rotation.[/QUOTE]

I imagine that the Overkill perk would replace the Red Perk, it just makes sense. The best perks go in the Red slot, second best in the Blue slot and the worst in the Yellow slot. It would be quite overpowered to see it anywhere but the Red slot though.

Anyway though, it will be a bit OP'd. Two primaries can and will cause a lot of hassle. I can have my sniper rifle, and a nice assault rifle to hold people back when they come after me. Win win for me :lol:

Also, I think the rotation would be similar to the way it is now. Probably favoring the new maps, and neglecting the older maps. Right now it neglects certain maps like Afghan and Sub Base and loves Skidrow and Rundown.
Just had some kid go ape shit on me for "camping." He kept trying to set up on top of the gas station on Derail and I just kept knifing him. He finally switched from his sniper class to some rocket runner and I just kept killing him. Got a SG and a Harrier out of it and ended up going 13 and 2. Nothing to brag about but I've never had some berate so bad post match.
Hey Thekrakrabbit, did you know that you can respond to several posts in a single post? Just hit that green (+) button in the right corner
of each person you want to respond to. Just thought it might streamline your responses. ;)
I never used Overkill in MW1. Couldn't you just discard your secondary for any gun you found on the ground? Thats makes Overkill kinda pointless imo.
In Modern Warfare 1 I had Overkill, but that was to have both an M16 and a Shotgun. Since Shotguns are secondary and not primary weapons anymore, Overkill is unessary now IMO. My opinion is the same as MVP's. AR for mid-long range battle, shotguns for up close.
[quote name='Puffa469']I never used Overkill in MW1. Couldn't you just discard your secondary for any gun you found on the ground? Thats makes Overkill kinda pointless imo.[/QUOTE]

That reminds me, in MW1, I often found myself trading my secondary for any type of Primary weapon I saw. But now I find myself keeping my secondary, often a shotty. Its true though, the only time I ever use it is in short ranges, which is what its meant for.
[quote name='Link927']That reminds me, in MW1, I often found myself trading my secondary for any type of Primary weapon I saw. But now I find myself keeping my secondary, often a shotty. Its true though, the only time I ever use it is in short ranges, which is what its meant for.[/QUOTE]

I am probably one of the few people that preferred to have a pistol as a secondary over picking up another weapon or using overkill. The only time I ever used overkill was either hardcore (to somewhat have bandolier since certain snipers and assault rifles shared ammo) or when I was going for headshots with my shotgun, it was pointless to carry 2 weapons that wouldn't give me much long range support.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Hm....sounds amazing and I would happily pay $10 for all that. Even $15 possibly with that those goods, but that is pushing it in my opinion.

But....can't anyone throw stuff up on GFAQs? Or was that from an article?[/QUOTE]

All that info was taken from the CoD Wiki, but has now been taken down.

If these perks are really true, I'd assume they'd be arranged like this: Quick Hands would be a blue perk, Overkill would be a red perk (just like in CoD4), and Heterochromaniac would be the green perk (or is it yellow?). A new perk for each tier sounds logical.

This is all speculation though and I will not believe any of the rumors until the official details come out. New perks/weapons sounds like complete BS.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']We play CoD posted on their Twitter that the pack will be 1200 points. Apparently that's confirmed.[/QUOTE]


No buy for me.
[quote name='garfep']Honestly, I was expecting 1600 so 1200 would be a pleasant surprise.[/QUOTE]

The map pack for MW1 was only 800 points, but only had 3 maps.

The WaW map packs were 800 points, and had 4 maps each, but one was a Zombie map, so still really only 3 multiplayer maps.

This map pack is 1200 points, but it contains 6 multiplayer maps.

That's actually a better deal than the previous map packs.
bread's done