[quote name='SlimJim0725']Not at all, they turned this game into something horrible. Perks were well balanced before on COD4 for the most part, but on here certain setups dominate. Marathon, lightweight, commando with a tactical knife can destroy almost anything (you can run past claymores, lung across rooms, etc), especially if you can "sponge" bullets like some people seem to do. OMA pro, danger close is insanely ridiculous too, you never have to move from one spot and can constantly shoot grenade launchers everywhere.
Also turned it into a campers paradise with all the buildings, the lack of FMJ (which used to be deep impact on COD4) until 300 kills with a weapon (which it is an attachment now too, which sucks as well), heartbeat sensors basically force you to use ninja. That and the fact that there has seemed to be a lot of glitches from the start of this one where there were only a couple in COD4 has me saying that COD4 is still the far superior game. Between my 3 accounts I had over 40 days played on COD4 from the time it came out until now. I have about 9 days on MW2 and 3/4 of it has been forced to where I really don't enjoy myself much, but if I want to play with friends or even talk to them due to the no party chat I have to play the game. I enjoy it every now and then, but the game is very inconsistent and hasn't kept my attention nearly as well as COD4 did.
Plus in one of the new maps for map pack 2 (which is $15 each for the 2 map packs) there is a glitch in a rock that makes the map almost unplayable since entire teams seem to base the whole game around that one rock, so we basically paid $15 for 2 new maps and 2 remakes.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Trakan']I agree with a lot of what you said. COD4 is more balanced of the two games. IW definitely pulled a Halo 3 and went for the casual audience with this game. That being said, if you don't run into $$$$$$s who abuse the game, or can even overcome it, then I think this game is a blast. With the removal of 3 perks - OMA/Danger Close/Commando (and maybe painkiller) this game could be near perfect and I personally think it could surpass COD4. It really sucks that IW ended up losing so many people and that their focus isn't on fixing/balancing the game.[/QUOTE]
I am going to have to disagree with you on this guys...
First off let me say that COD4 will forever be a great game. That being said, any complaints of MW2 being uneven are absolutely absurd. For every type of play style in MW2 there is a counter.
- MLC players can easily be countered by shotguns, snipers, flash and stun grenades, and as much as everyone hates them... Tubes. Hell go cold blooded and you won't get nearly killed as much as you usually do. MLC players are so reliant on their radar it isn't even funny.
- That sponging bullets is your connection... Usually if I get in a room with players from a different locale than I run into the problem too. Solution just pull something out with stopping power and FMJ.
- OMA Pro is really not that much of a problem... Again it is called cold-blooded and flank.
- 300 kills for FMJ isn't much. And you can still kill people through walls without it just as easy most the time.
- Heartbeat sensors aren't that big of a problem either for a couple reasons... 1) People that use them tend to sit in corners and will continue to sit in that corner even after you kill them and 2)Sit back and pick the people off who use them.
- Using Ninja isn't really that much of a downfall. Once you get pro it makes flanking teams easy as hell.
- How in the hell is Fuel unplayable? I have had the maps since release and would have to say that I have probably played there 50 times and only one time was the fight near that rock, and it was only there for maybe 1/3 of the match.
- Painkiller is a pain in the ass yes... But think about it. Your team just killed that person what 3 or 4 times... I think dying once in exchange for 3 or 4 kills isn't something to complain about.
The only things that I can really agree with you guys about are the glitches... Yea they were a pain for awhile. At the same time though, I have 26 days played right now (another 2 days on a second account) and can honestly say that the amount of time I played against glitchers wasn't much of a problem.
People complain that IW sold out and lost their support. How so? I just now checked and there are over 420,000 people online. Also don't forget that number they threw out about 25 million different players (yes I know the number is flawed in various ways).
IW screwed up in the beginning by not having the glitches fixed and much of this was due to the fact that there was no beta... But they also failed to address them quickly. Since they have addressed the glitches, there really hasn't been anything that has killed the game.
Lastly, yes there are still some problems with the game right now. There are various different hacks and shit that haven't been attended to such as wall hacks, aim bots, and rapid fire triggers.
The problem isn't really that of IW. Microsoft left the system open for exploiters to access code and that is why the 360 version has seen so many hacks that the PS3 hasn't. Now because of that, IW gets all the shit from the public because the public doesn't know any better.