CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='Gamer SDP']anyone think that IW might fix (lower) some of the challenge requirements. I got the 50 multi kills with C4 but only have 2 for claymore (and 0 for frags). also so of the challenges don't even have levels (I, II, III, etc) or high requirements (as if they were hard) yet are very easy to do.[/QUOTE]

For the claymore challenge, equip Scavenger and play Domination. Place claymores around a capture point you're defending. When someone comes in and dies from your claymore, go to his/her body and resupply your claymore, then plant it again.

Never mind...I just realized you were talking about the multi-claymore challenge, not the regular claymore challenge.
Heres a tip for the marathon/lightweight upper tier challenges. Get a care package and run around a large map(wasteland works well) and with the extra speed you get, its a peice of cake. I havent ever used this(i like killing not running :) ) but a couple friends have done it.

@ Gamer SDP, you get the camos on the way to the emblem(for headshots, i beleive its 250 or 500) And the heli challenge isn't too difficult, i never have a heli as a killstreak reward but on my current prestige im only about 60 helis off from the end of the challenge, care packages is all I really used to get helis.
Seems to me like the only people complaining are the ones like Kefka who take the game way too seriously. 10th prestige? Are you kidding me? Do you think you deserve a real medal of honor for your accomplishments? You people do realize this is a video game right? It exists for entertainment value, for having fun... you do realize that the characters in this game don't actually live and die right? Some of you nerds really need to remove the dicks from your behinds. I'm gonna play the way I see fit.. if I was using a GameShark or something like that, I could understand your complaints. But I'm not doing anything that you can't do. I actually ENJOY surrounding myself with sentry guns more than running around randomly shooting people, if you can't accept that, guess who's problem it is? That's right.. yours. Not mine.
And you realize you are part of the problem, right? Because our idea of fun is to play the game properly. Because of people like you, who play the game as un-intended, a game of Domination turns into a game of "shoot shit out of the sky." We payed $60 for this game just like you did. We aren't saying you shouldn't have fun playing it, we're just saying you're a douche bag.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Seems to me like the only people complaining are the ones like Kefka who take the game way too seriously. 10th prestige? Are you kidding me? Do you think you deserve a real medal of honor for your accomplishments? You people do realize this is a video game right? It exists for entertainment value, for having fun... you do realize that the characters in this game don't actually live and die right? Some of you nerds really need to remove the dicks from your behinds. I'm gonna play the way I see fit.. if I was using a GameShark or something like that, I could understand your complaints. But I'm not doing anything that you can't do. I actually ENJOY surrounding myself with sentry guns more than running around randomly shooting people, if you can't accept that, guess who's problem it is? That's right.. yours. Not mine.[/QUOTE]

Do you not have the skill to get normal kills? You are coming off as quite the douche.
[quote name='coma8']Do you not have the skill to get normal kills? You are coming off as quite the douche.[/QUOTE]

It seems the majority of you have a lot of difficulty understanding a simple truth. I don't intend to rack up kills. I intend to get randomly dropped care packages and sentry guns all over the map. That, to me, is more fun than playing the game as intended. Whether you agree with what I do is your problem, not mine. I really couldn't care less whether or not you think I'm a douche. If you find me in a game and are so upset about my glitching that you're willing to leave, please do so. It'll make the game better for the both of us.
[quote name='PhrostByte']It seems the majority of you have a lot of difficulty understanding a simple truth. I don't intend to rack up kills. I intend to get randomly dropped care packages and sentry guns all over the map. That, to me, is more fun than playing the game as intended. Whether you agree with what I do is your problem, not mine. I really couldn't care less whether or not you think I'm a douche. If you find me in a game and are so upset about my glitching that you're willing to leave, please do so. It'll make the game better for the both of us.[/QUOTE]

care packages=more kills. saying you like to get multiple care packages by cheating and dont intend to use them "to rack up kills" is just retarted. it will lead to many many cheap kills, and my money says that if you wernt getting tons of kills off of all these care packages, you wouldnt find it fun. say what ever you want im not here to argue with you about this CHEAP technique, just dropping my $0.02. i personally dont care what you do, people exploiting this glitch have ruined this game for me and im playing more halo now. cant wait for them to patch this glitch. thanks for being part of the problem and ruining this great multiplayer game :applause:
I ran in to a lot of care package glitchers last night and it really ruins the experience. Play the game the way it was intended to be played. You people are pathetic.
I wouldn't even waste words on Phrostbyte anymore. At this point he is just trying to get under people's skin about it by acting ignorant of how it really benefits him (whether it is care package, sentry gun, or emergency airdrop). I will just continue to file complaints on people that cheat and I am leaving it at that. I would expect people from a gaming site to be more respectful towards fair gameplay, but I guess I expect too much from people. Well at least you won't be missed once the patch is released, then you can start bitching about how boring the game is due to it being played fairly.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']I wouldn't even waste words on Phrostbyte anymore. At this point he is just trying to get under people's skin about it by acting ignorant of how it really benefits him (whether it is care package, sentry gun, or emergency airdrop). I will just continue to file complaints on people that cheat and I am leaving it at that. I would expect people from a gaming site to be more respectful towards fair gameplay, but I guess I expect too much from people. Well at least you won't be missed once the patch is released, then you can start bitching about how boring the game is due to it being played fairly.[/QUOTE]

Phrostbyte does have a bit of a reputation here so your not the only one who wasted words on him.

Anyway, just got 500 kills with the AK-47, all the attachments and im at 800 kills right now. Im probably going to immediately prestige after i get 1000. I played about 3 hours of ground war, every domination match i got both most kills and most points captured and for almost every TDM i got MVP(most kills, fewest deaths), Juggernaut and Feared(fewest deaths and most kills, respectively, this is stupid, i got three accolades saying the same thing). i had a lot of fun trying to catch points and defend them with a buddy. I always did better then the guys who openly tried to bring up their KD/R by playing this, got lots of people asking me for advice, i felt like the Dr. Phil of CoD. :) Anyone else enjoy playing demo? Even with the glitch?(it didn't effect me too much, i got cold blooded on every class)
[quote name='RobMinhas']Phrostbyte does have a bit of a reputation here so your not the only one who wasted words on him.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i just ran into some kids that openly talked about it. Even in the lobby with everyone in it. They were voting a map because it would have been too hard to pull off the glitch. Very sad.

Speaking of care packages. I ran into a dude today who called in an emergency air drop. Now first of all, all of the packages went off the map. When this happens i try to get them anyway because sometimes you can. Well this time i was able to jump and hold x at the top of my jump and actually got it to work. Second of all, i always figured these were to be shared among all your team mates. I believe you get bonus points for sharing them. So thats why i went for it, also considering they were out of the map i figured he gave up trying to get them. So after i got a pavelow he starts bitching about how someone stole his care package. Talking about how people only play for themselves and not play as a team, yeah how ironic.
Man, what gametype are you guys playing with all the care package cheaters because I have yet to see this glitch in action and I play a lot too (over 7 days total). I would to play in one of these games because I'm trying to get the treasure chest emblem by stealing 200 care packages and that is taking a while (I'm at 15 or so).

Here's my thought about cheaters/exploiters. Yeah, it's in the game, but that doesn't mean you have to do it. A glitch get's patched for a reason: it's cheap, unfair, and is not the spirit of the game. Whenever I glitch in a game, I keep it out of public games. The only exploit that bugs me in this game is people running around with the care packages with the marathon, lightwight, commando perks.

P.S. I got 3 nukes this morning, bringing my total to 10! :D
Haha, I love being accused of a CP exploiter when I'm doing it legit.

I'll have 4+ Sentry guns up, an 2-4 Emergency airdrops...etc...
I just prestiged and i am so angry right now. Just played about fifteen matches where i got raped by harriers, ac-130s and pave lows. Goddamn it! I dont have the cold-blooded perk anymore so im just hiding in buildings and waiting it out.
[quote name='RobMinhas']I just prestiged and i am so angry right now. Just played about fifteen matches where i got raped by harriers, ac-130s and pave lows. Goddamn it! I dont have the cold-blooded perk anymore so im just hiding in buildings and waiting it out.[/QUOTE]

Man, that sounds like what I was doing to people... Every match except like 2-3 (I played about 15-20) I had at least 1 AC-130 and I always have Harriers on. I was pissed too because one match I started at 25-0 and I had just taken the nuke off before the map since I usually don't get really high killstreaks on the map. I died at 25-0 and had a guy in last stand too that bled out right when I respawned (he didn't kill me, the 2 teammates behind him did).
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Well at least you won't be missed once the patch is released, then you can start bitching about how boring the game is due to it being played fairly.[/QUOTE]

New patch won't help. Like I said in my last post, they've already found another way to do the glitch. Unless the current patch that is in certification right now also fixes that method (which I HIGHLY doubt), then we're going to be in for another few rough weeks.
[quote name='Bavgate']New patch won't help. Like I said in my last post, they've already found another way to do the glitch. Unless the current patch that is in certification right now also fixes that method (which I HIGHLY doubt), then we're going to be in for another few rough weeks.[/QUOTE]

All the ones I am seeing are the ones that will be fixed with the upcoming patch. I may be missing something here and it honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point to see another way pop up, but from skimming through videos on how to do it post-patch it is the same way they are doing it the way that it currently being used.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']All the ones I am seeing are the ones that will be fixed with the upcoming patch. I may be missing something here and it honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point to see another way pop up, but from skimming through videos on how to do it post-patch it is the same way they are doing it the way that it currently being used.[/QUOTE]

Post-patch 1.08? I've seen multiple ways to on how to get the glitch again on the PS3's side even after the newest patch they received a couple days ago. I'm assuming we're getting the same patch, so unless IW decides to pull it from certification to do a quick fix, we're probably in for more CP glitchers. :bomb:
[quote name='Bavgate']Post-patch 1.08? I've seen multiple ways to on how to get the glitch again on the PS3's side even after the newest patch they received a couple days ago. I'm assuming we're getting the same patch, so unless IW decides to pull it from certification to do a quick fix, we're probably in for more CP glitchers. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Well yesterday afternoon while I played and early this morning I haven't ran into it yet, so I am considering myself lucky so far. I am positive we are getting the same patch the PS3 had, but I have yet to see anything that showed a new way to get it. Oh well, not like it matters really since I am sure another way will pop up soon enough and I really don't care how they do it, complaints on cheaters will just keep going out.
[quote name='popular penguin']Man, what gametype are you guys playing with all the care package cheaters because I have yet to see this glitch in action and I play a lot too (over 7 days total). [/QUOTE]

I haven't seen it either. I pretty much play Team Death Match or Mercenary Team Death Match all the time. At least, that's all I have been playing the last two weeks.

That being said, these glitches are why there should have been a save video function like Halo 3. Someone glitches? Save video, and upload to IW or MS.
It has been running rampant in Domination and Sabotage at least, I mix up game modes a lot, but objective based games have become a favorite because it usually forces most campers out if they want to win and it is sad that those game modes have become almost impossible to play now.
[quote name='RobMinhas']I just prestiged and i am so angry right now. Just played about fifteen matches where i got raped by harriers, ac-130s and pave lows. Goddamn it! I dont have the cold-blooded perk anymore so im just hiding in buildings and waiting it out.[/QUOTE]

Same here, bro. It sucks!:bomb:
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah i just ran into some kids that openly talked about it. Even in the lobby with everyone in it. They were voting a map because it would have been too hard to pull off the glitch. Very sad.

Speaking of care packages. I ran into a dude today who called in an emergency air drop. Now first of all, all of the packages went off the map. When this happens i try to get them anyway because sometimes you can. Well this time i was able to jump and hold x at the top of my jump and actually got it to work. Second of all, i always figured these were to be shared among all your team mates. I believe you get bonus points for sharing them. So thats why i went for it, also considering they were out of the map i figured he gave up trying to get them. So after i got a pavelow he starts bitching about how someone stole his care package. Talking about how people only play for themselves and not play as a team, yeah how ironic.[/QUOTE]

He got the 8 kills, not you, so it is his to pick up. Same thing with care packages/sentry guns.

If I don't want it I tell my teammates they can have what is left. I never use it anymore since whenever it gets called in all the scrubs that cant get one run up and try to steal everything and I already have the 1000 care package challenge done.
[quote name='js1']Same here, bro. It sucks!:bomb:[/QUOTE]

My KD spread was +6099 after i pretiged(im going for a spread of about 6300, i want my KDR to be 2 :) )but after playing seven or eight matches my KD spread was +6085, after unlocking the AK-47, i was playing very good and the Ak-47 worked well for me(also had cold-blooded) so care package glitch wasnt too bad but now, its unbearable.

@Slim jim, not exactly like your matches, im pretty sure the game didnt say "enemy care package incoming", every 30 seconds. A harrier and ac-130 i can handle, but a pavelow, an ac-130 and a harrier, that never left the match because he just kept calling them in.
[quote name='life.exe']He got the 8 kills, not you, so it is his to pick up. Same thing with care packages/sentry guns.

If I don't want it I tell my teammates they can have what is left. I never use it anymore since whenever it gets called in all the scrubs that cant get one run up and try to steal everything and I already have the 1000 care package challenge done.[/QUOTE]

I dont use emergency air drop often, but when i do i usually take the best one and leave the rest for the others to pick up. I wouldnt try to take them all. Like i said i believe its supposed to be shared, and i believe you get bonus points for sharing them. Guess it depends on how you look at it.

I really hate when an enemy steals my care package though, id rather have a team mate steal it then an enemy. But whats worse is ive played a few hardcore team death matches where team mates would kill their own team mate just to get their care package. But i havent played hardcore style in a while. I like being able to run around and not worry about maybe killing a team mate. LOL
whenever i get a care package, or a buddy im playing with gets it, if its ammo, counter UAV, UAV and EMP(for me, ive gotten all the challenges for it) we either let the other person take it or another team mate take it. Because for ammo, they get ammo and you get points and for the rest, the entire team gets the benifits and both players get more points then they would have gotten if they hadnt shared.
If its something I've completed, than I may leave the package. However, what really irks me is when someone is trying to take my package while Im right there. And by doing that, they're blocking me, leaving enemies to come pick us off while we're both looking away, etc. Do they not realize that I will in fact pick up that package faster than them?
[quote name='BoneMonkey80']lately multiplayer has been pissing me off campers galore :whistle2:( anyone else switching over to BF Bad Company 2 whenit comes out.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking about it.
[quote name='RobMinhas']My KD spread was +6099 after i pretiged(im going for a spread of about 6300, i want my KDR to be 2 :) )but after playing seven or eight matches my KD spread was +6085, after unlocking the AK-47, i was playing very good and the Ak-47 worked well for me(also had cold-blooded) so care package glitch wasnt too bad but now, its unbearable.

@Slim jim, not exactly like your matches, im pretty sure the game didnt say "enemy care package incoming", every 30 seconds. A harrier and ac-130 i can handle, but a pavelow, an ac-130 and a harrier, that never left the match because he just kept calling them in.[/QUOTE]

It was pretty close to that though I wasn't using the glitch. At minimum I had a care package each time, but I was usually up to a harrier and then an ac-130. That was just me, once my friends got in there it was never ending what we were calling in basically since each of us were going on decent streaks.
Okay lets talk about the concept of fighting a war using dual shotguns. Where in the world are they teaching this? Does this really happen in wars today, where guys run around with dual shotguns? Im guessing no, so why is it a part of CODMW2? I have no idea. In fact i think any dual wielding weapon is just stupid.

Speaking of dual shotguns, how in the world does some guy running around with dual shotguns knife me at the last second. If you are holding two shotguns, where in the hell did the knife come from? He never dropped any of his guns. If you are dual wielding guns, you shouldnt be able to knife anyone. Unless for example, you knife and drop one of the guns, and have to pick it back up or just continue running around with one gun.
[quote name='Mojimbo']It's just a videogame, man.[/QUOTE]

I think some people, particularly in this thread, are so deep into their video game addiction that the line begins to blur.
I'm been enjoying this game more since I no longer go for nukes. I would get so tense when my kill streak hits the 20 mark and get pissed when someone gets a lucky shot on me. But now that I got the coveted nuke emblem (legit), I'm doing less camping and more rushing. When someone kills me, I just laugh it off and say "That was an awesome kill".

On a side note, what gun do you think is the most overlooked?
[quote name='PhrostByte']I think some people, particularly in this thread, are so deep into their video game addiction that the line begins to blur.[/QUOTE]

Yes, because our addiction for paying for a game and a service to keep cheaters away blurs our vision on getting cheated. We should all just allow everyone to do whatever they want so that they can have fun, even when it is no longer fun to us due to that.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Yes, because our addiction for paying for a game and a service to keep cheaters away blurs our vision on getting cheated. We should all just allow everyone to do whatever they want so that they can have fun, even when it is no longer fun to us due to that.[/QUOTE]

Dude, come on. We were referring to a guy that complained about the use of dual weapons in the game in combination with stabbing with a knife etc. Not glitchers or any other kind of cheaters.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Dude, come on. We were referring to a guy that complained about the use of dual weapons in the game in combination with stabbing with a knife etc. Not glitchers or any other kind of cheaters.[/QUOTE]

No, this guy is referring to everyone taking the game "too seriously because of an addiction". He has no room to speak in here whatsoever when he is part of the reason people take things so seriously. He shouldn't have called out the "people of this thread" if he didn't want backlash.
I've been lurking in this thread for a while and just wanted to say that no knife while carrying akimbo weapons is one of the best ideas I've heard. It's a little random to single out akimbo players, but I think it's a fair tradeoff.

At the very least I'd say the knife should only be an instant kill from behind. I agree that it's crazy that someone can run through your hail of bullets and stab you and they win.
bread's done