Collection pics, anyone?

Nice collections everyone. I too only keep the games I'll definetly replay I don't have that many. Do have quite a few sealed rarities on PSX and PS2
[quote name='starmask2k3']Damn, evertime I see collecgtions like that, I can't help but feel like an idiot for ever trading away a game. If I never traded in a game (or sold a system), my collection would have easily rivaled yours (though my room looks a lot shittier than yours :razz: ).[/QUOTE]

When I see collections like this I become glad that i've gotten rid of all of my stuff.
[quote name='takingchase']
I'm not making fun of you or anything, it's a nice ass collection but whats the point dude? Do you even play half those games. Video games were meant to be played, not to sit on a shelf for all eternity.[/quote]

Well, it's nice to have stuff for trades if you don't play it.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Well, it's nice to have stuff for trades if you don't play it.[/QUOTE]

but the thing is, I doubt he's going to trade them unless he has duplicates. He's basically trying to collect complete sets of certain systems.
It's a nice collection. I don't agree with the philosophy of trying to collect complete sets of games for a system (since each system has so many turd games), but I understand the point of view of those who do so.
It's been a few years since I updated this, so here we go...


Pile of GBA games, unsorted for whatever reason. I'll get around to it, I swear!!


Imported GBA games.


My Pikmin Army


My modern gaming collection. 300+ Gamecube games, 125+ PS2 games, 70+ Xbox games, 50 or so Wii games (not all pictured here as this isn't very recent), and about eight 360 games. What can I say, it's a dedicated Halo 3 player. Also about 100 DS games and 160 or so Dreamcast games.


Updated SNES collection. It's a tough system to collect using just games found in the wild due to the the extreme amount of rental stickers/marked games that I do not buy.


Take the NES game picture above and add this pile to it. Total NES collection now: about 1,000 or so games. Several label variations in there. Every little bit counts, even if the game features a TM instead of a (c) mark.


Some Wii stuff. Mostly crap I admit.


The rest of it. Not complete, these pics are a few months old.


I don't collect PSP per say, at least not yet, so my PSP collection is somewhat small.


Classic gameboy and Gameboy Color bucket.


My MAME controller. Doubles as a Visual Pinball setup.


My pinball machine, Dungeons & Dragons (1987 Bally)


Sega Genesis stuff. Haven't added that much since last time. Another tough machine to collect due to the poor shape most games are found in these days.


Legend of... Lilo? A Stitch to the Past?


Gamecube Kiosk discs. I have a complete set, only not all are complete. Below it are some Gamecube Imports that I have.


Just some weird stuff I have. Working R.O.B. from Japan, a Wii Play box autographed by Reggie Fils-Aime, two Sonic dolls I won at Knotts Berry Farm ($2 spent, two wins. I'm a Carnie's nightmare), a Starfy plush from Japan (oh Nintendo, why did you forsake Legend of Starfy to Japan-Only status?), a Monkey from Monkeyball, a few Pac-Man wind-up toys from the early 80s, etc.


Wrestlemania for the NES, autographed by the Honky Tonk Man (Don't ask).
I'll never understand how to actually not buy games at $50. Thats like the only price I see games at...the only bargain games I find are sports games >.>
Not really my GAME collection, but Sonic is from a game, right?


^ Sonic stuffed toys and some Resident Evil figures at the bottom


^ Wall of figures


^ the cabinet where I keep my small stuff and my Sonic X shelf
I can't find the pic of the hot air balloon. I'll edit it in later.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Not really my GAME collection, but Sonic is from a game, right?


^ Sonic stuffed toys and some Resident Evil figures at the bottom


^ Wall of figures


^ the cabinet where I keep my small stuff and my Sonic X shelf
I can't find the pic of the hot air balloon. I'll edit it in later.[/quote]

Let me guess... your a Mario fan? ;)

Awesome collection by the way. If only I had room to put stuff in I would have started collecting years ago.
Dang...I collect things randomly, but not to the extent you guys do it. I'm so freaken jealous. I should focus on something and collect as much as I can related to it. Shiz.....
[quote name='greyzieoriental']WOW nice collection, hope u can get laid with that stuff around...:rofl:[/quote]
meh, I've had a lot of people tell me that, but I really don't care. I've collected all my life and I'm not gonna change anything because of that. I picture my life like the 40 yr old virgin (except have my stuff in one room), but whatever, that's what the internet is for ;)
My collection is much smaller for sure. I just don't have space for much more :cry:




I have to keep all the stuff at my parents house since there is really no reason to drag the whole collection to college. Someday though it will have a glorious room of its own.
[quote name='Chacrana']That's why I limit what I keep to only games that are truly great and that I know I'd definitely play through again. It's dumb to have games that suck and just have them so your collection is bigger... I'd much rather have fewer games that are all great than a huge collection filled mostly with garbage.[/quote]

But, if you're like me, you either buy games once they've reached a super cheap price and are not worth it to sell them or you hold onto games saying "I'm gonna play through them again", only to never do so and thus miss any chance you had of dumping them for a good price.
[quote name='Klank']My collection is much smaller for sure. I just don't have space for much more :cry:




I have to keep all the stuff at my parents house since there is really no reason to drag the whole collection to college. Someday though it will have a glorious room of its own.[/quote]

when did you get the awesome tv?
Here are some pics of just my game I used to have alot more 360 games(75+) but I just dumped a bunch at EB in September to get credit to get my Wii.





I think I have going with quality instead of quanity like i was before. But there are a few cheap deals in there I could not pass up.
[quote name='Diamondcrusher']when did you get the awesome tv?[/quote]

A little bit before last xmas. It is most enjoyable.
I used to be a big collector of sealed and non sealed games, but sold my whole collection last year as i was planning on moving abroad.

I'm not moving now and I've got the collector bug again, but this time I'm currently only collecting games that i'll play.

Anyway, here's my collection (all bought in 2007)....


Jet Set Radio Pachislo


Metal Slug Pachislo


Video demonstration of the Metal Slug Machine in action....

Youtube Link


Parappa The Rapper 2
Ka 2: Let's Go Hawaii -Video
Yoshinoya -Video
Curry House CoCo Ichibanya
Kuri Kuri Mix -
Meiwaku Seijin: Panic Maker -Video
Klonoa 2 -Video
Gekibo 2 -Video
Technic Beat -Video
Chulip -Video


Jet de Go! 2 - Video
Tokyo Bus Guide - Video
Buchigire Kongou!! - Video
Densha de Go! Professional 2
Densha de Go! 3
Densha de Go! Ryojouhen - Video
Densha de Go! Final - Video
Train Simulator & Densha de Go! Tokyo
Train Simulator Yamanote Line -Video
Train Simulator Keihin Line
Train Simulator Keisei -Video
Train Simulator Kyushu Shinkansen


Viewtiful Joe 2
Odin Sphere
Chikyuu Boueigun 2 - Video
Gitaroo Man Wai Wai
Gitaroo Man
Katamari Damacy - Video
We Love Katamari
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi - Video
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Video
Shadow Of Colossus


Metal Slug Complete
Gradius V
Zone Of The Enders
God Hand
Hokuto No Ken - Video
Marvel VS Capcom 2 (not the cheap Ebay Korean version)
Guilty Gear XX #Reload
Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou - Video
Espgaluda - Video
Psyvariar 2: Ultimate Final - Video
Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter


Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid Collection (one sealed copy, and one opened)
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Metal Gear Saga
The Document Of Metal Gear Solid 2


Densha de Go! Final Limited Edition with Model Train
Wangan Midnight - Video
Yanya Caballista featuring Gawoo
Railfan - Video
Railfan Taiwan High Speed Rail
Boku no Natsuyasumi 3 - Video


Densha de Go! Wii Controller - Video
Excite Truck
Super Paper Mario
Odoru Made in Wario
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Forever Blue
Densha de Go! Shinkansen Ex
Biohazard 4 Wii Edition
Furu Furu Park - Video
Shin Chuuka Taisen - Video
Go! Go! Minon - Video

28"X21" Brand new Japanese Promo Posters


Larger poster pics with titles

Post some pictures of that room b*utch. I assume you don't normally keep your stuff strewn across the floor in little grids.
i watched an auction for that Jet Set Radio pachinko, i cant remember when. but damn i wanted it so badly but i lost cause i forgot to bid at the last minute :(
[quote name='ajh2298']Here are some pics of just my game I used to have alot more 360 games(75+) but I just dumped a bunch at EB in September to get credit to get my Wii.

I think I have going with quality instead of quanity like i was before. But there are a few cheap deals in there I could not pass up.[/quote] Why is alot of your stuff sealed?
The best part of Klanks collection is without a doubt his Farscape Season 1 DVD set! Sorry I am a huge geek for that show and I am also impreseed that you have a Virtual Boy as I have been tracking them online thinking about getting one for awhile now. Do you ever play it? Is it worth it?
Nice stuff, guys. Subscribing so I can remember to post when I have time...

I thought my 75 PS2 titles, 150 N64 games, 200 SNES games, and hundreds of PSX and NES games were something to brag about...clearly, I am mistaken.
Pics of mine, taken striaght from my TL:

GAHHH you have upside down and backwards games in you trower!! My OCD wants to reach into my PC and fix them!! lol. BTW I got a DVD rack like that from Salvati oarmy for 4.99, I love it!!
[quote name='Sinnbox']GAHHH you have upside down and backwards games in you trower!! My OCD wants to reach into my PC and fix them!! lol. BTW I got a DVD rack like that from Salvati oarmy for 4.99, I love it!![/QUOTE]

5 year old nephew showed no mercy to it today,normally I at least have everything right side up
[quote name='coolsteel']5 year old nephew showed no mercy to it today,normally I at least have everything right side up[/quote]
LOL, My Brother Get's into my GC games abd they look worse than that, and he's 7.
So you just ask the guys at your gamestop for the promo stuff, like the posters and cardboard displays and they give them to you?
[quote name='Sinnbox']GAHHH you have upside down and backwards games in you trower!! My OCD wants to reach into my PC and fix them!! lol. BTW I got a DVD rack like that from Salvati oarmy for 4.99, I love it!![/quote]

And its alphabetized backwards =]
[quote name='LeafPanda']OP
So you just ask the guys at your gamestop for the promo stuff, like the posters and cardboard displays and they give them to you?[/quote]

I have asked Gamestop before and the manager told me that if I showed up on sunday night he could give me any promo items that are scheduled to be destroyed. most guy workers wont keep stuff for you but I seem to have a knack for getting female employees to hold stuff for me. I got a sweet Smash Brothers Brawl Poster that way. some CAg's dumpster dive behind game stores for promo items, but I think asking get's better items.
I have asked Gamestop before and the manager told me that if I showed up on sunday night he could give me any promo items that are scheduled to be destroyed. most guy workers wont keep stuff for you but I seem to have a knack for getting female employees to hold stuff for me. I got a sweet Smash Brothers Brawl Poster that way. some CAg's dumpster dive behind game stores for promo items, but I think asking get's better items.
Same here
[quote name='refusedchaos']i see gundam games!!!!!!!!!!:D:D

ill post once i get my room cleaned:roll:[/QUOTE]

Pfft my gundam collection is weak sauce compared to my boy, bought every U.S game, then turned around and got a bunch of the Jap ones too.
My 360 collection.. not pictured: GTA4, Gun, Guitar Hero 2, Call of Duty 3, Condemned, Bioshock LE, Assassin's Creed LE, COD4 LE


Bottom row of 360 stuff, my Blu-Ray movies and small PS3 collection (2 games lol), my PS2 collection (minus FireFighter FD18 and Dark Cloud 2)


Wii collection, minus No More Heroes


And my huge XBox collection. There's some probably not pictured, but I am too lazy to search.. except Guy Game sealed. I know that one somehow missed the picture.


Random Dreamcast games FTW.




I have the Limited Edition Shenmue, but I can't find it right now.

And, of course, where the magic happens (sorry for the flash).

Some of you guys have some beautiful collections. I wish I had never sold/traded anything in. Since the XBox/PS2 generation I haven't sold/traded anything so I've got about 70 or so games. Plan on expanding this collection over the coming years.
[quote name='One4Deuce']Some of you guys have some beautiful collections. I wish I had never sold/traded anything in. Since the XBox/PS2 generation I haven't sold/traded anything so I've got about 70 or so games. Plan on expanding this collection over the coming years.[/QUOTE]

I somewhat know how you feel...i used to have 1100 games and alot of rares and games i loved. Then i started having seizures and devoloped anxiety disorder and needed to sell everything to pay for medical costs to cover it. I got getting denied medicaid and still have oodles of bills. Im down to 38 off whatever pawn shop deals or craigslist pot shots I can find lately.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']


Imported GBA games. [/quote]

OMG I have a question about this picture! What is the game to the right of Stafy 3, in the orange box? I bought this a few years ago in Japan just because it was super cheap, and I still don't know what it is. I've looked up the hiragana and katakana on the box to figure out what it said, but GameFAQs search engine brings up nothing, so I figured the name was only in the Kanji that I can't figure out.

Oh yeah, and I'm super jealous of your Gamecube demo disc collection. I always wanted to own those.
here's my nintendo ds collection in progress.. (the psp games.. i only have 9. i dont consider that a collection).

i have ocd, so i alphabetized everything. i didn't have a camera, so i had to webcam picture all of these. sorry for the bad quality.




pt. 4




I'm gonna do mine like Scorch's post...

Few things:
1. All my stuff is complete (meaning with all relevant manuals/maps, case/box, extras but might be missing advertisement/warning leaflets).
2. All of my stuff is original (no printed covers, etc.).
3. I do have two copies of a few games, usually one opened and one sealed.
4. Not everything is pictured.
5. A lot of my DS, GC, GBA and PS2 games are still sealed so there will be some funny glare on those items.

Here's my back wall, has 2 small cabinets which are sitting on top of 2 large cabinets, 1 of those spiny shelfs, and a small bookshelf.
The small bookshelf holds my trading stuff.
Small cabinet 1 (with the GBA covers) holds GBA games.
Small cabinet 2 (with the DS covers) holds... oversized PS2 and DC games (I'll explain later).
Large cabinet 1 (with the Marvel heroes) holds my DS and PS1 games.
Large cabinet 2 (with the Samus and FF1 characters) holds PS2 and PSP games.

Small cabinet 1. There's a handful of original GB games that are cart only and aren't in my collection list.

Small cabinet 2. This used to hold my DS games until I ran into an issue. My PS2 cabinet ran out of room and this cabinet was really empty... so had to move some stuff around. The biggest problem were the oversized PS2 games. So this now holds my oversized PS2 games (minus .hack G.U. Part 1 Limited Edition and original Guitar Hero bundle) and some DC games. Also, some of the oversized PS2 games with paper based outer boxes (like Ar Tonelico and Growlanser Generations Deluxe) are wrapped in plastic because I didn't want the box bottoms getting scuffed/scratched up.

Large cabinet 1. Regular sized PS2 games and my PSP games.

Large cabinet 2. My DS and PS1 games. Yes, those oversized WD games are wrapped in polyphane (or something like that) plastic. And there, you'll also see my only non-original game: a sealed GH SotN.

Spiny shelf side 1. My Wii, PS3, and XB games.

Spiny shelf side 2. My PC and NES games.

Spiny shelf side 3. Gamecube games. There is no side 4 pics because that side's empty.

The other side of my room. There's my TV (32" 720p Sharp Aquos LCD), Wii, and PS3 which you can't see b/c it's on the bottom shelf of the TV stand (you can see the 80GB MGS4 PS3 bundle on top of the bookshelf though). There's also my gaming computer with 21" Samsung LCD and also my large bookself with all my guides (and other junk)/

Large bookself. There are all my guides, each one in plastic magazine bags and organized alphabetically by system.
Top shelf, left side are my misc guides (a few GC, Wii, N64 and 360 guides).
Top shelf, right side are my portables guides (GBA, DS, and PSP).
Second shelf are my PS1 guides and also small guides (for various systems).
Third shelf is PS2 guides.

I really hate this room though... I've had to reorganize it frequently until I spent a ton of money (like $200 total) and finally settled things during this past winter break. But it sucks I don't have any room for my sound system.
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