College CAGers...

[quote name='lordwow']Enjoy riding the T from one end of your campus to the other.[/QUOTE]

It's not that bad. There are shuttles that run up and down Commonwealth every half an hour. My particular dorm is the most eastern point on Campus so it really does come in handy for me.

But yeah, it sucks now that the outbound T isn't free anymore....there goes one luxury.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Suffolk is not shitty. Both my parents went there and got good jobs, enough so that only my father has worked for the past 18 years. Making $250k a year after getting merely a bachelor's degree at Suffolk does not constitute a shitty college.[/quote]

what does he do?

generally i don't even start buying books until a few days into the semester, since i don't like being stuck with books i have no use for. the prof usually clues you in on what books will be relevant by then.

two or three weeks into the semester, the college bookstores in the area completely stop taking returns and only do buy-backs, regardless of when you bought them. i don't know if that's common or not. after the semester, i'll only sell on at this point. 200 dollars worth of books got me a little over 20 one year at the bookstore, and i was done with it after that.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Suffolk is not shitty. Both my parents went there and got good jobs, enough so that only my father has worked for the past 18 years. Making $250k a year after getting merely a bachelor's degree at Suffolk does not constitute a shitty college.[/QUOTE]

I didnt say it was, although in others' eyes it might be. Doesnt have the rep BU/NEU/BC/Tufts/Brandeis/etc. have though.
Reality's Fringe;2547380 said:
Just spent $80 on a PAPERBACK book. The sad thing is I saved $50. I hate you, higher education!

Dude my paperback book for accounting was like $115. Sadly this is a savings over the hardback version. WTF????? They were all out of used copies, which are $85, at the two bookstores I checked.

This farty little book thing that is THREE-HOLE PUNCHED instead of binded for Biology 101 (easy non-major option) was $75. What the crap?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Dude my paperback book for accounting was like $115. Sadly this is a savings over the hardback version. WTF????? They were all out of used copies, which are $85, at the two bookstores I checked.

This farty little book thing that is THREE-HOLE PUNCHED instead of binded for Biology 101 (easy non-major option) was $75. What the crap?[/QUOTE]

:shiver: I don't know what the fuck is up, but textbook costs have risen at a pace far exceeding that of inflation, and methinks it's the first REAL case of price- gouging (a term often used incorrectly, but I digress).

On a sidenote, you're an accounting major right? Do people just randomly group you with the management majors like they do me? I've also been told that "economics is just like accounting" before by certain people.

We (non-management majors) are underappreciated.
[quote name='jPoD']I didnt say it was, although in others' eyes it might be. Doesnt have the rep BU/NEU/BC/Tufts/Brandeis/etc. have though.[/QUOTE]

No one calls it NEU, it's NU.
I just found a Computer Science textbook I need for next semester going for $2.59 on Barnes and Nobes Price? $100.
Reality's Fringe;2547432 said:
On a sidenote, you're an accounting major right? Do people just randomly group you with the management majors like they do me? I've also been told that "economics is just like accounting" before by certain people.

We (non-management majors) are underappreciated.

No, but that's because we have a pretty big business school here with a wide variety of majors available. Economics is NOT just like accounting, people are retarded. Though I seem to have affinities to both subjects; what about you?

A lot of people here are marketing majors, which is a BS major unless you make yourself stand out. Otherwise, good luck getting a decent job after graduation.
Reality's Fringe;2547380 said:
Just spent $80 on a PAPERBACK book. The sad thing is I saved $50. I hate you, higher education!

The math book I was talknig about was paperback, not that big, 300 pages maybe and $160,

And I USED TO... YAY!!!!!... go here....

They changed the website back after no more than a month and after spending 2-3 million on making the website blue and white.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']No, but that's because we have a pretty big business school here with a wide variety of majors available. Economics is NOT just like accounting, people are retarded. Though I seem to have affinities to both subjects; what about you?

A lot of people here are marketing majors, which is a BS major unless you make yourself stand out. Otherwise, good luck getting a decent job after graduation.[/QUOTE]

Eh, I took an accounting class and was damn good at it, but all the ledgers an balance sheets...nah. Additionally, I like the economist thought process on profit/loss instead of the accounting view. For the most part though, it's about understanding something very few do, but always love to pretend they are experts on.
What I meant about "affinity" was being good at it, like you said you are. A lot of people at my school who have trouble with economics later have trouble with accounting. I've fared well in both economics and accounting and don't see what all the fuss is about.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']No, but that's because we have a pretty big business school here with a wide variety of majors available. Economics is NOT just like accounting, people are retarded. Though I seem to have affinities to both subjects; what about you?

A lot of people here are marketing majors, which is a BS major unless you make yourself stand out. Otherwise, good luck getting a decent job after graduation.[/QUOTE]

Well thanks for saying my major is a BS one ;)
I'm not worried. The prospects in marketing are very solid. BU's average starting salary is $60K, so that's pretty good.
Also, you can essentially do anything with marketing. I can go to law school, get an MBA, work for sports teams/college teams, work for major consumer products corporations, etc. I know plenty of people who've done very well.
[quote name='jPoD']Well thanks for saying my major is a BS one ;)
I'm not worried. The prospects in marketing are very solid. BU's average starting salary is $60K, so that's pretty good.
Also, you can essentially do anything with marketing. I can go to law school, get an MBA, work for sports teams/college teams, work for major consumer products corporations, etc. I know plenty of people who've done very well.[/QUOTE]

You can do all that with an accounting degree too, except there's a lot more demand for accounting. Marketing is a crapshoot unless, like I said, you make yourself stand out. That probably won't be a problem for you, but just saying.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']You can do all that with an accounting degree too, except there's a lot more demand for accounting. Marketing is a crapshoot unless, like I said, you make yourself stand out. That probably won't be a problem for you, but just saying.[/QUOTE]

Not that i'm not smart, but I dont have the aptitude to be an accounting major. That's coming from someone who's dad is a CPA. I dont think he liked it either.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Marketing is a crapshoot unless, like I said, you make yourself stand out. That probably won't be a problem for you, but just saying.[/quote]

Well, he does have the ugly thing going for him - he'll stand out :lol:
[quote name='jPoD']ouchhhhhh You know those sunglasses you wore werent very baller ;)[/quote]

Yea, well you know - i needed something to block the view.:D
[quote name='jPoD']ouchhhhhh You know those sunglasses you wore werent very baller ;)[/quote]

Yea, well you know...I needed something to block the view :D
[quote name='jPoD']ouchhhhhh You know those sunglasses you wore werent very baller ;)[/quote]

Yea, well you know...I needed something to block the view :D
I go to WSU, Washington State and usually I buy half my books on the internet. Some books on arent that much cheaper to warrant me purchasing them. But is a great place to sell the books, especailly ones in Languages, sciences, engineering, and business. Also post the textbooks for sale on Craigslist or try small flyers on Bulletin Boards around campus. I think CAG should have a forum for text books lol.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Yea, well you know - i needed something to block the view.:D[/QUOTE]

I cant even respond to that....douche :(
I always do my best to avoid the college bookstore and their rediculous buyback prices. Online is better but is much more of a hassle that I never liked either. The key for me was getting to know different people, perferably with the same or similar major. Just hash out a deal to sell them the books outright. Often times it's a win for both teams, as you'll get more money than the bookstore gives out and they'll buy them for less than the bookstore sells them used. Things like facebook only make this practice easier, end of the semester is the only time I really ever check that thing and it's mainly to try and unload textbooks.
My bookstore actually gave me more than I would've made on At roughly 50% of the new price, they don't screw us over too bad!
[quote name='Silencer']I listed 3 books...none got any responses...I think I'm just stuck with these books.[/QUOTE]

What do you have? lol :p
[quote name='Jewelz23']hell sometimes they won't even take the damn book's horrible.[/quote]

Thats the worst. I hate that more than anything.

Its a god damn book....the value of the book should stay the same unless their is damage.

I dont even know the reason behind they saying they can not buy back a book that they sell...and that they will be selling once again the next semester.

fuck them bitches.
I usually don't even bother to sell back my books since the college bookstore doesn't give you much of anything for them. I figure that I might as well keep them so they can sit on a shelf and look impressive when I get older.
[quote name='jPoD']What do you have? lol :p[/QUOTE]

Astronomy, Comp Sci, Philosophy, History.

Let me know if you're taking any of these courses next semester. I could save on shipping as well, haha.
[quote name='Silencer']Astronomy, Comp Sci, Philosophy, History.

Let me know if you're taking any of these courses next semester. I could save on shipping as well, haha.[/QUOTE]

I'm not there until Sept. ;)
I doubt i'll take any of those freshman year anyway.

I'll be taking these first semester:

Social Sciences 101
Humanities 101
Physical Science 101
Rhetoric 101

By the way, West or Warren, where should I live?
[quote name='jPoD']
By the way, West or Warren, where should I live?[/QUOTE]

I had to stay in one of the rooms for West during Orientation and didn't like it all that much. Rooms felt cramped, but that's probably true of Warren has well.

Warren is where most of the freshmen stay, so it's great place to be social. It's also right in the middle of campus -- which is great if the majority of your classes are in CAS, but since you are taking classes in CGS, it might be better to stay out West.

I also prefer Warren's food over West Campus, but they are both good dining halls.
If you are the party-type, most of the parties happen out west as well.

I've stayed in Danielsen for both my freshman and sophomore year -- the eastern most point on campus, haha. Rooms are really spacious out here though so that's a major plus.
[quote name='Silencer']I had to stay in one of the rooms for West during Orientation and didn't like it all that much. Rooms felt cramped, but that's probably true of Warren has well.

Warren is where most of the freshmen stay, so it's great place to be social. It's also right in the middle of campus -- which is great if the majority of your classes are in CAS, but since you are taking classes in CGS, it might be better to stay out West.

I also prefer Warren's food over West Campus, but they are both good dining halls.
If you are the party-type, most of the parties happen out west as well.

I've stayed in Danielsen for both my freshman and sophomore year -- the eastern most point on campus, haha. Rooms are really spacious out here though so that's a major plus.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I heard pretty much no matter what the rooms arent that great. I actually heard more parties are at Warren? Is that untrue? West is closer to CGS, but Warren is only ~1/3 of a mile from CGS. I've heard that West has the best food. I have to find out where I ate because the food was awesome. I'm the party type but the not-so-hard-you'll-drop-out-because-you're-an-alcoholic-type. So I dont mind it and will for sure party, but not every night.
[quote name='jPoD']Yeah, I heard pretty much no matter what the rooms arent that great. I actually heard more parties are at Warren? Is that untrue? West is closer to CGS, but Warren is only ~1/3 of a mile from CGS. I've heard that West has the best food. I have to find out where I ate because the food was awesome. I'm the party type but the not-so-hard-you'll-drop-out-because-you're-an-alcoholic-type. So I dont mind it and will for sure party, but not every night.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind if you live in Warren Towers, the Towers and Shelton Dining Hall are like 3-5 minutes away (and Myles probably 7 minutes), if you wanted to switch it up. To be honest, I've only ate at the West dining hall two or three times so I may not be impartial when it comes to judging food.

Parties at Warren? You can't really have "parties" in dorm rooms...most of the parties are even further West than the West dorm rooms... in frat houses/apartments. And there's of course MIT Frat parties across the river (and some out East near where I live).
Yeah, I know all about the MIT parties. Good thing ive befriended a good amount of girls already :) West is probably the best choice for me, but i'll be visiting and staying overnight with my friend at Warren.
[quote name='jPoD']Yeah, I know all about the MIT parties. Good thing ive befriended a good amount of girls already :) West is probably the best choice for me, but i'll be visiting and staying overnight with my friend at Warren.[/QUOTE]

Be sure to join "VGS" (Video Games Society) -- sadly, I'm VP of the club :|
[quote name='Silencer']Be sure to join "VGS" (Video Games Society) -- sadly, I'm VP of the club :|[/QUOTE]

I'd be glad to, as long as it doesnt put a damper on my social life....:/
bread's done