College required book lists


CAG Newbie
anybody know how to get lists of the required book for all classes for a school for the next year? Can you get that kind of info online or would the school be able to give you a list?
Check with your schools administration. Colleges require different books depending on what they teach. Anatomy and physiology 1 for example wont have the same books at every school.
school should be able to hook you up if you know which classes you are going to take. I did that for this semester so i had a chance to purchase the books online before the semester started.
[quote name='gargus']Check with your schools administration. Colleges require different books depending on what they teach. Anatomy and physiology 1 for example wont have the same books at every school.[/QUOTE]

forget different schools. most of the time books are going to be different for different professors, so make sure you get books for your history class and not the same history class with a different professor. your school bookstore should have the list or the website may have them.
I'm not meaning for classes i'm going to take, its for a website i'm going to be making. If it were just for me i figure it'd be pretty easy just call them and ask for a list of books for my classes, but I need like a master list that will have all of the books needed for all classes and i cant get something like that over the phone. Maybe i could get the school to fax a copy or something?
Yeah, the only chance you'd have of getting something like a list of every required book the college/university book store has stocked for a given semester. It would take for every to look through tally that info yourself since different profs use different books for the same courses etc.

So just call and ask, otherwise it's probably a loss cause if they don't have it or won't share the info--which they probably won't as most college bookstores are privately owned by companies like Barnes and Nobles these days.
Every college town I've been to has the campus bookstore and an off-campus bookstore usually owned by a former student or something. The off-campus stores have to be getting lists from the schools or else they'd never have books in time.

I figure if they're giving a list to their biggest competitor, they shouldn't be against giving me a list, and they must have a main list readily available because i know they wouldn't go out of their way to compile a list for their biggest competitor.
For a public university they may be obligated to produce a list or something. Some professors wait until the last minute for this shit though (either that or they're slow as hell at processing).
Not to be negative or anything but seriously...good luck.

Like others have said, different schools all have different books. Broken down further, different professors use different books. Broken down EVEN further, the same professor who taught the same class but in different terms could wind up using different books.

Then there's the idea of a new edition for just about every book put out by the publishers every year. Depending on the contract between the school and the publisher, they may be obligated to buy that new edition, rendering the old edition useless at that particular school.
i don't think it'll be very hard to do what i'm planning so long as i can get lists from the schools, and i only really need the lists for the spring and fall semesters. Completely updating the entire website at the end of each semester really wouldn't be a problem either. The only problem will be getting the lists. I'll probably make some calls this week to find out
[quote name='A Happy Panda']
Then there's the idea of a new edition for just about every book put out by the publishers every year. Depending on the contract between the school and the publisher, they may be obligated to buy that new edition, rendering the old edition useless at that particular school.[/QUOTE]

Yep, that happens and I hate it. Using a 6th edition book this semester, and I just got the 7th edition sent to me by the publishers so that will probably be all the bookstore will carry next year.

Drives me nuts as they seldom change anything of worth.
[quote name='Cracka']anybody know how to get lists of the required book for all classes for a school for the next year? Can you get that kind of info online or would the school be able to give you a list?[/QUOTE]

I'm a college bookstore manager.

Most likely you wouldn't be able to get a list for the entire year. Most schools generate book lists on a semester by semester basis. The reason for that is that publishers change editions frequently, different instructors can use different texts for the same class, and we as stores base our buyback on what instructors use. Our markdown liability increases if we buy back books for terms too far into the future because we may buy back a book, then the instructors change or editions change and we can't acquire enough for students. Our liability increase also if instructors insist on using older edition book that we have no return privileges on.

Now, the HEOA (Higher Education Opportunity Act) was signed into law by President Bush and this means that colleges must display ISBN information and booklists on their sites as well as us, the third party seller. Now on our website, you can search classes via the class schedule you may have, but there is no way to currently download an entire list of ISBNs for all classes. Some schools may have that functionality, but most I know of don't. If a school has a third party to sell books to students, you would be hard pressed to get a complete list as of right now. For the company I work for, our booklists are confidential information as it could be used by a competitor as an easy database of what the required texts are. HEOA should change that to a degree as colleges, to my understanding, will be required to post book ISBNs on their site as well, not just us third party sellers.

Like others said some instructors wait until classes start before they even give book orders, Lord knows I run into that every semester and it drives my ass up the wall, but HEOA should eliminate most of that.

All that being said, each campus is unique and maybe you'll get lucky.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep, that happens and I hate it. Using a 6th edition book this semester, and I just got the 7th edition sent to me by the publishers so that will probably be all the bookstore will carry next year.

Drives me nuts as they seldom change anything of worth.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this pisses me off more than anything. It makes selling textbooks back as a student very much a pain in the ass. Most of my books last semester were worth nothing more than recycling fodder since many got new editions. :bomb:
Might I add, if anyone has a problem with textbook prices blame the publisher, not us bookstores.

The reason we sell used books is the same reason Gamestop sells used games. The margins on new textbooks are not that high. Plus, we have to factor in costs of shipping which is HUGE especially with gas being as high as it is, restocking fees, rent, electricity, phone, insurance, salaries, and commissions we have to pay to the school. I actually had a professor change books on me a WEEK after classes started. So I ordered books and paid for shipping for something that has to be shipped out again to the publisher as a return. That ain't cheap.

Used books alleviate costs for students as well as us, and used books offset the cost of running our business. I always find it humorous when students come in and complain about prices as if I am a millionaire at their expense, yet they drive more expensive cars, have jewelry, AND receive financial aid.
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