Contest (CAGcast #108) Win Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) w/Art Book!

I would run over to to him, gently break the news that hell froze over, that would then be followed by a peg to the nuts, that would then be followed by a teabag, which would then be followed with a pie to the face. I will then put a football helmet on, start doing jazz hands, and obnoxiously yell in a melody like tone "REAAAALITY CHEEEECK". Then I would put the video of me doing this on youtube, so that he would be internally embarrassed and never to be taken seriously by his minions or anyone ever again. I am sure this would get some tears out. =)
make him play all the lousy wii ports in the world (chicken shoot anyone?).
make him try to explain activision's guitar hero 3 download scheme
Send him to Hot Topics so he can bitch about how crappy the shirts look and how all guys now seem to be wearing girl's clothes. Then let him vent back in hell about how the world we live in is a hell in it's own right and how he's more goth then them by shitting bats, only to be mocked and ridiculed even more until he disappears into his corner never to be heard from again and we will know that when there is no room in hell the dead will walk the earth...specifically the malls and Hot Topics.
Give him some silver kryptonite then tell him the cake is a lie! (if its a devil superman you never said it its not)
There was this one King's Quest game, I think it was part 5, where this devil guy wouldn't let you pass unless you could make him cry. The solution was to hold a hand mirror up to his face.

So, yeah. Is that emo enough for you?
Show him my grandmother's boobs. I saw them once as a kid and I almost died. Hate to see what they look like 20 years later.
How to make a devil cry? seriously? so... we ended up going with that one, did we? Ok, why not? I'll play.

I'd make a devil cry by telling him he only has about 11 months left in the White House. What? too politically Fair and Balanced? fine. :roll: Let's see...

Oh yeah, how about forcing him to babysit CheapyT whenever Cheapy wants to. I mean, no offense to Young Master Tai, he's very cute but explosive bowel movements that run down your arm while you hold him? yeah, no, that's gotta sting. I dare anyone not to shed a tear just thinking about such assignment(can we give a hand to OG, people?). :)

Ja ne! :p
Can a devil really cry? I mean, i'd guess his tears would be something like crocodile tears. But then is that considered crying? In that case, the only way to make him cry, id have to put him in a situation where he would be close to a potential prey. In my case, Donny Osmond.
Put him to work fixing red-ringed 360's while listening to an endless loop of Nickleback, Creed, and Hinder.
Have him attend the catholic school that I had to during my middle school years. Nobody and I mean nobody can stand against a hardcore teacher-nun.
bread's done