Contest is over...congrats to depascal22!

Favorite XBLA game?

That is easy for me: Heavy Weapon - Atomic Tank. We have a tank with lasers, rockets and nukes. It's a real throwback to side-scrolling games and entirely worth the point costs. What's not to like?

Getting to play one of my favorite "original" PS2 titles in Widescreen with full surround sound gave me chills the first time I loaded it up.
Worms! I have very fond memories of staying up late with my mates playing deathmatches on my trusty Commodore Amiga back when I was at school. The gameplay hasn't dated at all, it has to be one the simplest yet most involved casual games ever.

The XBLA version isn't as expansive an arsenal as Worms: Armageddon but honestly, how many different types of exploding animal do you need to have a good time?
Puzzle Quest. It's my most played XBLA title for a reason.. not the reason that the battles take a long time, but because it's very addicting.
Braid. It's the most interesting and mentally challenging game I've played in a while. Even after you beat it there's a lot to do. The stars are some of the most difficult puzzles in the game. You have to rethink every puzzle piece to do the speed runs well. You could also spend forever thinking about what the storyline means.
Castle Crashers is my favorite multiplayer game I have, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is probably my favorite single player because I love Castlevania
I'd say my favorite XBLA game is Castlevania: Sympony of the Night. I broke my PS1 CD a long time ago, so being able to rebuy it on the cheap and having cheesemints is awesome.
Just got a 360 Elite (woohoo)... from playing demos, Castle Crashers is awesome... plays like a Capcom side-scroller like Shadow Over Mystara.

But my vote for best xbla game is Duke Nukem 3D. The level design of that game was ahead of its time by years, and it's nice to see 3D Realms back in action.
Oh man... It's such a hard choice between Braid and Castle Crashers... Braid is one of the best video game experiences I have ever had, but Castle Crashers is the best beat em up I've ever played.

I think I'm gonna have to go with Castle Crashers on this one. The replay value is excellent, and I'm addicted to unlocking all of the characters.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Because it was awesome back then, and it's still awesome now.

If I were to win this, then I want to try Braid though, I hear so much good about it.
Is it wrong to say Castle Crashers for a CC contest? I don't know why, but I'm completely addicted to this game and can't stop playing.

It's a great game to just pick up and play for awhile, has very little learning curve associated with it, and is a great game to play with people. It really hearkens back to a much younger time when games didn't require giant combos and all of that crap to enjoy it. Hooray Simple!
Well, seeing as I only own 2 (braid and Castle Crashers) I am going to have to go with Castle Crashers. It's fun, more people can play, and it will last me a bit longer than Braid if only because I can play with friends.
Pac Man C.E.

There's just something about the 5 min mode in this game that is so addicting and fun, and really rejuvenated my love for pac-man.
Castle Crashers, i love old school style beat em ups and that it has a level up system makes it all the more addicting. id have to consider this to be one of the best 4 player co-op games of all time.
Braid would be my favorite.

Loved the artwork and the music in the game, along with the puzzle/platform element. It made you have to do a some thinking on some of the puzzles but was quite rewarding when figured out.
I would have to go with UNO, mainly because I used to play that so much when I was a kid when I wasn't on a video game console. Now I can be playing UNO on a console, the symmetry is perfect.
My fav is actually Castle Crashers. I was a huge fan of Alien Hominid and CC just picks up with that feeling. Behemoth are very very underrated.
I guess I'm going to go with N+, just because I keep going back to it. I'll think I'm done with it, then I'll find myself making a few more levels of my own, or taking one more run through those crazy-hard later levels.
I'll go with Castle Crashers.

Basically I always loved that style of multiplayer run around fighting stuff in the style of the old TMNT games (they weren't the first, for sure, but I used to play TMNT 2 a lot when I was a kid.) Castle Crashers gave me a chance to have a couple of friends over and we rocked through the entire game together which, basically, made me feel like a kid again in some ways. I guess I'm just getting old.
I have many many XBLA titles I really like, including the card games, etc, but my absolute favorite title has to be Castle Crashers.

I was a huge fan of the TMNT, Simpsons, and X-Men aracde titles as a child, so Castle Crashers was perfect.
Castlevania Symphony of the night is my favorite live arcade game. Simply because of it's length and gameplay, it revolutionized the Castlevania series.
How about some "Assault Heroes 2" love? No? Nobody else?

Well, I love it. I liked the first one, but the gameplay in the sequel is tighter and more fun. The achievements are ridiculous, but fortunately, I really don't care, especially when a game is so enjoyable.

Runner-up: "Doom". Because it's "Doom".
Castle Crashers is easily my #1 favorite XBLA game thus far. Not only does it revive the old feelings of nostalgia that I used to get playing beat'em ups in local arcades, but it has that ever-so-awesome Dan Paladin art style and plenty of stuff to unlock. That's not even to mention the badass online play or the hilarious sense of humor. Honestly, there's more than enough reason to keep playing the game over and over again and it'll go down as one of the must-have timeless classics of our this generation, as far as I'm concerned.
So far my best XBLA title would be castle crashers. It has great humor, good multi and single player. They just need to patch it and it'll be even better.
bread's done