Contest is over...congrats to depascal22!

Cloning Clyde was incredible. I don't remember playing anything like it. Not to say that it was super innovative but for ten bucks it was a whole hell of a lot of fun.
My favorite XBLA game is Castle Crashers. They did a great job bringing back the beat em up arcade games that I played as a kid like the Simpsons and X-Men.
I love Castle Crashers but I would have to say my favorite XBLA title was Castlevania SOTN. I'm a sucker for Castlevania games. I still vividly remember playing Simon's Quest as a kid.
Bionic Commando Rearmed, simply because it's a fantastic remake of a classic that improves upon the original in every way possible.
I am going to have to go with N+ as well. It used to be Catan for the longest time, but after playing N+ on the PSP I picked it up on Live for the HD big screen and love it. The levels makes you think, but you still have to be quick about it and execute everything perfectly in order to win.

It also helps that the levels are just short enough that I can pop on a play a round or two while I am waiting for the wife to get dressed.
I'm going to have to say Castle Crashers. All the time spent on local coops was a blast and after the patch, it can only get better. The art was great and the gameplay fun.
Carcassonne. no reflexes required, only strategy & a bit of luck. its amazing how an XBL game can be so quiet and yet so intense
I would have to say yaris !!! LOL!!! I'm poor and never win anything so good luck to everyone at least this contest will get our minds off the economy !!!!!
I would have to say Castle Crashers. I've highly enjoyed other games like GW 1/2, Catan, and others, but they've mainly been single-player deals for me. Castle Crashers provides for some great gaming with friends, plus includes additional things like Arena and All You Can Quaff. Overall, it's an excellent value for $15. I wouldn't have minded spending a good $30-40 on it (and I wasn't really sold on the game before I bought it).
Castle Crashers would have to be my favorite XBLA game because I love side scrollers but not many awesome ones are made today. Also, it's fun!
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Just simply the way a remake should be done. Very Retro yet with subtle upgrades that make this game actually better than the original. I played the original till my fingers bled...this new one, well, since it saves your progress, you can put it down before physical pain presents itself (if you have the discipline). Graphics are brand new and shiny, yet the original NES gameplay is virtually untouched. Absolutely a brilliantly crafted game. Although after reading this thread, I'm going to have to check out Carcasonne and TMNT.
Carconnase (spell check, i dont even know how to pronounce it), I got it for free and it has been so much fun i've prolly played 50 games and showed it to 15 people and everyone has loved it.
My favorite xbla game is street fighter hyper fighting (until SSFT HD remix comes out) cause sometimes I just want a game I can pick up quickly and play for a little while :)

Plus beating ppl up online is fun :p
Castle Crashers is by far my favorite Xbox Live Arcade game. The game brings back all of the fun of oldschool sidescrollers with online capability and a level/experience system. I've never been so excited about XBLA game before.
Castle Crashers -- it's got that old school goodness that a lot of arcade titles have but the multiplayer is so strong that I can't get my friends to leave the house about 4 nights a week.
TMNT Arcade for me. I played through that game a thousand times when i was a kid, and it was refreshing to be able to do it all over again on the 360. Cheers!
I'm going with Duke Nukem 3D. I played it back in 1996 when it originally came out, even though I was only 7. My step-dad was a horrible influence I guess, but it allows me to remember all the good times playing good ol' Duke.
Definitely Duke Nukem 3D. I remember playing it on the PC and N64, and it still holds up very well. Mind you, I am absolutely not interested in Duke Nukem Forever, because games like these were cool 10-15 years ago, but a new one like that now without any inkling of a story is unforgivable.
Streets of Rage 2. I played every title in the series growing up and 2 was by far the best one in my opinion. My brother, cousins and friends would come over and finish this game in one sit down all the time and we would never get tired of it. The Streets of Rage series is one that made me never be jealous of all the Super Nintendo owners, I was a Genesis kid all the way! And with online play, people who I went though this game with as a kid were able to do it all over again...even from different cities. Awesome game :D
TMNT the original arcade game. Brought back so many memories, and being able to play with my 6yr-old made it even more fun.
My favorite xbla game is marble blast ultra. Ever since I played the demo back when I first got my xbox it has been my favorite xbla arcade. Me and my friends would always play it either online or locally. We would sit there for hours trying to set new time records on each level. I still go back today and play it and with the new dlc coming it, the fun never stops. Definitly the best xbla arcade game I have played to date.
Puzzle Quest.

A cheesy plot, story and world. A perfect mesh of RPG character growth and puzzling. Long enough to be worth the original 1200 price point.
Braid is my favorite. Original puzzle concept and it's hilarious to watch friends play it for the first time where they keep getting an instant reply of themselves dying because they don't rewind far enough!
I'll have to say "Golden Axe" is easily my favorite. I played the whole series at the arcade & owned them all on the SEGA systems back in the day and i can't count how many times I've beat them. I love the hack n slashing & the magic animations are really cool too. I can't wait for the next gen version! (Golden Axe: Beast Rider). My second pick would be Duke Nukem.
For me, its a toss up between UNO and TMNT. I think the nod goes slightly to UNO since its pretty easy to pick up and play and quite addictive.
Bionic Commando.

I never got a chance to play the original that much, so the game was really fresh to me. Plus they packed so much into the game for the price, its a great value.
bread's done