Contest is over...congrats to depascal22!

I have only REALLY played two XBLA titles, the demo of Castle Crashers and the full game of Braid. Braid is great because from what I'm aware of, it was made independently, and the story, music, gameplay, everything is simply amazing. In my opinion, we need more games like Braid.
My favorite XBLA game is still the original Geometry Wars. It was the first arcade game I bought, and I still go back to it from time to time. I may suck at it, but I still love playing it.
My favorite XBLA title would have to be Castle Crashers. This is the first Live Arcade game that I have bought that I didn't feel ripped off. For the price this game is pretty massive with plenty of hidden items and unlockables to obtain. Plus it's fun as hell to drink a bottle of rum and play 4 player co-op with your drunk ass friends in the room.
Bomberman, simply because you go around and blow bricks up with bombs. Its a simple game and it is not too hard to learn. Its also fun when you have your friends over because you can see the expressions on their faces when you surround them with bombs and blow them to kingdom come!
My favorite XBLA game would have to be Castlevania Symphony of the night. It was well worth the price, and a really fun game. I cant believe i never played it on the PSX. My sister loved it also, she actually played the PSX version when it was out. Yeah that game is badass!
Mega Man 9 now I don't have to clean and blow my old systems and cartridges and can finally play Mega Man without all the hassle and of course Mega Man is always amazingly fun to play.
Geometry Wars II. It is one of the few true pick up and play games even when I only have 5 minutes to spare. Some modes, I can play it 5 times already in 5 minutes.
Street Fighter 2 because it takes me back to a time when life was much bills and chasing girls,lol
My favorite XBLA game is easily N+. It'd have to be, because I keep coming back to it again and again no matter how often it kicks my butt.
Settlers of Catan, because the strategy runs deep and beating the smug smiles off Lincoln, Shaka, and Sun Tzu never gets old.

Also marten totally sucks at it. That makes everything better.
Pac-man CE. Pac-man CE is the best because they updated a classic without ruining what made the original so much fun. The core gameplay is still there, a classic never goes out of style.
Galaga. Not the new one that was just released. The classic one. I own at it and I always have. Thats why I love it.
N+ is a great game that is fun to pick up and play any time. I also find it addictive to try and improve my time on the leaderboards, i'm currently like 452...
I loved castle crashers. My friends and I had a blast playing it and it was the only game for me to ever play through the whole game many times. Most games I play, I would usually play through the story mode once and never play through it again.
My favorite XBLA game still has to be Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, cause it was the only XBLA title I just couldn't stop playing. Castle crashers was fun but SOTN was the best.
Though Geometry Wars and Alien Hominid have a special place cuz they were the first games that got me hooked on XBLA, my favorite game has to be N+. With its simple graphics, incredible engine, and innovative levels I haven't had this much fun playing a 2d platformer since the 16-bit days. It's a lot of fun to play multiplayer, and the ability to create levels adds a lot to the replay value.
I like tetris splash because it is a simple old school game which I can play online against other hardcore tetris people.
Mega Man 9.

It is so simple in gameplay yet so difficult to master. It frustrates me to no end sometimes, but it's the kind of game that gives me a great sense of satisfaction as I play it. Well worth the money in XBLA.
Mega Man 9 by far. There is just something about taking the old school game engines and creating brand new and fresh content. Can you imagine if other franchises followed the same idea? Retro gaming with a twist!
after all of the classic games that i have loved on XBLA, Duke Nukem 3d, TMNT the arcade game, Castlevania Symphoney of the Night, Samuri Showdown 2, and some of the other games i have enjoyed like Uno, Castle Crashers is the game i am enjoying the most right now, is is simply a blast to play and i know that my friends are enjoying the game as much as i am, i personally can not wait for this to have it's online fixed so me and my firends from out of state can play together
Mega Man 9
I've played all the Mega Man games through the main series, and it's like the best one from the NES days stowed away in the back of Capcom until just now. It's so much fun. The crazy enemies and masters to the retro music reminded me of why I fell in love with Mega Man so much in the first place.
So. Good.
My favorite XBLA game is Braid, hands down. The game starts right off by displaying its impressive and unique art style. The story is told between chapters as scenes that had happened in life. Now, while the story and unique style of Braid are great, that's actually the worth of it. The game at first seems to play like your ordinary platformer via symbolism, as if you were mario who jumped onto the gooba. You slowly then realize it's not all about getting from point A to point B, you have to figure out how to get there.

This is where the game gets interesting with its first introduction of puzzles. Seems fair enough, get the key an open the door and you can continue. Oh look, you can just walk right through the entire stage and before you know it, you're at the castle and get the notalgic line "Sorry, but the princess is in another castle. So you're free to go to the second part, you find some more literature as if it were written in a third person perspective. You continue on into Chapter 2 as you would in Chapter 1, but there's a slight difference.

What's this? I have to sold a moderately difficult puzzle? yes, it's platforming puzzle game. Never judge a game by its cover, you may be pleasantly surprised. He then became aware that he could use time travel. So he let the enemy grab the key from him, he jumped down, grabbed the key and rewinded back in time to have the key to open the door on the other side of the ditch. At this point by observing the key and door you can see that neither is affected when he travels back in time, they are immune, Just knowing this brings in an entirely different element to the game. So you go through the game, fight one boss using you time travel ability, not a very hard fight.

After a few worlds, you finally to the end and are astounded to see the same dinosaur approach you and say "Was the pricess ever real?" It left me astounded, but I noticed the was a ladder to the toped that was locked in several places. I decided to go back into the other worlds only to discover each stage has several puzzle pieces within them and a dfiferent way to get each. This is where some gamers have to stress their minds to figure out the puzzle. It's one of those satisfying moments you get in a game when you make a big accomplishment. Once you're gathered all the puzzle pieces you have to place them in place on the frame within the world.

This will unlock one of the locks on the tall ladder back at the main room. You basically have to beat each level before you can get up . I myself am still working on getting all the puzzles complete and I have to admit, it's one of the best damned games I have ever played. It's entertaining, enjoyable, artistic, great controls, very intuitive, etc. It's just something that anyone who owns a 360 needs to buy. It's only $15 too, so cmon.
My favorite Xbox Live Arcade game so far is Cloning Clyde, even though I haven't bought it yet (not enough Microsoft points/money [Hurry up with the codes MSN autos]) the demo was awesome. My favorite game that I've bought is Feeding Frenzy, even though the replay value is low, it takes a while to play through once, and it's really fun (Is the second one out, yet?).
Definitely Bionic Commando. It took everything great about the original game and improved upon it across the board. The game is gorgeous and plays impeccably. Thanks to all the challege rooms, the replay value is near endless.
Triggerheart Exelica. Love shmups. Very few quality titles on live arcade. Puzzle Quest, too. First puzzle game I've ever enjoyed.
Penny Arcade: On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness. I love the comics and the humor works well in the RPG.
bread's done