CONTEST [Over]: Win a Duel Masters: Sempai Legends (GBA) prize package


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Duel Masters: Sempai Legends is a new card battling game from Atari which is shipping June 1st.
Check out this preview from Gamespot.

The grand prize for this contest will be:
*GBA Game
*GBA Strategy Guide [free sample]
*Limited Edition Sticker Set
*Booster Card Pack
*Comic Book

Simply post in this thread, telling your fellow CAGs about your card battling skills.
Winner will be chosen at random
One post/entry per person.
Contest ends June 7th at 12 noon EST.

[quote name='set']I played in the world series of poker!

No joke... so I must be good at cards.[/quote]

Either that, or you just paid the entry fee and let your money get added to the pot, thanks to a soul crushing series of losses. :)
I once made a battleship out of playing cards. It was over 4 feet long and 2 feet tall. I'll try to find a picture and post it.

EDIT: I found a pic. Behold my fearsome card battleship!


Note the Sega Master System games on the shelf on the right. That's the humble beginning of my video game collection.
I use to be the master of Magic the Gathering. I went to all these tournaments at the local geek hangout, and won most of the time. But one day I was up against this little 12 year old pipsquik (I was 14 at the time) and we were battling for the title of champion of the 7th Age. Everything was going well, until I noticed him slipping an Azure Dragoon out of his sleeve (I guess he wasn't very good at other types of "Magic") anyway to make a long story short it took 3 guys (not every impressive considering they were magic geeks too) to pull me off of him. His mom called the cops, and i ended up with parole and as part of my parole I'm no longer allowed to play card games. So hopefully I can win this GBA game, and slip it under the watchful eyes of my parole officer and get back into the card battling scene.
one time i was walkin down the street and this cop saw me put my m:tg burn deck into my coat pocket and he busted me for concealment of a deadly weapon. thats how masterful i am.
[quote name='mrpotatohed']Yo, I gotz mad L33T card skilZ. I should win this contest too because of my L33tn3$$.[/quote] Me too, except times 5! I plain a mean game of solitaire.
I got my kids playing pokemon when it first came out and then bought the Nintendo 64 edition and the gamecube which is alot better. I have bought them over 4000 cards. probably useless now but will save for the future. They learned to love yugeho (Spelling). Anyway I would like to win so they can find new happiness with another card game.
I seem to suck at card games. But I still like to play them... Magic the Gathering.. Oh hell I had some Dragonlance cards back in the day but reallyyy, I just want this so I can have something new to play at work. So broke... so broke... and being without a game for 8 hours of intense boredom is... madness!!!! Madness!!!!
My mad twisted card skills are as follows: I have never lost a game of magic.
*hopes nobody knows he's only played once*
My card battling skills consist mainly of old maid, go fish, and poker. I used to have some hefty battles in the WWF With Authority game too :)
Card Battling Skillz huh?

Ever hear of a game called RF? Otherwise known as Egyptian War? Bloody Stump, Slap, Egyptian Rat Screw, Egyptian Rat F*ck... Put you hand on those double jacks, and I swear on all that is holy I will smash your friggin fingers off!. They're all the same game, and I've been playing for 4 years since freshman year of HS.

I'm proud to say that I still have all my fingers.

If you still don't know what I'm talking about, here's a link to a site with rules. You should really learn it... really fun on school days when no work is assigned but they'll still take away your GBA if you pull it out.

Have Fun.
No one can beat me at Spades. Hell, I can even play Gin Rummy. My favorite is Uno, but that thats a child's game (and my Spanish is mediocer at best comprede).
I played Magic almost ten years ago, so My "Skills" may be rusty, but I was badass back in the day with my Red(Mountain) and Black(Swamp) deck...

Red(Mountain) and Black(Swamp) were the best, though I liked some Green(Forest) stuff too....
I figured it doesn't hurt to cast my one in five hundred chance at winning this. I actually really like Duel Masters and really want the game but I can't afford it right now without trading in games. How sad is that to not be able to afford a GBA game without trade-ins? Anyway, I am a better than average Yu-Gi-Oh duelist and so far as I can tell I am a pretty decent Duel Masters player. Unfortunately there's no one where I live to play against so this game is about my only chance at an opponent other than playing againt myself short of wading through all the cry-babies, wannabe's and holier-than-thou players that can be found online on mirc. Hopefully this little post will be enough to win. If not, at least some of the other posts were amusing to read. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it.
I am the card battling master. Nobody can touch me in a heated game of war! (Then again I stack the deck so I have all the aces and kings)
I always win . .

'Cause if I don't, you just might be getting some paper cuts between your toes or fingers . . .

Just kidding! I do like playing some card battling games, although I am not gonna dish out tons of money to build a good deck, so I just use friends.
I'm a monster at Spit, Gin Rummy, Bullsh!t, and Go Fish. I played the YugiOh card game when it came out with my friend, and it was fun. I usually beat him pretty good. And I love Texas Hold'Em. Poker rules.
bread's done