CONTEST: Win an Ikaruga prize pack from [Winners announced]


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Winners announced here

This is for all you hardcore Ikaruga fans out there.
First prize is an Ikaruga prize pack which includes:
  • New Ikaruga game
    Ikaruga sake set
    Ikaruga poster
    Large Ikaruga promotional box
Second prize is a new Ikaruga game

To enter, post your entry here (pictures are encouraged) and tell us why you are the biggest Ikaruga fan or most deserving of this prize package.
The most deserving/entertaining entry (as judged by CheapyD) will win.

One entry per person. Rules subject to change.
Contest ends Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59PM.


Picture from
I am one of the hugest ikaruga fans there is. I imported the game when it first came out for the dreamcast. I truly deserve this set
I think I deserve this package the most because I am quite a big fan of TREASURE's work. This is one of the games responsible for sparking my interest in the development team as well as the shooter genre itself.

Why I really would like this package is because I am a rabid collector of game merchandise. There's never too much merchandise, and unfortunately, there seems to be a lack for this kind of stuff these days, at least in the US. So, I would love to get my hands on this package, especially since it is branded by such a fantastic franchise. Coincidentally, I also favor sake over other alcoholic beverages, so that sake set looks very inviting.
I deserve to have Ikaruga because I am a 14-year-old kid who... Awww screw it. I don't deserve it and I bet most of you people don't either, but damn do I want the game!
I brought my gamecube on blackfriday for this I had to give a few black eyes to grab my gamecube for 80 at wal mart then i went to circuit city to grab this game for 20 when it was on sale but they was out so now i am going to threaten a few people on the board you will let me win or you will be saying hello to my little friend..i deserve it for what happen at wal mart ..
I'm hardcore. I've got well over 200 games on systems varying from ColecoVision (still in it's original box) all the way to the GameCube that I'd be playing Ikaruga on. If I win I'll even invite the CheapyD-meister to my house to experience Ikaruga in some awesome Harmon Kardon/ Polk Audio Pro Logic surround sound goodness! And then I'll make him some cookies from scratch.
Everything you are about to here is true and this is why I am the most deserving Ikaruga fan. Once again let me repeat this is true! I kid you not. I've played Ikaruga to death. I know the game backward and foward. I played the game so much that I actually ended up in the hospital. I was hospitalized for lack of sleep, damaged corneas, a damaged hand and malnutrition. I had to have surgery on my hand to have my thumb repositioned. Also my fingers became so curled that they had to be repositioned. My eyes had also become damaged because of the constant playing. I needed to have laser surgery to fix them. I also did not sleep or eat while playing the game was malnutritioned and deprived of rest. I was in the hospital for TWO WEEKS!!!!!! I even have the scars on my hand still and my right hand is a little limp and will never be properly positioned again. That's not the end of it all. I loved the game so much that I got a tatoo of the kanjis for Ikaruga on my arm. But the tatoo covered up the tatoo I had for my wife which said her name. When I refused to remove the Ikaruga tatoo she DEVORCED ME!!!! Thats right I am DEVORCE BECAUSE OF IT!!!!! So please I don't think their is a bigger fan than me. Everything I told you was true. So please let me win so I have something to show for all of this. There is no bigger fan than me.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']Everything you are about to here is true and this is why I am the most deserving Ikaruga fan. Once again let me repeat this is true! I kid you not. I've played Ikaruga to death. I know the game backward and foward. I played the game so much that I actually ended up in the hospital. I was hospitalized for lack of sleep, damaged corneas, a damaged hand and malnutrition. I had to have surgery on my hand to have my thumb repositioned. Also my fingers became so curled that they had to be repositioned. My eyes had also become damaged because of the constant playing. I needed to have laser surgery to fix them. I also did not sleep or eat while playing the game was malnutritioned and deprived of rest. I was in the hospital for TWO WEEKS!!!!!! I even have the scars on my hand still and my right hand is a little limp and will never be properly positioned again. That's not the end of it all. I loved the game so much that I got a tatoo of the kanjis for Ikaruga on my arm. But the tatoo covered up the tatoo I had for my wife which said her name. When I refused to remove the Ikaruga tatoo she DEVORCED ME!!!! Thats right I am DEVORCE BECAUSE OF IT!!!!! So please I don't think their is a bigger fan than me. Everything I told you was true. So please let me win so I have something to show for all of this. There is no bigger fan than me.[/quote]

Somehow i think if you actually got a divorce, you would know how to spell the word....

I have the DC ikaruga game and love it. I picked up a GC recently partly because the GC version is supposed to be better.
Of course, I should get Ikaruga. Ive been meaning to get it forever, and if I dont win this contest I will get angry. Godzilla is my avaitar, so what do you think I do when I loose my temper?
I'm so hardcore, I already own it! (no not really, but don't you think that anyone really hardcore would already own it?)

anyway....I really would love this set

please pick me!
Do I deserver it? Probably not. There's people far more dedicated then I, I mean all I did was manage a 27 million score, play through normal without dying, perfect bullet eater run, and stayed up late on the last night of the Ikaruga contest trying to beat this French guy who was ahead of me (I'm too much of a Yankee to let that one go). Then I was all sitting on the last bosses head eating his first wave of white shots and saying how I AM THE FUNKY CHICKEN OF THE SKIES! But before that, Ikaruga has sedimental value to me. *wavey flashback lines*

2001, fall, My brother was raving about some new game from Treasure. The unofficial sequel to Radiant Silvergun. Well, I love treasure (and I love my DC. 62 games is a nice collection), so it had my attention. Shmups had always been my older brothers kind of games, but this one somehow made me fall in love with the whole genre and the first one where I was better then him. I played that game for hours each day, then in 4 months I decided to give it a rest, no arcade near me will ever get it so no one will ever understand how good I was. Then the GC version was announced with an online ranking (talk about being kicked in the balls). I remember getting the GC version and finding out that I suck. Well boo. So I continued to practice, and I got better. Better then I ever was. I remember my friends getting this game and the looks on their faces when they saw me play. I remember giving a speech in school about how to play this game. This game became a part of who I was, then the ranking shut down, so now I make stupid videos of monochroming various levels.

I like the idea of a free sake set, free stuff is the best kind of stuff. And a backup copy of the game would be cool. Also, I always wanted one of those promotional pieces, I love huge novelty boxes.

"So there's me an' Ikaruga, and we're all inseparable, right? Just big time in love. And then about four months in, I ask about the prequel. You know, Radiant Silvergun. Dumb move, I know, but you know how it is - you don't really want to know, but you just have to...stupid video game bullshit. Anyway she starts telling me all about him - how they played for years, lived together, her gaming system likes me better, blah, blah, blah - and I'm okay. But then she tells me that a couple times, he brought other bed with them - ménage a tois, I believe it's called. Now this just blows my mind. I mean, I'm not used to that sort of thing, right? I was raised on Nintendo. So I get weirded out, and just start jamming on her A button, right? This is the only way I can deal with it - by calling her a rental, and telling her that she was used - I mean, I'm out for blood I want to hurt her - because I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling. And I'm like "What the fuck is wrong with you?" and she's telling me that it was that time, in that place, and she didn't do anything wrong, so she's not gonna apologize. So I tell her it's over, and I walk.

No, idiot. It was a mistake. I wasn't disgusted with her, I was afraid. At that moment, I felt small - like I'd lacked experience, like I'd never be on her level or never be enough for her or something. And what I didn't get was that she didn't care. She wasn't looking for that game anymore. She was looking for me, for the Banky. But by the time I realized this, it was too late, you know. I had to return her, and all I had to show for it was some foolish callouses, which then gave way to regret. She was the game, I know that now. But I pushed her away...

So I've spent every day since then chasing Ikaruga...

So to speak."

- altered for use in parody from Chasing Amy
I want Ikaruga please. I would love just the game, not the extra stuff cause I'd probably never use it. I am honest. I love Ikaruga, a friend has it, I would love to own it for myself.
i once brought $8 in quarters to my movie theather(they have an arcade) and played Raiden Fighters Jet for about 3 hours straight! i love the game raiden fighter jet and i have played Ikaruga and find it to even be better. My friend has this game.

Another reason why i should win is because i just got a gamecube about 3 months ago and i dont have too many games. i am stuck playing the same games over and over again...
Definitely would like to win this set. I would give it to my brother who has a Gamecube. Fond memmories of playing Air busters on the Sega Genesis. I think I still have that game along with Thunder Force 2 and 3, R-Type (sega master system), MUSHA, Target Earth. Man I missed the good ole days of the shooters.
I think I am the most hardcore fan because i actually bought a sega saturn and had it modified just so i could play radient silvergun, and yes i bought it for $150, so basically i shelled out around $300 just so i could play an earlier version of this game.

Jim Freeman
I will turn my TV sideways; down cups of hot Sake, before each round; stop calling my local EB Games, GameCrazy, and GameStop to ask if they have it available for $20; find out what those Chinese characters on the cover actually mean; play it in co-op with my brother; try to finish it by myself; and then file it between Hunter: the Reckoning and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. I think the promo display and sake set are the real gems in this contest. My previous experience only includes the NES versions of Life Force and 1942; and misc. arcade games. I have done lots of online review research, and Ikaruga is currently one of my must-haves. I initially registered on this site just to enter the Ikaruga contest, but have found it to be a very good source of locating great prices on new games. I will continue to use this extrememly useful forum for locating the lowest price on GameCube games. For example: I learned today LOTR:ROTK is now down $10 more to $30 at BestBuy! Wow! Tracking games like stock is actually pretty fun! I Love it!
I'm a huge Ikaruga fan because I bought the imported Dreamcast version (how could I possibly pass up the successor to Radiant Silvergun) and beat the game on the hardest difficulty level. It took at least 8 hours of straight playing with one of my friends over, but it was worth it. And of course, I was a fan of Radiant Silvergun as well. I bought a Saturn, modded it, and bought the import copy of R and played the hell out of that one too. Will I open the Cube version, should I win? I don't know, but I will keep it some place far away from anyone who hasn't the proper respect for the Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun legacy.

Apart from my Ikaruga fandom, I'm a hardcore collector of games. I've got tons of rare, very hard to find titles, and have quite a few OOP, sealed games including Suikoden II and Super Metroid (which I'm not going to let go.) As a collector, while Ikaruga isn't extremely rare, the GC version makes a valuable addition to my collection.

I need to upgrade to the Cube version to continue my streak of Ikaruga madness. What an awesome game.
What describes devotion? Is it the fact that ive played this game countless hours, waited my 2 weeks to ship it from japan the first day it came out overpriced? No, Devotion is when you worship something as holy as this. devotion is just, but are ones to say we are devoted? No, we are not, and in this, we shall overcome not only ourselves, but our sense of morality. And in this, my feeble attempt to win this holy package, I say that i AM devoted...

The WildWop should win Ikaruga campaign has gained the support of people around the country. From new product lines:

to celebrity endorsements:

the WildWop Should Win Ikaruga in 2004 Campaign is really picking up steam. You too can support the Campaign. Merely post here that I should win the prize, and you're part of the team! Jump onboard before the Campaign Train runs you over!


Seriously though, I borrowed this game from a friend to write a review (tried out for the IGNCube opening awhile back, before they FILLED IT FROM WITHIN, the bastards), and was hooked. Great game + Me is a winning combination.
I think appreciation of this game would be best displayed by a matching set of Light and Dark haikus.

In the depths of space
Salvation of the heavens
Death to the darkness

I am the shadow
When light wanes and darkness falls
Life and death are one
I guess i'm deserving of it because i like sake; greatest stuff in the world...and well, this game is addicting like crack...and i've been like promoting this to my friends and such for such a long time...
i'm deserving of 2nd prize only :)

i'm a gamer, leave the foofy items to the foofy item lovers, the games to the gamers
i am the most deserving because i don't even own a GameCube, but i love this game. if i were to get this game, i would buy a GC just so i can play it. this is the extent of my love for this, the most glorious of modern day shooters (altho Mars Matrix is pretty fun....)

also, i don't drink alcohol, but if i were to win this, i would drown the whole bottle. and i would make myself love every second of it.
i feel as if i am a hardcore ikaruga fan (as well as deserve the box set) becaue i went online and looked forever to find out how to pronounce the name. then, as i was waiting for it to be released for gamecube, i tried ordering radiant silvergun even though i didn't have a saturn... which i tried ordering as well. i made a big computer thing, and for the longest time (about seven hours once...) i stared at the add. seriously, i'm that depressing,so please, give it to me... or else i'll die :(
I'm such a hardcore fan of Ikaruga that I dedicate my first post to this forum to this wonderful game. I have the Dreamcast version but to own the gamecube collectors version would be da bomb.... fo' shizzle my bizzle :D
So I'm a newbie to Ikaruga, but not to space shooters. I would spend nights staying up playing them on my Snes and Nes.

One night, I was supposed to study for this big math test in school the next day. Of course, i decided to play my video games. I stayed up late, so late infact that i didn't get any sleep, for the first time in my life. So I go to school the next day, trying to stay as far away from my mom this morning so she couldn't see my tired look.

I had math 7th hour, so i had to stay a wake the whole day. SO the math test comes, and it is all about sums and Sigma. Well the Sigma sign looks like the ship in my nes games, so i got bored (i didn't know the information again) so i drew a mock screen on back of the test. I went back and did work on the test, barly squeeking away with a C, but alas this wasn't the last test i would take, or the last time i would have alll nighters. So i failed the class.

Whatever, it was well worth it. I still hold the records in my house.
Well, it's very unlikely that I'm most deserving but I'll give this a shot.

I've never played Ikaruga, or Raidant Silvergun. I've only seen Ikaruga in motion once, at Gamestop (the clerks were whoring it, meanies).
However, I've also heard that it's one of the most impossible games ever. Quite frankly, I'm up to the challenge. I'm constantly trying to better myself and whenever tells me that I can't, I'm the type of person that says "Oh yeah?" and usually make an idiot of myself, but oh well :p
Just today, I moved up to 4 on Tempest at the arcade downtown (thank God for Rascal House and old school) and I'm gonna keep trying until I get to 1. It's a long way there, but hey, I got awhile.
I really wanna play this game, if nothing else, just to prove that I can. I love hard games and Ikaruga sounds right for me!

I hope I get it, but not bloody likely, oh well!
I know absolutely nothing about the game but working at a japanese restraunt as a sushi chef, I do love sake! MMMMMMM So gimme the prize anyway. Booyaaah!
Ikaruga is a game that all of my friends associate with me. I'm evangelical about Ikaruga's greatness. I pre-ordered the dreamcast version from ncsx, bought the domestic gamecube release on it's release date, and also bought the Ikaruga Appreciate DVD. All in all, I've spent over $150 on this game. I don't mind in the least, as it is my favorite game of all time.

I can get to chapter 5 on one credit. My high score is 7.2 million (which is impressive or pathetic depending on your perspective, since the best players get 36 million). I've put roughly 80 hours into the game.

If I were to win, the gamecube game itself could be distributed to a second-prize winner, as I have no need of another copy of the game. I just really want the sake set and poster!
I'm most deserving of this prize package because I'm a big cheap ass gamer. I buy used games, use coupons, and Greatest Hits games to save money on games. I browse almost daily to look for good deals on games. I like to drink sake and the sake sets come in handy while playing Ikaruga.
Well I once open mouth kissed a horse, everyone tells me that's pretty hardcore, usually right before they stop being my friend. Doesn't really relate to Ikaruga but if I did win I would finally be able to get that coveted ...second game for my GC.
im so cheap i wouln't buy a game cube if i saw it for $30 let alone any games. all i'd do with this game is sell it to my friend and use the money for a cheap game.
if thats not cheap tell me what is.
now excuse me i need to go shop lift some more.
I deserve this game for a few different reasons.

1. I am a game programmer and in my final project for college my 4 friends and I worked on a 3d side-scrolling/top-scrolling shooter. We love to see old school games brought onto the new generation of consoles.

2. I havn't seen this game before and would like to try it out.

3. I support any 3rd party developers that release for Gamecube which in my opinion is the best console (NINTENDO forever!)

4. This is my first post ever on this site even though I've used it alot. A true example of cheap assidness I only talk when I can get something for free.

I don't know if I am one of the most deserving of not, but I'd like to share this quick story with you. My wife tolerates my gaming hobby, to a great extent. But one day when I came home with a new tv set solely to play one game, she started to pull the leash on me. What I had done was buy a cheap-o tv from Wal-Mart to set the tv on its side so that I could play Ikaruga in its fullest of glories. I knew that the tv would slowly ruin itself away by having it on its side, but throwing caution to the wind....Ikaruga is worth it, and to be frank, the tv wasn't that expensive....but a cost nonetheless. I don't know if I am the most deserving, but I could really use the prize as it would help to soften the blow. We both love Japanese food and sake, and she would come to realize the extra tv was worthwhile.
bread's done