CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Holy shit, I'm moving to Tokyo in three weeks!
There's no way I can bring all my stuff with me, so one lucky CAG is going to win 30+ games and a bunch of shwag (E3, TGS, etc.).

Simply post in this thread for a chance to win.
You must post something about Japan, winning my games, or what you would like to see me do (for your amusement) once I am living in Tokyo.

You may post as often as you wish, but that WILL NOT increase your chance of winning. One account/entry per person. You must be over 18 (or have your parents permission upon winning to receive M rated games) and in the continental US to be eligible to win. Winner will be chosen at random. Contest ends on or about 10/24/05.

Why am I moving to Japan?
Mrs. CheapyD got a great job and it requires us to move to Tokyo. Its basically an offer we can't refuse. I will still be able to run CAG from Japan and now I will be able to work on CAG full time. You can also likely expect new additions/features and possibly a new CAG sister website as I become Your Man In Japan.
Fear not! The focus of CAG will always be cheap video games.

Partial list of stuff (thanks thorbahn3)

GTA: San Andreas (hot coffee version)
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
NBA Street 3
Area 51
Burnout 3
Brute Force
Deus Ex: Invisible War (sealed)
Rocky Legends
Ninja Gaiden
Splinter Cell:pT
OXM demo disc (battlefield)
Conker demo disc
Fable (bonus disc)

Timespitters 2
Socom 2
Spider-Man 2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
State of Emergency
Onimusha 3
Rachet & Clank 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Madden 04
Tiger Woods 04
Winning Eleven 7
Champions: Return to Arms
Karaoke Revolution
NHL Hitz Pro
Simpsons Hit & Run
Twisted Metal: Black
MGS: 2 document
Shadow of the Colussus demo
Genji demo
Microcon controller

Waverace (disc only)
Mario Party 5 (disc only)

Castlevania: SOTN (sealed)

Shwag, etc...
CAG t-shirt
CheapyD's Winning Eleven jersey worn on Cold Pizza
CAG business card sized flyers
Metal Gear Solid booklet (TGS 2005)
Xbox 360 brouchure (TGS 2005)
Atari demo disc (TGS 2005)
God of War poster (E3 2005)
Assorted Nintendo buttons (E3 2005)
When I was 12 or so, a friend of my parents went to Japan on business. This friend brought me back a sumo wrestling magazine and a box of milk chocolate condoms. You might think this story has some kind of Mrs. Robinson innuendos, but it doesn't. Said friend was and is a lesbian, and I was and am confused as to why my first ever condoms had to come from a lesbian business woman who bought them in a superstore in Japan.

So far as features are concerned, I can't get enough information on beer vending machines. There you are.
Man, I've been wanting to go to Japan for some time now. Good luck and make sure to bask in the sexual glow that makes up Akihabara. Enjoy the people, enjoy the food, and most of all, enjoy the toilets.
CheapyD Gaijin da!! Watch out for that fugu fish. Better be safe and stick to a McDonalds diet.
Keep us updated on those strange Japanese arcade games.
I couldn't imagine Tokyo being anything less then pure fun. You're surrounded by technology and all of these great toys! Toys!!!! Games!! Everywhere!!!
I want to see Cheapy in the middle of a bukakke LAN party. Nuff said. I mean...they do it all the time..and you can't go anywhere without seeing
i went to a japan once whe i was like 13-14..........watched a TV and it was showing some kind of fake world guinness records, with biggest boobs and longest penis. guys were twisting their penis left and right, and then made a knot out of it. on a street there was a fake gigantic boobs hanging outside the store for sale.

freaky experience for my age.......hopefully i was imagining things
I would like for you to develop a three pack-a-day habit of this candy --

Visit the Tokyo National Museum or something else educational. You're going to immersed in the pop culture and enjoying all the video games, anime, manga, etc., but you should also remember that Japan has a long and illustrious history. Have fun while you're there, but learn something while you are at it.
Here's hoping you don't start posting in Japanese on CAG. I'd provide a safe home for your games. I bet you're moving just to get a blue Xbox and Kasumi love pillow.
Awesome contest. As for what to do in Japan, you must visit Togue Mountain. Also, buy some used panties from one of those vending machine. 'Tis a weird country.
I'd like to see CheapyD find deals for CAS (Sushi) oh and local deals might be nice if they ship to other countries. :)

Congrats on the move and the cool job for the Mrs. whatever it may be (hopefully something she enjoys!).
Man I would love to not have to pay for some games, i'm broke ass enough as is. As far as Tokyo, i'de be supprised if you didn't do somthing outlandish by our standards wether someone asked you to or not.
Video tours of conventions and dev companies? Interviews with gaming gurus? A gaming-specific Japaholic export business similar to J-List?

The possibilities are endless. Good luck! :)
When you get to japan I think you should slap one of those otaku dressed as a female anime character. Those poor dudes dress up as anime chics and feel themselves up lol.
Cheapy, you should make a CAG animated show ... you know, one of those kinds that has really terrible animation and no plot, and it shows flashing lights and makes you have epileptic seizures.

And then you should make a flash version and let all of us see it.
wow good luck going to tokyo. hope you enjoy all the japanese games and eye candies over there. dont forget to keep updating this site while you are there and thanks for a chance to win your games!
I would like to see CheapyD take care of himself and have great success when he is in Japan. You do a great job with CAG and I wish you nothing but luck in Japan!
Well let's see. Feel free to take these as stuff to do or stuff to show us cause I sure as heck want those games!

- Visit the Ginza
- Sumo wrestling at the Budokan
- Baseball/Prowrestling/MMA at the Tokyo Dome
- The Miyazaki Museum
- Akihabara!
- Tokyo Disney
- Sleep in a Capsule Hotel
- Bathhouse
- Hot Springs
- Find the Bronze Godzilla statue that was erected in 1995 when "Godzilla vs Destroyah" was released. (Never found this online I know it exists)
- Comike in the summer and in the winter
Holy crap! That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

*Count me in*

For Cheapy's activities in Japan, I'd like to see a Cheapy's perspective of Akihabra, and perhaps the posting of some good deals from within the heart of Japan!

Wouldn't it be nice of all CAG's were knee deep in not only thier own US-released cheap games, but cheap games from abroad as well.

Good luck man, and have fun.
Can't wait to see the new/updated site!
I have only been to Japan one time but it was a great trip. I would love to go back some day. I just hope I don't see you all dress up in one of those giant Sonic the Hedgehog outfits macking on all the ladies at Videogame conventions. Good luck with your venture.
Ah geez, it would be amazing to win your games. i would make love to them every night.

i just got a ps2 and dont have any games. horray!

Good luck with all the ladies in japan cheapyd.
Good Luck in Tokyo!! Hope you have your chopsticks ready to go (but remember, don't rub them together, you may start a fire) And, don't scream "Godzilla" they don't find that very funny.
just some advice:

don't be a menace to south central tokyo while drinking your sake in the hood

thanks for the contest, cheapy!
CheapyD - all your coworkers here are jealous you get to quit your day job. Make room in that tiny appt. cuz we're coming to visit.I think you should search out the highest-tech toilet you can find and send me a photo.
You should wear a Godzilla suit and terrorize game stores, with lots of pictures. Find someone to wear an Ultraman suit and fight in the stores knocking stuff over a la jackass! lol

And send me some games! I could always use more!
First I find out from a CAGcast you'd kill me for a Robocop game and now I find out from Joystiq you're moving to Japan (and having a contest to celebrate) !

Is this any way to treat a mother? Keep your crummy games %$#!
When in Japan here is the strategy.....stand outside of Satoru Iwata house with a picket sign that says, "We want cookies."
[quote name='CheapyMom']First I find out from a CAGcast you'd kill me for a Robocop game and now I find out from Joystiq you're moving to Japan (and having a contest to celebrate) !

Is this any way to treat a mother? Keep your crummy games %$#![/QUOTE]

CheapyMom is awesome!
Man I keep telling myself that if I ever get rich after college or win the lottery I want to go on a trip to Japan. I really hope you enjoy your time there, Cheapy...I vow to do my part. Let me hold onto those games of yours ...I know the stress of having them is one stress you dont need right before a big move ;)
Japan didn't have nearly as many toy stores and game stores as i imagined. I was kind of disapointed or maybe i was looking in the wrong places. I went to the 6 story tall toy store.

You should try not sticking out among japanese people. *imagines a tall, bald, caucasian man among a crowd of japanese people*

I'd like to see your sister site focus on hooking US gamers up with Cheap-ass imports!

I'm tired of being raped by Play-Asia and their ilk.

Make it Happen
Everything is so expensive in Japan that it should be called Anti-Cheapass economy. But you can score some nice stuff there.. I come there once in a while :) working for an airline has its perks..
Man--CheapyD is the best. He could be trying to hock this stuff for cash--but no, he gives back. Asofrigginlutely amazing!! I hope I win too--because I don't have a PS2 or Xbox--and this would make me get them *grin*

Congrats on the big move!!! I've started seriously dating a guy that works for Toshiba and he goes to Tokyo every few months. We're talking about having me join him this December. That would be HUGE to me--as I've never been anywhere but the US and Canada.

What would I like you to do once there?

1) Show off some of the cool Japanese only exclusives you've picked up (and help find us some cool DS games that we don't need to know Japanese to play)

2) Take a picture of yourself at Tokyo Disneyland wearing a CAG shirt!

Thanks CheapyD!!!
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