CONTEST: Win free games from Large Animal and CheapAssGamer


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations to pimp tyranny, winner of the Large Animal contest!

Has your stocking been stuffed with ultra-lame gifts? This year
CheapAssGamer and Large Animal Games want to make it different.

Post here, telling us about your worst gift ever, and the winner will have their stocking overstuffed with four fantastic games from Large Animal.

Remember, you can only enter once, especially since Santa is watching.Contest ends on December 8, which also happens to be the first night of Chanukah.

The winner will be picked (at random) shortly thereafter, and the prize will
be delivered to the winner with the speed of eight reindeer, electronically
that is.

These guys are based in NYC and I've had the opportunity to check out their office (and their games, of course).
Good bunch of guys...check out their stuff!
[quote name='Oberman']^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Just posted and wow, we got stuck in the same boat. and we posted it at the same time too, lol

maybe not the worst present ever but definately the most embarrasing
My dad, and he's serious. Got me a box of condoms for christmas since my 18th birthday was only a month before. What he didnt realize is that our entire family showed up late christmas eve and I had to open it infront of all of them.[/quote]


I love reading these, love it!!!

Now how did the parents know what size you are? lol
The same thing I got every year from my grandmother: a box of giant "granny panties" and socks. Come on! :shock:
My girl friend gived me those boob pillow from japan, and then broke up with me.
I spent that chrismas playing FFX-2 by myself X_X
P.S the boob pillow is for sale.
When I were around 7-9 I liked raemen noodles, so one birthday I find this big box from my aunt. I open it up and find it filled with tons of raemen noddle packets.
A couple of years ago my parents gave me the worst gift ever at least in my opinion. I always wanted a dog, since I was lil that was the thing I wanted the most and never got one. So a couple years ago my parents started talkin about gettin me something alive. I got all excited. Though they never said a dog, thats what I though of. So they were tellin me before hand that you have to be more responsible with live animals and it will be expensive for up keep. So there is a box with holes in it and moving and I get all excited and I open it up and......its a freakin Furbie. My parents got me a furbie instead of a dog. They thought it would be cute for me to have one. I was so pissed off at this dumb Gizmo knockoff, that its still in the box in my closet backhome.
What I would call the worst gift I ever got wasn't really a bad gift per se, cuz it turned out to be really usefull in college, but I made something of an ass out of myself when I got it. The thing is, my Grandma always got me stuff, but took it out of its box and put it in a different box (ie, socks, money, and candy in an alarm clock box, next year I got that alarm clock in a box for a glass vase, etc.) So, one year, she got me a miniatrue crockpot, to heat up soup and such, and so I was like, oh wow, a crockpot, just what I always wanted (sarcastically, cuz I thought it was a joke), and when I openned it, that's what it was. I was like, "oh, that's cool, it really is one" and everyone laughed, but my Grandma was kinda embarrassed, and I definitely was. So, long story short, good gift, bad situation around it. (Go ahead and send the 4 games in a strange box if I win)
I once got a monogramed handbag from an elderly woman, and as I'm a heterosexual wallet-wielding male, I didn't have much use for it. It was too small to use as luggage, yet too big to pack a lunch in.
The worst gift I ever got was a box of Oranges I got from my grandfather. It would have been a great gift had the oranges not arrived encased in mold. I swear my house smelled like rotten fruit for a month.
I got coal one year. Well, actually it was charcoal, but thats close enough. My mom thought it would be funny to put coal in a box and wrap it up. I looked at it and said, "Wheres my Playstation." Then she gave that to me.
I would probably go with the ESPN sweater someone got me. The one you get for FREE when you sign up for a year of Sports Illustrated.

Another would probably be from last year, a cousin got me this big ugly vase thing. I opened it, and everyone went speachless, and finally someone said "that's uh.....nice". Luckily it came with the receipt inside of it.
The worst gift I have ever gotten was for chrismas a couple years back when I was 12. In my stocking I found a potato peeler. A POTATO PEELER!!! :? What kind of gift to a 12 year old is that? Just another way for my parents to get what they want at my expense. :cry:
The worst gift I ever got was a $25 gift certificate to Wendy's... And I had to use it in one sitting which sucked.
My mother once let my step-father convince her that children shouldn't get what they want for Christmas. Instead, they should get what you believe they need. My present? A winter know the kind that you wear when you're four years old. The most messed up part is that I had already been given that as a gift from another family member the previous year. I thought it was a gag, but that was really my gift. Sometimes Christmas blows.
When I was about 10 I got chicken pox for Christmas! The whole family came to all house for dinner and I had to be kept in quarintine so I didnt give it to all my cousins!
the worst gift i have ever received would have to be when i was 7 years old, for christmas my aunt (who lives in canada) sent me a shaving kit... what could a 7 year old possibly shave?

ummm i once got a broken airplane from my uncle (when i was like 5 or something) he said he'd reimburse me but he still hasnt!
My mother enjoys buying office products in bulk and using them as presents for my sister and I. I appreciate the gesture but I can only use so many Post-It notes and glue sticks in one year. Seven years now she's been doing this and I'm looking for cheap kiddie pools to fill with glue sticks and go swimming.

Sorry mom :(
Every year for the past 10 years or so, my grandparents have gotten me these robot action figures from the dollar tree.... they even leave the price tag on.... i guess to show their appreciation of me lol.
i got a pencil for christmas one year. what kind of parent gives their child a pencil for christmas? guess how embarrassed i was when my friends were telling me all the cool things they got and asked me what i got that included the pencil.
The worst gift I have ever gotten was some cheap crap that you know came from some dumpster (literally) like plastic watches that break after a minute...

The worst I have ever felt after getting a gift though was when I kept asking for THPS2 for n64 and my mom got me THPS, which I already had... traded it in and got Lunar 2 for ps1 tho :)
worst gift i every got was a fleece sweater that was two sizes too small, and a pair of gloves which were also too small...what can i say, i have big hands
the worst I ever recieved was a card saying my gf at the time wanted no more of me, got this on a christmas morning. She was the one was hopeing to marry. Talk about a way to ruin your day
I think the worst gift i ever recieved was a speech by a doctor explaining that I wasn't going to live to see the next christmas =/

my family was gone out shopping for the day [had to get away from the hospital] and the doctor came in and sat down with my chart in his hand...he looked up and told me "I'm sorry but you will be lucky to see your birthday [in june] much less christmas...there's not much we can do" Gotta love lymphademia and celulitis....

that was over a year ago..still, that was the worst gift =/
The worst gift, here it is...My family was having the annual Christmas party at our house, and everyone of our family members, friends, and people we knew over. We were having a good time, then the time to open presents came. We do this thing, where we open presents one at a time, thus having pic ops. I open mine, and I see what it is, and I don't want to show aunt gave me underwear....not boxers..whitey tidies...and now, everyone laughs while I hold my new underwear.....its sad
The worst gift I ever got was for Christmas when I was 5 years old. My aunt and uncle always got gifts for their nieces and nephews, but didn't put much thought into what they were giving. That year, they gave me a belt buckle that was about 3" wide and 2" high. The craptastic part was that it was shaped like a pull tab from a beer can.
**For those of you younger ones out there, beer cans used to have a pull tab that you used to open the can. It looked like today's cans, but instead of flipping up the tab and pressing open the hole, you pulled the tab off and it ripped a hole in the top of the can**
Why in the hell would you give a 5 year old something that has to do with beer? Oh wait, I know why. It was a setup for 2 years later when they gave me a Marlboro one. Worst gifters ever!
i would have to say my mom thought i liked rap and got me the Puff Daddy and the family cd. Now you might say thats not that bad because you could return it. Well lowe and behold there was no reciept. I sold it to one of my friends for like 5$ but we were like 12 so his mom heard and made me trade back. So its sitting in my cd collection and everytime a friend comes over he ask me about it.
the worst gift I ever got was when I was 13 and got my wisdom teeth out, I got a pillow. It was one of those pillows that prop’s your head up. I wasn't in the mood to watch tv anyway

at least I got something :)
My uncle gives me these crappy christmas tree ordermints every DAMN year. What the hell am I suppose to do with that? Well if it wasn't for him, our tree would still be sporting decorations from the 70s :shock:
The worst gift I ever received was from my aunt. She's a very nice person, but she sadly believes that video games are a waste of time, and refuses to buy them as gifts (not a money issue, strictly a personal opinion.) She always tries to get me gifts that are practical – usually clothes, but it varies. Boy, does it vary!

About 10 years ago, the gift she purchased for me (which I am strongly convinced will never lose its' status as Worst Gift Ever, not even if I live to be 150) was a home paper recycling kit. Look, I have nothing against recycling – far from it. However, it didn't take more than one look at the instructions on the back of the box to realize that this... monstrosity was easily going to do more harm to the planet than good.

Nevertheless, my mom (sister to my aunt) decided we had to try it out, so we did. Basically, it included a pan about the width and length of a letter size piece of paper, about 4" deep, and a strainer tray that fit across the top of it. Everything else you had to supply. So you would take some old paper you didn't want anymore, mix it with water, and put it in a blender. Turn on the blender, and it makes pulp. The pulp is then poured/spread into the pan/strainer tray, and it goes into the oven at about 450 degrees... for four hours!

When all is complete, you have:

(1) blenderful of dirty, nasty-looking pulp
(1) dirty blender, which must now be washed so that someday, maybe, you can use it to prepare food in again
(1) sheet of recycled paper, which is such a dark gray that a #2 pencil barely shows up on it
(1) very dirty pan and strainer tray, which must be thoroughly cleaned before using them again, making your blender unusable for this period of time as well
(1) very large, expensive electrical bill
(1) very heavy trash bag, if you have the common sense to throw out the rest of the pulp

We never did make a second sheet of "paper", but my mom couldn't bear to just get rid of the kit. It was only rediscovered at the bottom of a pile of other junk about two months ago, when she finally did the right thing – she threw the damn thing out.
My aunt went to the bread store and purchased an out of date clearanced candy "Pecan log" ( the little cheap ones ya buy for 50 cents), wrapped it up and Merry Christmas to me!

I know when your 12 ya like candy but thants pushin it /grin.
Probably the worst gifts i have gotten was lotion, soap and a cookbook when i was freaking 7 years old and the worst thing about it is that the person that gave it to me is a milliionare. It was my grandpas foster mom . It was my worst gifts ever.
a long time ago my aunt gave me a football. the thing was that she had just wrapped it up without a box and gave it to me 2 weeks before christmass. If was funny because I would pass the wrapped football back and forth with my brother.

not really a bad present but a funny one
The worst gift I ever got has to be from my Grandma. I love her to death, but one year she got me black dress socks. I said thanks, looked at them and noticed they're for shoe size 8-10. #-o I'm a size 15 shoe. I guess it's my fault for having such a big ass foot.
The worst gift I ever got was one for my Bar Mitzvah. I don't even know who gave it to me but it was just awful. Someone gave me a toy truck that is for 3 year olds. Literally, it says on the box, for children 3-5 years old. Not even one of those nice remote controlled trucks but instead one of those crappy "playskool, learning is fun!" trucks. I was so mad that someone would think it is ok to give it as a gift. Then I took it to TRU to exchange it for credit and you know much credit I got for it? 7 dollars.... 7 freakin' bucks.... considering it cost my parents like 100 bucks a person at my party you'd think I'd be a little upset yeah? :evil:
The worst gift I ever received was for my 30th birthday. One of my best friends who I've known for 20 years was invited to my surprise 30th birthday party thrown by my girlfriend at the time(now my wife). She planned this exquisit dinner for months and invited only a select few close friends. When it came time to open my gifts, I recieved a couple of gift certificates and cash, but my so-called real good friend gave me a note with the words "I OWE YOU" on it. Needless to say, that was over 7 years ago and I never did recieve anything from him. That doesn't bother me as much as when my wife recalls the scene even till this day and tells how my great friend(who is also loaded) gave me this I.O.U. gift.
My grandmother gave me a Cloth duck that held plastic bags. So useless, but to "stuff" the duck, you had to put them up the ducks ass.
bread's done