Could the PS2 be the greatest console ever?


18 (100%)
I realize this is a very subjective, general question. I also realize this will make Microsoft, Sega, or Nintendo fans go up in arms.

But the more and more I look at my growing library of Playstation 2 games as well as the games I don't even have yet, the more I begin to see it overtake what I used to think was the greatest console ever, the NES. In fact, I see that the PS2 and NES have a lot of similarities.

The sheer number of games released are staggering. The variety of gaming genres represented is amazing. The amount of quality games released is also stunning. The PS2 also contains most of the niche genres, like shoot-em-ups and rhythm games. Import games are also well-represented, as the PS2 is basically the console to have for those interested in shoot-em-ups and fighting games.

I also see the PS2 as the console that sparked interest from casual gamers. Similar to what the NES had with Super Mario Brothers, the PS2 had Grand Theft Auto 3.

I also look at the controller. Few see the PS2 controller as heavily flawed. While my personal favorite is the Saturn pad, the PS2 controller has to be my second favorite.

What do you guys think? Could the PS2 be the greatest console ever? Possibly better than the NES?
Definitely better than NES..., but I didnt grow up with that. For me it's between the SNES, N64, and PS2. SNES or PS2 probably since N64 didn't have that many games...but at the time it was enough for me. Can't really decide...I still don't know what I'd pick if someone offered me a full collection of SNES or PS2 games, I'd probably pick PS2 though I guess...\

Actually, considering the PS2 can play PS1 games too, if I could have one system (excluding the new ones out there) I'd pick the PS2 right ya I'd say it's the best ever xD
I think the PS2 would have a better chance in my mind if it wasn't such a piece of crap machine. By that I mean they break pretty damn easily. I personally prefer the NES but I'm biased because I love old school games. I will admit that the PS2 has a lot of excellent games though.
PS2 has the greatest library in history, literally.

I include PS1 titles in that statement.

it's a shoddy piece of garbage hardware-wise, but the software is what counts.
SNES still has the highest amount of classic games on it. The PS2 has only a few games that I'll really remember ten years from now. Also, PS2 games will show their age as badly as PS1/N64/Saturn games.
I'd say PlayStation2 has the best library, but I'd be wary of saying the console is the greatest ever because of its shoddy construction and because I much prefer the Type-S or Wavebird to the Dual Shock. The reason why PS2 had such a great library was an extension of the PS1's library and popularity. The PS2 was the gaming industry's first self-fulfilling prophecy, as far as I know.

Also, GTA3 didn't bring in casual gamers - it brought in every hardcore gamer that preferred GC or Xbox. There are a few games that pull in non-gamers - notably DDR and Guitar Hero - but I don't know that the gaming world expanded tremendously because of the PS2, unlike with the NES.
In the PS2s defense, the PS2 slim is fairly reliable. But I guess since the majority of people own the old style PS2, it might be a legitimate argument.

But for the purposes of this argument, I guess I'd rather keep the console itself out of it, and just focus on the controller and games.
I think SNES fits that topic sentence better.

I loved my PS2, but I'd gladly have a SNES and probably even an NES before I chose the PS2 as greatest console ever.
The PS2's library is truly amazing in its size, but for a lot of it I feel that it's quantity over quality.

The PS2 benefits from being the machine this past generation. If a game was going to be cross-platform, it was likely going to be designed for the lowest common denominator (the PS2) and then ported to the others, so some games don't "feel" right on the GC or Xbox, because they weren't designed with those system in mind all the time.

The PS2's install base also allowed it not only to have quite a few exclusives (at least timed exclusives), as well as every cross-platform game ever. Own an Xbox and what the Resident Evil 4? Too bad. Own a Gamecube and what Burnout 3? Sorry. But own a PS2 and you get just about everything 3rd-party-wise.

That being said, if the 3rd parties did a decent job, generally the Xbox and/or GC versions of cross-platform games were just better. (Shorter loading times, cleaner graphics, and most importantly, better frame rates.) So if you had a choice, you'd probably not opt for the PS2 versions of games, but if all you had was a PS2 at least you got to play them!

In the end, I think the greatness of a system is determined not by the size of its library or even the greatness of the games in its library, but the game experiences only contained on that system. For my gaming tastes, the PS2 offers very little that I couldn't get elsewhere (Katamari and Shadow of the Colossus not withstanding). So, no, I myself would not call it the greatest console ever. But, I think it's a pretty objective observation to call it the most successful console ever, given the quality competition it had from Sega, Microsoft, and Nintendo during its life.
[quote name='Rozz']The Xbox was superior in the same generation, so... no.[/QUOTE]
Superior in what way? (besides hardware-wise)
[quote name='daroga']The PS2's library is truly amazing in its size, but for a lot of it I feel that it's quantity over quality.

The PS2 benefits from being the machine this past generation. If a game was going to be cross-platform, it was likely going to be designed for the lowest common denominator (the PS2) and then ported to the others, so some games don't "feel" right on the GC or Xbox, because they weren't designed with those system in mind all the time.

True for EA games, but for something like beyond good and evil or Psychonauts, the PS2 version is the worst. The loading time is also longer compare to xbox or gamecube.
[quote name='62t']True for EA games, but for something like beyond good and evil or Psychonauts, the PS2 version is the worst. The loading time is also longer compare to xbox or gamecube.[/quote]Did you read the sentence after what you quoted? ;)
So, for all you people who say it's not even close, then what do YOU think is the greatest? The SNES? Talk about quantity over quality, the SNES had some of the absolute worst games ever (Home Improvement, anyone)? I remember renting games back in the day, and the Genesis games would be on 2 racks, while the SNES games would be on 5 racks, with 4.5 of those racks filled with absolute garbage games. To say it's not even close, as if the PS2 isn't even in the top 3 or 5, is ridiculous.
[quote name='The Crotch']I'd rank the SNES and PS1 over the PS2. I'm obviously not including the PS1's games in with the PS2. If I did, I would have to include a good chunk of NES/SNES/Genesis/TG/N64 games with the Wii.

Not exactly... the wii isn't backwards compatible with nes/snes/ etc.. games. you have to buy them again. I think it's completely reasonable to include the ps1 library when you are judging the ps2 as a console, because you can put the ps1 games in the ps2 and play them, i can't find the nes cartridge slot on my wii though...
The PS1 might actually be a greater console than the PS2, it created the market share that made the PS2 a success while it's use of CDs over carts allowed for cinematic sequences, greatly increased game size and decreased production costs. Even a number of PS2 games resemble PS1 games with slightly improved graphics.
the super nintendo was hands down the best system ever. It had final fantasy 2 and 3, chrono trigger, super metroid, super mario allstars + world(improved graphics), and many many masterpieces. It isnt just a good system for its time, it is still a good system. This is assuming you like 2d better than 3d. and that you like side scrolling adventure games and rpgs.

I guess you could make an arguement that the NES was a bigger leap forwards from the atari 2600 than the jump from nes to snes and genny, but that isnt really saying much. Granted, mario 123, zelda 1 and 2, baseball stars, tecmo bowl, kid icarus, metroid, dragon warrior 1234, castlevania 123 are all timeless and will never be outdated. that library is leaps and bounds ahead of the atari's pacman, pitfall, pole position and yars revenge. Those were all OK, considering what came next, they dont really hold a candle.

I guess you can make a case for the ps1/genny/ps2 and xbox, but none of those were all THAT great for me. If you like 3d better than 2d, and in particular like fps games then those are probably for you.
[quote name='zionoverfire']The PS1 might actually be a greater console than the PS2, it created the market share that made the PS2 a success while it's use of CDs over carts allowed for cinematic sequences, greatly increased game size and decreased production costs. Even a number of PS2 games resemble PS1 games with slightly improved graphics.[/QUOTE]

this is a solid point about production costs. It seemed like the nes and snes games NEVER got price drops. The carts cost so much to make, they simply never dropped the prices. The ps1 brought us greatest hits, which should be cheapasses best friend.
Thats certainly a valid point, but theres more to price drops than that, since Gamecube games tend to maintain their value better/drop slower than PS2 games.

Over-printing and the game being plain shit can also drop the prices quick.
[quote name='The Crotch']What? You mean I actually have to buy the games to play them on the Wii? Well, I'll be... I never had to pay for my PS1 games!

Potentially offensive sarcasm* aside, I fail to see how that makes any difference.

*I just can't help myself sometimes. My fingers have minds of their own.[/QUOTE]
You don't see the difference because you don't want to. If you count the virtual console games you might as well count the XBLA games or the games on the Playstation Store.
Well I have always been a pc gamer, with the expection of a DC, and a GC. I bought an xbox last year and recently picked up a ps2. I could have bought a 360 but the ps2 library is so large and hopefully it keeps going. How long will sony continue to support it with new games? Anyone know?
Some people are crazy. It might not be the greatest system ever, but the PS2 has to be in the top 3.

Especially crazy are the people that said the XBox and Dreamcast are better.
[quote name='kube00']Well I have always been a pc gamer, with the expection of a DC, and a GC. I bought an xbox last year and recently picked up a ps2. I could have bought a 360 but the ps2 library is so large and hopefully it keeps going. How long will sony continue to support it with new games? Anyone know?[/QUOTE]

itll fizzle out after this holday season, then the only releases youll be seeing will be really shitty games from no name companies and madden. big studios will be developing for next gen systems 100% by 2008.
I agree w/ the topic, and further more I agree based solely on the strength of the PS2's library, not factoring in PSOne bc.

My first console was an Atari 2600, and I grew up as the industry did. I had a SNES (which seems to be the top choice for those not picking PS2) and while it had some great games, it didn't have NEARLY as many as the PS2. And the PS2 was "quantity over quality"? Please. Who is denying the quality of the R&C series, the Sly series, FFX/FFXII, DQ8, the Shadow Hearts series, the DMC series, God of War, Guitar Hero, Amplitude, Frequency, Klonoa 2, Okami, the Onimusha series, the Dark Cloud series, Suikoden V, SMT: Nocturne, etc., etc., etc. I could go on & on.

Someone earlier mentioned that PS2 games will age badly, and I disagree with this as well. PSOne games, sure - if it isn't an RPG, for the most part, it's REALLY hard for me to go back & play games on that system. But even after playing a good amount of 360/PS3 titles, I still have absolutely no problem going back & playing PS2 games. Matter of fact, I'm still using my PS2 more than anything else right now.

Dreamcast I could say is probably the greatest "failed" console, but the amount of games from its library that were ported to other systems (many to the PS2) really hurt it in the long run. Outside of fighters, there aren't many games left that can't be played somewhere else (Shenmue, JSR & Samba come to mind as some of the remaining greats). It did get the superior versions of some games such as Soul Reaver & Shadow Man, so that helps as well. It's a shame the system died before its time.
I still think the PS1 is the greatest. The PS2 may have the greatest variety, but there are some PS1 games that haven't been matched on PS2 (especially Xenogears, FFVII, and FFIX). Despite being a huge PS2 fan, I was disappointed in the console itself because it didn't seem to be all that big of a jump from PS1 (only adding a DVD player and adding some new functions to controller. I feel the jump from PS2 to PS3 is excellent). PS2 is definitely the 2nd best to me.
[quote name='willardhaven']PS2 has the greatest library in history, literally.

I include PS1 titles in that statement.

it's a shoddy piece of garbage hardware-wise, but the software is what counts.[/QUOTE]If I did that, the PS3 would be the greatest.

I don't think the PS2 was shoddy at all. I played mine for over 1400 days in a row and never had a single problem. I personally know more with a broken Xbox or 360 (which I also had problems with) than PS2.
For me its either PS2 or SNES. SNES was my first system and I loved it. I was just a kid so it was amazing to me. It still holds up too.

I don't care which system is more powerful. For me its the games, and PS2 had A LOT that I really liked. I can't see how XBOX even comes close to PS2.

I can't comment on NES because it wasn't my generation and I tried playing those games and I really wasn't into them.
Greatest Console Ever?, takeing away most personal feelings for any console. Depends on how you mean, Library wise PS2 has a massive library and stores have massive selection of used games. But alot of the games on PS2 are collectivelly considered crap, yes their are diamonds in teh rough that are "cult" hits, but look at all the junk out there, reminds of the Atari 2600 days, when the local drug store had clearance for like 25 cent games me and my dad went through and got so many carts, but so many games were garbage. I think back and I am sorta Disappointed in Sony, PS1 I really only played Tombraiders, Tekkens, driver, Marvel comics fighting game and seems like crash bandicot, other consoles had alot more games I played and cared for alot beside Xbox 1 i only cared for 1 exclusive on it, Ninja Gaiden and DOA fighter was ok.

For me the PS2 has only 2 games I cann't get anywhere else right now, that I really care for, God of War and Guitar Hero and if God of War 2 wasn't coming out I would sell my PS2 tommorrow to go towards a Xbox360 or more Wii games.

Now if you want to say hardware or graphics etc , say what you will, out of last gen I did prefer the PS2 constroller for Football/Baseball/Golf type sports games, but raceing games I need a trigger for absolute brake and gas control, Gran Tourismo kills me because the button seems at best so either no/half or full gas and brake. Fighting Games all 3 consoles were fine. Graphics, I personally feel the Gamecube and Xbox has PS2 beat hands down, God of war was teh only game that really had a smooth no blocky feel to me on PS2. So many ps2 games made the last part of its life still look like the Launch title graphics of Tekken Tag only moved faster.
Why would you not factor in BC? It's part of the console and part of what makes it great.

If I were stuck on a desert island and could have one console and it's entire library (including BC games since they are technically part of it's library), I'd take the PS2, no question about it.
Greatest system was the SNES IMO. I quit playing platformers when they moved 3d (exempting a few like Maximo). SNES is the RPG heaven for me, with 2D platformers I would still play, and a handful of other great stuff.
I do think the PS2 is the best system. I just have to glance at my collection and it's clear why I have far more PS2 games than games for any other system... it's just... better.
It has a huge library.

For games ported on multiple systems only one or two were better on the ps2, so most multi-platform games I have purchased for the xBox or Cube (depending on which had the superior port). Very few of the exclusives were either something I wanted (I'm not an rpg fan, so there goes a massive block) or were actually good (ie, Getaway). Socom, Ico, Ratchet, a few lines were good and/or fun.

Hardware wise, it was the weakest of its generation. And from day one of the PlayStation (which I DID like as a console), I was never a fan of the controller, so it would take a lot of lying for me to say the ps2 was the greatest console.

[quote name='Apossum']Why would you not factor in BC? It's part of the console and part of what makes it great. [/quote]Eh. I kept my PSX after seeing the PS2 run the PSX games.
[quote name='Apossum']Why would you not factor in BC? It's part of the console and part of what makes it great.

If I were stuck on a desert island and could have one console and it's entire library (including BC games since they are technically part of it's library), I'd take the PS2, no question about it.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with you here. Part of the console's greatness was its backwards compatibility. But even if you don't factor that in, its massive PS2 library still makes it great.

But if you compare it to the dreamcast as being next-gen (for its time), then it can't be touched. Dreamcast, in my opinion, was the greatest next-gen console (online play out of the box, fishing rod/motion controllers, graphics, etc.)

My top 5 would look like this:

1. Dreamcast
2. PSX/PSone
3a. SNES (very close)
3b. PS2 (very close)
5. NES
[quote name='The Crotch']Why not pick the PS3, then? As Mana Knight pointed out (and believe me, I'm having a lot of trouble using something posted by Mana Knight to back up my argument), it includes both PS1 games and PS2.[/quote]I think inheirent in the question is "value." I could be wrong, and don't want to put words into the OP's mouth, but for me, if there's a system that has the most fun games in the world, but would cost me $13,000, then I couldn't say it was the greatest console ever. The PS2 wins bang-for-the-buck vs. the PS3 at this point. But, that's just how my logic goes, I can understand other thinking regardless of cost.
[quote name='The Crotch']Why not pick the PS3, then? As Mana Knight pointed out (and believe me, I'm having a lot of trouble using something posted by Mana Knight to back up my argument), it includes both PS1 games and PS2.[/QUOTE]

Good point. I'd probably pick the PS3 over the PS2 as my desert island system, even though there are no PS3 games and it's a complete rip-off thus far :lol:
I think ps2 is quite possiblities be the best gaming console due to extremely large video library.Great video games exclusive like God of War,Grand Turismo,Racket and Clank,Sly,Ico,shadow of colossus,devil may cry 3 or tekken 5 definatly helps.So far I played ps2 more then any console.

My only problem with ps2 is poorly made system.I remember reading article the about 1/3 or 1/4 of playstation2 sales come from owners rebuying system due to breakage from faulty design such as optical drives,lens not reading correctly and slew of other system problems
[quote name='whoknows']Superior in what way? (besides hardware-wise)[/quote]

How the Xbox was superior to PS2:

Game-wise, online-wise, hardware-wise, controller-wise, almost everything-wise, except the ugly-system-design-wise.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Yes it could...if it wasn't for the fact that the SNES exists.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad someone beat me to it. And I actually think that the PS2 is far below a few of the other consoles including the PS1, but that's neither here nor there. The question was "Is it the best of all time?" And I don't think any console can top the the SNES.
I always perferred the Genesis over the Snes, I only owned a snes for about 3 weeks, worked parttime during school at a grocery store and got a 100 dollar gift certificate bonus and traded it to another employee there for their snes and about 3 weeks later traded the snes in to ebgames for cash.

Snes was good but I like the games I played better on genesis over snes like EarthWorm Jim, Mortal Kombat, Shnobi, sonic, altered beast, strider there was somethign about the colors I like, metals seem to look more metal. Like gold seemed to looked more metallic gold than just yellow.
[quote name='guinaevere']Eh. I kept my PSX after seeing the PS2 run the PSX games.[/QUOTE]

Guh? The PS2 actually improved some PSOne games (faster load times, texture smoothing). The ones that those features didn't run correctly for, they played the same as they did on the PSOne. Unless your favorite PSOne games were the 5 or so that didn't run on the PS2, that doesn't make any sense at all.
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