Could the PS2 be the greatest console ever?

First of all, I'm not understanding the arguments against the PS2's backwards compatibility feature. The PS2 is able to play almost all PS1 games flawlessy--if not sometimes BETTER than the PS1 can. I realize that there is a list of ten, possibly more PS1 games totally unplayable on the PS2--though maybe one of them is even worth looking at.

I don't think we can even think of including PS3 right now. Yes, it is backwards compatible with PS2/PS1, but it does an absolutely abysmal job compared to PS2. Not only does almost every game look ugly, but quite a high number of PS1/PS2 games are not compatible with PS3 yet.
[quote name='argyle']Guh? The PS2 actually improved some PSOne games (faster load times, texture smoothing). [/quote]Most people considered the texture smoothing an improvement. I didn't. I didn't care for the blurriness. *shrugs*
[quote name='Rozz']How the Xbox was superior to PS2:

Game-wise, online-wise, hardware-wise, controller-wise, almost everything-wise, except the ugly-system-design-wise.[/QUOTE]
Online and hardware-wise, yes. Gamewise? I'd have to give a big WTF are you smoking regarding that. It's your opinion though and you're allowed to have it.
Ok, people are being silly.

PS3 has a lot of BC issues, so PS2 could still beat it.

I love SNES and GC as well, but PS2 (including PS1) has the most thorough and playable library which represents EVERY genre (Xbox fans can take a hike).

Also PS2 games will age far better than PS1 as the technology sort of mirrors SNES:NES.
[quote name='willardhaven']

PS3 has a lot of BC issues[/QUOTE]
Not doesn't put the games at a higher resolution or whatever, but the games play and look just fine.
My first system was a Sega Nomad, and I didn't get that until after the N64 came out (I was a deprived child...) Anyway, because of that, I sort of developed a love for Sega. My next system was the PS2, and then I got a Dreamcast when they dropped them down to $50. So I would say that the Genesis, Dreamcast, and PS2 are my top consoles. It was based on a few games for the most part. Genesis had Revenge of Shinobi and Streets of Rage 2. Dreamcast had Soul Calibur, Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Space Channel 5, Skies of Arcadia, etc. Also, like many others, I look at my shelf of PS2 games and I must say, I am impressed. I seriously got more enjoyment out of my PS2 then all other consoles combined.
[quote name='willardhaven']Don't PS2 games look extra jagged and unsaturated on PS3, or was that just some BS anti-PS3 video?[/QUOTE]
It was a problem, but the 1.5 firmware update has fixed it.
[quote name='trip1eX']How about the Wii? IT's got the ultimate BC. NES, SNES, N64, GC and current and future Wii games.[/quote]

That isn't really backwards compatible. You can't grab an SNES cart and stick it in the Wii. Instead, you have to rebuy the game. Part of the appeal of backwards compatibility is being able to play your old games on the new system. Thats not how the Wii works, except with Gamecube games, and even then, the library for that console wasn't very large in the first place, thus backwards compatibility isn't nearly as appealing as it is on the PS2.
[quote name='prmononoke'] thus backwards compatibility isn't nearly as appealing as it is on the PS2.[/QUOTE]

Totally subjective.
[quote name='The Crotch']How does the fact that you have to (gasp!) buy the games change things? You make it sound like we all have copies of Gunstar Heroes sitting in our closets.[/quote]

That's completely different. It's not able to play the game in its most original, pure, media form. It only is an emulated digital file that you have to buy.
[quote name='The Crotch']How does the fact that you have to (gasp!) buy the games change things? You make it sound like we all have copies of Gunstar Heroes sitting in our closets.[/QUOTE]

When most of us bought the PS2, we had a library of PS1 games sitting on our shelves. Just like when a few guys bought the ps3, they had all their PS2 (and PS1 games) ready to play. And on top of all that, with the PS3 you get downloadable games, including downloadable PS1 games that cost less than N64 games on the VC. Those aren't playable on the PS3 yet, but they will be. plus, I'll take Tekken Dark Ressurrection over any game on the VC...

With the Wii, Nintendo decides what you play. Yes, they have released many classics and within the next few years the selection will be better. but you still have to wait for the trickle of releases. Also, in many cases, these are games we already paid around $50 to $70 for when they came out. It's a good system and no one's forcing anyone to buy anything, but you don't have the same freedom with it and are forced to double dip.

the term "backwards compatible" denotes that you can throw in your old games and they play. That's how Sony (and MS to some extent) have played it. The VC is selling BC piece-by-piece. It's just another microtransaction marketplace, like XBLA.
Well, we have gotten off topic. To answer the OP, the PS2 is one of the greatest systems. It has a library full of games that could stand the test of time but one thing the PS2 could have down was blaze a trail in online gameplay. If it had better online support (like Xbox Live) it could have been the greatest system ever.
[quote name='whoknows']Online and hardware-wise, yes. Gamewise? I'd have to give a big WTF are you smoking regarding that. It's your opinion though and you're allowed to have it.[/quote]

Smoking? Have fun playing Ninja Gaiden, Halo 1 & 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, the superior versions of the Splinter Cell games (and 99% of all third party games for that matter), Half-Life 2, Doom III, etc. on a PS2. Stop smoking that crack Jack. It's bad on your judgement.
[quote name='Rozz']Smoking? Have fun playing Ninja Gaiden, Halo 1 & 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, the superior versions of the Splinter Cell games (and 99% of all third party games for that matter), Half-Life 2, Doom III, etc. on a PS2. Stop smoking that crack Jack. It's bad on your judgement.[/QUOTE]
Already played through Ninja Gaiden, but I'll be getting Sigma for the PS3. Dont care about Halo, I've played Half Life 2, Doom 3 and most other Xbox games that I care for on the PC already. I've played Jet Grind Radio on the Dreamcast, and while not the same game as JSR Future it's close enough. As for Panzer Dragoon, I don't care too much for it. I've played the original on Saturn and that's good enough for me.
I think it depends on how you define "greatest." Largest library, most sales, what?

First, I'll talk about what I DON'T think constitutes a good criteria:

-Backwards compatibility, like graphics, is a lousy measure of judgement. Otherwise, my PC is the greatest gaming system of all time.

-Size of library for the same reason

-Graphics, because otherwise, the newest system will always be the greatest system of all time

Now for my nomination of greatest system of all time, I have to go with the NES. It was the system that truly started the videogame craze. The American market was rather hostile to the idea of another Atari(who in contrast to Nintendo, turned people OFF the idea of videogames), and Nintendo STILL managed to break into the market, even while being a foreign company.

Certainly, the PS2 has one of the greatest libraries, but where would any of the systems be if the NES hadn't gotten everything kicked off?
the PS2 has the best library of games imo, and for me it's all about the games.

so yeah, I do think it is the greatest console.
Wow Rozz, if thats the Xbox list then thats pretty crappy. Halo's all that interests really depends on what type of games you like and which system you enjoy/enjoyed the most... you'll never get to a clear answer...cause there is none.
Since I wasn't very clear in my previous post ...

Systems that were/are greater than the PS2:

Gamecube (the only one that might be anywhere near close)

The xbox didn't make the list because of a lack of quality exclusives, though almost all multi-platform games are superior there. I just don't play many of those. :lol:

I don't have much experience with the current console crop, but so far it looks like the 360 and Wii will both be greater than the PS2. Time will tell, though.
[quote name='Spades22']Wow Rozz, if thats the Xbox list then thats pretty crappy. Halo's all that interests really depends on what type of games you like and which system you enjoy/enjoyed the most... you'll never get to a clear answer...cause there is none.[/quote]
Actually, I could come up with over 70 great titles bub, but I'm just selecting what is known to be top-tier, though there are many more not as well known ones at well. I have hundreds of games for PS2 and Xbox alone and Xbox is definitely the better system.

BTW bub, Halo is the only that interests you? That means you havent played them for yourself? Then that means you're pretty moronic for just choosing a better system based on games you heard were good rather than you played.

And whoknows, I'm interested in finding out why you think PS2 is so great. And wtf at the Panzer Dragoon statement? Makes you sound like a total Sony fanboy...:roll: JSR statement too. Well fanboys are idiots anyway, any system fanboys, they're all bad. Fortunately for me I dont give in to this whole "brand loyalty" thing and I play what I enjoy and buy based off whats good.
Mmm name calling how moronic. No, I've played most of them, and the others I just no I won't like, which is why I stay away from them. Some games you just know you won't like before they come'd know that if you actually played video games. I enjoy PS2 or GC games more...what's your problem? I play games that I enjoy, which mainly don't include Xbox games. And, I think you're giving into this "brand loyalty" thing pretty darn well yourself. You see like the biggest (Xbox) fanboy on this thread.
I think the Dreamcast was a better system because it laid a foundation for every system that followed. If people don't give Sega some credit for being the first lonely guy out the gate with 128 bit online (after a year) gaming console, I'm breaking toes. It is the truest gaming system. It did what it was built to do and extremely well.

PS2 just had the huge library and it only had that because of it's huge installed base of previous PS1 owners. I mean hell, if everyone just added a number after their system to desiginate how old the bloody thing is, the casual gamer would be a lot happy. Still till the is day, no one has generated a real console brand name like Sony. Although Microsoft is sorta getting there.

I do love my PS2 but I just love the games only which as many of you stated, can be found on the GC and Xbox. It is a damned good console but it was missing the Total Gaming Package Feeling that I get from playing the Dreamcast or NES. I mean it all comes down to the games, the hardware, and the user interface (controller, menus if there are any, add ons, etc.).

The Wii has the potential to be the best but I'm still in "WTF? Seriously Nintendo?" mode when it comes to the VC lacking online play. I will never buy a single VC game that has a multiplayer option unless I can play it online. I mean is it that hard (why yes it is)?

If one major part doesn't feel right, then it just can't qualify for the finals. Sorry PS2, better luck with the PS3 (I also vote PS1 > PS2).
[quote name='Spades22']Mmm name calling how moronic. No, I've played most of them, and the others I just no I won't like, which is why I stay away from them. Some games you just know you won't like before they come'd know that if you actually played video games. I enjoy PS2 or GC games more...what's your problem? I play games that I enjoy, which mainly don't include Xbox games. And, I think you're giving into this "brand loyalty" thing pretty darn well yourself. You see like the biggest (Xbox) fanboy on this thread.[/quote]
I didnt mean to offend you, I just dont like when people cant back up something with agood reason. As for "brand loyalty", the N64 is my favorite system of all time, so call my a Nintendo fanboy if you will ;) I enjoy all the systems, as for last gen though I found Xbox to be the best but then I have whoknows replying to an opinion based statement by saying 'How?' then I explain how, and he comes up with BS statements to back up how its not good. Whatever, dont take it personally. :lol: And if you do, well, that's moronic. Heh heh
It probably is impossible to determine which console is "best," as it really is probably determined by taste in games. I have never been a fan of Nintendo's games (not that I don't like them, it's just that I started off playing Sega games and when I got my next console I just got the newest one, the PS2.) To really choose the best console, one would have to have played a substantial number of games from each console. People tend to choose what console they buy based on brand loyalty and what games our coming out for it. The games on Gamecube never really appealed to me, except for Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness, and a few others. There wasn't enough incentive for me to get one. The PS2 didn't have much that appealed to me at first, but I got one, and I grew to love it. The XBox had a lot of exclusives that I wanted to play, and if money hadn't been an issue, I would have bought one. I have a 360 now, and I like a lot, but I wouldn't call it the best console ever, even though some of my experiences with it are superior to many PS2 experiences. Anyway, the point is that preferences totally screw the entire argument for console supremacy up.
I'm saying PS2 is number 4. I'll take my 360, Xbox, and Genesis over the PS2. The Saturn and Dreamcast are right behind the PS2 though. My only problem is that instead of expanding the library at the end of the hardware cycle, the PS2 is getting more sequels than ever. Take out Guitar Hero and the humongous pile of RPGs coming down the pike, and you're left with some subpar licenced games and sequels. I thought FFXII would be the triumphant swan song for the PS2 but KOTOR is a better game. I loved Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo, and SOCOM but they all got stale after 5 million sequels. If it wasn't for Virtua Fighter 4, Final Fantasy X, God of War, and Shadow of the Colossus, I could sell my PS2 and never think twice about it. I don't think I'll get rid of my Xbox until the 360 gets every title BC. I almost creamed my pants when I heard a rumor about Shadow of the Colossus getting ported to the Xbox. That game would be done true justice if it was on a machine that could handle it.

The Xbox had Live, better graphics, and a decent controller.

People keep talking about BC. Honestly, how many times has everyone played a PS1 game on their PS2? I did at first because I only had a few PS2 titles but I bought a PS2 to play PS2 games not PS1 games. I'll never go back and play the RPGs because I don't have another 70 hours to pour into a game I already poured 70 hours into. Other than Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Parasite Eve, and the awesome RPGs, what else is worth playing? Most of the good games received superior PS2 sequels. Go figure.
I love DRE errors and tons of peripherals I need to buy to get the same experience I can get on other systems, so in my book, PS2 is NO# 1
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Since I wasn't very clear in my previous post ...

Systems that were/are greater than the PS2:

Gamecube (the only one that might be anywhere near close)

The xbox didn't make the list because of a lack of quality exclusives, though almost all multi-platform games are superior there. I just don't play many of those. :lol:

I don't have much experience with the current console crop, but so far it looks like the 360 and Wii will both be greater than the PS2. Time will tell, though.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, the first time I read this I thought you included "N64." I almost choked on my sandwich.

In terms of overall library, it's certainly arguable that the PS2 has the best ever. Personally, I'd have trouble choosing between it, the NES, SNES, and PS1.
[quote name='defiance_17']I'm sorry, the first time I read this I thought you included "N64." I almost choked on my sandwich.[/QUOTE] It's called multiplayer. My N64 gets regular usage because it's still the king in that department.
I think the Dreamcast beats the PS2, but the PS2 is definitely one of the better consoles.
[quote name='Rozz']
And whoknows, I'm interested in finding out why you think PS2 is so great.[/QUOTE]

Devil May Cry, Armored Core, Killzone, Onimusha, Metal Gear, Fatal Frame (FF3 is PS2 exclusive), Radiata Stories, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Atelier Iris, Grandia, Rogue Galaxy, Yakuza, God Of War, Kingdom Hearts, Guitar Hero, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, ICO, Star Ocean, Shadow of The Colossus, Zone of The Enders, Dark Cloud, Rygar, Drakengard, Rise to Honor, Ace Combat, Socom, Sly Cooper, Gran Turismo, Dot Hack, Castlevania Lament of Innocence, Chaos Legion, Disgaea, The Getaway, Gitaroo Man, Parappa, Katamari, Klonoa, Contra Shattered Soldier...

I'm sure there are more, those are just the ones I could come up with off the top of my head at the moment.

Another thing I like is that just about ever game gets ported to it. I don't care if the game looks a little worse, not a big deal. Plus the online was free and was good enough.
If I include PS1 games then yeah PS2 probably takes it for my favorite system ever. SNES is up there as well. For me the Genesis and Sega CD (and if you are going to include PS1 games with PS2, I would include the Sega CD with Genesis) is also pretty high up there.
PS2 has a very nice library, problem is the hardware (as many have already mentioned) is utter trash. My NES still lives on despite being the most abused console I've ever owned second hand. At the rate most PS2s last we won't see anyone playing any PS2 games in 5-10 years time. Doesn't mean Sony won't pull a ps-one and sell them for $50 in an even smaller package but I sincerely doubt we will be playing this thing like people still do the 2600.
[quote name='whoknows']Devil May Cry, Armored Core, Killzone, Onimusha, Metal Gear, Fatal Frame (FF3 is PS2 exclusive), Radiata Stories, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Atelier Iris, Grandia, Rogue Galaxy, Yakuza, God Of War, Kingdom Hearts, Guitar Hero, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, ICO, Star Ocean, Shadow of The Colossus, Zone of The Enders, Dark Cloud, Rygar, Drakengard, Rise to Honor, Ace Combat, Socom, Sly Cooper, Gran Turismo, Dot Hack, Castlevania Lament of Innocence, Chaos Legion, Disgaea, The Getaway, Gitaroo Man, Parappa, Katamari, Klonoa, Contra Shattered Soldier...

I'm sure there are more, those are just the ones I could come up with off the top of my head at the moment.

Another thing I like is that just about ever game gets ported to it. I don't care if the game looks a little worse, not a big deal. Plus the online was free and was good enough.[/quote]

Hmm, I find it funny that you bash the Xbox but come with a list like that, where, save for some unique and great releases like Klonoa and Sly Cooper, can be found as a better and similar game on Xbox. But again it's all opinion based, but just my two cents.
It's a great console, sure, but I still think that the NES, SNES, N64, PS1 and Dreamcast > PS2.

Of course, I'm not counting backwards compatibility.
[quote name='Rozz']Hmm, I find it funny that you bash the Xbox but come with a list like that, where, save for some unique and great releases like Klonoa and Sly Cooper, can be found as a better and similar game on Xbox. But again it's all opinion based, but just my two cents.[/QUOTE]
Not sure what you mean about that...

Feel free to explain further, because I'm having trouble coming up with an alternative on Xbox for Radiata Stories (my favorite RPG this gen), ZOE, Yakuza, Devil May Cry and many of the others I listed.
[quote name='whoknows']For me game-wise with the amount of games I've played on it and own for it, no other console comes close.[/quote]

Why do we have to debate this? If you enjoy the PS2, play the hell out of it. I'm sure 90% of us have one and enjoy most of what it has to offer. There's no arguing the quality of the library. This all comes down to personal preference and you'll never get 100% of anyone to agree on anything.

greatest console ever if you consider the available game library: PS2

Best implementation of backwards compatibility: PS2

greatest console ever in terms of how great it was for it's time compared with the other consoles that were avaliable: NES

Greatest in terms of graphical power and online capabilities: Xbox 360

Greatest console in terns of longevity: GBA SP

Best console in terms of value for the money: Gamecube

Aged most gracefully: SNES

Most fun and most flexible: DS

Shittiest hardware: The blinkey NES
[quote name='wageslave']IMO

greatest console ever if you consider the available game library: PS2

Best implementation of backwards compatibility: PS2

greatest console ever in terms of how great it was for it's time compared with the other consoles that were avaliable: NES

Greatest in terms of graphical power and online capabilities: Xbox 360

Greatest console in terns of longevity: GBA SP

Best console in terms of value for the money: Gamecube

Aged most gracefully: SNES

Most fun and most flexible: DS

Shittiest hardware: The blinkey NES[/quote]

This is pretty dead on. Here's the thing about the PS2: it's versatile library has changed the way I play games. Coming into this generation, I played Metal Gear, the first-party Nintendo stuff, every stupid year of Madden. I was, oh I don't know, 75% of gamers. The dirty, casual kind.
Now, simply because of the sheer variety of stuff on the PS2, I play Shin Megami Tensei. I got Okami. I got Disgaea. I played Katamari Damacy.
A lot of it comes down to timing. This was the first gen of consoles I could consistently afford to buy games and accessories for. The real answer to this question is pretty much determined by your age when you got a PS2. I think I was 20, and thus I got a system that matured right along with me.
Oh, and I don't get all the PS2 hardware complaints. I have a launch window PS2 that still works fine. I had to clean the lens to get it to play DVDs again, but in six+ years, that's not a lot to handle.
I even bought a silver PS2 just in case something happened to the old one, but it never did. I am sure people have had problems, but I think Sony hardware is quality. Lots of variables, I suppose.
Anyway, the answer is: Yeah, PS2 is the best console ever. If I was 12 right now, or 40, the answer might be different.
I really think that the Xbox was the better console of its generation.

If we're talking just the sheer features of the console then heres a few that won me over when I first bought my Xbox:

1. Custom Soundtracks
(this was revolutionary IMO because I love listening to my own music when playing MX vs. ATV,Tony Hawk,Burnout,etc.)

2. Xbox Live
(PS2 can't touch this because it included new maps,online play,leader boards +hours of fun the PS2 couldn't replicate)

3. 4 controller ports
(WTF why couldn't the PS2 have 4? Even the N64 had 4!

4. Controller S
(When it was first released the controllers weren't the greatest and the PS2's had a better shape but they released the controller S and I really like the controller S alot more than the PS2 controller. I find that the thumbsticks have a "loose" feel to them that messes me up on alot of games that require slight pressure on the stick. Of course this could just be a matter of preference for myself.

5. No memory cards
(Still to this day I thank the lord that the Xbox has a hard drive!)

Those are some of my reasons why I enjoy my Xbox alot more than the PS2! But if its a question of which system had the most games released for it then the PS2 would be the winner hands down.
I would have to agree that overall the PS2 has the best selection of games for a wide audience but I am going to speak on the half of all 5 people that think the Sega Dreamcast is the best System Ever made!!!!! All of the best 2d Fighters and fighting games period. Soul calibur anyone? Don't forget Shenmue 1 and 2. Vga Support and not to mention that you can "back up" and play any game from nintendo,SNES,Genesis,MAME, Neo Geo,Arcade to on a CD-R without a mod . DREAMCAST Hands Down..............May all of the Dreamcast fans rejoice............Oh it's just me
[quote name='shaneatlh']I would have to agree that overall the PS2 has the best selection of games for a wide audience but I am going to speak on the half of all 5 people that think the Sega Dreamcast is the best System Ever made!!!!! All of the best 2d Fighters and fighting games period. Soul calibur anyone? Don't forget Shenmue 1 and 2. Vga Support and not to mention that you can "back up" and play any game from nintendo,SNES,Genesis,MAME, Neo Geo,Arcade to on a CD-R without a mod . DREAMCAST Hands Down..............May all of the Dreamcast fans rejoice............Oh it's just me

But all the worhy DC games (Marvel vs Capcom 2, Street Fighter Third Strike, Rez, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventures, etc.) have been ported elsewhere...
[quote name='Rozz']But all the worhy DC games (Marvel vs Capcom 2, Street Fighter Third Strike, Rez, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventures, etc.) have been ported elsewhere...[/quote]
Not the Dreamcast version of Street fighter alpha 3 (play with 3 players)Soul Calibur 1(The best in the series) Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Dreamcast version(The best 4 player multiplayer tag team 2d fighter if not the only) and Shenmue 1, Power Stone 1 and 2 and not on a little screen, Project Justice, Tech Romancer(Has anyone ever played this....Excellent Dreamcast is The Best!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
I would have to say that these deffinately fit under worthy
What about Sega Bass Fishing and Sega Marine Fishing with the fishing controller. I am going to play that later today.... Typing of the Dead haha
Dreamcast is the Greatest
Neo-Geo son
Arcade perfect graphics at home
games were made for over a decade on this system
ports and roms suck
I was going to write up on why the SNES would be a better choice but people listed those reasons.

Theres one thing I can't argue against: The PS2 has a assload of variety when it comes to games. Like RPGS? The XBox's only REAL weakness was It's lack of RPGS (I love the XBox over the PS2, but I had a hard time getting a RPG fix on the XBox. Only exception was this lovely little Canadian company called Bioware) the PS2 has a ton of RPGS. Action Adventure? Sim? Anything? The PS2 has ALOT of games...

The games that did go multiplatform were better on the XBox for a variety of reasons, but mainly boiled down to two features: Graphics and Online. It looked the best on XBox, and the online community was alot better on the XBox. Is Sony to blame for that? Hell yeah, they should charge that measely $50 a year and focus on building a massive online fanbase.

I would pick the XBox over the PS2 but not by much, and Sony could have easily won by having a better online community. Online is everything to even the married man who wants his multiplayer fix.
I think it's hard to call it the best ever, however, it was most certainly the best of it's generation with it's inclusion of games for anyone. go to and compare the amount of games that got a 9.0 or higher compared to xbox and gamecube. Not even close. And yes, you can count ps1 games for the ps2 library, as all those work on it. However, you can't on the wii because you are buying "ports," or the direct game itself onto your hard drive. BTW, the fact that the wii still doesnt have duck hunt is ridiculous.

I would go with a tie between SNES and PS2, both the best of their respective generations, both made huge leap forwards in the gaming industry, and both had great games for everyone.
bread's done