Could the PS3 Kill Sony?

This kind of speculation happens every time a new system launches. After going back and reading articles in magazines and on the internet predicting the fate of various systems throughout the past 10 or fifteen years, I've come to the conclusion that while they may make a fun read, they almost always never happen that way.

For recent hilarity, dig out some articles on the PSP vs. DS from a year ago. The general consensus was that the PSP was going end the era of Nintendo's grip on the handheld market and the DS was pure gimmick. Flash forward to a year later, and people in Japan are paying full price for a beat-up old used DS even though a far superior revision is being released in only two weeks. That's if they can even find a used one! No one (including myself) thought that the DS would be doing so well.

This kind of thing happens again and again. Look back at the articles on the Xbox just before it was released. No, it hasn't done well in Japan, but many people thought it would have about the same popularity in NA as well (ie - nil). They were wrong, as we know know that while MS is in second place, they are definitely giving Sony a good run and making them stay on their toes as evidenced by this article.

In the end, it's all fun. I just like to sit back with a big bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show while I wait for the new systems. :)
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Games are getting to realistic and to over the top, and its killing the genre. I hate playing FPS(s), that are so realistic that I cant see where I'm getting shot from... and thats the future. Playing games like COD2, where you cant tell whos on your side or not cause they're both covered in mud.[/QUOTE]

Hate to rain on your parade MOOKY, but if realism is the wave of the future reality is upon us. Though I served and supported in both Afghanistan and Iraq I've never been in the thick of it. This being said though I've seen many instances of Blue on Blue (fratricide) accidents in training and also had a fellow NCO lose his life due to real life events. When you're in the moment there comes times due to mud, weather, etc. that you can't tell who is shooting at you and who you're shooting at. I commend companies on their innovation, Halo is nice, but realism sales me everytime.
I still don't understand how sony plans to fit everything they want in the form factor they've designed for the PS3, without it melting. It obviously will have larger power demands than the 360, having more processors and the Blu Ray drive. Look at the size of the 360, with an external power supply..

I'm not very confident about the PS3, because i haven't seen any games that look interesting. I got bored with most of sony's franchises after the first iteration. GT, MGS, Tony Hawk, Ratchet, Jak, etc.. I've played them enough for one lifetime. I think a lot of people are starting to think the same..
I know I've read at least one article regarding this concern about form factor and fitting all that junk in there. I dont remember where it was though. Even if they are going to start launching toward the end of the year, they're gonna have to finalize design for production purposes pretty soon. I say they should just put in a full tower PC case and be done with it. ;)

Their recent and continued secrecy with everything seems to be concerning a lot of people. With the recent price drop in their shares, one could argue that the killing has begun ;)

Seriously though. It seems that an awful lot of eggs are going into this basket.

Maybe the GDC 06 PS3 Keynote is called "Beyond the Box" because they cant fit it all in the Box.
People keep posting $900 bucks...thats the cost for production, not the sticker price.... the reason this article is so important is (referring to Meryl Lynch) the cost vs. ratio lost per system....its way to high and it seems very accurate...I think Sony is going down a dark path and its not looking good...look at $500-$600 for the system and the games will have to cost more due to the Blu-Ray format alone maybe $70....this thing is turning into Neo-Geo.

I think it will be the system that people invite the friends over to prove they have it....this thing needs to get pushed back to summer 2007 just to cover cost loss per system issues....also youll need a 1080P HDTV to run the highest setting on this system (good luck, hopefully those 1080P Tv's will cost under $5000 by 2007...LOL)

You also have a year and half loss in time behind XBOX 360 as far as production that will already be on Xbox 360 like Splinter Cell Double Agent and COD.....youll be able to add a HD drive for $100 bucks onto Xbox 360 by year end 2006....making it $400 bucks if you chose to add that PS3 case you have to buy the whole shabang so its not just gaming

Also you will NEVER see them supporting MEDIA CENTER so that in itself takes the value down... what the hell is the point of your PSP working like a portable device to your PS3 if you dont have stuff on it...granted tech people know how to put their stuff on portable devices...but the general public??? MS is partnered with Direct TV so that takes out that deal....maybe TIVO??...LOL.... not selling me here

The only 2 ways Sony even has a chance is to have a KILLER APP for launch (a Halo like title...not some remake of a game...something brand new...I bet they have GTA as their main draw) and postpone launch until 2007 to help the technology costs catch up and make production costs go down due to that availibility of that technology. Oh yeah and dont forget Sony's crappy ONLINE that they have....well they have 1yr & a half to work on that too! not one thing is good about this system....hmmm maybe we can go watch the Supposed "IN GAME" footage of MGS4 (that will also be on 360) no thanks

Ps- Umd failed.....and PSP is $250 and a Xbox 360 is $300.....PS3= 500 to 600....they are CRAZY!!
[quote name='Daddy']People keep posting $900 bucks...thats the cost for production, not the sticker price.... the reason this article is so important is (referring to Meryl Lynch) the cost vs. ratio lost per system....its way to high and it seems very accurate...I think Sony is going down a dark path and its not looking good...look at $500-$600 for the system and the games will have to cost more due to the Blu-Ray format alone maybe $70....this thing is turning into Neo-Geo.

I think it will be the system that people invite the friends over to prove they have it....this thing needs to get pushed back to summer 2007 just to cover cost loss per system issues....also youll need a 1080P HDTV to run the highest setting on this system (good luck, hopefully those 1080P Tv's will cost under $5000 by 2007...LOL)

You also have a year and half loss in time behind XBOX 360 as far as production that will already be on Xbox 360 like Splinter Cell Double Agent and COD.....youll be able to add a HD drive for $100 bucks onto Xbox 360 by year end 2006....making it $400 bucks if you chose to add that PS3 case you have to buy the whole shabang so its not just gaming

Also you will NEVER see them supporting MEDIA CENTER so that in itself takes the value down... what the hell is the point of your PSP working like a portable device to your PS3 if you dont have stuff on it...granted tech people know how to put their stuff on portable devices...but the general public??? MS is partnered with Direct TV so that takes out that deal....maybe TIVO??...LOL.... not selling me here

The only 2 ways Sony even has a chance is to have a KILLER APP for launch (a Halo like title...not some remake of a game...something brand new...I bet they have GTA as their main draw) and postpone launch until 2007 to help the technology costs catch up and make production costs go down due to that availibility of that technology. Oh yeah and dont forget Sony's crappy ONLINE that they have....well they have 1yr & a half to work on that too! not one thing is good about this system....hmmm maybe we can go watch the Supposed "IN GAME" footage of MGS4 (that will also be on 360) no thanks

Ps- Umd failed.....and PSP is $250 and a Xbox 360 is $300.....PS3= 500 to 600....they are CRAZY!![/QUOTE]

How many topics are you going to copy and paste this in?
Reality's Fringe said:
How many topics are you going to copy and paste this in?

Ya you caught me...its tiring seeing people try to defend Sony at this point....just trying to get some ideas in their heads before they go marching off to be slaughtered
There's no rule that says Sony is always going to be number one...I'm sure during the SNES days no one ever thought the next incarnation would fall to Sony's offering.

I just have to wonder if Sony is overreaching a bit here, even with their resources they may be stretching themselves beyond what is acceptable. I'm sure there will be the early adopters who will see the Playstation name and buy it regardless of price or launch lineup, but if the Revolution launches cheap and the 360 drops the price 100 bucks or more, it may not be as easy as Sony thinks. Their arrogant attitude hasn't served them well in the past, so I hope they're not so dumb as to think there's no competition (see Nintendo DS). I'd rather have a competitive 3 way race instead of one company dominating, it makes for a better market in general.

I'd guess the two things that will matter the most after the diehard Sony supporters drop the cash for the system are Blu-Ray's success and their online setup. I've kind of had the same opinion of the guy that wrote that article - there's no reason why HD-DVD or Blu-Ray has to win, they might BOTH crap out, at least for the first few years of existence.

[quote name='Daddy']Ya you caught me...its tiring seeing people try to defend Sony at this point....just trying to get some ideas in their heads before they go marching off to be slaughtered[/QUOTE]
What's tiring is fanboy bullshit like that. No one knows for sure what's going to happen yet, so there's no reason to take people to task for defending Sony (just like there's no reason to think they'll automatically dominate the market again).
didnt want to make a new topic but heres a thought. seeing as how there will not be any price drop on the PS2 anytime soon , couldnt sony be making up some of the money lost with the ps2 still selling ? I mean they have been making a profit on it a while ago right ?
Yeah, they'll make up some of the money but not much. It's still selling well for such an old piece of hardware but it's not enough to keep a monster project like a new console afloat.

Whatever happens, Sony better have some freaking amazing games to back this thing up with at E3. $425 is pretty steep, so if I'm going to be dropping $500 for a console, a controller and one game at launch then it better be miles beyond the PS2 launch games.
bread's done