Dante's Inferno (Divine Edition) PS3 for $9.99 + shipping/tax at Gohastings

My question is are they never going to carry Dante's Inferno again? Because if they are and I see it I'm going to email them and have them complete my cancelled order. If they can fill it at any point in the future they should make good on an otherwise completed order. No excuse imo. If they are out of stock this week send me one from next week's batch.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']My question is are they never going to carry Dante's Inferno again? Because if they are and I see it I'm going to email them and have them complete my cancelled order. If they can fill it at any point in the future they should make good on an otherwise completed order. No excuse imo. If they are out of stock this week send me one from next week's batch.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Chrono Gear']My question is are they never going to carry Dante's Inferno again? Because if they are and I see it I'm going to email them and have them complete my cancelled order. If they can fill it at any point in the future they should make good on an otherwise completed order. No excuse imo. If they are out of stock this week send me one from next week's batch.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, why are you being so irrational and childish? The company had a sale for a LIMITED quantity of a video game in order to move some extra stock. That stock was quickly depleted and you missed the boat. This game has and will go on sale again for similar prices probably another hundred times. You're going to call them and cry because you didn't place your order in time to save what will amount to maybe 4-7$ on a video game? When you're a CAG with a backlog of probably a minimum of 20 games like everyone else here? Instead of wasting the eight hours of time you have wasted here this morning whining and spewing your unreasonable bullshit why don't you go get a minimum wage job (since you are obviously a prepubescent little girl) for ONE hour and make the $7.50 you are so insistent on saving on this insignificant "deal."
Why laugh? I'm being perfectly reasonable. It's one thing if I didn't get my order in in time, it's another to have the order completed only to have them cancel it after the fact. Worse comes to worse I'll just have to wait till I can find it somewhere else for less than $20. No biggie.

And apparantly please excuse my whining I certainly am not going to be pouty and mopey about it. Just a little annoyed. Sorry if I'm coming off that way. Saying things like, I can wait or no big deal does sound kindy whiney when I reread the text.
[quote name='supnow']That stock was quickly depleted and you missed the boat. [/QUOTE]

My problem is that my order went through if it was OOS it shouldn't have. If I missed the boat that way it wouldn't have been as much of an issue.

I would fire back about the minimum wage job crack but I don't see the point in arguing about it. But for the record I was playing GT5 for a while and then went out and ran some errands. So I did not waste my morning sitting here complaining.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Why laugh? I'm being perfectly reasonable. It's one thing if I didn't get my order in in time, it's another to have the order completed only to have them cancel it after the fact. Worse comes to worse I'll just have to wait till I can find it somewhere else for less than $20. No biggie.

And apparantly please excuse my whining I certainly am not going to be pouty and mopey about it. Just a little annoyed. Sorry if I'm coming off that way. Saying things like, I can wait or no big deal does sound kindy whiney when I reread the text.
[quote name='Ardrid']Don't mind them; they're just being dicks. I understand the frustration. You placed the order when it was in stock and you, naturally, expect it to be honored.[/QUOTE]

yeah, but this happens on a daily basis across all web outlets...to me its like 'get with the program..'
Okay now I'm really confused. I have 2 charges (presumably from both orders) processing through my bank account. Anyone else still being charged after their orders were cancelled?

I can assume that those charges will reverse themselves before they finalize but still it is concerning.
Just now, all 3 of my orders were cancelled. Oh well, they were gifts for friends so I'll just buy something else. GL everyone.
[quote name='token2k6']yeah, but this happens on a daily basis across all web outlets...to me its like 'get with the program..'[/QUOTE]

I don't think it does though. I can't remember the last time Amazon ever canceled a validly placed order. Even when they clearly are the ones at fault, like with :360: Raging Blast 2 at $10, they still honor your order or do something to make up for it.

By the sound of all these posts, this isn't a stock issue; it's a 'we fucked up so let's cancel all the orders' issue. And that's bullshit for those who ordered.
Honestly, I'm surprised that many CAG'rs are fine with their legit orders being canceled. I plan on contacting customer support.
[quote name='Ardrid']I don't think it does though. I can't remember the last time Amazon ever canceled a validly placed order. Even when they clearly are the ones at fault, like with :360: Raging Blast 2 at $10, they still honor your order or do something to make up for it.[/QUOTE]

That's because it IS Amazon. There is a reason why people love Amazon. Amazon, along with Newegg, are probably some of the most respected online retailers.
I'm ok with my order being cancelled because the Dante page showed it OOS or wasn't even coming up. I used the serach page and quickview to place it in a basket and order it. So I was working around the system to get my order through. I mainly tried it to see if they would actually fulfill my order. I'm not upset at all. Would it have been awesome to get it for that price, HELL YAH! But I'm ok with it.


Also to those that got their "confirmation" email you might reread your email because all 3 of mine said confirmation , Thanks for your order and said my order was completed. At first I was like , sweet it went through! Then below it showed it was cancelled. Tricky tricky.
This is why I avoid GoHastings. They are the most unreliable vendor I have ever ordered from online. Hardly any site I've ever ordered from cancels at all; nearly every time I have attempted to order from them it gets canceled.
[quote name='Z(+)DIAC']Honestly, I'm surprised that many CAG'rs are fine with their legit orders being canceled. I plan on contacting customer support.[/QUOTE]

What are you gonna do about it?

Bitch and moan to get....

Most people realize Thems the breaks. If you didn't get ripped off... Move on. Plenty of deals in the sea. No need to cry like a girl about it.
[quote name='Rozz']This is why I avoid GoHastings. They are the most unreliable vendor I have ever ordered from online. Hardly any site I've ever ordered from cancels at all; nearly every time I have attempted to order from them it gets canceled.[/QUOTE]
Hey at least they have good sales like this that are definitely worth a shot at.
[quote name='confoosious']What are you gonna do about it?

Bitch and moan to get....

Most people realize Thems the breaks. If you didn't get ripped off... Move on. Plenty of deals in the sea. No need to cry like a girl about it.[/QUOTE]

Bitch and moan no? Make them notice that their inventory system is broken and that it may need some work? Sure.

A quick email/call to customer service will take 5 minutes out of my life, and who knows, maybe they will honor the order, maybe they'll give me credit, maybe they'll just apologize and we go our ways. Doesn't hurt to try.
[quote name='sneakysnake128']Hey at least they have good sales like this that are definitely worth a shot at.[/QUOTE]

I'd rather do business with a company that, y'know, honors deals. I can understand a canceled order here and there, but it seems like GoHastings cancels more orders than they actually honor.
I have one order for 12.27 that has not been cancelled and an order for 7.27 that was cancelled. Way before the mass cancellation, I shot an email to cs to cancel the 12.27 order that I forgot my coupon on and that I have placed another order (7.37) . I have just shot another email requesting a price adjustment on 12.27 since they have apparently canceled the wrong order. We shall see how it goes.

On a side note, 1) I don't post a lot, so flame me for lurking if you want 2) I usually agree with confoosius 3) "thems the breaks" is exactly why you get f**cked at the drive thru. 4) Against popular belief, it is one's right to care if others accept the path of least resistance, for example #3, because inherently the masses mindset becomes one's problem. If others would stop tolerating bs in the world of purchased goods, then bs would eventually cease to exist due to not being financially sound.

1 injustice called out of 1 million not a problem...c'est la vie

1 million injustices called out of 1 million equals change
[quote name='Z(+)DIAC']Bitch and moan no? Make them notice that their inventory system is broken and that it may need some work? Sure.

A quick email/call to customer service will take 5 minutes out of my life, and who knows, maybe they will honor the order, maybe they'll give me credit, maybe they'll just apologize and we go our ways. Doesn't hurt to try.[/QUOTE]

I just received an email back from Gohastings about the coupon code I was issued for registering that I tried to use for Casltevania:LoS recently and their response was super short:

"duplicate email"

My first order ever and they have the nerve to tell me it's a duplicate email? Something is definitely fishy over there. Between that and this cancellation issue I'm not sure it's worth the effort to do business with them at all.
[quote name='VaultDweller']great, i missed out on this deal, but good that it got cancelled[/QUOTE]

Why is it good that it got canceled?

That's some funny logic you got there, Newbie.
They day grows dark and cold and 10 hours have passed since cheapbrokegamer has placed his Dante order. He shivers as he remembers the haunting memories of his fallen CAG soldiers and their Dante orders that were so ruthlessly and brutally canceled by the GoHastings 40 foot demon. Cheapbrokergamer finds refuge in a dark cave that is freezing cold to the touch. He wonders if there is still hope. If his order will make it through the night...
[quote name='needler420']are you mad that you can't trade any one games?[/QUOTE]

I don't have a desire to swap games with grubby little 12 year olds so I was rather amused to receive a "trading" violation without actually trading with anyone. Apparently all it takes here is pointing out to a douche mod that he doesn't have the authority to enforce Paypal's terms of service in private transactions. I'd never trade on any site that purports to be about saving money but then funnels cash from gamers to the Paypal Mafia by attempting to ban personal payments. That's up to the people making the trade to decide.
[quote name='scarhawk']*pops grenade in cave* Meep.

Oh btw, are people getting their 360 orders cancelled??[/QUOTE]

Grabs grenade and quickly tosses it back to scarhawk, who explodes to a billion pieces. He can't believe a fellow CAG would betray him.

On a side note (and this has nothing to do with you scarhawk): I can't believe there are so many haters in CAG. Just look back a few pages and you will see so much hate going on. What's ironic is the hate is geared against getting a good deal on a game, which is the point of this site. ;)
bread's done