Dare I bring up the Martin-Zimmerman event again? OK, Fine

No, they didn't use thug to replace nigger or a hispanic slur; they used it sarcastically to compare/contrast how it was used to describe the 17 year old kid he shot and killed.  You'd think you would have noticed the emphasis they placed on that towards the end of the short article they had.

I'm only here to read headlines and pass judgment.

fuck your reading to the end of all 125 words. I got stuff to do (like read headlines and pass judgment).

For some reason I think that would have been your response regardless of what anyone posted.
I've been listening to a crowd of folks on here for *years* pull complete bull**** out like "herpderp Only morons say 'Obamacare'" and explain all about the secret dog-whistle words for racism. But, it seems everytime it's pointed out that these words and phrases aren't always used in a racial context - folks get slammed down for being ignorant of the 2,000+ years of suffering that has been brought upon every non-white person ever simply by someone using a word like "thug" to describe what is a "thug".

Just like the complaints over the usage of the term "Obamacare", we see folks suddenly tripping over themselves trying to justify why, in this case, it's okay!

Next thing you know, we'll have someone disparaging Zimmerman's Hispanic heritage because he's lighter than a paper bag. Oh, wait... been there, done that.

Do some folks use words like "thug", "boy", and "you there" in a negative racial context? Sure. Should backwards, ignorant-ass folks who resort to negative racial slurs of any kind be held up as a poster child for everything that's wrong with white folk?

“If you don’t want to be treated like a thug or be considered one, then don’t act like one.”
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More people say Obamacare because Obama embraced the term. So now it has no meaning behind it, it's just what it's called. Initially, it had a negative meaning behind it. 

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I agree that there *were* (and still are) folks who use the term with a negative connotation, but the term caught on quickly and was being used heavily by a lot of folks, even at the time that statement was made.

It really doesn't matter what words you use, it's your intent with those words. If someone says "Man, I really hate people from >insert hereslang meant to refer to people from here
Most of my racial beliefs come from this anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3PJF0YE-x4

He disowned his own bit but it's timeless.

Back when I was a kid I used the word frivolously once, and this black dude in the apartment complex explained to me that "nigger" was a state of mind. It refers to an ignorant person. 

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You know, every time you post a troll meme, it just further entrenches the fact that you have literally nothing of value to contribute.
Is this not the most accurate statement ever made on Vs., or what?

I wonder if we could get Cheapy to change the little disclaimer at the top of this forum...
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I already know, without even having to click the "View it anyway" for a blocked user, that his reply is once again going to be the quote about posting troll memes and nothing of value. It's become utterly predictable at this point. Who drags something out that long, even on the internet?
He's right, guys. It's totally predictable at this point that DD is going to make a worthless meme post, then I'll point it out. You'd think we could move on from this already.
Most of my racial beliefs come from this anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3PJF0YE-x4

He disowned his own bit but it's timeless.
It's charming to ignore that, while racial conditions in the US have improved *substantially* since our founding, institutional, systemic racism has changed form and still lingers.

The Chris Rock narrative is easily accessible because it pretends that institutional discrimination doesn't exist, you're not at fault for enacting and benefitting from passive white privilege throughout your life, and that it is actually blacks who are responsible for fixing their condition on your own.

So this narrative works for you because it means you can sit in your barcolounger and decry racism as something blacks need to fix for themselves.

The Chris Rock narrative is easily accessible because it pretends that institutional discrimination doesn't exist, you're not at fault for enacting and benefitting from passive white privilege throughout your life, and that it is actually blacks who are responsible for fixing their condition on your own.
People got it because it was based in truth. People laughed because it mirrors their own experiences. And I'm only half-white so do I get half-white privilege? My last name is ethnic-sounding so surely I suffer from racism when I submit a resume, right?

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People got it because it was based in truth. People laughed because it mirrors their own experiences. And I'm only half-white so do I get half-white privilege? My last name is ethnic-sounding so surely I suffer from racism when I submit a resume, right?
I think you have to take a photo of yourself next to a brown paper bag, then let the color brigade judge you based on how your skin color compares to the color of that bag before they can determine if your life experiences actually have any relevance or importance to them, the topic at hand, or life in general.
At the very least, I cannot be racist per prevailing progressive liberal belief (remember, according to them racism is prejudice plus power and only whites are in power), and I have the census records to prove it. 

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bread's done