Dark Sector - Gen. Discussion & Info

I played through Chapter 3 today.. it's not that good.

Alright, here we go. Keep in mind that I skipped the story cinematics, so while I may not be sure why some of these things happen, it really doesn't matter, it shouldn't happen at all. For example, I don't care if there's a reason that my first complaint happens.. it happens regardless of back story, and it shouldn't.

- You can't hold a primary weapon long. Shotguns, assault rifles, whatever, they beep a few times, then bam, they're gone. Perhaps they're bound to the owner via DNA or something, similar to Deus Ex: IW, but it's annoying as hell to go into a close range fight, aim, then bzzt, the screen flashes and you drop the weapon. You do have the pistol almost all of the time. Seriously, I was shooting the shotgun, had it aimed, it forced me to drop the weapon.. and he was still aiming with an invisible shotgun.

- You cannot just walk over ammo to pick it up. You have to stop and pick up the gun.

- There's no blind firing or throwing grenades from behind cover. You must aim with the left trigger. Even though I was ducked down behind cover, I still somehow kept getting killed.

- Each skill you learn must be used in the environment. For example, when you learn how to use the quadruple damage throw, there are certain objects that you must use that throw on. No problem, right? Well.. not exactly. You see, to do the quadruple damage throw, you have to hold down the right bumper until the cursor changes to yellow. The problem is, the cursor changes to yellow and stays that way maybe half a second, so if you're in a pinch, don't rely on the quad throw. It'll sometimes take you three or four throws to time it right.

- The enemies have little to no reaction getting shot, but they do whenever they die. Some must have their nerves crossed, as I shot several people in the head and they grabbed their leg and fell.

So again, CAG.. it's not worth the money.. at all. A rental.. if you like third person shooters, it'll satisfy you with a rental. But it's definitely not worth buying. I'm sure many will disagree with me, that's cool.. it just didn't do anything for me.

OXM's 5.5 feels about right for it. Major letdown.

//edit: No option to turn off the blood.
[quote name='Mrcapcom']For people who have the game do you know if you can turn the blood off or not?[/quote]

No, Why would you want to? lool Soooooo much better than past first one!
[quote name='VipFREAK']No, Why would you want to? lool Soooooo much better than past first one![/quote]

Because I don't care for it, and I have young kids that like to sit next to me. I played gears for the first time in awhile and I was like omg i forgot how bloody this game is :bomb: I can just see it now my two daughters and my son (2/3/10Mo) Just sitting there with they mouth opening while I chain saw a locust.

Anywho thanks for the review was it really bloody? like Gears of War bloody or just like halo 3 bloody?
why would you be playing a game with violence in front your kids, regardless of blood or not? Take that $60 and buy viva pinata, cars and ratatouille instead.
[quote name='Scorch']why would you be playing a game with violence in front your kids, regardless of blood or not? Take that $60 and buy viva pinata, cars and ratatouille instead.[/quote]

Shooting someone is one thing but shooting someone and then they explode and reign down intestins and fecal matter on the screen is somethign else. I everyone shoots even some of these stupid shows on tv but the difference between john wayne or some comboy shooting at high noon is a lot different than shooting a guy and half his body explodes.


Samurai Champloo
Black Lion

^Thats up there to show what imean between differences in blood
Don't understand all the hate for this game. I played through Chapter 4 today and I had a good time. I didn't really have a problem with the cover system or using the guns. The game's definitely no Gears, but it's not that bad. They explain pretty much right away (not in cut scenes) that the guns have 'anti-infection' sensors and will stop working after a while. This of course doesn't apply to the pistol you have from the start of the game or what you buy in the Black Market. I had absolutely no trouble with executing the quadruple damage with the glaive. It's all in the timing. After two or three tries you'll have it perfected.

The game isn't revolutionary by any means, and it doesn't do everything perfectly, but so far it is by no means terrible. I'm having fun. I think the game reviewers got it right, the game's a solid 7.5/8.

May not be worth $60, but it's definitely worth a playthrough.
[quote name='Mrcapcom']Shooting someone is one thing but shooting someone and then they explode and reign down intestins and fecal matter on the screen is somethign else. I everyone shoots even some of these stupid shows on tv but the difference between john wayne or some comboy shooting at high noon is a lot different than shooting a guy and half his body explodes.


Samurai Champloo
Black Lion

^Thats up there to show what imean between differences in blood[/quote]

My point was to play games that don't have shooting in them when your kids are around.
[quote name='Trakan']Don't understand all the hate for this game.[/quote]

I associate this game with Timeshift and The Darkness (more the later) Does it play like either game? If so it's barely a rental. I don't know what else to say since I do like the concept and gore of this game.
I'm with Trakan on this one. First off, if you consider yourself an action fan you need to rent this game. I dont think it is worth a purchase, but as a rental, your fucking crazy if you think not. The story isn't TERRIBLE it just isn't as fleshed out as it could have been. The action is good and the gore is great, the glaive is by far the coolest thing I've played with in a game in a long time. Bottom line is I'm having fun while playing and I definitely want to finish the game. Am I sitting here just in shock and awe? No, not unless I use my aftertouch on the glaive and slice through 3 guys in a row and hear them scream in pain.

Quit your whining and bitching and go try it out.
I think i'll rent it then with that opinion lol. I can't wait to play it, sounds pretty good to me.
Did they vary the death noises? I remember from the vids that it was SO repetative and annoying. Either way, sounds like a $30-40 range for me.
I just rented it and well... I wish I hadn't. It's like a wannabe Gears, but they took out everything that make it playable. The aiming is random... the enemies all do the same thing when you're confronted with them. These kind of games are getting really irritating because just like rice rockets it's all show and no go. Hey developers? GRAPHICS alone isn't going to sell games.

Rent it if you must, but I recommend avoiding it altogether. : starts RSV2:
I broke down and rented the game to see if all the hate was applicable or not and here's my 2 cents:

The game starts off just fine. I wasn't a big fan of the black&white at the beginning, but the control and pace of the game was easy to get used to. I'm still not completely sold on the glaive's gameplay. I love using it while back in cover to start my own personal collection of heads, but when I'm being rushed by multiple enemies at once (and they all have large melee weapons/guns that obliterate my health) the last thing I want to do is try and get the Power Throw down. As the missions progress, though, completing the game quickly becomes a chore. The puzzles/objectives are ridiculous sometimes because the game gives you absolutely no hint on what to do next (besides the occasional flashing of a lock/switch/etc.). The timed/countdown parts of the game are frustrating, as well. I've had one major bossfight so far and
it literally took 8-10 minutes straight of doing the same attack over and over and over
. I'm on Mission 6 now, and it just feels like this game is lacking the oomph to keep me going. I suppose I'll finish the game, though, to see the rest of the story out, to learn some new moves, and to get more achievements.

Visually it's awesome (as long as you have your brightness up).
Unique combat system generally works in most of the fighting.
The checkpoint system is very forgiving. If you die, you won't have to journey through 10-15 minutes of the game to get back to where you were.
The gore is very satisfying in this game - limbs flying everywhere!
The Black Market is nicely placed in each level and really improves your chances against some tough enemies.

The difficulty of the AI is overbearing (sometimes), and really makes the game drag along - basically, in many parts of the game, you will have to try the same objective 3 or 4 times before you have any success.
There's nothing in the game to point you in the right direction, or that tells you what you are trying to accomplish, etc. It's all just guess-and-check.
Gameplay goes stale after ~Chapter 4.
Multiplayer? 2 modes and 4 maps? #-o
(minor) The main character's head/face really bothers me, especially in cutscenes. It's not that he's ugly or whatever; he just has a small head and his facial animations/expressions are..different.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I broke down and rented the game to see if all the hate was applicable or not and here's my 2 cents:

The game starts off just fine. I wasn't a big fan of the black&white at the beginning, but the control and pace of the game was easy to get used to. I'm still not completely sold on the glaive's gameplay. I love using it while back in cover to start my own personal collection of heads, but when I'm being rushed by multiple enemies at once (and they all have large melee weapons/guns that obliterate my health) the last thing I want to do is try and get the Power Throw down. As the missions progress, though, completing the game quickly becomes a chore. The puzzles/objectives are ridiculous sometimes because the game gives you absolutely no hint on what to do next (besides the occasional flashing of a lock/switch/etc.). The timed/countdown parts of the game are frustrating, as well. I've had one major bossfight so far and
it literally took 8-10 minutes straight of doing the same attack over and over and over
. I'm on Mission 6 now, and it just feels like this game is lacking the oomph to keep me going. I suppose I'll finish the game, though, to see the rest of the story out, to learn some new moves, and to get more achievements.

Visually it's awesome (as long as you have your brightness up).
Unique combat system generally works in most of the fighting.
The checkpoint system is very forgiving. If you die, you won't have to journey through 10-15 minutes of the game to get back to where you were.
The gore is very satisfying in this game - limbs flying everywhere!
The Black Market is nicely placed in each level and really improves your chances against some tough enemies.

The difficulty of the AI is overbearing (sometimes), and really makes the game drag along - basically, in many parts of the game, you will have to try the same objective 3 or 4 times before you have any success.
There's nothing in the game to point you in the right direction, or that tells you what you are trying to accomplish, etc. It's all just guess-and-check.
Gameplay goes stale after ~Chapter 4.
Multiplayer? 2 modes and 4 maps? #-o
(minor) The main character's head/face really bothers me, especially in cutscenes. It's not that he's ugly or whatever; he just has a small head and his facial animations/expressions are..different.[/QUOTE]

couldn't have said it better, dead on.

(minor) The main character's head/face really bothers me, especially in cutscenes. It's not that he's ugly or whatever; he just has a small head and his facial animations/expressions are..different.

And I thought is was just me! The proportions of Hayden's face are all off.
Too scrunched. And his upper body in cutscenes is out of proportion as well. Loving the Emo hairdo though. Chris Redfield is rocking the ben affleck matt damon all face receding hair look in RE5 and he should call Hayden's stylist. But so far I thought the 'moth to the flame' church level was on point, really like the glaive with fire/electro powers, but it doesn't seem powerful enuff through 5th level. And the exploding guns feature means they don't want me shooting anything other than the blackmarket's underpowered guns.

I knew there would be blood/trouble when the game insert was multiple languages with no story premise whatsoever. Beautiful shovel like this makes me miss my wii. Graphics alone do not make a game. Would pay $29.99 in about a year or so to finish what a free MOVIE GALLERY rental won't get me through.

Too bad this was announced in like 05 and didn't see daylight until 08. It would have been the ish in 06.
[quote name='vrblknch']Cons:

(minor) The main character's head/face really bothers me, especially in cutscenes. It's not that he's ugly or whatever; he just has a small head and his facial animations/expressions are..different.

And I thought is was just me! The proportions of Hayden's face are all off.
Too scrunched. And his upper body in cutscenes is out of proportion as well. Loving the Emo hairdo though. Chris Redfield is rocking the ben affleck matt damon all face receding hair look in RE5 and he should call Hayden's stylist. But so far I thought the 'moth to the flame' church level was on point, really like the glaive with fire/electro powers, but it doesn't seem powerful enuff through 5th level. And the exploding guns feature means they don't want me shooting anything other than the blackmarket's underpowered guns.

I knew there would be blood/trouble when the game insert was multiple languages with no story premise whatsoever. Beautiful shovel like this makes me miss my wii. Graphics alone do not make a game. Would pay $29.99 in about a year or so to finish what a free MOVIE GALLERY rental won't get me through.

Too bad this was announced in like 05 and didn't see daylight until 08. It would have been the ish in 06.[/quote]

How'd you get the free Movie Gallery rental?
mailer with rent one /get one free and a free rental by itself.
sweet clerk let us rent enchanted/am gangster/dark sector all for 7.99.
http://www.xboxlivediamond.com/ Now any body can get 2 for 1. It was free for gold members but now is 6.95 for the year for anybody,still its a good deal since the high price for rentals. Its also good for alot of other merchants you may use or not use..........
Game is definitely worth renting. You get about 700 points on the first playthrough. If you like gore, this is the game for you.

Multi-Player sucks, if you are trying to stealth finish people you're better off using your glaive because you end up trying to melee them and missing.

Only problem is accuracy with guns, there's no real advantage from using full/burst over semi/single.
[quote name='Scorch']I played up to Chapter 4.. I have no desire to continue.. I really want to like this game more, but I can't.[/quote]
It only gets worse. I forced myself to go through the game and the only fun I had was in the last two chapters. WHY did they have to make the main character look like a fuckING queer from a damn EMO band!?! Everytime I see him I want to punch him in the damn ear.
Yes it did get worse...I would have stopped playing it but the Achievement Whore inside of me made me beat it. Also it would be a waste of a rental.

Crappy boss battles, dumb story, no creativity what so ever.

Passed it, final score C-
Yes it did get worse...I would have stopped playing it but the Achievement Whore inside of me made me beat it. Also it would be a waste of a rental.

Crappy boss battles, dumb story, no creativity what so ever.

Passed it, final score C-
Ok, what's the deal with the framerate?

Nick aka RockSolidAudio commented on how 'smooth' the engine was, while some people are complaining of framerate problems.

Then Siliconera comments, "One thing that hurt the suspension of belief during the game is the frame rate. Most of the time, it's fantastic and stutter isn't noticeable, but there are a handful of times (*cough* helicopter, I'm looking at you *cough*) where I got annoyed by the skipping and slowdown. It's not game-breaking in any way — it was just frustrating trying to aim when your system starts to chug."


Some are loving the framerate, while other seem to hate it.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']Ok, what's the deal with the framerate?

Nick aka RockSolidAudio commented on how 'smooth' the engine was, while some people are complaining of framerate problems.

Then Siliconera comments, "One thing that hurt the suspension of belief during the game is the frame rate. Most of the time, it's fantastic and stutter isn't noticeable, but there are a handful of times (*cough* helicopter, I'm looking at you *cough*) where I got annoyed by the skipping and slowdown. It's not game-breaking in any way — it was just frustrating trying to aim when your system starts to chug."


Some are loving the framerate, while other seem to hate it.[/quote]
I never had any framerate issues whatsoever.
well chapter 4 is long. well in comparison to the first 3 atleast. some of the game so far is pretty good. so far id say theres nothing BAD just par for the course type of stuff. i did spend 15 minutes running around trying to figure out what to do before i realized i had to use aftertouch to hit the switch over the fence. that was fun.
I never had a problem with the framerate. I can't really remember any slowdown during the helicopter fights either. They're over pretty quickly though, so maybe it did happen.

The game itself, however, tends to get tedious and boring halfway through the game. I was pretty disappointed; I had high hopes for the game.
I beat the game, it was good overall, but definitely had a lot of small problems and missed opportunities. The writing and acting was stilted, and the story segments weren't woven in that well into the game. Mezner isn't built up well as a bad guy, their prior relationship wasn't built up or concluded well, same for Nadia.

One of my biggest problems with the game was the lack of subtitles. Cutscenes have them just fine, but they put a lot of smaller story elements as voice overs and speaker announcements.

The fighting gets very repetitive, and somewhat annoying at the way enemies will keep spawning in as soon as one dies. At least uncharted had waves of enemies, so you got the feeling of accomplishment and a moment of relief as you finished off one wave, but in Dark Sector, as soon as you dispatch one guy there's literally no delay in another enemy spawning to take his place.

The multiplayer is fun, but not for everyone. The most fun seems to be with the Infection mode with around 6 players.
[quote name='Scorch']I played through Chapter 3 today.. it's not that good.

Alright, here we go. Keep in mind that I skipped the story cinematics, so while I may not be sure why some of these things happen, it really doesn't matter, it shouldn't happen at all. For example, I don't care if there's a reason that my first complaint happens.. it happens regardless of back story, and it shouldn't.

- You can't hold a primary weapon long. Shotguns, assault rifles, whatever, they beep a few times, then bam, they're gone. Perhaps they're bound to the owner via DNA or something, similar to Deus Ex: IW, but it's annoying as hell to go into a close range fight, aim, then bzzt, the screen flashes and you drop the weapon. You do have the pistol almost all of the time. Seriously, I was shooting the shotgun, had it aimed, it forced me to drop the weapon.. and he was still aiming with an invisible shotgun.

- You cannot just walk over ammo to pick it up. You have to stop and pick up the gun.

- There's no blind firing or throwing grenades from behind cover. You must aim with the left trigger. Even though I was ducked down behind cover, I still somehow kept getting killed.

- Each skill you learn must be used in the environment. For example, when you learn how to use the quadruple damage throw, there are certain objects that you must use that throw on. No problem, right? Well.. not exactly. You see, to do the quadruple damage throw, you have to hold down the right bumper until the cursor changes to yellow. The problem is, the cursor changes to yellow and stays that way maybe half a second, so if you're in a pinch, don't rely on the quad throw. It'll sometimes take you three or four throws to time it right.

- The enemies have little to no reaction getting shot, but they do whenever they die. Some must have their nerves crossed, as I shot several people in the head and they grabbed their leg and fell.

So again, CAG.. it's not worth the money.. at all. A rental.. if you like third person shooters, it'll satisfy you with a rental. But it's definitely not worth buying. I'm sure many will disagree with me, that's cool.. it just didn't do anything for me.

OXM's 5.5 feels about right for it. Major letdown.

//edit: No option to turn off the blood.[/quote]

Well, I've rented the game and had some time with it, but I must say scorch, your assessment of the game is 100% dead on. The only thing I would add is that the game is really, really lame. The end of Chapter 3 is retarded. I had to try for 10-15 minutes just to get the blade thing to aim properly and hit the door button. Ridiculous. It simply doesn't make sense why the thing couldn't have locked on to the door when it seems to be able to lock on to things 200 feet away and bring them to me. I've only played about an hour, but I'm already on chapter 4 and I'm literally forcing myself to get through the game. This is generic Gears of war that just shows you why Gears of War is so awesome, if you didn't appreciate it enough.
I thought people were overreacting, but here are my thoughts based on what I have experienced so far:

Level 1 - Wow. The graphics are better than I was expecting. This game is really cool looking. Why do some people hate it so much? This could be awesome.

Level 2 - Hmmm... The controls aren't really tight. The cover system doesn't really work well at all. Not game killers, but I'm surprised to see issues with the basic controls in a game that seems to have really high production values. It's like they spent 90% of the time on graphics and 10% on gameplay. I can already tell this game is an 8/10 at best based on the sloppy controls.

Level 3 - You have got to be freaking kidding me. Someone at the developer needs to be punched in the face. The biggest selling feature of this game is a unique long range weapon that kicks ass and I'm stuck in tight hallways with enemies that immediately run up to me at close range. Are they f'ing retarded at Digital Extremes? This is one of the worst designed levels I have ever seen in a game. Ever.

If this was a Gamefly game for me I would be sealing it up and sending it back. Since I bought it I will continue to play through it and hope it gets better. Most of the reviews say it does get better as it goes along. I'm really pissed off that my hard earned money is supporting someone that is so bad at their job. I just can't get over how badly designed this level is.
[quote name='jkanownik']I thought people were overreacting, but here are my thoughts based on what I have experienced so far:

Level 1 - Wow. The graphics are better than I was expecting. This game is really cool looking. Why do some people hate it so much? This could be awesome.

Level 2 - Hmmm... The controls aren't really tight. The cover system doesn't really work well at all. Not game killers, but I'm surprised to see issues with the basic controls in a game that seems to have really high production values. It's like they spent 90% of the time on graphics and 10% on gameplay. I can already tell this game is an 8/10 at best based on the sloppy controls.

Level 3 - You have got to be freaking kidding me. Someone at the developer needs to be punched in the face. The biggest selling feature of this game is a unique long range weapon that kicks ass and I'm stuck in tight hallways with enemies that immediately run up to me at close range. Are they f'ing retarded at Digital Extremes? This is one of the worst designed levels I have ever seen in a game. Ever.

If this was a Gamefly game for me I would be sealing it up and sending it back. Since I bought it I will continue to play through it and hope it gets better. Most of the reviews say it does get better as it goes along. I'm really pissed off that my hard earned money is supporting someone that is so bad at their job. I just can't get over how badly designed this level is.[/QUOTE]

I had to force myself to beat it for achievements sake, which looking at how many you have I'd wager you will do the same.

The graphics are amazing. The story, level design, and combat are a fucking joke.

Also, the multiplayer is much worse then you can possibly imagine.
This game sure does suffer a lot from technical issues. But i must say that it's incredibly fun at times!

It's definately not worth full price, but for a cool li'l popcorn game, then it's actually pretty darn good.

Still issues here and there and lack of overall polish.
... Oh yeah and multiplayer is pure sh!t.
[quote name='Calamityuponthee']I had to force myself to beat it for achievements sake, which looking at how many you have I'd wager you will do the same.

The graphics are amazing. The story, level design, and combat are a fucking joke.

Also, the multiplayer is much worse then you can possibly imagine.[/quote]

I did finish it up. It got better, but was never great. It had moments where it actually was fun, but it is also had more WTF moments. Despite the warnings I played one game online.
Im going through my intense backlog and Dark Sector was up next. Made it to level 3 before i just said why am i even bothering, the game is so boring and uninspiring, with boring mechanics and really, the game is so insanely generic. I cannot get myself to play it for the achievements either, its that boring. Unless you want the achievement points, don't bother with this one, so many better games out there to play.
[quote name='jkanownik']I thought people were overreacting, but here are my thoughts based on what I have experienced so far:

Level 1 - Wow. The graphics are better than I was expecting. This game is really cool looking. Why do some people hate it so much? This could be awesome.

Level 2 - Hmmm... The controls aren't really tight. The cover system doesn't really work well at all. Not game killers, but I'm surprised to see issues with the basic controls in a game that seems to have really high production values. It's like they spent 90% of the time on graphics and 10% on gameplay. I can already tell this game is an 8/10 at best based on the sloppy controls.

Level 3 - You have got to be freaking kidding me. Someone at the developer needs to be punched in the face. The biggest selling feature of this game is a unique long range weapon that kicks ass and I'm stuck in tight hallways with enemies that immediately run up to me at close range. Are they f'ing retarded at Digital Extremes? This is one of the worst designed levels I have ever seen in a game. Ever.

If this was a Gamefly game for me I would be sealing it up and sending it back. Since I bought it I will continue to play through it and hope it gets better. Most of the reviews say it does get better as it goes along. I'm really pissed off that my hard earned money is supporting someone that is so bad at their job. I just can't get over how badly designed this level is.[/quote]
haha this analysis is dead on! but i feel invested enough in the game to try to finish it. im currently at the beginning of chapter 4.
bread's done