Backlash said:
Thanks for the tips. I was definitely staying close, right by his hind foot the whole time. Not sure why he flew up. I think I have a Gyrm's shield, though probably not enough STR to use it. Anyway, I'll give it another shot tonight.
I did this fight many times and went into great detail about it. When I finally beat him, I was able to keep him from flying up even one time - but you have to be very careful to do so. Being "by" his hind foot (I assume you mean at the side) won't work at all. I was never able to get the shield strategy to work by the way - I'd get staggered and then killed as the AOE continues for what seemed like several seconds more...
Basically, the strategy is this:
1) Run in right at his head and the veer left (to trigger the sweeping attack instead of an opening AOE)
2) Head to back left foot, and get right in between the toes. This is the key issue: you need to get right in between the inner toe and middle toe. If you are even slightly outside this area, he will AOE.
3) Attack a few times, maintaining some stamina. As soon as he lifts his foot, run/roll towards the back diagonal as guardian_owl mentioned. (I found rolling much better since run never seems to trigger for me in key situations).
4) Switch over the other foot and repeat.
5) Another key thing: once you get in between the other foot's toes, he will usually shift his foot a bit which will push you out from between his toes. Once again, you need to press right back in there or he might do the AOE.
I ran through this several times and he did his AOE when I either didn't get to the other foot quickly enough or I let him push me out a bit too much and I attacked from there instead of getting back in between those toes. And I mean it isn't much - if you are still in between his toes but not literally pressed right up against him he will AOE. He also might do the underneath breath. You will see him rearing up on his hind legs. In that case you do want to go back outside his feet, but then get right back in there again after he drops his front feet (watch out as they can crush you). I don't think he did this on my "perfect" run either, but it can happen when you switch feet.
So when I finally defeated him I probably switched feet 10+ times (avoiding just the stomp attack) and he didn't do a single AOE. I two-handed my Greatsword and had one of the stamina-regen shields on my back. I wouldn't bother with all the other armor-removal that some people do. As long as you can roll fast (less than 70% equip) then you should be OK.
I was able to defeat him on coop (helping someone else) once but in that case I actually did have to avoid the AOE 3 times. I just got lucky and picked the right way to run in that case. The other guy was triggering the AOE by staying off to the side behind him and throwing spells at him.
If you want an easier way, you could get Gower's Ring. You'd need to burn an ascetic in Shaded Woods (for the foggy area). That area is not much harder on NG+. I didn't do that myself because I was worried about making it too hard, but after I finally did go through on NG+ it hadn't changed much (no red phantom NPCs like in some areas). But in any case, that supposedly protects you completely from the AOE attack.
As for what else to do, well, you should beat Vendrick. And do the Dark Covenant and maybe Bell Keepers if you haven't done those yet. I did Bell Keepers entirely offline via the red phantom in Belfy Sol (just remember to join the covenant first!). It is nice in NG+ not to have to worry about that stuff. And keep in mind you will get invaded much more in NG+ so it is better to handle that stuff in NG. I am SM 11 million now and getting invaded regularly, even at odd hours (like 4am this morning). I'm getting really close to the max SM cap at which point I expect invasions to ramp up even more dramatically.
In my own game, I am up past Covetous Demon in Earthen Peak. Just have to finish off Mythra yet again and move on to Iron Keep. If I can get the old soul there, I ought to be really close to opening the Shrine.
My problem now is that I still don't have a fragrant branch of yore in NG++ yet. Where is the first/easiest one to get? I need one for the path to Shrine of Winter of course. I'm thinking maybe the NPC in Iron Keep sells one. If so, that should be perfect. In fact, after I get that I might just go check on the Shrine at that point. Maybe I won't even need to go through Iron Keep.