Darkstalkers, Disgaea, Ar Tonelico, + More = Cross Edge

[quote name='greenfox']I've been interested in this game, but it comes out tomorrow and I've yet to find a single review for it. That sometimes means that early review copies weren't sent out, which may mean the game is not very good. Any thoughts from anyone who's played it?[/QUOTE]

I don't think NIS can afford to not send out review copies even if this game is a stinker. NIS doesn't get enough coverage as is and they aren't going to risk coverages of all future titles just for one game. Is more likely that review sites tries to get out reviews on time for big titles like inFamous while NIS games get low priority.
I picked it up. I think its just fine. Its made as a fan service so if you are coming in thinking its going to be the next great thing, look else where. Im enjoying it though.
Yeah I just got a call from Gamestop that it would be ready for pickup in about 2 hours. Definitely looking forward to the game.

After picking up this, Infamous, and Tales of Vesperia this week, I should have enough to keep me busy for a while.
[quote name='MSUHitman']LostRoad,
How big is the install?[/QUOTE]

OK just picked this up while I was at work.

-No install, 50 MB per save file

-Strategy guide is online only (no download) available here for $9.99:

-NIS seemed to save money on printing American and French Canadian copies (for Quebec, Canada) as the case and instruction manual are in English and French just like the copies sold in Canada would be.
[quote name='Serpentor']so how about them trophies? Easy to get? Not so hard platinum?[/QUOTE]
They seem to be a grind, gonna have to work for these like Aquanaut's.

Played for 1-2 hours last night to get started, it's ok.
I like the battles. Story, music, and progression leave much to be desired.

Morrigan sure is a slut though. Play in English.
I usually put Japanese audio when available, but it's just so cliche in this game that the English makes it slightly more tolerable/enjoyable.

Did I mention Morrigan is super slutty?
thanks dallow, looks like i have buy it then, because i don't think i'm gonna dive deep if rental.

Morrigan is the only reason i'm considering getting the game, duh!
She's my fave part of the game so far! ;P

Actually, the battles are pretty cool once you get the hang of it.
Story, presentation, etc are all forgettable though.
According to the only review so far from Diehard Gamefan (the reviewer played the Japanese version twice) Morrigan is the best overall character in the game. He also said it's really hard to get the true ending. I'm probably going to buy the online-only strategy guide for $10 later this week.
I'd love to hear more impressions. I'm really interested in getting this game, but there aren't really any substantial reviews out there.
Here are my more detailed impressions that I posted at GAF. Some of it I mentioned.


My impressions:

I played it myself for an hour or two last night just to get started.

Morrigan sure is a slut, wow.
I usually put Japanese audio when available, but the voices are just so cliche in this game that the English makes it slightly more tolerable/enjoyable.

Did I mention Morrigan is super slutty? ( i kinda like that... :eek: )

I do like the battle system, and the only thing slightly complicated about it is the break/rush, overbreak (guardbreak?) aspects of it.

The actualy fighting, doing combos etc are enjoyable and I look forward to when I'm more powered up and can pull off cooler combos.

The "World map" is serviceable.
The way the story is presented and told is pretty boring though, very much like a visual novel type thing. Lots of static portraits.
I will play more so that's a good thing, and I'm sure I'll understand better as I go along.

EDIT: And all this is coming from someone who doesn't even play these smaller niche RPGs from NIS or Gust, etc.
I really just recognize Prinny and the Capcom characters.
Been playing for a few hours now. The story and other gameplay is a bit underwhelming but the battle system is very well done. The first few hours you are literally just running around the map hitting the search button and trying to find event points in order to move the story along.

There is also very little explanation as to what some of the information screens mean.

If anyone has played for a bit I have a question.

When you are in the Item Store and looking at buying Armor for example ... you can hit the square button to bring up a list of who can equip the item. There are 2 numbers below each person that can equip the item.

I can't for the life of me figure out what these numbers mean. It doesn't reflect any change in the DEF for example so I'm not sure what I am looking at there. Scanning the manual did not help with that screen either.

Anyone know ?
I haven't put the time aside to start this yet. I'll probably start playing after I finish my first play through of infaomus.

[quote name='MSUHitman']According to the only review so far from Diehard Gamefan (the reviewer played the Japanese version twice) Morrigan is the best overall character in the game. He also said it's really hard to get the true ending. I'm probably going to buy the online-only strategy guide for $10 later this week.[/QUOTE]
Thats really not surprising to hear...
I saw her chest and WOW! Was the only reaction I got when playing Cross Edge and seeing Morrigan's enormous bewbs.
Seeing that this game is released, it's kind of a bummer that Namco x Capcom wasn't localized way back when.
[quote name='GodlyOne']Seeing that this game is released, it's kind of a bummer that Namco x Capcom wasn't localized way back when.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that's one of the reasons I got this as I always wanted to play Namco x Capcom and couldn't so I wanted to support more of these games to get localized.
Hey could someone PM me how to equip some extra skills I have seemed to pick up or earned that are now in my items list?

also anyone with the guide see a mentioning on a New game plus?
[quote name='Vampire_Zio']Hey could someone PM me how to equip some extra skills I have seemed to pick up or earned that are now in my items list?

also anyone with the guide see a mentioning on a New game plus?[/QUOTE]

You have to get a new weapon that has additional slots before you can equip additional skills. Each weapon has a certain number of slots that are active. Your initial weapons only have the one active slot they can use so you can equip the other skills until you get a new weapon.

[quote name='fizzywix']IGN review gave this a 3.5 =/ http://ps3.ign.com/articles/988/988422p2.html

Disappointing but I'm still interested in checking it out.[/QUOTE]

That IGN review is utter crap and was written by someone who seems to have a penchant for hating games of this nature. The guy says that he played the game for over 10 hours and still couldn't figure out the battle system. I had the battle system down easily after a 1 minute tutorial. Like I said earlier, there are a few descriptive things missing from menus and such, but in no way should that bring the game down to a 3.5. This should be more in the 7'ish range .... or at minimum in the 6's if you really want to nitpick.
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Started playing this game last night. I like it all right. The only thing that bothers me is the whole placing your characters in a formation. There's no way to see your attacks ranges as far as I can see.

For the collect all the items trophies, do you have to actually have all the weapons/armor/etc or do you just have to fill us the item encyclopedia?
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Started playing this game last night. I like it all right. The only thing that bothers me is the whole placing your characters in a formation. There's no way to see your attacks ranges as far as I can see.

For the collect all the items trophies, do you have to actually have all the weapons/armor/etc or do you just have to fill us the item encyclopedia?[/QUOTE]

If you're forming the party in the pause menu then after you get them where you want them select the test battle option. You are put into a battle with wood dummies and you'll be able to see where you're attacks will hit.
This game seems really difficult. Even in normal battles, I'm having characters die. And, I can't for the life of me get past that first boss fight.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Started playing this game last night. I like it all right. The only thing that bothers me is the whole placing your characters in a formation. There's no way to see your attacks ranges as far as I can see.

For the collect all the items trophies, do you have to actually have all the weapons/armor/etc or do you just have to fill us the item encyclopedia?[/QUOTE]

Also keep in mind that where you can hit from is not so much dependent on the character as it is the skill that they are using. If you look at the skill in your item menu and then view the details on that skill it will show you what the attack ranges and hit ranges are.

[quote name='ChibiJosh']This game seems really difficult. Even in normal battles, I'm having characters die. And, I can't for the life of me get past that first boss fight.[/QUOTE]

Are you skipping your first turn each battle ? They were a bit difficult to me at first on hard but once I started skipping my first turn to build AP right off the bat... things became much MUCH easier.
I skip the first turn sometimes. If the enemy ever starts a round then I skip my next turn and start the following round with double AP.
i haven't play the game yet, so i can't comment on the unfair advantage from the DLCs (i got all of the free DLCs). However, i welcome any or every advantages as long as they unlock trophies :)
[quote name='m_d_amore']is it me or does the free dlc give you an unfair advantage?[/QUOTE]
To get all the content in the game, you have to play on Expert mode anyway, so any and all advantages are welcome.
Yes, there are, and I just picked this up today. Jumped onto the PS3 boat, and now have all three systems. (my wife wants to kill me)
I heard this game got a bit of a poor rating, but I almost never go by the official reviewers' words. I am one of the many who likes to hear what the voice of the fans have to say.

This title has had my eye for a while now, so it is about time I got some opinions on it.
Only thing fun is the battle system to me.
Story and.... everything else was boring to me, but then I really don't like anime.
Hm, my mind has to ask why you would play it if you didn't dig the anime style of things. It pretty much shouts that it is an anime like role playing game from the moment you lay eyes on it, so the only thing I which can think of as a reason is you like a cast of characters within the game that aren't very anime like.

I just watched the first 10 minutes of it on YouTube as I usually do when considering new games to play and the story looks like something that I could enjoy and would hold my interest. Same goes for the battle system.
This was when Cross Edge was like a cold glass of water and PS3 was a desert for RPGS.

Things have changed now though, which is why I'm skipping Trinity Universe. ;)
I read you there. Just curious though, do you dig any RPGs from the orient or is it only RPGs from the West that float your boat? Surely there may be some exceptions to your not 100% liking of anime.

Fair enough mate. If you didn't enjoy the first game then chances are you may not like the spiritual sequel to it.
Nah, I played and enjoyed White Knight Chronicles recently. And I'm sure I'll find FFXIII fun in it's own way when I get around to opening it up.
But it's really just 16 bit JRPGs that I enjoy.

Cross Edge just seemed different at the time.
I just didn't like that there is no real movement in this game, you just pick the place and go, and I hate when interaction is just character portraits talking to each other endlessly.
Well Gust and NISA can service you on the 16 bit JRPG spectrum, just not with Cross Edge. Perhaps you'd find the Atelier series might interest you; It still has portraits, but when it is 16bit it is either that or no facial expressions at all. The game interchanges it nicely though with scenes of the characters in their 16 bit glory hopping and running around and whatnot like 16bit characters do. Recently the series has even made the jump to PS3 graphics, so that is a change I am looking forward to seeing implemented.

The Atelier games (and Mana Khemia which is also included within the series) have pretty open areas. There are still menus for moving between, but they seem not even noticeable after a while since the areas they lead to are so huge on their own to move throughout. A good deal of 16 bit action here which balances it out with some portraits.

Back to the topic of Cross Edge though, I watched a bit more. It doesn't look like something that would be worth my time or cash just now. It looks like it would rank around a 7.75 from me. If I had watched further to see more familiar faces maybe I would have enjoyed it more, but I have other games to enjoy before this one. A great deal of them with characters inside Cross Edge ironically.
bread's done