Dave Perry: Wii appeal will wear off


via Computer and Video Games

Games industry icon and developer, Dave Perry, says that Wii's popularity will eventually die down as gamers "drop their Wii controllers" in favour of the more graphically advanced experiences offered by Xbox 360 and PS3.

He went on to predict: "When a game comes out - a game like a Halo or something, something they haven't seen before - they'll drop everything and they'll drop their Wii controllers when it does."

He doesn't seem to be referring to the non-hardcore gamers to which the Wii appeals, who generally aren't willing to spend large amounts of money on the high-performance consoles.

He also had a pop at the Wii's controller interface. "The Nintendo Wii isn't the final solution to that sort of interactive interface. I think we'll always see more and more interesting approaches to interface, and I really don't think the Wii is the ultimate solution to that," he told Disposable Media.

i think this guy is full of bs
Dave Perry said the GBA would fail.


So he doesn't have a lot of credibility when it comes to predictions.

It doesn't help that some of his arguments aren't really...valid.
yeah gba still sell pretty well considering ds holds gba games and basicly every should have 2-6 lol but really i thoguht gba wasnt gonna sell anymore since ds was out but it still amaz me that it still sell well
Welcome to six months ago, Dave. I'm a big fan of your one game of note.

Now, I like Halo and all, but it takes some balls to use it as an example of "something they haven't seen before."

I mean, he complains that the Wii isn't the end-all, be-all of user interfaces (and he's right), but those "more, and more interesting" interfaces don't just spring up magically, overnight. So why complain about the steps someone else is taking to get there, especially when you've had ample opportunity in your own career and haven't done so? It's like the man wants to eat cake, but he's gonna bitch and complain about the baking someone else is doing, every step of the way.
[quote name='Crimson_Raven25']yeah gba still sell pretty well considering ds holds gba games and basicly every should have 2-6 lol but really i thoguht gba wasnt gonna sell anymore since ds was out but it still amaz me that it still sell well[/QUOTE]

This has to be the most poorly constructed sentences I've ever seen.
[quote name='munch']This has to be the most poorly constructed sentences I've ever seen.[/quote]
ok ok im srry no need for the hate lets not start flaming eachother:)
According to Wikipedia, this guy worked on Enter the Matrix. I think we can safely ignore his predictions. :lol:
yeah i got enter the matrix for ps2 most poorly game constrocted, every time there is lag glitching and the voices keeped on coming it late, also to many freezes can t belive it was a greats hits
[quote name='The Crotch']Has Perry/Shiny done anything since Matrix? I can't think of a damn thing.

And come to think of it, I can't recall what they did between Matrix and Earth Worm Jim. One good-not-great Playstation game based around torturing your enemies, but beyond that, I'm drawing a blank.[/QUOTE]

I think the resume runs something like: Earthworm Jim, Wild9, Messiah, Enter the Matrix, and that MMO dancing game that just came out. That's all I've got.
Funny how he's implying that everyone will already own a Wii in order to be able to "drop it" to run out and buy Halo or something.
[quote name='Crimson_Raven25']a game like a Halo or something, something they haven't seen before[/quote]

Halo is something we haven't seen before?
I had to think for a second, "Is this THAT David Perry?"

And ha, it is Earthworm Jim guy.
MDK was alright for it's time as well.

Didn't he say almost the exact same thing many months ago?

Dave Perry is someone who was very highly respected 10 years ago (in the same way John Carmack and John Romero were highly respected). Out of those three Carmack is the only one who seems to be worth anything.

Find some old Next Generation magazines from ebay. You'll learn a ton.
[quote name='Crimson_Raven25']

He also had a pop at the Wii's controller interface. "The Nintendo Wii isn't the final solution to that sort of interactive interface. I think we'll always see more and more interesting approaches to interface, and I really don't think the Wii is the ultimate solution to that," he told Disposable Media.

Obviously not Dave. What kind of comment is this? There is ALWAYS development going on. The NES had a great controller, but that wasn't the end of it, they developed the SNES controller. People loved the PS1 controller, but then they improved it to the PS2 controller. Jesus christ. Why don't I just say the PS3 and 360 aren't the final solution to HD gaming? Or that fucking dial up modems weren't the final solution to connecting to the internets.

Of course it isn't the final fucking solution, but obviously there's something to it. And I'd bet that next generation Nintendo is going to be closer to whatever this "final solution" that you speak of is (it doesn't exist) than any other console (if they decide to follow that path).
As I posted in the Wii are screwed thread.

Jesus, it has now been 8 months and we are still hearing the exact same statements (and you still can't find a system anywhere)?
It's only natural that the sales pace will slow. Nintendo could produce more Wii Systems, but the scarcity increases demand, so they won't.

To be honest, there isn't a whole lot to play on the Wii right now.
[quote name='lanleague']It's only natural that the sales pace will slow. Nintendo could produce more Wii Systems, but the scarcity increases demand, so they won't.

Why do people keep saying this?

It's like you have to find reasons for why it's selling out - repeatedly - and in quantities higher than the other consoles.

Nintendo is a frugal company. They are obsessed with making profit everywhere. It makes no sense for them to open up a few more factories to sell a few more systems to the point where saturation begins to drop, because then they've just wasted a lot of resources on something that was only worthwhile for all of a few months.
You know, I used to think that this whole " Wii " thing was a fad a few months ago until I realized it was selling like pogs and swatches. Then I decided to back off.
It's started to happen some for me, but will never wear off totally as I love first party Nintendo games.

I just haven't enjoyed motion controls as much as I thought (most of the time I'd just rather lay down and press buttons when gaming) and the graphics bug me a bit since I recently got an HDTV.

But I'm a sucker for Mario, Metroid and Zelda so the Wii will have a place in my house at least through Metroid and Mario. After that will depend on what the 2008 lineup is shaping up like.
[quote name='dallow']I had to think for a second, "Is this THAT David Perry?"

And ha, it is Earthworm Jim guy.
MDK was alright for it's time as well.

Didn't he say almost the exact same thing many months ago?[/QUOTE]
:rofl: Earthworm Jim guy. How do the guys who made Boogerman feel about the Wii?
so far to me N64 was good but the Controller is like u need 3 arms
Game Cube Sucked Cuz there was hardly anything to play
Wii is doing amazingly well, but so did gamecube then died out
but right now what i there to play for wii, we cant say this now since it hasnt been a year. But mario on game cube mario games sucked so much luigi matsion?? super mario sunshine??? to many mario sports but the Wii is going to bring it back, hopefully
Please, once xmas season comes around in a few months anyone with out a wii is fucked because you won't be able to find one till early 08.

Wii isn't going to lose any steam untill at least mid 08, then in a few months after then it's xmas season again.
[quote name='dothog']This "Mario" thing is way past its prime. People can only line up for this "Mushroom Land" gimmick for so long.[/QUOTE]

Or better yet, Pokemon. Isn't that a fad? A twelve-year-old, top-selling fad?
Will? Already has if you ask me. I let my cousins borrow it for two weeks, and it's been sitting in it's carrying case since I got it back from them a week ago. And before I gave it to them, I was in LA and haven't touched. So basically I haven't turned it on in 5 weeks.
[quote name='Crimson_Raven25']via Computer and Video Games

Games industry icon and developer, Dave Perry, says that Wii's popularity will eventually die down as gamers "drop their Wii controllers" in favour of the more graphically advanced experiences offered by Xbox 360 and PS3.

He went on to predict: "When a game comes out - a game like a Halo or something, something they haven't seen before - they'll drop everything and they'll drop their Wii controllers when it does."

He doesn't seem to be referring to the non-hardcore gamers to which the Wii appeals, who generally aren't willing to spend large amounts of money on the high-performance consoles.

He also had a pop at the Wii's controller interface. "The Nintendo Wii isn't the final solution to that sort of interactive interface. I think we'll always see more and more interesting approaches to interface, and I really don't think the Wii is the ultimate solution to that," he told Disposable Media.

i think this guy is full of bs[/quote]
Yeah, Halo 3 is something no one has seen before. :rofl:

Oh, Dave Perry... you're such a funny guy.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Will? Already has if you ask me. I let my cousins borrow it for two weeks, and it's been sitting in it's carrying case since I got it back from them a week ago. And before I gave it to them, I was in LA and haven't touched. So basically I haven't turned it on in 5 weeks.[/quote]

I haven't played my 360 in 3 weeks, what's your point?

Has that appeal to me worn off? No, I just haven't played it for awhile.

Do you see me in the 360 forums asking when HD graphics and regular gameplay is going to die out in favor of this new gameplay?

No because that would be a stupid thing to do, so is calling the Wii a fad at this point. This isn't a fad, it isn't going anywhere. If anything it is just going to get WORSE with all the games coming out. It's to the point now where Im not even sure if one will be able to be found with relative ease until around 2009.

Think about it. You have the AAA titles coming out this fall, then christmas starts up. You aren't going to be able to find one. Once that lets up you are still going to have all the people who couldn't find one for christmas and such, still looking for them.

This is going to be a tough find for a long long time.
Yup, he's 100% right. The Wii is a gimmick and will never play host to AAA titles such as Messiah, Wild 9, and Enter the Matrix.
It will keep selling well for sure. But the appeal may still wear off for individual gamers. It has for me to a large degree as I just haven't dug the motion controls and the Nintendo first party games just don't get me quite as excited as they used to.

But that doesn't mean the console is just a fad. It's not. It's a hit and it will continue to sell well. It just may well not end up being my cup of tea, in which case I'll have no problem thowing it on craig's list around x-mas if I'm not seeing more games in the future line up that appeal to me.
Following this logic, everyone will drop their DSlites when they see how good the games on the PSP look. You know, as soon as something they've never seen before like SOCOM comes out...
[quote name='Puffa469']Following this logic, everyone will drop their DSlites when they see how good the games on the PSP look. You know, as soon as something they've never seen before like SOCOM comes out...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Puffa469']Following this logic, everyone will drop their DSlites when they see how good the games on the PSP look. You know, as soon as something they've never seen before like SOCOM comes out...[/QUOTE]

EXACTLY. Liberty City Stories came and went, and no DS-dropping happened.

Really, this "fad" label really is shortsighted. I think the DS has debunked it quite solidly over the last 2 1/2 years.
It's nice to believe that everyone will drop everything for high definition graphics. But when only 12-15% of all television owners in the US have HD sets, it doesn't seem very likely that people will do anything to get an HD console. Maybe in another 5 years the market will be large enough for Nintendo to join the HD generation, but now it doesn't make good business sense.

So they're making Wii Fit. I still don't understand how that takes away from "hardcore" gamers. When Sony came out with the Eye Toy did it mean they were ignoring the lardcore? When DDR came out did it mean hardcore fanatics were being neglected? What about Guitar Hero? I think the OP feels neglected becuase they didn't read his mind and come out with the exact game he thought of in his head which is filled with a plethora of new game ideas.

Nintendo is simply expanding the scope of the videogame experience. From their experiment, we'll be able to tell what works and what doesn't. It's a potentially enriching endeavor for everyone. I, for one, have grown tired of the same old L1 R1 L2 R2 up/down/left/right/blue/red/green/yellow remote control mastrubation that's been the standard for 30 years.

Why bash a company for trying something new? New initiatives what we gamers have been clamoring for for years and we'll end up voting for them with dollars. Yea, or nea, we all stand to win when new ideas are brought to the marketplace because, sooner or later, one of them is bound to change the industry for the better.
[quote name='Crimson_Raven25']vi"When a game comes out - a game like a Halo or something, something they haven't seen before - they'll drop everything and they'll drop their Wii controllers when it does." [/quote]

Maybe someone should tell him that it's Halo 3, as in the third one.

And the Wii interest will die, in 4-5-6 years when the enxt gen come sout. :)
[quote name='bmulligan']So they're making Wii Fit. I still don't understand how that takes away from "hardcore" gamers. When Sony came out with the Eye Toy did it mean they were ignoring the lardcore? When DDR came out did it mean hardcore fanatics were being neglected? What about Guitar Hero? I think the OP feels neglected becuase they didn't read his mind and come out with the exact game he thought of in his head which is filled with a plethora of new game ideas.

Nintendo is simply expanding the scope of the videogame experience. From their experiment, we'll be able to tell what works and what doesn't. It's a potentially enriching endeavor for everyone. I, for one, have grown tired of the same old L1 R1 L2 R2 up/down/left/right/blue/red/green/yellow remote control mastrubation that's been the standard for 30 years.

Why bash a company for trying something new? New initiatives what we gamers have been clamoring for for years and we'll end up voting for them with dollars. Yea, or nea, we all stand to win when new ideas are brought to the marketplace because, sooner or later, one of them is bound to change the industry for the better.[/QUOTE]

Well said. And you get extra points for "lardcore," whether you used it intentionally or not.
Why does it seem like the media's turning into a bunch of tabloid journalists? "Oh my god, such-and-such developer says X console sucks. Shocking!"

Who cares what this guy thinks about the Wii?
bread's done