Dead Island - Who Do You Voodoo B***h?

I had originally decided to wait for a price drop but I saw it in stock at Redbox so I had to give it a whirl. Loving the shit out of this game so far! Just finished my first sit down with it and i'm 13% main quest and level 10 QB character already. :lol:

Was wondering when guns would come into play then I did the Omar mission where he tells you if you take him to....he'll give you his revolver. I'm cussing him the whole way like wtf dude you got a gun help out. Get the gun and find out he's Barney Fife with 1 bullet. I :lol:
This game is a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting much, but have really ended up enjoying it for what it is. It has some technical problems, sure, but they're easy to get over.

Given the setting and all, I do have to say that I find myself just daydreaming that this had been Jurassic Park game instead. This whole set up would have been perfect.
[quote name='007']Given the setting and all, I do have to say that I find myself just daydreaming that this had been Jurassic Park game instead. This whole set up would have been perfect.[/QUOTE]

Haha, just wait till the 4th film comes out. There's no way they don't make a game for it. will probably suck. :whistle2:|
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Haha, just wait till the 4th film comes out. There's no way they don't make a game for it. will probably suck. :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

The new adventure type Jurassic Park game looks pretty awesome, otherwise there's always that Jurassic Park zoo tycoon knock off.
Any way to check your total playtime in game? Didn't see it anywhere unless i'm blind.

Finally in the gun biz but yall were right they are mainly for select guys and situations. Trying to sell a friend of mine on this even though i'm 45% in now. Told him it's Fallout with zombies minus the gunplay. He said he never played Fallout, I lost respect for him. lol

Monster shoulda opened their wallets and got their stink all over this game. Think how many times you'd see Monster Energy Drink press x. :D

EDIT: oops found it on the main title screen under options they track each character and total.
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I Redbox'd this yesterday and I am pleasantly surprised! Voice acting is terrible (but in a funny sorta way) but I love the pacing. You can accept however many missions you please and go about completing them at your own leisure. Only played SP so far, but maybe I'll break down and buy this soon. Anyone know about planned DLC for this game?
[quote name='kburns10']I Redbox'd this yesterday and I am pleasantly surprised! Voice acting is terrible (but in a funny sorta way) but I love the pacing. You can accept however many missions you please and go about completing them at your own leisure. Only played SP so far, but maybe I'll break down and buy this soon. Anyone know about planned DLC for this game?[/QUOTE]

There is DLC coming out this month.

"Dead Island has stumbled into its first week, releasing an unplayable version on Steam, needing a massive day-one patch, leaving a sexist slur in a line of code and, of course, there's our own review. But all hope is not lost -- DLC is on the way. The Bloodbath Arena DLC pack will add four new maps with unrelenting waves of zombies to the game, due for release later this month.

Bloodbath Arena was first announced as a free pre-order bonus, and will sell for $10 on all other copies. All XP and cash earned in the DLC maps will carry over to the main campaign, because it looks like Dead Island players will need all the help they can get."

Apparently it is a "horde" or "firefight" mode where waves of various zombies attack you (and your buddies) and you have to survive as long as possible.
Beat the game yesterday, now im just trying to get all the achievements (missing 12 of them). One major complaint I have about the new game + is that while the enemies scale to your level, the items looted & Quest rewards are the same as the first playthrough (400xp for completing a quest is BS when u get around 5k exp from killing Thugs)

If you guys are looking for a good way to power-level, I think I found one. If you join someone's game who is much higher level than you, you can still easily knock down & break the zombie's arms. If you break a zombie's arm and keep punching the broken arm with your bare fists, you get a ton of xp per hit. When I was level 13 in a level 39 player's game, I was getting 100-140xp per punch and each zombie takes about 25-30 punches to kill.
How do you even play Co-Op? i start my game, go the lobby, see a ton of people...and can't join them. One guy randomly joined my game...and that's it.
[quote name='GizmoGC']How do you even play Co-Op? i start my game, go the lobby, see a ton of people...and can't join them. One guy randomly joined my game...and that's it.[/QUOTE]

I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I think you can only join players matches if you are close to an area where there are other players, because I've noticed it wouldn't let me join in one area, then I went to the lighthouse or whatever and I could join other matches. The game automatically pairs you up with other players who are around the same section you are.

If anyone wants to some co-op add me x cappa x
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']I'm gonna be selling off my gamestop special edition or whatever, as it seems to be fetching around $80 on ebay. and just rebuy a regular copy.[/QUOTE]

So people are paying full price + $20 for $10 DLC that isn't even out yet... >_>


You can find the online settings in the options menu. Public slots are joinable by anyone at any time, under certain circumstances. (mostly they have to be at, or beyond your story progress)

Private slots must be from invites sent to people.

Higher level/farther story progress characters can join you, but I think they'd have to seek you out directly, as I don't think they would see you in the list of games. The list of joinable games you see are people with similar story progress. If you can't join, they probably don't have any public slots.

For people who join, if they are similar in story progress, then they keep everything from your game (including story/quest progress). You can, however, do a quest in solo and then join the person and do the same quest, if the host hasn't done it yet, and also get credit for it.


Beware these glitches/issues: (not specific to 360)

If you give items to Jin, and try to take anything out of her storage while your inventory is full, any items taken out will be LOST.

If you're throwing items consistently, then you will most likely lose one eventually. Always be prepared to potentially lose your most favorite weapon, if you like to throw! Items can get stuck in bodies, and the body can subsequently disappear. Sometimes you can recover the weapon, but it can also vanish depending on how the zombie died. Also, it gets to be a pain with recovering weapons. This doesn't happen often if you stay on top of your throwing/recovering, but keep it in mind. (I've lost around 8 of my best weapons since I started playing Logan as a thrower, currently lvl 31)

When buying from merchants, the selection reticule likes to randomly pop around after buying something. Counter this by changing categories to what you're buying (left trigger).

Very rarely (still not sure what causes this), after modding a weapon, the weapon itself will vanish and you may or may not be able to even equip a weapon without quitting and rejoining/playing. Nothing else is lost (usually?), but I've seen it happen at least once.

If you have a gun (with ammo) in your inventory and you pick up + throw a propane tank, the game will automatically change to the gun. I was extremely annoyed by this, until I realized you can change weapons by holding RB. Tapping it doesn't work when it changes to the gun.

I guess that's it for now...

The game in general is unpolished. I haven't had game-breaking glitches happen, just annoyances. No falling through the world, or getting stuck... though I imagine it's possible.

Oh, and the 'day one' patch has been delayed, again. It was supposed to be released last Friday, then today, and now it's been denied by Microsoft's QA testing (and also Sony's).
Upset to hear the news about the patch. The merchant thing is what annoys me the most, as for the propane tank / switch to gun situation I actually liked that :p
[quote name='Rhett']@GizmoGC

You can find the online settings in the options menu. Public slots are joinable by anyone at any time, under certain circumstances. (mostly they have to be at, or beyond your story progress)

Private slots must be from invites sent to people.

Higher level/farther story progress characters can join you, but I think they'd have to seek you out directly, as I don't think they would see you in the list of games. The list of joinable games you see are people with similar story progress. If you can't join, they probably don't have any public slots.

For people who join, if they are similar in story progress, then they keep everything from your game (including story/quest progress). You can, however, do a quest in solo and then join the person and do the same quest, if the host hasn't done it yet, and also get credit for it.[/QUOTE]

I'm also having a problem playing co-op. When I go to the online settings, every option is grayed out so I can't change them, I can't even highlight them. Every game is unjoinable in the browse lobbies list. I was able to join someone's game that was near me while I was in my own game, but that's all I could do and it only happened once. I bought this game solely for co-op and I can't even do that, it's extremely frustrating.
Its extremely random. Generally the best place to search for co-op games is at the start places for quests. You want to keep pulling up the game lobby till you see the connection dots are green next to a person's name. Hopefully its one of the things that's gonna be fixed with the patch.
Patch is now out, despite all the clusterfucking. Also, there's no official forum for Dead Island. Fail. There is an official twitter, though, at least. It's fairly active.

Patch fixes lots of little stuff. Makes thrown weapons not lootable by team mates for 5 minutes, so no stealing occurs. I found a blue in a chest immediately after patching (after not seeing a blue in a chest for a good 200+ chest-openings), so I'm hoping it fixed chest loots as well, as they're normally crap 99% of the time.

Edit: Supposedly co-op/connection issues are fixed or much more lenient.
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Just finished the game. I loved it. Liked the ending a lot.

Fair warning to everyone, by the time you finish the jungle, you won't be able to go back. So get your quests done before that.
[quote name='advanced']Just finished the game. I loved it. Liked the ending a lot.

Fair warning to everyone, by the time you finish the jungle, you won't be able to go back. So get your quests done before that.[/QUOTE]

that's kinda stupid... i'm in the jungle now. how much game is left after that chapter?
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']that's kinda stupid... i'm in the jungle now. how much game is left after that chapter?[/QUOTE]

Not much actually. The last portion, the
seemed to go real quick. I didn't focus much on the sidequests towards the end.

There is a new game plus feature though (begin again with level/inventory untouched), so I don't really see it as a problem.
Why is this game so hard to find? No Best Buy or Target has it around my area. Amazon has a shipping date of 2-3 weeks. What gives?
[quote name='Pck21']Why is this game so hard to find? No Best Buy or Target has it around my area. Amazon has a shipping date of 2-3 weeks. What gives?[/QUOTE]

The game had a crazy amount of buzz. Retailers didn't buy a ton of copies. Demand was high, supply was low.
[quote name='advanced']The game had a crazy amount of buzz. Retailers didn't buy a ton of copies. Demand was high, supply was low.[/QUOTE]

Ah that would explain it then. I guess I've been out of the loop because I knew about some hype, but I didn't think it would limit copies. Thanks! :)
This game is alright...not amazing not bad just alright.

The story makes very little sense to me and I kinda think its intentional but it comes across really flat. A lot of the quest dont make any sense given the context of the story.

But still having fun with it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']This game is alright...not amazing not bad just alright.

The story makes very little sense to me and I kinda think its intentional but it comes across really flat. A lot of the quest dont make any sense given the context of the story.

But still having fun with it.[/QUOTE]

I'm really on the fence about getting this game. I've seen some wildly mixed reviews from friends to professional reviews. It ranges from, "It's one of the best zombie games on the 360," to, "It borrows from a lot of similar games and is unpolished." I can't justify a $60 purchase on a game that seems to be bi-polar.

I guess my question to the people who have played the game it fun? Be honest. If it's not fun then say so. If it's a fun game that shouldn't be missed, then let me know. I trust the CAG community more than anything else! Thanks!
[quote name='Pck21']I'm really on the fence about getting this game. I've seen some wildly mixed reviews from friends to professional reviews. It ranges from, "It's one of the best zombie games on the 360," to, "It borrows from a lot of similar games and is unpolished." I can't justify a $60 purchase on a game that seems to be bi-polar.

I guess my question to the people who have played the game it fun? Be honest. If it's not fun then say so. If it's a fun game that shouldn't be missed, then let me know. I trust the CAG community more than anything else! Thanks![/QUOTE]

It can be a grind for people who don't play Oblivion/Fallout/Borderland type games. If you like those games, and are looking for a bit more of the same but with zombies, then its a decent try to emulate those games. I had the most fun playing with friends in co-op. Other than that, it got kind of boring when I played by myself for too long.
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[quote name='Pck21']I'm really on the fence about getting this game. I've seen some wildly mixed reviews from friends to professional reviews. It ranges from, "It's one of the best zombie games on the 360," to, "It borrows from a lot of similar games and is unpolished." I can't justify a $60 purchase on a game that seems to be bi-polar. [/QUOTE]

I want this game as well, but I'm thinking I'll hold out for a week or two to see if we get one of those $35 deals for it.
[quote name='Pck21']I'm really on the fence about getting this game. I've seen some wildly mixed reviews from friends to professional reviews. It ranges from, "It's one of the best zombie games on the 360," to, "It borrows from a lot of similar games and is unpolished." I can't justify a $60 purchase on a game that seems to be bi-polar.

I guess my question to the people who have played the game it fun? Be honest. If it's not fun then say so. If it's a fun game that shouldn't be missed, then let me know. I trust the CAG community more than anything else! Thanks![/QUOTE]

How much did you enjoy Borderlands significantly?

Did you enjoy scavenging around Fallout 3/NV?

If yes to both, you would definitely enjoy it. The game borrows more-so from Borderlands in most aspects (gameplay, loot, interface), but there's tons of scavenging for money and modification parts.
[quote name='Rhett']How much did you enjoy Borderlands significantly?

Did you enjoy scavenging around Fallout 3/NV?

If yes to both, you would definitely enjoy it. The game borrows more-so from Borderlands in most aspects (gameplay, loot, interface), but there's tons of scavenging for money and modification parts.[/QUOTE]

I actually didn't enjoy Borderlands much at all. My friends and I played it a little bit, but it bored me. That's not to say it's a bad game, but just not my style.

Would most people agree that it resembles Borderlands, but only with zombies?
[quote name='Pck21']I actually didn't enjoy Borderlands much at all. My friends and I played it a little bit, but it bored me. That's not to say it's a bad game, but just not my style.

Would most people agree that it resembles Borderlands, but only with zombies?[/QUOTE]

Not to speak for "everyone", but I've seen almost everyone on message boards relate it most closely to Borderlands. There are guns, with rarity, but not anything like Borderlands. It's more like melee-centric Borderlands with zombies, though not really like the DLC for Borderlands, with zombies. Also, a good mix of Dead Rising in it too. Probably Dead Rising 2 + Borderlands. Though, I LOVE Borderlands and hate DR2, and I enjoy Dead Island.

Watching a lot of gameplay, you'd probably understand better.

If not sure, might just be worth waiting. I heard a demo was coming out after release, but it's on the back burner with DLC atm while they focus on patches.
[quote name='Rhett']Not to speak for "everyone", but I've seen almost everyone on message boards relate it most closely to Borderlands. There are guns, with rarity, but not anything like Borderlands. It's more like melee-centric Borderlands with zombies, though not really like the DLC for Borderlands, with zombies. Also, a good mix of Dead Rising in it too. Probably Dead Rising 2 + Borderlands. Though, I LOVE Borderlands and hate DR2, and I enjoy Dead Island.

Watching a lot of gameplay, you'd probably understand better.

If not sure, might just be worth waiting. I heard a demo was coming out after release, but it's on the back burner with DLC atm while they focus on patches.[/QUOTE]

That all makes a ton of sense actually lol. I've watched a few game play videos (before and after release) but I just couldn't get a grasp of how the game played. I mean it looked like a linear style, but then I read that it's an open world style. Then I read comparisons to L4D, but that it wasn't really like L4D. I couldn't tell what it really was until now! :D :applause: I really appreciate the post and the help. :cool:

In that case I'll hold off until a demo and/or significant price drop/sale. I would not consider my friends in the same gaming category as I am. They buy maybe 5 games a year at full price, play those games to death for short periods of time, and then move on.

For example we all played Borderlands for like 2 weeks nonstop. Then a couple guys got into another game, and one guy stopped playing altogether. Same kind of thing happened with GTA4, L4D, etc. So I don't feel the need to pick up Dead Island at full price since it will be on the shelf in a few weeks. I'll hold off, get it cheap, and play co-op with some CAGs! :cool:

Thanks again!
A little "trick" is if you join a randoms game and they are at a higher level i.e. maybe level 35 or whatever, the zombies will also be at that level so you being a level 15 or 16 are still going to get 400-500XP for killing them and they aren't incredibly hard just take forever to kill lol

If anyone is still in Act 1 around Chapter 4 and liked to do some co-op add me.
i accidentally ran into Jason in the jungle the other day, stumbled across him murdering a bunch of zombies, shot at him, and he ran full speed at me and killed me in one hit.... :( needless to say i avoided that place after
Anyone mess around with any of the skulls yet? I've managed to find three so far. Gonna go to their respective "alters" right now and get some legendary blueprints!
Stumbled across the brown skull today or Thursday. Haven't found an altar for it yet, but haven't really tried looking. Just trying not to get my ass kicked since entering the city. Fighting humans was an eye opener since I didn't expect to get raped like that so quickly.
headshots.... it's funny how head shots are so much more effective against humans than they are on zombies. but yea, if you aren't pulling off head shots those humans can be a pain in the ass
I was going to wait to get this since Gears 3, Dark Souls, Batman Arkham City, and a bunch of other great games are coming out so soon and because I wasen't sure if I would like this game... I ended up caving and bought it last week and im glad I did. This game is really fun. If your a fan of Borderlands then you'll definitely like it. Its pretty similar except the focus is melee combat, which is awesome. Are people still having problems with shortages? When I bought the copy the guy told me it was the last one they had. A week later I went back and someone was wanting to buy it and they still didn't have any new copies in.
[quote name='shotgunshine']I was going to wait to get this since Gears 3, Dark Souls, Batman Arkham City, and a bunch of other great games are coming out so soon and because I wasen't sure if I would like this game... I ended up caving and bought it last week and im glad I did. This game is really fun. If your a fan of Borderlands then you'll definitely like it. Its pretty similar except the focus is melee combat, which is awesome. Are people still having problems with shortages? When I bought the copy the guy told me it was the last one they had. A week later I went back and someone was wanting to buy it and they still didn't have any new copies in.[/QUOTE]

At the Best Buy I work at, the second largest in the company, it's been a struggle to keep it in stock. We've been getting a decent amount shipped to us but the demand is just too high! I've been wanting the strategy guide, but that too is pretty much impossible unless you order it online.

After the Charger game today I'm gonna find a shrine for the skull. Oh and if anyone hasn't used the magic wand mod's fucking incredible! Find it and use it ASAP.
I went to CAG's favorite game store today to buy Dead Island, because the locator said they had one. He said it got traded in on Friday and sold the same day. I looked around for about three or four minutes, and when I got to the counter, he said they had five calls for it since I was in the store.

Buybacks had one last week for $49, which today I learned I'm a dunce for not buying. I suppose it's just as well, I have to play RE4 all week, anyway.
[quote name='Survivalism']I went to CAG's favorite game store today to buy Dead Island, because the locator said they had one. He said it got traded in on Friday and sold the same day. I looked around for about three or four minutes, and when I got to the counter, he said they had five calls for it since I was in the store.

Buybacks had one last week for $49, which today I learned I'm a dunce for not buying. I suppose it's just as well, I have to play RE4 all week, anyway.[/QUOTE]

That's crazy! My GS (also picked it up on a whim) had several copies of it when I got it. I think it was the Friday after release. I see Amazon's constantly out of stock, though.

Jason is also a pain. I had seen a video of him before, but actually running into him is a whole nother story. He guards something that's very prized in the zombie world, though. It's in his shack. :D

Still enjoying the game. Haven't stopped playing it since release, but might actually put it down for Gears 3... Much like Borderlands, you can tend to get sucked in for quite a while. I even feel like playing Borderlands again thanks to it, even though I played Borderlands to death and beyond.

I'd be half tempted to sell my copy if there wasn't so little coming out between now and Battlefield 3. :whistle2:#
[quote name='Rhett']That's crazy! My GS (also picked it up on a whim) had several copies of it when I got it. I think it was the Friday after release. I see Amazon's constantly out of stock, though.

Jason is also a pain. I had seen a video of him before, but actually running into him is a whole nother story. He guards something that's very prized in the zombie world, though. It's in his shack. :D

Still enjoying the game. Haven't stopped playing it since release, but might actually put it down for Gears 3... Much like Borderlands, you can tend to get sucked in for quite a while. I even feel like playing Borderlands again thanks to it, even though I played Borderlands to death and beyond.

I'd be half tempted to sell my copy if there wasn't so little coming out between now and Battlefield 3. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

It'll be cheap after the new year. No way this stays at $60 for that long. I have so many games I want I got out while I could recoup more than what I paid for in cash.
Anyone discover the pure bliss that is curb stomping yet? Granted you have to be able to knock them down or catch them on ground but 26K+ damage! :bouncy:

Sharp apprentice level 3. I put more points on it tonight and BAzinga!

73% through main story and this is one of my favorite games this year.

Edit: browsing Ebay and noticed new copies of the standard edition have sold up to $84 as late as last night. WTF lol someone screwed up and didn't see the demand.
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[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']i accidentally ran into Jason in the jungle the other day, stumbled across him murdering a bunch of zombies, shot at him, and he ran full speed at me and killed me in one hit.... :( needless to say i avoided that place after[/QUOTE]

If you can make it inside his hut, there is a badass chainsaw that kills him easily. Only thing that sucks is that you cant repair it at a station, you have to wait til it re-spawns at Jason's hut.

I got to level 50 yesterday. Only achievement i'm missing is the one for playing 28+ days after release date, which no one has (unless they cheat). I think my next objective is to find all the skulls & Developer weapons. I've gotten 3 or 4 of the skulls just by exploring, but I am probably gonna need to use a guide to find all the places I turn them in.
Still haven't run into Jason, but I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. About 90% done with the story I think but ever since Gears 3 showed it's ugly head I don't know if I'll ever get around to beating Dead Island!
[quote name='Nealocus123']Still haven't run into Jason, but I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. About 90% done with the story I think but ever since Gears 3 showed it's ugly head I don't know if I'll ever get around to beating Dead Island![/QUOTE]

The last 10% is really fast if you can jump into someone's game. If I were you, I'd beat it and get rid of it ASAP if GOW3 really does plan on taking all of your gaming time.
DAMN this game needs save slots instead of main.... I'm at 89% and it says i'm able to go to the ____ but i'll never be able to return to the rest of the island... :(

And lol I have mine listed on Ebay as well. I've got Gears 3 to play through and Rage coming out next week. So many games coming as well before MW3 takes all my days.
bread's done