[DEAD]@Newegg; 72 Hour Sale w/Free Shipping


White Knight Chronicles II (PS3): $15.99

Prince of Persia Trilogy HD (PS3):$15.99

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (PS3): $9.99 [Sold Out]

Nier (PS3): $9.99 [Sold Out]

Two Worlds 2 (PS3): $9.99 [Note: You can grab the PSN GOTY/Complete version for same price.]

Child of Eden (PS3): $9.99

I did not include the X-Box 360 version links for the games as I do not see the same promotional deal for the x-box 360 version of the games. Least not just yet. Didn't want to be guiding anyone stray and end up dragging my fluffy wolf tail in the dirt. :D The price for the 360 versions are higher than the promotional PS3 deals at the moment.
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[quote name='RollingSkull']Pretty much this. The JRPG genre is MEANT to have subpar gameplay, never seeking to actually challenge or engage the gamer. Pacing is supposed to be nonexistent, story-telling as ham-handed and hilariously bad as possible. In fact, really, at no point when playing a JRPG are you really supposed to have fun from the actual gameplay. If you did, then it simply wouldn't be a JRPG.

I will never, EVER understand the praise Nier gets. It's like Limbo in that regard[/QUOTE]

Then you don't like the genre. That doesn't mean it's bad. Don't play them! Likewise, I won't go play an FPS and bitch about shooting people. Racing games also have far too much racing in them, and why are all football games about stupid assed football!? I have never been more engaged in a game (except for DMC on DMD mode) than playing a really difficult boss in a JRPG. When it comes down to just BARELY staying alive and winning with one of four people left alive with like ten HP. Saying they aren't challenging or engaging just means you have either played shitty ones, or are doing it wrong. Go play and SMT then say they aren't challenging... lol :roll:
Not that it matters much at this point, but add another person to the "fans of Nier" group. Even picked up the soundtrack as well, it is amongst the best ever.

El Shaddai on the other hand I really was not a fan of at all. I didn't really like the graphical style and the combat was really, really monotonous. Nier might not have the most groundbreaking combat ever but at least you had a variety of weapons and magic you could use. This game had all of 3 weapons, a handful of enemy types, and nothing else ever.
[quote name='Zaku77']Then you don't like the genre. That doesn't mean it's bad. Don't play them! Likewise, I won't go play an FPS and bitch about shooting people. Racing games also have far too much racing in them, and why are all football games about stupid assed football!? I have never been more engaged in a game (except for DMC on DMD mode) than playing a really difficult boss in a JRPG. When it comes down to just BARELY staying alive and winning with one of four people left alive with like ten HP. Saying they aren't challenging or engaging just means you have either played shitty ones, or are doing it wrong... lol[/QUOTE]
It's one or the other champ. Either bad JRPGs exist or the genre is meant to be bad. What I posted is essentially what you are saying when you use "You just don't like the genre" in the face of any and all criticism.
I disagreed on the challenge and being engaged. Some have pacing problems, and I completely disagree about the point on the story (there are obviously bad ones, but that doesn't mean it's ALL of them). That is why I said you just clearly don't like the genre, champ.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Pretty much this. The JRPG genre is MEANT to have subpar gameplay, never seeking to actually challenge or engage the gamer. Pacing is supposed to be nonexistent, story-telling as ham-handed and hilariously bad as possible. In fact, really, at no point when playing a JRPG are you really supposed to have fun from the actual gameplay. If you did, then it simply wouldn't be a JRPG.[/QUOTE]

You mean... it's not just me that thought that? After all these years... (breaks down, sobbing)

Seriously, I haven't played them enough to agree or disagree, but I do think they are - how you say - "an acquired taste."
[quote name='Zaku77']Never... EVER read reviews for JRPGs. Unless, of course, it's from a youtuber that is well versed in the genre or some of RPGamers reviews it's basically a waste of time. Most just end up bitching about things that are part of the freaking genre. They're laughably useless.[/QUOTE]

I remember avoiding Nier like the plague because of this review:


Then many moons later, i read more reviews and ended up getting it on sale for like $20. and now it sits in my backlog, though it's on the short list.
I don't know if anyone mention it yet, but the last ending for Nier requires you to delete your save files. Just FYI
[quote name='RollingSkull']It's one or the other champ. Either bad JRPGs exist or the genre is meant to be bad. What I posted is essentially what you are saying when you use "You just don't like the genre" in the face of any and all criticism.[/QUOTE]

i don't think he's saying bad jrpgs don't exist -- obviously, they exist. he's taking issue with your complete and total panning of the entire genre. i'm not sure how you're working that into 'it's one or the other', except by misrepresenting what he's saying. as for what you're saying, you sure do sound like you hate the genre -- and if that's not what you're trying to say, it sure came across that way.
Nothing as objective and factual as outright hate. I'm sure he's played quite a few of them to completion, too. I mean, it would just be madness to make such a sweeping generalization about a whole genre without having a pretty good amount of experience in it. Of course, that would be madness...
Picked up White Knight Chronicles 2. Read that it included the original game which is amazing. That was the tipping point.

Also picked up Child of Eden due to the great reviews. Figured it is probably worth $10.

Nier is in the backlog sadly. Might be moving that up. Everyone is praising the hell out of it here.

El Shaddai.....I cannot recommend. I thought it was extremely boring and below average in all regards.
[quote name='affa']i don't think he's saying bad jrpgs don't exist -- obviously, they exist. he's taking issue with your complete and total panning of the entire genre. i'm not sure how you're working that into 'it's one or the other', except by misrepresenting what he's saying. as for what you're saying, you sure do sound like you hate the genre -- and if that's not what you're trying to say, it sure came across that way.[/QUOTE]
You need to follow the chain of the discussion to the source of what I was replying to. What I think of JRPGs is irrelevant. I'm attacking the idea that JRPG reviews, especially for a game like Nier that got a tremendous spread of reviews ranging across the board and with largely legitimate issues and praise as somehow being "useless" because they don't "get the genre." It's a downright ignorant statement to make and one that precludes any sort of critical thought.
No, it isn't. Reviewers from most sites review games based on what's popular today. NIER has dated graphics and B- gameplay (Note, that means it's nothing special, but in no way bad). Most bad NIER reviews I've read slammed it hard for graphics. Really, that is what our metric for 'good games' is going to be? It's bollocks at its purest form. Everything else about it is fantastic. It is among the best examples of why mainstream reviews suck for JRPGs. I have read so many JRPG reviews that complain about: random battles / difficulty that requires some grinding / too much exposition for the story / etc etc. Those are just parts of the genre. Just because joe schmoe doesn't like them does not mean they are flaws.

When reviewers complain about those things, and others of their ilk, it simply shows that they do not like the genre. That is why I brought up too much shooting in FPS or too much damn sports in Madden 12. Bitching about genre staples means you aren't equipped to review games of that genre. Given how big a genre JRPGs are, and how much of a fan base they have, there is obviously something to it. If it's not someone's cup of tea, then it's not. That doesn't mean that things they don't enjoy about them are bad.

To polish off the NIER point: I have never spoken to someone, who played it through to completion, that didn't have mild to very high praise for it. That is, of course, not counting people that outright hate the genre. No one cares what they think because their opinions are not useful. My opinion on sports and racing games is completely useless because I don't like them. And yet, many, many reviews bashed the crap out of NIER. So let's recap: people like/love it, reviewers bashed it. Are our mainstream reviewers really equipped to review this genre? That, by the way, is a rhetorical question.
[quote name='affa']I remember avoiding Nier like the plague because of this review:


Then many moons later, i read more reviews and ended up getting it on sale for like $20. and now it sits in my backlog, though it's on the short list.[/QUOTE]
That guy was fishing in the wrong :censored: place.
In the video he made u can see his map showing a big red x mark:roll:

[quote name='jw430']I don't know if anyone mention it yet, but the last ending for Nier requires you to delete your save files. Just FYI[/QUOTE]
i forget but is the save file protected if not u can always save it on a usb flash drive or psn+

ps nier = amazing game :drool:
[quote name='RollingSkull']You need to follow the chain of the discussion to the source of what I was replying to. What I think of JRPGs is irrelevant. I'm attacking the idea that JRPG reviews, especially for a game like Nier that got a tremendous spread of reviews ranging across the board and with largely legitimate issues and praise as somehow being "useless" because they don't "get the genre." It's a downright ignorant statement to make and one that precludes any sort of critical thought.[/QUOTE]
I like JRPGs and I agree with this. No other genre's fans are as defensive and unable to abide any criticism of their pet games. There are great JRPGs out there but there are also a lot that are flawed, uninspired, underdeveloped, or just plain mediocre. Calling a spade a spade does not need to be treated as an attack on an entire genre.
Finally convinced a friend to pick up Nier on this deal, but it was sold out by that time! ARGH!

Great deal for anyone who was able to get in on it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I like JRPGs and I agree with this. No other genre's fans are as defensive and unable to abide any criticism of their pet games. There are great JRPGs out there but there are also a lot that are flawed, uninspired, underdeveloped, or just plain mediocre. Calling a spade a spade does not need to be treated as an attack on an entire genre.[/QUOTE]

Very true, I've played God awful JRPGs. The person I am in a discussion with, however, is making sweeping statements about the ENTIRE genre. He is also defending that reviewers do a fine job on them. Many of the best JRPGs I've ever played have been slammed to high heaven for things that are just part of the genre, simply because the reviewer is clearly not a fan of them. Once again, NIER is an amazing example of this.
Nier's graphics are terrible. That's worth noting. There's no sense in not mentioning it. You don't have to bristle when it is mentioned.

And no, everything else about Nier most certainly isn't fantastic. That's an opinion at best.

Your definition of genre staples is so loosely defined that you can delegitimize ANY review by describing any perceived flaw as a "genre staple." I buy lots of Warriors games, I've enjoyed Monster Hunter, I play JRPGs but a lot of their genre staples are indefensible garbage. There are legitimate complaints to be made, just as a 4 hour shooter campaign isn't a genre staple, it is something worth mentioning
[quote name='Zaku77']Very true, I've played God awful JRPGs. The person I am in a discussion with, however, is making sweeping statements about the ENTIRE genre. He is also defending that reviewers do a fine job on them. Many of the best JRPGs I've ever played have been slammed to high heaven for things that are just part of the genre, simply because the reviewer is clearly not a fan of them. Once again, NIER is an amazing example of this.[/QUOTE]
Well how about Nier. I haven't played it so maybe I'm off base with this. But the problem seems to be reviews that call out the bad graphics and clunky gameplay.

Fans reply, "But the music and story are amazing. And bad graphics and gameplay are par for the course with RPGs."

Well who says bad graphics and clunky gameplay have to be expected in an RPG? Plenty of RPGs look and play great.

Maybe the good things about Nier outweigh the bad things. That seems to be the case based on the testimonials in this thread. But that doesn't mean the game doesn't also have flaws and calling it on its flaws doesn't mean you don't get the genre.
Yes, they are terrible. No, it does not ruin or really even mar the experience. If that bugs a person, they are superficial and shallow. Nier's soundtrack is incredible. Even negative reviews praised it. The story, likewise, is fantastic. It is very different from most JRPG stories (unique is good) and progressively gets better and better. By the time one has seen all endings it has become something truly memorable. The game also has a genuine tone of sadness. Not overblown melodrama like in many Final Fantasy games, just truly sad. It is an experience that will stick with a person long after it is complete. I struggle with even calling these things opinions. I have played a lot of JRPGs. I'm in a very good position to judge NIER against other games of its genre. I can make these claims with confidence. Also, have you read all the other NIER praise in this thread?

Here are some very common mindsets, which can often be seen with many reviewers, that purvey the opinions of so many people today. These might hurt a persons enjoyment of NIER:
Not enough combos, why can't this be God Of War?
The graphics aren't pretty enough. I've hated all games before this gen because of the graphics and I can't enjoy anything unless it has cutting edge visuals.
Why isn't the world bigger. Why can't this game be Skyrim?

I also gave some specific examples of genre staples. Have you been reading my posts? The need to grind (how much is debatable) / Random battles / Lots of time spent on story exposition or character development.

RPGs have substance. NIER has dated visuals, that in no way takes away from it being an amazing game. Two of the best games I played last year were Radiant Historia and Trails in the Sky. Those certainly weren't up to today's standards for graphics either. Berating a game like NIER due to dated graphics really shows that the person should probably just be reviewing COD instead. It's not what's important in JRPGs. Those things (bad gameplay/graphics) don't have to be expected in an RPG. It just happens to be a genre where even if they are present the game can still be truly amazing. On that note, the gameplay in NIER is by no means bad, it's just not great. Bad gameplay would actually legitimately mar the game. If someone cares about graphics that much, I can't imagine they are the type of person to like RPGs anyway.
Some reviewers have a preconcieved notion of what the game should be when they get it, and sometimes it doesn't match up with reality. They maybe see what could have been, and have knowledge of other games and things like budgets and time compared to other games and gauge something like graphics on that. I don't think too many reviewers slammed Nier only because of the graphics, though, right?

I mean, nobody is truly totally unbiased. Graphics mean a lot to some people, and paying them a salary to be unbiased in their reviews may make it more subtle, but it's always going to be there, and graphics are a huge thing, not just to a lot of gamers, but to the big studios like Crytek and Square who throw their graphics and engines around more than the actual gameplay in a lot of scenarios.

Yeah, we know better, but you can't expect everyone to, especially when the majority is sucking at the teat of the purveyors of the problem.

Also, Damn, where's the 360 love? 3DS, Vita, anything? :(
[quote name='therealdanhill']Some reviewers have a preconcieved notion of what the game should be when they get it, and sometimes it doesn't match up with reality. They maybe see what could have been, and have knowledge of other games and things like budgets and time compared to other games and gauge something like graphics on that. I don't think too many reviewers slammed Nier only because of the graphics, though, right?

I mean, nobody is truly totally unbiased. Graphics mean a lot to some people, and paying them a salary to be unbiased in their reviews may make it more subtle, but it's always going to be there, and graphics are a huge thing, not just to a lot of gamers, but to the big studios like Crytek and Square who throw their graphics and engines around more than the actual gameplay in a lot of scenarios.

Yeah, we know better, but you can't expect everyone to, especially when the majority is sucking at the teat of the purveyors of the problem.

Also, Damn, where's the 360 love? 3DS, Vita, anything? :([/QUOTE]

I will bear your children! lol
Again, that's your opinion of Nier's story. I categorically disagree with it. I thought Nier's story was horrible. The gameplay was middling and unimpressive. The graphics were drab. The only memorable part was the music.

Maybe it isn't that they DON'T like the genre and should be written off, maybe it's that you're a fanboy and thus similarly incapable of an objective opinion. It can cut both ways.

Trust me, reviewers can't be so easily cut into your silly, childish caricatures, as convenient for you as it would be

I don't care much for Kotaku, but this was the review that got me to play Nier, and I'm glad I did. Along with Alpha Protocol and Deadly Premonition, it was one of the best games released that year; I don't care what anyone says.

Also, after finishing the game, google Grimoire Nier. It's a book, which has been mostly fan-translated into English, that fills in the backstory.
[quote name='sayu']http://kotaku.com/5531030/nier-review-not-without-his-daughter

I don't care much for Kotaku, but this was the review that got me to play Nier, and I'm glad I did. Along with Alpha Protocol and Deadly Premonition, it was one of the best games released that year; I don't care what anyone says.

Also, after finishing the game, google Grimoire Nier. It's a book, which has been mostly fan-translated into English, that fills in the backstory.[/QUOTE]

Pretty nice review for Kotaku. His ending thoughts basically sums up what anyone who has overlooked Nier would say upon finally giving it a shot (a more than 4 hours shot):
Nier is not at all what I expected. At first glance, I was ready to dismiss the game as a generic action adventure title with a bland, muscle-bound hero on a quest to do something that would eventually blossom into full-blown world saving. As I played, I was pleasantly surprised to find a complex action role-playing game with some big ideas, a daring storyline, flashy combat, and enough extra content to satisfy even the most obsessive compulsive role-playing fan. Like its main character, Nier's thuggish exterior hides a very complex story for those willing to take the time to get to know it.

Check out the voice actor for Weiss (or War from Darksiders, or billion other games)
[quote name='RollingSkull']Again, that's your opinion of Nier's story. I categorically disagree with it. I thought Nier's story was horrible. The gameplay was middling and unimpressive. The graphics were drab. The only memorable part was the music.

Maybe it isn't that they DON'T like the genre and should be written off, maybe it's that you're a fanboy and thus similarly incapable of an objective opinion. It can cut both ways.

Trust me, reviewers can't be so easily cut into your silly, childish caricatures, as convenient for you as it would be[/QUOTE]
Jeez man, stop trolling already we get it, you hate Nier and most other games.
Picked up Child of Eden. $10 is about all I'd pay for a rhythm game regardless of the quality. I paid $50 for Rez at one point in my life and regret that decision every time it pops into my head, however infrequently.

Even though it's OOS already, I'll echo what most people have already said and say that Nier is worth the price for the soundtrack alone. I have to admit, it took awhile for me to get into it, but once I did I really enjoyed the narrative and its characters.

I also recommend WKC2. When you think about it, you're getting two games for $8 each, one of which being a remastered version of the original. As for the person who asked about the online community, I've seen plenty of people still online, the only problem is that most of them are pretty high level. However, I've had people join my rooms that weren't anywhere near that. Two of my friends and I recently started playing the game and have loved it. The story may be full of cliches, but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting. I think it's the battle system that really hooked me in though. And using the Knights gives the gameplay a Xenogears sort of style that I've sorely missed. If you're in the mood for a lite MMO experience with a solid single-player campaign, or just would like a decent RPG to add to your collection, then I think this game should fit the build.
[quote name='Awcrap']I'm currently playing the third Prince of Persia game, and the audio for the music definitely needs fixing. It's not terrible but noticeable. The game is worth the price from this sale though.

As for Two Worlds, I just purchased the Game of the Year edition for the same $10 price from the PS Store. Just a heads up as you'll get all the dlc for the same price.

What's the general opinion for the other games, preferably Nier and WKCII?[/QUOTE]

Nier is my absolute favorite game this gen, hands down, far and away. The gameplay is sort of its weakest point (its a "jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none" game, spanning everything from isometric dungeon crawler to straight-up action to twin-stick shooter to FOREST OF MYTH OH MY GOD ITS AMAZING!), but the music, the story, it's amazing.

I know it is sold-out now, but if it comes back, on either console, BUY IT. 10 bucks is worth it just to sit in town and listen to Devola and Popola sing the Song of the Ancients.

I promise you, love it or hate it, you won't play another game like it for a long time, if ever.

On the POP Trilogy: I only own the Sands of Time HD piecemeal from PSN, and it's a...decent port but the audio sounds mono-y and crappy. I'm not sure if, maybe, PC versions are better. but...that's what I've noticed. Thankfully, Sands of Time is another amazing game and if you haven't played it you should find a way to play it, but PS2 or PC might be the way to go. i can't fully recommend the PS3 port.
[quote name='rpg']
i forget but is the save file protected if not u can always save it on a usb flash drive or psn+

The save file is protected, PSN+ is the only way to avoid deletion :cry:
[quote name='jw430']The save file is protected, PSN+ is the only way to avoid deletion :cry:[/QUOTE]

No it's not. I still have my saves from when I got the Nier platinum, and I was not subscribed to PSN at the time. I just copied them to a second profile and copied them back after getting the trophy for the final ending.
[quote name='chicagocubsfan']Jeez man, stop trolling already we get it, you hate Nier and most other games.[/QUOTE]

He's not trolling, he just hates just about every game.

Watch for his posts in other threads, you'll see.
[quote name='LibertyGeis']No it's not. I still have my saves from when I got the Nier platinum, and I was not subscribed to PSN at the time. I just copied them to a second profile and copied them back after getting the trophy for the final ending.[/QUOTE]

that's pretty smart. wish I had done that. But the final ending caught me off guard. o.o
[quote name='Fabrizo']If you want to play the PoP trilogy the original XBox versions are the best ones to get. The collection has a bunch of issues, PS2 were rather ugly, and the PC ports had issues with controller support from what I remember. Gamecube might be ok too but I never tried those versions.[/QUOTE]

Not sure if you've gotten the game yet but for my full thoughts on it, you can read my post here - my thoughts on PoP trilogy. Keep in mind that I am basing this just on The Sands of Time, which I am comparing to what I recall of it from when I played and beat it on PS2.

For a synopsis though, if you haven't played any of the games, don't already own them for PS2/Xbox and/or don't have a system that can play those versions of the game, then for $10 it's worth it despite the problems since you're most likely not going to find all 3 games for PS2/Xbox complete in near-mint/mint condition for less and may not even be able to play them on any of your current systems. On Steam, the games are $9.99 each at normal price so you'd have to wait for a 67%+ deal to get them all for $10. So if you're interested in them and want to play them soon or immediately, then I'd say go for it. Also, the game never froze on me throughout playing The Sands of Time on my PS3; but I'm not sure if the people who mentioned that were referring to one of the games in particular or all of them.
I should of stopped reading about Nier after I saw it was out of stock, now I just dropped $15 on the Xbox version because of all this talk. I feel like I now have to see it for myself.
[quote name='cereal_killerxx']All this talk about Nier... I wish I would have grabbed it! =/[/QUOTE]

Here's what I do: read a few reviews from sources you've heard of (GameSpot, 1UP, Destructoid, Escapist, ...), look at your backlog, look at your time available for gaming... sleep soundly.
bread's done