Dead or Alive 2 360 6.99 BEST BUY YMMV

[quote name='bardockkun']Time to break out the trenchcoat, fake mustache and sunglasses and buy something and hope no one spots me...[/quote]

Hopefully you got yourself some big sunglasses and a big moustache. I'd want nobody catching me buy this game. hahah.
[quote name='bardockkun']Time to break out the trenchcoat, fake mustache and sunglasses and buy something and hope no one spots me...[/quote]
Perhaps, finding a male cashier may make the transaction easier...if you're a guy.
someone told me that guys only need one hand to use the controller with this game....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Now escuse me I need to go find my Kasumi pillow jk jk :lol:

Pretty good deal though. I am a fan of the normal DOA series so may have to pick this up for collection purposes. Thanks TC
[quote name='eau']Perhaps, finding a male cashier may make the transaction easier...if you're a guy.[/quote]
Unless they make a conversation with you about it aloud. If female, you'll probably just get awkward look at the game then glance at you then a sigh of shame as they ring it through...

So CHOOSE the lesser of two evils!
[quote name='bardockkun']Unless they make a conversation with you about it aloud. If female, you'll probably just get awkward look at the game then glance at you then a sigh of shame as they ring it through...

So CHOOSE the lesser of two evils![/QUOTE]

So, which is the lesser of the 2 evils? To disgust the fairer sex or to have a conversation about it or dealing with the guy? There is one beauty to getting older, being almost 30, I rarely get those looks anymore when I'm buying something like this (I'm sure I get them behind my back, but I don't care).

I actually picked up the first one a couple months back with the 25% off Xbox coupon. I've put maybe 2 hours into it, and I actually enjoyed it. It is what it is, but I've played far worse games before. I won't pick this up right now (way too huge a backlog, and it may be growing with Prime 3), but I could see picking this up at some later time, assuming gamestop keeps dropping the price.
[quote name='GeorgeCostanza']where at?[/QUOTE]

Bestbuy 50% off clearance Bin (MSRP $19.99) - 50% off = $9.99. (Metro North, Missouri)
That is a good price, I paid $30 or so for it back at target a while back and I think it is enjoyable. For me I usually just stick to playing in the casino and losing all my money:p

ohh yeah, and butt bump minigame FTW!

PS-〉i personally don't think buying this is embarassing...but that is my opinion on it...I also have no issue going into certain stores either though (you know, for 'relationship aids‘)
[quote name='thePhildown']Hopefully you got yourself some big sunglasses and a big moustache. I'd want nobody catching me buy this game. hahah.[/quote]
I bought mine online!
[quote name='eau']Perhaps, finding a male cashier may make the transaction easier...if you're a guy.[/QUOTE]You say that like a girl has ever bought, or will ever buy, this game.
Man... I wish I had a BestBuy near me who has anything on clearance! I got two near me that never have anything good/ on clearance (other than old music CD's) I guess the employees scoop up the good stuff.... all of the good stuff!
im being honest, i actually had some fun with the first one and the music was pretty catchy..i did like bewitched back in the day and i was lke..haha..i cant believe this on the game..and yes, pixelated boobies were hawtness (did i mention im being honest?)
if i can find this on the in, less than $10, i may pick it up, itll be a cool time killer
[quote name='qz33']Found Dead or Alive 2 Extreme Beach Volleball on clearance at local Best Buy for 6.99.

Obviously YMMV.[/quote]

which location was this that?
[quote name='dubbfoolio']it's embarrassing to buy because it's a shitty game.[/QUOTE]

In all honesty, I disagree. yeah it has alot of shitty areas, but the volleyball is damn good IMHO.
Ugh I paid full price for this crap. The first one was fun as heck and worth the 50 I paid for. This one, worth about a grain of salt, if that.
I think Cheapy said in one CAGCast that he'd buy pretty much anything for $5, so if you live by this credo, now is your time to pick this up... YMMV, of course.
I found this at Target for $9.98 and took a look at my local BB in CT but they have it on a separate display and when I had it scanned it came up $19.99 still.
I checked my local Best But for some of the recent clearance things. They didn't have any copies of Crackdown or Assassain's Creed LE. They did have a copy of DOA X2 but it was still $20.
I did some research on this game and here's what i found.
Every time I'm thinkin'g about buyin' a game I check some websites first , the next two quotes are from

" Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 falls flat as a sequel and missed an opportunity to flesh out the gameplay. We wanted to give Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 a 6.9 for the sheer sophomoric hilarity of it, but the game didn't deserve it."

"Team Ninja has created a sequel that makes me vomit. Brilliant."

It only got a 6.4 score wich they name passable.

So.... I think I'll pass on this game , Thanks for the heads up.
Always appreciated.
bread's done