Dead or Alive 5 Announced

meh there was only one real DOA game and that was the PSX original along with the pre-rendered ports.

This should be Ninja Gaiden six or seven I think. The question is will it stay in it's Double Dragon like state or go back to it's orignal ways?
Cool. Interesting that they're cutting out tag mode...

[quote name='RegalSin2020']meh there was only one real DOA game and that was the PSX original along with the pre-rendered ports.

This should be Ninja Gaiden six or seven I think. The question is will it stay in it's Double Dragon like state or go back to it's orignal ways?[/QUOTE]

:lol: that must be some good crack
that game is a fighting game joke. its too simple and they havent done much to expand on the game aside from making the boobies jiggle more realistically woooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! i liked doa 2 for the dreamcast but beyond that the games lame. if you want great fighting you either go the 2d route with streetfighter or KOF or samurai showdown or last blade. or you go 3d with Tekken or Virtua fighter. theres nothing funner than stompin some lame button masher with eddie gordo lol.
Awesome, lots of people in the thread already who haven't played DoA 4.

Go online and play against some skilled opponents and we'll see how simple and lousy the game is.

Protip: It takes alot more skill at higher levels of play then you'd think... you don't really get the full experience playing against the CPU or against your sucky buddies.
[quote name='Roufuss']Awesome, lots of people in the thread already who haven't played DoA 4.

Go online and play against some skilled opponents and we'll see how simple and lousy the game is.

Protip: It takes alot more skill at higher levels of play then you'd think... you don't really get the full experience playing against the CPU or against your sucky buddies.[/QUOTE]
Totally agree
[quote name='Z-Saber']It's still a fun series, but it's the Madden of fighting games.[/QUOTE]

You spelled Guilty Gear wrong. (I like GG a lot, so this isn't a fanboy thing...) the wait for GGX3 is the new wait for SF3...not sure how old you are, but just look at how many SF2 games there are and imagine the collective sigh when SSF2T was announced :lol:

I don't even see where people come up with "DoA is the same every game" that's just wrong. every fighting game is similar to the one before it, aside from new stages, characters, moves and a lot of engine tweaks. doa is no different. So, in a way, all fighting games do follow a similar pattern to Madden games (though naturally, fighting games change more with each one than Madden)

Imo, it's a good sequel if you have to relearn how to play at a "deeper than mashing" level, which you do for each DoA game.
I understand that DOA is not everybody's cup of tea, but damn why all the hate?

So it's not as deep as Tekken, it's fun. People enjoy it.

Harping on this game for not being as deep as Tekken is like crapping on Mario Kart because it isn't as realistic as Gran Turismo.

If you don't like it, don't play it and don't thread crap either, let those of us who like the series get exited.
I've played DOA2 on Dreamcast with my friends for years since I never got an xbox or ps2. It was always tons of fun for us after learning the moves and parrying well.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Just fucking make NG2 already before something bad happens alright? I'm just saying..........[/QUOTE]

before Itagaki gets fired for harassment? :lol:
While I havent played DoA4, (I dont own a 360), I have played every other version of the game extensively. Its not that its a bad game, it can be alot of fun. But I cant take a fighting game seriously when the developers spend more time working on the fighters breasts than they do working on the fighting engine.
After owning DOA4 since release, I can say that I'm not particularly thrilled. Same old, same old.
[quote name='Puffa469']While I havent played DoA4, (I dont own a 360), I have played every other version of the game extensively. Its not that its a bad game, it can be alot of fun. But I cant take a fighting game seriously when the developers spend more time working on the fighters breasts than they do working on the fighting engine.[/quote]

lmao thats so true it should be carved in stone. i dont get why so many of you are whining about people insulting doa. everyone ehre bashes some game brand at one time or another so get over it. the reality is the game is a soft porn fighting game thats more about flash and less about substance. if you like ti great but reality is reality.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']meh there was only one real DOA game and that was the PSX original along with the pre-rendered ports.

This should be Ninja Gaiden six or seven I think. The question is will it stay in it's Double Dragon like state or go back to it's orignal ways?[/QUOTE]
Your "I'm living in the past" gimmick rules.

I just hope you're not real.
anyway, ignoring "teh boobs" comments from the people who don't know how to play DoA...

I wonder why they're making a 5th one.

doatec blows up at the end of 4. in hitomi's story in XBV2, lisa says there won't be any more DoA tournaments since doatec is dead.

okay, so story doesn't matter at all :lol: but I hope they do rebuild the series. While I enjoy DoA, I think they could make a much better new game by building it from the ground up.
[quote name='Apossum']okay, so story doesn't matter at all :lol: but I hope they do rebuild the series. While I enjoy DoA, I think they could make a much better new game by building it from the ground up.[/QUOTE]
I like Dead or Alive (the fighting titles), and all... but, man... the "story" is fucking horrible / non-existent.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']meh there was only one real DOA game and that was the PSX original along with the pre-rendered ports.

This should be Ninja Gaiden six or seven I think. The question is will it stay in it's Double Dragon like state or go back to it's orignal ways?[/quote]

I love your posts. Please keep posting:):D
[quote name='Brak']I like Dead or Alive (the fighting titles), and all... but, man... the "story" is fucking horrible / non-existent.[/QUOTE]

no doubt about that. The only part I understand is the end of 4. I can understand when shit blows up :lol: even then, I was interested since it, along with all the hints Itagaki dropped, seemed to indicate no more DoA games. and that CG was pretty sweet!

some of the side stories with the ninjas seem interesting, but they'll never be developed enough to call them "stories"
[quote name='Roufuss']Awesome, lots of people in the thread already who haven't played DoA 4.

Go online and play against some skilled opponents and we'll see how simple and lousy the game is.

Protip: It takes alot more skill at higher levels of play then you'd think... you don't really get the full experience playing against the CPU or against your sucky buddies.[/quote]

I tried going online and the game, at least for me, is laggy as hell. That's what fucked me up everytime online. And even if you play against "skilled" opponents the game still is a button smasher and fairly simple, especially with the new characters added.

[quote name='Z-Saber']It's still a fun series, but it's the Madden of fighting games.[/quote]

Yup. and just send a friend request to Hiccuple on Live.

[quote name='Mirow']After owning DOA4 since release, I can say that I'm not particularly thrilled. Same old, same old.[/quote]

Same here. And I remember playing the demo at E3/CES and thinking how great it would be. They just spoofed up the graphics and made the boobs nicer. They should just make a mud wrestling game with that graphics engine.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I tried going online and the game, at least for me, is laggy as hell. That's what fucked me up everytime online. And even if you play against "skilled" opponents the game still is a button smasher and fairly simple, especially with the new characters added.

Yup. and just send a friend request to Hiccuple on Live.

Same here. And I remember playing the demo at E3/CES and thinking how great it would be. They just spoofed up the graphics and made the boobs nicer. They should just make a mud wrestling game with that graphics engine.[/QUOTE]

From this, you obviously don't know how to play. Play someone skilled and try button mashing and see how far it gets you.

And what do you mean, espically with the new characters? La Mariposa is a pretty technical character.

But I'm not going to explain the details of a games fighting engine to someone who is so against it from the beginning, since you're already so swayed against it. Apossum knows what I mean, and I value his opinion much more as a fighting game fan.

I probably clocked in more hours in the game than you could ever hope to, so I'm pretty sure of it's in and out's and the depth to it.

This should have just been posted in the fighting thread so we didn't have people who felt it necessary to threadcrap.
[quote name='Mirow']After owning DOA4 since release, I can say that I'm not particularly thrilled. Same old, same old.[/QUOTE]Same. I use to be a pretty big DoA fan (well, just as much as VF, but not as much as Tekken or Soul Calibur). My biggest problem with DoA4 is the cheap A.I. in single player. Sometimes, the enemy pulls off outrageous moves, which instantly KO me over and over again. I just get sick of it and say screw it. I was the difficulty was better balanced because it would have made DoA4 my favorite in the series. DoA3 had excellent control, but the game was way too freaking easy, and there was next to no unlockables. I'm known to play single player most in fighters though. Ninja Gaiden had difficulty balancing issues too, which is why I passed the game up and bought other action games instead.

At least with the Tekken, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, etc. series, the difficulty was much better balanced.

Although, I can admit I haven't really played online much. Originally I tried, but couldn't, due to my slow internet (that was when my ISP downgraded my service, when they weren't suppose to). It's all right now, but I haven't seen really anyone play, so I haven't jumped on.
[quote name='Roufuss']I probably clocked in more hours in the game than you could ever hope to, so I'm pretty sure of it's in and out's and the depth to it.[/QUOTE]I bet you have.;) I really want to play you and get my butt kicked badly by you, sometime. ;)
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
I bet you have.;) I really want to play you and get my butt kicked badly by you, sometime. ;)[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, I haven't played in months so I lost most of my edge.

I need to start playing again, though. The people who are still playing now are mostly the hardcore fans online and they are reeeeeeeeally good.
Definitely looking forward to this.

I agree with Roufuss, the game is really deep. Mashing might work against your friends, but going up against a S ranked player on XBL....different story :)

It's always fun to go on XBL and watched higher ranked players go up against each other.
[quote name='Roufuss']Unfortunately, I haven't played in months so I lost most of my edge.

I need to start playing again, though. The people who are still playing now are mostly the hardcore fans online and they are reeeeeeeeally good.[/QUOTE]Maybe that's why I lost very badly, when I played around a month ago. :( I just couldn't keep up at all.
I own all the DoA games, and have played them all quite a bit. I'm also looking forward to DoA5. But I'm not going to lie to myself and say DoA is a serious fighting game.

[quote name='Roufuss']From this, you obviously don't know how to play. Play someone skilled and try button mashing and see how far it gets you.[/QUOTE]
Moot point. Doesn't matter what game it is, obviously someone skilled at it will be better than someone just mashing on buttons. No one is arguing that. The arguement is that it takes less of that skill to be good at DoA then it does at other fighting games. The series was never meant to be technical or involve memorizing large combo strings and frame animations. Or to take huge amounts of skill. The series is just a fun bunch of fighting games. It's not an insult to call something what it is.

It's funny because you're taking the game more seriously than the developers do.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']
Moot point. Doesn't matter what game it is, obviously someone skilled at it will be better than someone just mashing on buttons. No one is arguing that. The arguement is that it takes less of that skill to be good at DoA then it does at other fighting games. The series was never meant to be technical or involve memorizing large combo strings and frame animations. Or to take huge amounts of skill. The series is just a fun bunch of fighting games. It's not an insult to call something what it is.

It's funny because you're taking the game more seriously than the developers do.[/QUOTE]

It definitely takes less skill to master, but I'm personally just pointing out the stupidity of people who say "lol doa is just boobies and no skill."

For one thing, these people obviously aren't masters, they aren't winning tournaments, making money off the game, and they aren't dominating live, so they are in no position to talk. It's not a serious problem, it's just's like saying "lol all you do in Super Mario Bros is jump on things, there's no skill to it"

The other thing is that while it takes less to master DoA than VF or Tekken, there's still more to master than anyone can learn in normal playing time (like a couple hours a week.) To master it, you would still need to play hours a day, every day. You do need to learn combo strings, because there's a specific way to maximize damage with combos and stuns. you do need to learn frame data so you can counter like it's going out of style and be able to know what move an opponent will get up and do after they're knocked down. You also need to know frame data just to begin mastering the game-- so you know what's coming when and how to deal with it. But that's just the tip of it.

I have no room to talk because I rarely play it anymore and I suck now :lol:

but you see my point-- the whole thing about DoA is that there's a lot more to it than it seems. The game was built to be fun for the general population and deep enough for those who really want to get into it, that's Team Ninja's trademark style-- it even applies to DoAX. ;)
[quote name='Apossum']It definitely takes less skill to master, but I'm personally just pointing out the stupidity of people who say "lol doa is just boobies and no skill."

For one thing, these people obviously aren't masters, they aren't winning tournaments, making money off the game, and they aren't dominating live, so they are in no position to talk. It's not a serious problem, it's just's like saying "lol all you do in Super Mario Bros is jump on things, there's no skill to it"

The other thing is that while it takes less to master DoA than VF or Tekken, there's still more to master than anyone can learn in normal playing time (like a couple hours a week.) To master it, you would still need to play hours a day, every day. You do need to learn combo strings, because there's a specific way to maximize damage with combos and stuns. you do need to learn frame data so you can counter like it's going out of style and be able to know what move an opponent will get up and do after they're knocked down. You also need to know frame data just to begin mastering the game-- so you know what's coming when and how to deal with it. But that's just the tip of it.

I have no room to talk because I rarely play it anymore and I suck now :lol:

but you see my point-- the whole thing about DoA is that there's a lot more to it than it seems. The game was built to be fun for the general population and deep enough for those who really want to get into it, that's Team Ninja's trademark style-- it even applies to DoAX. ;)[/QUOTE]

Yea... same here, I wasn't combating the people who said "DoA takes less skill than Tekken" but rather the people who are saying "lol DoA sucks its a button masher boobs rofl no skill at all".

Man, Apossum, that was a pretty good post.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I own all the DoA games, and have played them all quite a bit. I'm also looking forward to DoA5. But I'm not going to lie to myself and say DoA is a serious fighting game.

Moot point. Doesn't matter what game it is, obviously someone skilled at it will be better than someone just mashing on buttons. No one is arguing that. The arguement is that it takes less of that skill to be good at DoA then it does at other fighting games. The series was never meant to be technical or involve memorizing large combo strings and frame animations. Or to take huge amounts of skill. The series is just a fun bunch of fighting games. It's not an insult to call something what it is.

It's funny because you're taking the game more seriously than the developers do.[/QUOTE]

Well said.

You also can't fault players for comparring it to, say, Tekken, when Itagaki spends so much time doing the very same thing himself.
[quote name='trq']
You also can't fault players for comparring it to, say, Tekken, when Itagaki spends so much time doing the very same thing himself.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, which I find funny because I've never thought DOA was as good a series as either Tekken or VF. It isn't terrible like some say, but even from the casual fan perspective I enjoy the other two series more. The last DOA game that really was cool to me was DOA2 on the Dreamcast. Still, better than most fighting series I guess, and certainly a lot better than most of the crap that died out of the fighting genre years ago.
[quote name='Apossum']It definitely takes less skill to master, but I'm personally just pointing out the stupidity of people who say "lol doa is just boobies and no skill."[/QUOTE]
Dead or Alive 4 is one of the more deeper fighting games I've ever played - in terms of gameplay - But, yeah; the "lol doa is just boobies and no skill" opinion should exclusively be reserved for the DoAX series.
So you guys are saying if you play DOA 4 against someone who's good, you'll get your ass kicked, but if you play against someone who's a novice, you'll be able to button mash your way to victory. Isn't that the definition of every fighting game ever?
awesome, but I really want itagaki to make the game a little friendlyer to people with different styles of playing (read: have character variation be wider like Virtua Fighter and Tekken).

Also, replace the block/free button with a sexual harassment button.
[quote name='Apossum']anyway, ignoring "teh boobs" comments from the people who don't know how to play DoA...

I wonder why they're making a 5th one.

doatec blows up at the end of 4. in hitomi's story in XBV2, lisa says there won't be any more DoA tournaments since doatec is dead.

okay, so story doesn't matter at all :lol: but I hope they do rebuild the series. While I enjoy DoA, I think they could make a much better new game by building it from the ground up.[/QUOTE]

srry for dbl post...

If you play DoAX2, supposedly helena wants to rebuild DoAtec but focus on world peace...

...either that or one of the girls has an evil boob on the loose.
[quote name='lokizz']that game is a fighting game joke. its too simple and they havent done much to expand on the game aside from making the boobies jiggle more realistically woooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! i liked doa 2 for the dreamcast but beyond that the games lame. if you want great fighting you either go the 2d route with streetfighter or KOF or samurai showdown or last blade. or you go 3d with Tekken or Virtua fighter. theres nothing funner than stompin some lame button masher with eddie gordo lol.[/QUOTE]

So, you stomp button mashers by using a button masher-heavy character.

That's like using E. Honda or M. Bison in SF2 to get own those cheesers LMAO.

Back on topic, DOA's not a bad series, just focuses too much on awesome graphics (and cheap ass end bosses), than on the gameplay.
bread's done