[quote name='Kristopher']I work at GS, and I know the bad rap some of you get and I sure do feel bad. Wish every store was like ours.. We try and do our job, customer first. Sorry to anyone who has a bad experience though. I just hate some of the crap stores that bring the company down.
But, as a side note, no one told us that they were going on sale (at least at a corporate level) and I just decided to sticker the crap out of all the sony stuff on sale today. I am guessing most stores will just have it hanging up behind the cashwrap or in the back, so if you ask they will surely sell them to you.
The 3D glasses were on sale as well for anyone interested in some cheap 3D glasses that will work for any TV. They are $35, the Move controllers were on sale for 25, the nav controllers were on sale for 15. Regular BT was 25. Same with the camo one.
Had 3 people buy the $50.00 headset tonight, and I picked up a regular sony bluetooth for $25.00 when someone informed me of them. Super awesome deals at the store today.
I hope you don't judge the whole company because of your bad experience at 1 store. Although, I would understand as I probably would.
Edit -- To the dude that bought the Wireless headsets and had that terrible experience...
Take the survey, please let them know what a jackhole he was. CSE is important in our rankings and this year was the most important to store #'s it has ever been.. Our DM always gets on our case when someone complains on there (whether it be from our store or a store in the district). But, truly, I hope you get better service. If he was my employee, he would be promoted to customer tomorrow with that service he gave you.[/QUOTE]
I apologize I should not make generalizations like that. It is not right and it is not fair. I'm sure there are many great GSs and many great GS employees. I normally do not shop there. From the few experiences I have had with my local GS, I made that generalized comment. I had another experience at the same GS that left me a little bitter. I tried to purchase the Black Ops Prestige bundle and the employee would not sell me the entire bundle. He said I could only purchase the game and the extras were not included. I believe the bundle had been placed on the used list. I guess the other stuff technically didn't come with it, but in my opinion he wanted it for himself. I didn't want to argue. I went back the next day to see if I could purchase it from a different employee, but it had conveniently disappeared. So, if I have anything negative to say in the future, I will make sure to not generalize.