Dead Space and Lost Odyssey - 9.99 at FS starting this Fri!

Thanks for the heads up on this one OP!
I was able to get Dead Space and Lost Odyssey for pick up for me and my sister-in-law.

I think I'll also try for a copy of Thrillville. I've really been wanting to try it.
Bruuuuuutal. I JUST bought Dead Space at EBG 2 weeks ago for $30. A lil cheaper with that edge card but damn. One of those "if I had only known". Great game for a great price.
So, you cant trade the same game 3 times and qualify for trade 3 get 1 free? I'm definitely not a hoarder since I never did any of those tricks. I just dont get how you can benefits from this offer unless you trade in all your games. None of those I have I believe qualifies.

[quote name='kathos']fuckdammit, hoarders picked up everything already all local stores are showing ZERO stock :( you assholes.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, Lost Odyssey is coming up empty everywhere now when it was in stock everywhere yesterday. What rubbish. Guess I'll have to price match.
[quote name='neksus']Lost Odyssey + Dead Space + Bolt = $30 cost + taxes = new pre-order
Just sayin'[/QUOTE]

the TIV for Bolt is from february.
jus' sayin'.
[quote name='game_fanatic']You can't even do an ISPU for Best Buy or Future Shop now, either.[/QUOTE]

ISPU is working again
[quote name='butters1290']are the canadian games compatible with U.S. 360s or are they another version?[/QUOTE]

They're the same.
[quote name='mr_bungle']... I would love to have another copy of Dead Space and Lost Odyssey! :)[/QUOTE]

I don't understand this ... I've seen a number of people post that they want more copies of these games (and Mass Effect etc.). Why? Aren't they all single player games? If there is no co-op or multiplayer, then what is the point? Or is it just secret code for hoarding? I'm not trying to be sarcastic -- I really am curious.
Dang, all my close (and even not so close) Futureshops are already out of Lost Odyssey. Is it uncommon for a restock to happen during the week?
My Futureshop had no Lost Odysseys guess I'll try to PM @ Zellers though don't they usually call the store you're PMing with to check stock?
[quote name='butters1290']well then will this work for online orders too? if so i'm def pickin up dead space![/QUOTE]

Yes, $1.99 per game added for shipping though. For me it's worth it though as I live far enough away that it would cost me roughly $8 in gas and I only want Lost Odyssey and Dead Space.
For anyone who does not want to wait for rush tomorrow, the Walmart in Whitby has Lost Odyssey for $10, it's still on the shelf. At least a few copies there, so get it tonight if you want.
[quote name='musdy']Looks like Guelph has been cleaned out of Dead Space!!! :cry:[/QUOTE]

DAMMIT!! I was planning on being there at 10am to make sure I'd get a copy... oh well. Hopefully PoP is still gonna be there tomorrow morning, other wise thank god for rain checks :D (Guaranteed I just jinxed myself on the PoP being there tomorrow).
[quote name='Grease_Bits']DAMMIT!! I was planning on being there at 10am to make sure I'd get a copy... oh well. Hopefully PoP is still gonna be there tomorrow morning, other wise thank god for rain checks :D (Guaranteed I just jinxed myself on the PoP being there tomorrow).[/QUOTE]
Save me a copy of Prince of Persia. :)
I was able to place an order for Dead Space and Lost Odyssey for $9.99 each (plus $4 shipping) on the Futureshop website. They're listed as "out of stock" so it might take awhile, but I'm not really in a hurry.
I put a web order in too since I'm too far away from an actual FS. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to come in stock. As long as it's before the TIV goes down, I'm happy heh.
It was strange, because when I ordered the game online, the main page for Dead Space said it was shipping the next day, but the actual order said it was out of stock. I'm not too familiar with ordering stuff online from Future Shop, what exactly does this mean?
[quote name='JGonspy']It was strange, because when I ordered the game online, the main page for Dead Space said it was shipping the next day, but the actual order said it was out of stock. I'm not too familiar with ordering stuff online from Future Shop, what exactly does this mean?[/QUOTE]

I've had that happen before, too. I don't know what it means exactly, but I do know that my order didn't take long to ship even though it said out of stock. Maybe a bit longer than usual, but not long.
It's probably just that with something like this, they know they'll be getting new stock in asap, so while they may not have it now they should by tomorrow.
I tried ISPU at a store that showed in stock on the website around 7 am this morning, but i recieved an order stating my order was NOT filled @ 10.

[quote name='kleptodathief']man they put a limit on online ordering...i wonder if its PER store or per account :D[/QUOTE]

Knowing that everyone thinks of you as a shameless hoarder and all round waste of thread posts on this forum as well as RFD, I must ask...Do you post things like this on purpose or are you truly unaware that you are a douchebag? Because you are on a whole new level of ignorance if you are oblivious to how you come across to people.
i dont think an ignorant person would say such a thing. You know, who actually needs more than 2 copies of a 360 game? Are they stocking up for christmas or something?
I was able to pick up "Mass Effect", "Dead Space", and "Lost Odyssey" at my local FutureShop (SJ, NB). They had quite a few copies of all the games there.

Thanks again to the original poster.
[quote name='telepathy']i dont think an ignorant person would say such a thing. You know, who actually needs more than 2 copies of a 360 game? Are they stocking up for christmas or something?[/QUOTE]

Sorry if you misunderstood, it's actually ignorant for that guy in particular based on MANY of his posts, mostly on RFD. If you knew the kind of person you were dealing with here, you'd understand where i'm coming from.
My main point is that it's ignorant for klepto to do it because he already gave himself a bad rep and each post he makes just further shows his intentions.

Here's an idea of what i mean, he's got a couple posts on this page:
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[quote name='jbo2891']Knowing that everyone thinks of you as a shameless hoarder and all round waste of thread posts on this forum as well as RFD, I must ask...Do you post things like this on purpose or are you truly unaware that you are a douchebag? Because you are on a whole new level of ignorance if you are oblivious to how you come across to people.[/QUOTE]Ya, I don't get it... he seems completely unaware that everyone dislikes him. As much as I hate to see someone get picked on, I think he pretty much deserves it. I wouldn't be surprised if it (posting things like you mentioned, or worse) wasn't on purpose and he really DID have no clue. Something is seriously wrong with him. I wouldn't even know what disorder to pin on him though! Sorry bud, but you need some help and you should strongly consider going away (and not even lurking)!
Fruitcake! Lost Odyssey sold out on the online store now so it won't let me order it and it's not available at any of the local stores near me so I can't go pick it up either!

Stupid freaking horders. I've been waiting forever to get myself a copy to play ad now I'm sol
bread's done