Dead Space - Gen. Discussion & Info

I'm actually glad the game seems to be on the short end, as I'm trying to power through it right now with Gears 2 on deck. Maybe I can get a big chunk of this game out of the way this weekend, but I think Gears will sneak into my Xbox for a sizeable chunk of my time.
I'm about at the 1/2 point and I haven't maxed out a single weapon yet - is this normal or am I missing a lot? I have 4 more nodes to go on the plasma cutter and I haven't tried upgrading anything else.
[quote name='javeryh']I'm about at the 1/2 point and I haven't maxed out a single weapon yet - is this normal or am I missing a lot? I have 4 more nodes to go on the plasma cutter and I haven't tried upgrading anything else.[/QUOTE]

Normal. I have played through twice now and still haven't upgraded everything. Only cheats I used were stasis and oxygen (saving others for my impossible run through), and I didn't use the cheats until my second run.
Got Gears 2 today so I spent the whole day finishing games so I could make room. It took all day but I beat this on medium today. I cant believe how hard it was on medium. Overall thought great game, very solid. Okay story. Longer game than I thought it would have been.
[quote name='BREVITY']I cant believe how hard it was on medium. [/quote]

Me too! I've died a bunch of times and the ammo is a bit stingy too. I'm not the best at these types of games but I find myself having more trouble than I thought I would. It's like they "get" me on the first try when the necromorphs pop out but once I know where they are coming from it gets a lot easier.
I'm on chapter 8, and I really want to finish, but getting tired of the repitition. Still, I hardly ever play a game for this amount of time, so it's quite excellent.

Astronaut Pack: Download the Astronaut Suit and Weapon Skin Pack, featuring an amazing Astronaut Suit and new skins for the Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, and Ripper!— $3.00 / 240 MS points

Big Gun Pack: Download the Steam Punk Force Gun, the ultimate in Necromorph-killing destruction.— $1.00 / 80 MS points

Heavy Damage Pack: Download the Heavy Damage Weapon pack featuring a cool new look and massive firepower for the Plasma Cutter, Contact Beam, Pulse Rifle, and Ripper.—$3.00 / 240 MS points

Hot Rod Pack: Download the Hot Rod Weapon Skin Pack, featuring awesome flame graphics for the Flamethrower and Pulse Rifle.
— $1.00 / 80 MS points

Military Pack: Download the Military Weapon Pack for a new look and enhanced power for all 7 Dead Space weapons.— $4.00 / 320 MS points

Scorpion Pack: Download the Scorpion Pack featuring an upgraded Level 5 Suit and powered up Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and Force Gun, all decorated in an awesome red Scorpion Skin.— $4.00 / 320 MS points

Scorpion Weapon Pack: Download the Scorpion Weapon Pack featuring a faster death-dealing Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and Force Gun in awesome red skins.— $2.25 / 180 MS points

Speed Kills Pack: Download the Speed Kills Weapon Pack! Includes faster-firing Force Gun, Line Gun, and Plasma Cutter.— $2.25 / 180 MS points

Tank Pack: Download the Tank Pack featuring an upgraded Level 5 Suit and powered up Flamethrower, Force Gun, and Line Gun, all covered in Unitology script.— $4.00 / 320 MS points

Xbox 360®-Exclusive Packs:

Elite Weapon Skin Pack: Download the exclusive Elite Weapon Skin Pack now, available only for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system! Includes weapon skins in Xbox 360 colors for the Line Gun, Plasma Cutter, and Pulse Rifle. — 120 MS points

Elite Pack: Download the exclusive Elite Suit and Weapon Skin Pack now, available only for the Xbox 360! Includes an upgraded Level 5 suit, and weapon skins for the Line Gun, Plasma Cutter, and Pulse Rifle in Xbox 360 colors.— 240 MS points

Not a big fan of people bitching and moaning about DLC, but it kind of stinks that it's just skins and some slight upgrades. And too bad for them that they released this weeks after the game came out. I probably would have been suckered into buying some of it, if I hadn't already beaten the game twice and made it a few levels into my third playthrough.
All that shit should be bundled together. Keeping it busted up just enables them to milk smaller components for more MSP.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Just finished the game, didnt run through it and watched and read every item i found along the way. LOVED IT. Ending was also particularly badass. btw
was that the chick he imagined was alive or the traitor that got killed at the end?
. Anyhow, it took me about 10 hours in game and about 11 total from the times i died here and there. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves a deep game that sucks you into the universe. Just make sure to play it in the dark, makes all the difference.

If anyone at EA reads this, Bravo, you guys did a wonderful, absolutely stellar job on this game.[/quote]

No, she was dead the entire time, he imagined it, thats what the traitor was telling you near the end before the final fight. The transmission from the start was nicole, but she was long dead.

Notice the names of the chapter..

Best chapter naming convention type thing I've seen is Final Fantasy Tactics "Deep Dungeon" or whatever it was called. The floor names in order was the plot of the movie Apocalypse Now.
That shooting the asteroid thing in Ch4 about killed the game 4 me. I played it 8 times. I dont see myself playing a part 2 if there is one, though I did like this game.
[quote name='javeryh']Me too! I've died a bunch of times and the ammo is a bit stingy too. I'm not the best at these types of games but I find myself having more trouble than I thought I would. It's like they "get" me on the first try when the necromorphs pop out but once I know where they are coming from it gets a lot easier.[/QUOTE]

Seems like you are one of the few that has actually mentioned the stinginess with the ammo. There were about three times in the game in which I thought I wasn't going to make it. I was literally down to nothing and just had to pick some up as I went. That was really my only gripe with the game. It just seems like in the middle of the game you really need to conserve your ammo and having to worry about that takes a little bit of fun out of playing.
[quote name='FrankySox']Seems like you are one of the few that has actually mentioned the stinginess with the ammo. There were about three times in the game in which I thought I wasn't going to make it. I was literally down to nothing and just had to pick some up as I went. That was really my only gripe with the game. It just seems like in the middle of the game you really need to conserve your ammo and having to worry about that takes a little bit of fun out of playing.[/quote]

Seriously? I don't think the game could have handed out any more Plasma Cutter ammo.
I thought the ammo was sparse but it turns out I was just an idiot taking center mass shots. I restarted after discovering I passed about 20 boxes I didn't realize you could stomp open and now I've got ammo coming out my ass after using that plasma cutter and it's two crosshair positions strategically. I basically only carry the linegun to lay down mines on tough enemies that I used stasis on and the cutter takes care of anything weaker. That's the only guns I really need.
I was in Chapter 6 before I realized I could open those boxes on the floor, not the ones you kick open but the other ones. Even with that I had loads of ammo.
The ammo given to you in this game ebbs and flows. If you are just using the plasma cutter the problem is that it will give you ammo for weapons you don't have and/or credits. This is fine except for the fact that there are times in the game when a store is nowhere to be found.

It is also pretty stingy with health. There are no health recharge stations in this game. You must either rely on what is picked up or what you buy.

I found the fighting in the big rooms to be tough because of the lack of choke points. The would also drop necros out of vents from many directions. On impossible I had to rely on stasis to stop the necros and then take out the ones coming from the other direction.
I can't wait to give this game round 2 with the
Military Suit
Carrying 2 powered up weapons is really the key to not running out of ammo, if you carry 4 you'll have to balance your guns according to what you have the most to spare.
Personally I don't recommend the Pulse Rifle, even upgraded it just wastes ammo and precious inventory space.
I like your tactic crunchb3rry, line mine + stasis = pwnage.
In always had TONS of Force ammo and Line Gun ammo....the line gun was excellent in the rooms where the necro's would just keep coming...let them line up while coming after you and then take off everyone's legs with one trigger bought a lot of time...also with eveyone have to crawl towrds you it was really easy to kill a group with the force gun.
I just started this on medium and I'm about to reach the end of Chapter 1. I'm thinking of bumping it down to easy though so I can just see how the story pans out. I know I have to play on easy again once I clear with the game plus unlocks, but would you guys recommend sticking with medium? I only get maybe an hour or so to play this game a week. I just don't wanna be stuck in any point for an extended amount of time.
Just watched the Dead Space: Downfall blu-ray and it was awesome. Really shows a lot of insight on how it all happened, and re-creates a lot of the scenes in full from in the game. Really awesome.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Just watched the Dead Space: Downfall blu-ray and it was awesome. Really shows a lot of insight on how it all happened, and re-creates a lot of the scenes in full from in the game. Really awesome.[/QUOTE]

Really? I think it was the Joystiq review that said the movie was so bad that it would deter people from playing Dead Space.
I finally finished on Friday night. It took me about 15 hours total on Medium. I really really liked it. A-/B+ game to me. I want to play it again and try to power up all of my weapons but I have a sealed copy of Gears 2 staring at me so I might have to pass for now... I thought the graphics and sound were fantastic and even the story, while totally cliched, was passable.
I kind of had a feeling that Nicole was dead about 1/2 way through
. I can't believe that this game isn't getting more attention - if it had come out in August like Bioshock did last year I think people would be talking about it a lot more.
[quote name='carpwrist']Really? I think it was the Joystiq review that said the movie was so bad that it would deter people from playing Dead Space.[/quote]

It certainly wasn't great, but it was a decent watch. My biggest gripe was that many of the characters of the game don't make appearances. People like Nicole, Temple, and Mercer. These were pretty important supporting characters in the game, and yet, the movie offers zero background on them. Also, there are a bunch of continuity errors between the the game and the movie. It's painfully clear that they didn't bother to have any collaboration between the developers and whoever worked on the movie.

[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe that this game isn't getting more attention - if it had come out in August like Bioshock did last year I think people would be talking about it a lot more.[/quote]

Well, at the very least, it got great reviews and has exceeded EA's sales predictions. I think we will certainly be seeing a sequel.
I have this from Gamefly right now. Finished Chapter 7 and I'm around 6 hours IIRC. If they labeled this "Space Resident Evil w/ limb action" it would have sold tons.

I've also been enjoying the videos on youtube. Just search Dead Space stomping and some good ones show up.
[quote name='Richlough']Is this game heavy on the ammo/resource management ?

I have no interest if it is .

Thanks .[/quote]Just don't pick up ammo for guns you don't have and you shouldn't have to do too much inventory management. I happen to do it to save up money for stuff in the store. Ammo seems to be quite plenty, at least up to Chapter 3 or 4 (can't recall which one I'm in). I haven't even come close to having to scrounge for ammo and I'm only using the default weapon so far.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Just don't pick up ammo for guns you don't have and you shouldn't have to do too much inventory management. I happen to do it to save up money for stuff in the store. Ammo seems to be quite plenty, at least up to Chapter 3 or 4 (can't recall which one I'm in). I haven't even come close to having to scrounge for ammo and I'm only using the default weapon so far.[/QUOTE]

Cool , I forgot about the inventory limit , I actually meant if it was scarce in the game like the old Resident Evil games .
You answered my question anyway , Thanks Steve .
Ammo is hard enough to find as it is, later in the game you won't ever have to manage it. You will find yourself buying it from the store though, you don't have to manage it though because you're unlikely to hit the limit.
I just started playing this the other day and I am on chapter 10 right now. I think they did a great job with the ammo placement, I always feel close to running out, so I have to be careful, but it isn't so stingy that it is annoying.

Did anybody really find this game scary though? The game is awesome, but I haven't been scared by it at all, and maybe just one jump in your seat moment so far.
I have a raincheck for this game for $30 as part of the black friday sale...not the biggest survival horror fan, but I have and have enjoyed Bioshock and Left4Dead. I didn't care for Resident Evil 4, but I love Bioshock.

Wondering how many folks here who like Dead Space don't in fact like Resident Evil?

I got the game yesterday and made it to chapter 6. Using the Elite Suit makes me feel like I'm cheating.
[quote name='kenkaze']I got the game yesterday and made it to chapter 6. Using the Elite Suit makes me feel like I'm cheating.[/quote]

Well, it has its advantage early, by giving you more inventory space. Later on, though, you'll have less armor than the higher-end rigs.
You get way, way too many health packs on that last third of the game based on how much the average player will get injured once they understand the dismemberment system to prevent many close encounters. So using a powered up suit isn't going to make the game any easier than it already is on the standard difficulty. Even the bigger enemies are a cakewalk if you even upgrade Stasis just a little bit.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Wondering how many folks here who like Dead Space don't in fact like Resident Evil?[/quote]

No one! You are the only person in the world who doesn't like RE4! ;)
Just beat it. That very last part freaked me out. I would play it through again if there wasn't so much other stuff I wanted to play. Back to Gamefly for now and I'll pick it up again when its cheap. Right now I'm just about to check out my new suit.
Finished it last night. Definitely one of the best games of the year although I must admit I'm relieved that it's over.
Yeah i thought the game was great too, my only problem with it was that I played on medium. I beat the game without getting killed by an enemy, the environment killed me a couple of times but I stopped being scared of the enemies when I realized they werent going to do any real damage to me.

Oh, and i thought it was a little bit weird that they give you the best weapon in the game to start with.
[quote name='GenghisJohn']Oh, and i thought it was a little bit weird that they give you the best weapon in the game to start with.[/QUOTE]
Yea they should have made it so the upgrades eventually make the cutter shot that wide. I only really used the other weapons for the achievements. They just weren't that reliable.
As good as fallout 3, Gears 2, and GTAIV are - I can't shake the feeling that this is my 2008 game of the year. Sure, it's just RE4 in space, but god damnit - it's done so well...

I can't stop playing it!
[quote name='insertcleverthing']As good as fallout 3, Gears 2, and GTAIV are - I can't shake the feeling that this is my 2008 game of the year. Sure, it's just RE4 in space, but god damnit - it's done so well...

I can't stop playing it![/quote]

[quote name='javeryh']No one! You are the only person in the world who doesn't like RE4! ;)[/quote]

I don't particularly like RE4. I played it on the Wii, and it was my first Resident Evil game in the series. My second one, shortly after, was Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (also released for Wii). Anyhow, I don't like the "over-the-shoulder" perspective of RE4, but that may just be me. I'm hesitant on opening up my Dead Space and playing it because of this. I know it might be fun, but eh.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']I don't particularly like RE4. I played it on the Wii, and it was my first Resident Evil game in the series. My second one, shortly after, was Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (also released for Wii). Anyhow, I don't like the "over-the-shoulder" perspective of RE4, but that may just be me. I'm hesitant on opening up my Dead Space and playing it because of this. I know it might be fun, but eh.[/QUOTE]

I believe there is now a demo on XBL that you can download.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']I don't particularly like RE4. I played it on the Wii, and it was my first Resident Evil game in the series. My second one, shortly after, was Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (also released for Wii). Anyhow, I don't like the "over-the-shoulder" perspective of RE4, but that may just be me. I'm hesitant on opening up my Dead Space and playing it because of this. I know it might be fun, but eh.[/QUOTE]

You won't like Dead Space or lots of other good games if over the shoulder bothers you that much.
bread's done