[Dead] Zelda: Four Swords Adventures $19.98 CDN - Price Raised to $50 CDN

I'm still waiting...

However, now I'm thinking we'll never see them until the game gets a universal price drop to 19.99. No way DVDSoon is going to order a bunch for 49.99 (or whatever their wholesale price is) when they know they just have to turn around and take a loss on them. Considering Four Swords was just released in June, and the game hasn't even hit the 29.99 mark yet, we may be waiting a very long time. :(
I canceled my order. I'am not paying a charge on my CC for a game i didn't receive and not even sure iam going to receive. To hell with DVDSoon
If I call my credit card company and tell them that they never shipped the item will dvdsoon.com be charged a fee for the investigation. I don't appreciate how they conduct their business so rather just canceling, I want dvdsoon to some how pay.
im still hanging in, im going to see what happens in the next month or so, then ill give them a call and complain untill they ship me one of the $49.99 ones.
I just called these pussies. They're using the old, "our distributor is having trouble getting these in stock" excuse. I've heard that excuse from just about every retailer who caught their misprice and didn't ship right away. They're saying that they won't have any in before the end of the year. If you guys can't wait until at least January (and probably never), then you should cancel.
I have finally cancelled my order. I gave my money to EB instead $23.68 plus the link cable isn't too bad. Lets see how long it takes for a refund.
when i got to the webpage, they do not have my orders of zelda that i paid for. they took the money out of my account but have not shipped and it doesnt even show up on the account page. please advise. thanks alot.
I cancelled on the 14th, and just checked my credit card and the credit went through on the 24th. Good to know I don't have to worry about that anymore. Good luck to the rest of you in getting the game or the credit if you cancelled!
[quote name='dahermitt']weeks later i called and they stated that as soon as they get more shipments they should be shipping out, unfortunetely, that could take months they said....blame canada....[/quote]

Months? isn't that illegal? Seriously, it doesn't take months to order these games and send them out to customers, if anything it takes AT MOST one month. If they are seriously going to try and wait till this game drops in price, couldn't we take them to court for something?
Their line for why they charge right away is because of the exchange rate as they don't want to float the currency conversion risk.

I haven't heard anything either yet. I figure I'll wait until after X-mas and then bitch if they haven't shipped it by then. I knew they were going to take a long time as I've ordered DVD's from them before, but I'm wondering if they'll ever actually ship these...
I wrote this to them the other day:
I ordered Zelda: Four Swords Adventures for Gamecube on Oct. 17, 2004. My order still shows as pending. I would really like to get this before Christmas as it is a present for my son. Please let me know when will this ship. Thank you.

This is what I got:
Dear Sir.

I do not mean to bust your bubble but I doupt it will be there for Christamas since the item itself has been now for the time being out of print and this for a good six months if anything and that is if they do print again.

The reason for it still being on the web site is because we were not told that is discontinued therefor we are not allowed as to mark so nore anything else.

Well choices are either wait it out and see or cancel the order and keep as store credit or refund to credit card.

If you should need anything else, do not hesitate to contact us again.
Yours truly,

Eric Saindon
Customer Service Center
[email protected]

hmmmmmm :shock:
[quote name='guyver2077']these people have not even replaied to my emails....what the hell should i do? was everyone else charged as well?[/quote]

I was charged. It takes them about a week to respond to emails, those fuckers.
I canceled and requested a refund. I will never do business with this outfit again! Good luck to all of you that are sticking with it, hope you get the game sooner than six months!
I used a one-time use credit card, so I have to friggin fax or mail a form to them with my new credit card number to get a refund.. grrrr

we could all buy this game:


edit: aha, I found the number with a bit of digging and it looks like I can still get a credit posted to it.. that will save me the hassle of mailing or faxing this damn form....
I decided to give dvdsoon.com a big f**k you, so I disputed the charges with my credit card. It will take about as long as it would have taken through dvdsoon's website, but this way I get the satisfaction of knowing my credit card co. is ripping the money out of their grubby canadian hands.

Dey da suckas now.
I'm going to stick this one out, I don't need the 17 bucks back, it's already gone, but I do need another game for my pile.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I'm going to stick this one out, I don't need the 17 bucks back, it's already gone, but I do need another game for my pile.[/quote]

They will never ship your game man. There are probably still 200 orders pending, and frankly, for a game that old, they're not going to eat 6000 dollars.

Luckily, Mastercard already gave me my money back. Score.
While I don't plan to do it, and I missed this "deal" the first time, has anybody tried buying this at $50 on their site? I bet they would send you out a copy then...
same here....im going to sit a few months on it since i know that the refund would probably take that long anyways
I refunded it to my credit card and it only took about a week I think. I guess it might differ for some. The cool thing was that when they refunded me, I got about $0.50 more back than I paid. Yay for exchange rates. :lol:
I got an email too...funny part is I already got a refund by disputing the charges...hmmm...well I'm not going to cancel my order on their site...I wonder if they're stupid enough to ship it to me anyways?
i got another email also, but on the website, im still "pending." im going to wait it out for a whhile and see what happens.....everyone please post updates as you recive them...
bread's done