[quote name='eldergias']MochaRaf,
I highly suggest you print up your states Consumer Protection Laws off of your state Attorney General's website and keep them with you when making purchases. I don't know what state you live in, but in MA the Consumer Protection Laws specifically prohibit the type of action that your manager was doing. In MA, advertised prices and promotions must be honored in accordance with the restrictions specifically printed on the advertisement or promotion (in this case the coupon) and no other restrictions. If they do not, it is a breach of state law, and what manager is willing to lose their job for breach of state laws rather than comply with store advertised promotions. I have used my state laws to get in on deals like this before (last year's TRU 2 for $50 deal specifically) when a manager has tried to do the same thing yours did. There are also FTC regulations that cover some of these issues that might be a good idea to carry with you, but the state laws tend to be even more strict. False advertising is a civil offense, and companies spend millions of dollars a year losing lawsuits to state AG offices over these practices.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for sharing that info, it it pretty much the same deal here. In all honesty I usually let these type of deals go, I just don't like the fact that this guy always tries to feed me some BS.. If he would have simply said no without giving me all his BS excuses I would have walked out the store no problem.