Demon's Souls officially cheaper NEW than USED at GameStop

[quote name='Vortextk']Ah bloodstains. Haven't really thought about those for awhile. There are two different kind of bloodstains, really. You have those where the guy is serious, he's rolling, blocking, attacking but ultimately falls victim to whatever monster was or trap was there. Then you have the other. You'll see someone standing on a ledge, pondering over something, and then he hops off ;)[/QUOTE]

It's funny, Giantbomb did a quicklook and they were making fun of people who died in the nexus by falling off the spiral staircase. Later I found that this was a strategy for shifting world tendency.

[quote name='wallcrawler62']Anyone else feel that this is a game that a new copy could go up in value over the next few years?[/QUOTE]

Probably not.
[quote name='paddlefoot']It's funny Giantbomb did a quicklook and they were making fun of people who died in the nexus by falling off the spiral staircase. Later I found that this was a strategy for shifting world tendency.[/QUOTE]

Lol not everyone was doing it for that reason though ;) I had atleast one stain myself. I accidentally rolled at an awkward camera angle and whoops. I definitely didn't "complete" the game and only shifted like 2 worlds to fight some black phantoms myself.
[quote name='wallcrawler62']Anyone else feel that this is a game that a new copy could go up in value over the next few years?[/QUOTE]

I don't think you can assume any game will go up in value. Although that Euro Black Phantom edition is very tempting to buy and hold.

Buy it because it's fun to play. I'm sure it will go down a bit more, but there aren't many copies so it may get hard to find as time goes on.

BTW, I died tons of times in 1-1 and did want to toss the controller through the TV a few times. Once I figured out how to get by Phalanx (boss of 1-1), I've only averaged dying once or twice per boss and maybe once between each boss. Currently about SL60ish and finished 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 4-1, 4-2.

Love soul farming 4-2. Hate farming spider stones even with LSoS. PITA.
Hmm... hmm...

So I have a factory sealed DS Deluxe Edition w/Art book and OST. Been waiting till after exams to get into it. But now I'm wondering, shouldn't I sell the Deluxe and grab the regular edition? Think the Deluxe might be peaking in value.

[quote name='gunstar808']Hmm... hmm...

So I have a factory sealed DS Deluxe Edition w/Art book and OST. Been waiting till after exams to get into it. But now I'm wondering, shouldn't I sell the Deluxe and grab the regular edition? Think the Deluxe might be peaking in value.


If you'd rather the profits than the extras I say go for it. You'll make what, 100+?(assuming you then buy another cheaper regular copy) The guide is nice, but I mean, there's plenty of info online. Artbook is small and I personally haven't even used my ost disc, ever. I like the extras but I only paid 10 bucks for them and opened it right when I got it, so no chance to profit majorly off of it.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Falling on NPC's what part? [/QUOTE]
If you fall from a height high enough that you land on the head of an NPC, it interprets this act as an attack and will not interact with you EVER AGAIN until you go to the next game+. IE. if you jump from a high place in the Nexus to get back into soul form and you happen to not be spatially aware and land on top of stockpile Thomas you're pretty FUBAR.

A much more likely scenario is where Sage Freke happens to set-up shop is on the ground up against a staircase, a drop of about 3 feet. If you go up the stairs and drop down to talk to him and happen to land on him, he will immediately become hostile for the rest of the game.

Do keep in mind if you make a mistake like that if you quickly quit the game by pressing the PS button on the controller (NOT through the in-game menu as that will save your game) it quits the game without saving so that you load from the last time the game saved, probably from when you entered the Nexus.

I just wish they did more often what they did in 1-1, as you progress through the level you would unlock shortcuts to bypass some of the areas you have already fought through to reach the boss rather than having to slog through the entire level again just to possibly die quickly again while fighting the boss. Though I must admit, that does make the boss battles more intense as there is a great desire not to die.

Thanks for the tip on Yurt, I would have been mega pissed if that happened to me.
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[quote name='guardian_owl']If you fall from a height high enough that you land on the head of an NPC, it interprets this act as an attack and will not interact with you EVER AGAIN until you go to the next game+. IE. if you jump from a high place in the Nexus to get back into soul form and you happen to not be spatially aware and land on top of stockpile Thomas you're pretty FUBAR.

A much more likely scenario is where Sage Freke happens to set-up shop is on the ground up against a staircase, a drop of about 3 feet. If you go up the stairs and drop down to talk to him and happen to land on him, he will immediately become hostile for the rest of the game.

Do keep in mind if you make a mistake like that if you quickly quit the game by pressing the PS button on the controller (NOT through the in-game menu as that will save your game) it quits the game without saving so that you load from the last time the game saved, probably from when you entered the Nexus.

I just wish they did more often what they did in 1-1, as you progress through the level you would unlock shortcuts to bypass some of the areas you have already fought through to reach the boss rather than having to slog through again just to possibly die by fighting it. Though I must admit, that does make the boss battles more intense as there is a great desire not to die.

Thanks for the tip on Yurt, I would have been mega pissed if that happened to me.[/QUOTE]

The comments on "dropping" onto NPCs and forcing them into perma-hostility, is false. This may have been changed in a recent patch (within the last month) but when I played, it took multiple attacks/mistakes to incur a permanent hatred from the victim.

I know this because I've accidentally hit SO many NPCs when setting down the shitty PS3 controller to walk away...fucking triggers.
[quote name='thehoweller']The comments on "dropping" onto NPCs and forcing them into perma-hostility, is false. This may have been changed in a recent patch (within the last month) but when I played, it took multiple attacks/mistakes to incur a permanent hatred from the victim.

I know this because I've accidentally hit SO many NPCs when setting down the shitty PS3 controller to walk away...fucking triggers.[/QUOTE]

Yea I've accidentally attacked NPCS and as long as I ran away then it was no problem the rest of the game. My Saint Bernard sat on a controller once and I attacked someone but i just ran away and everything was cool
Overall, I found this game to being both incredibly frustrating and rewarding at the same time. When you finished a level, YOU FINISHED THE LEVEL. You knew every single shortcut, enemy location, enemy attack pattern, and it's terrain by the end. A location that took you hours to learn, can later take minutes to complete. That's just how it is.

I can't tell you how many times I got lost in the prison level. When I finally beat the it, I knew the place like the back of my hand. Man, did it feel GREAT when I finished it.

Yeah, DS is rough around the edges at times, and they could have simplified the menu/stats. Also, I agree that most bosses can be incredibly cheap, and they do require lots of trial and error unless you exploit/research ahead of time.

I was a pure melee character with a bow. Had I known earlier how useful magic was, I would have started over as a caster. Melee are punished much more since they need to be close (obviously) to deal their main damage. Make one mistake, like rolling just a tad late or not running away fast enough, and you are probably done. Casters, while fragile, could keep a wide distance and deal slow, but guaranteed damage in the form of poisons and other stuff. They also received nice buffs like reducing magic/physical damage.

I needed Demon Souls to remind be how gaming used to be, and I needed something to hand my ass back to me. I played through the game once, and that was enough nostalgia for me, at least until DS2.
i noticed that this morning also, but when i added it to the cart it went back to 49.99. odd. i mean, i already have it, but just checking :)
[quote name='acsguitar']Yea I've accidentally attacked NPCS and as long as I ran away then it was no problem the rest of the game. My Saint Bernard sat on a controller once and I attacked someone but i just ran away and everything was cool[/QUOTE]
hmm, perhaps that was just in the original asian version of the game which many of the FAQs and Wikis are based off of.
[quote name='Hodaka']I've been wanting Demon's Souls, but I have such a huge pile of unplayed games. I'm going to wait until it gets down to the $20 mark..[/QUOTE]

By waiting to play this your only chancing they either take the servers down before you play or you noone will be playing it anymore.
[quote name='gunstar808']Hmm... hmm...

So I have a factory sealed DS Deluxe Edition w/Art book and OST. Been waiting till after exams to get into it. But now I'm wondering, shouldn't I sell the Deluxe and grab the regular edition? Think the Deluxe might be peaking in value.


If you really don't want the art book and the OST, then by all means cash in on that while you can. The guide isn't really necessary, that's what the Internets are for.

If you do have at least some interest in the extras that come along with the Deluxe Edition, I'd say no. I'm not usually one for shelf junk myself, but I don't think its worth the trouble to even step foot in eBay for $40-60 profit.

[quote name='tattoojeep']By waiting to play this your only chancing they either take the servers down before you play or you noone will be playing it anymore.[/QUOTE]

Is the game that significantly different online? I've been unfortunate enough to be stuck behind my college's firewall for the past four years and never had the luck of some one connecting to my games. :(

Almost finished the game offline, but I've been feeling tempted to return after playing FFXIII.
Chuck norris is the only person in the real world who can kill Demon's souls souls.

[quote name='Dysheekie']Demon's Souls is the kind of game that makes you want to play Demon's Souls.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='tattoojeep']Chuck norris is the only person in the real world who can kill Demon's souls souls.[/QUOTE]

Chuck Norris can still use Death Cloud on False King Allant.
I'm glad that Demon's Souls exists and that so many people like it. What I don't get is why its fans have this pressing need to belittle people who don't want to play it.
[quote name='helmet']Is the game that significantly different online? I've been unfortunate enough to be stuck behind my college's firewall for the past four years and never had the luck of some one connecting to my games. :(

Almost finished the game offline, but I've been feeling tempted to return after playing FFXIII.[/QUOTE]

Well, by playing online, I found it to be an almost interactive strategy guide. A lot of the blood stains and messages were incredibly helpful (and hilarious) at warning me of an enemy, enemy weakness, or letting me know that a item was hidden nearby.

Summoning others to come and help you during a level was also very helpful at times. I avoided the PvP in this game, mainly because I just wanted to complete the game and move on.
[quote name='BarrettSan']In Final Fantasy XIII, there are several points where the game can potentially one-shot you if you're unlucky, or set up your paradigms wrong. It seems to me that the designers' solution for this was to allow you to instantly retry any battle - a first for the series. To me, this feels like a patched hole - like the designers couldn't find a way to completely balance the game, and so that feature was slapped on at the last minute.[/QUOTE]
I actually rather liked that about FFXIII. It effectively let you get in over your head, without really punishing you for it. The first time I ran into monster that 1-shot me, it was an awe inspiring experience. I realized there were some really hard fights out there, learned not to run into that monster again, and made a mental note to come back when I'm much stronger. And, since I was able to do a quick re-load, I didn't lose more than 3 minutes, which is great for me. RPGs are long enough, without forcing you to replay tedious sections.
[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']stupid topic, please close. this is ALWAYS the case at GS. Ugh, please OP, this isn't a deal or funny, stop flooding the board with garbage[/QUOTE]
Ass, gtfo of CAG and go back to slickdeals.
[quote name='Xiemos']I can't tell you how many times I got lost in the prison level. When I finally beat the it, I knew the place like the back of my hand. Man, did it feel GREAT when I finished it.[/QUOTE]

The swamp was creepy enough, though my friend played most of that level, he was super into the game so we switched up. Not often, because switching constantly mid level is a recipe for disaster =P But ugh, the prison, I pretty much played that whole thing. The creepy noises, dark corners, and damn squid monsters. At times it was as bad as a survival horror game for me there. It was a damn maze but geez did you know that thing backwards and forwards when you were finally done.

Slight spoilers for world three, I mean there's no story stuff(like most of the game) but if you want to be surprised you might not want to read.

Once when he was playing he dropped his blue stone but got summoned as someone's boss. We had no idea what the hell was going on, in that big room with the chairs and that funky robe on our head. The other player came in, my friend killed him, we got the new hat and laughed hysterically when we found out that we were a real player's boss fight and beat him. That was one of the coolest moments in a game, ever.
[quote name='timobkg']I actually rather liked that about FFXIII. It effectively let you get in over your head, without really punishing you for it. The first time I ran into monster that 1-shot me, it was an awe inspiring experience. I realized there were some really hard fights out there, learned not to run into that monster again, and made a mental note to come back when I'm much stronger. And, since I was able to do a quick re-load, I didn't lose more than 3 minutes, which is great for me. RPGs are long enough, without forcing you to replay tedious sections.[/QUOTE]

Somehow I managed to clock in 47 hours on FFXIII before I even beat the main story line, so I agree with you wholeheartedly that this was a great feature. It allowed for a little creativity in your fights without having to deal with the slow walk back from the save point.

For some reason though, in Demon's Souls it doesn't really bother me. In FFXIII though, I would have never finished the game because of how frequently I died. I guess Demon's Souls was easier than FFXIII. XD
I died in FFXIII more times than in all the other FF games I've played put together. I also wasted less time replaying through sections that posed no challenge. That's why I'm so on the fence about DS. I have limited patience, and hate re-clearing stuff. I first played DMC last year, and it took me over 3 hours to beat that first spider boss on normal. I was so frustrated fighting that spider boss, that I was ready to give up on the game right before I finally beat him. I'm very concerned that I'll spend $40 on DS only to discover that I hate it. Really wish there was some way to try it before buying it. Where's a demo when you need one?
If you're online, you can summon up to two blue phantoms to help you in the game. Now honestly, most of the time you're in soul form from dieing. Being in soul form means you can be summoned into other players games but can't summon anyone else. Beat a boss in your game, beat a boss as a blue phantom helper in another person's games or kill a player in their game as a black phantom to get your body back. If you beat a boss as a blue phantom it's not dead in your game, but then you could summon up to two people to help you go through your own level. I wouldn't rely on people all the time to get you through an entire level, but people(at launch) were always dropping their stones to be summoned right before the boss fights.
[quote name='timobkg']Where's a demo when you need one?[/QUOTE]

Get it used from gamestop, if you don't like it then you can just return it. If you do like it, you can just return it and buy a new copy. :D
This game sticks in my memory more than any other recent game... It's just damn good.

And it is challenging, though not ridiculously so. The biggest issue is if you don't just don't take your time and blunder into things. A lot of deaths occur just from falling down a ledge you don't see, for instance (though you CAN see them... you just have to be careful, as lots of levels are dark and they can be difficult to see if you're hurrying along).

In any case, game is definitely worth it... I'd put it at the top of any play list.
[quote name='BarrettSan']I found that the challenge was in both knowing what to do and actually doing it. The first time you play an area, you will inevitably reach areas that you will die at. Death and repetition is part of the learning process. This would be fine if the penalty were not so harsh. I found myself replaying the same levels over and over and crossing my fingers that I didn't die at the last place I died again. Replaying the levels again and again is just boring. Again, this is similar to fighting a boss over and over in FFXIII... but in that game, you can experiment and try new things because of the Retry option (even though you're constrained, just like Demon's Souls, by what the developers want you to do.)

Ultimately, many boss 'strategies' are just cheap tricks, ways to get around the massive disadvantage you are put into. How does that represent good game design?[/QUOTE]
I'm sorry but where have you been the last 20yrs? That is the way ALL bosses are besides simple shoot and don't stop shooting FPS bosses.
[quote name='helmet']Get it used from gamestop, if you don't like it then you can just return it. If you do like it, you can just return it and buy a new copy. :D[/QUOTE]I just looked up their return policy. So I can buy it used, and then return it for a full refund within 7 days? That seems almost too good to be true.
[quote name='timobkg']I just looked up their return policy. So I can buy it used, and then return it for a full refund within 7 days? That seems almost too good to be true.[/QUOTE]

7 day return for pretty much any reason on used games and you get your money back in the same way you used it, CC, credit, cash, whatever. 30 day policy on switching defective used games for other copies. For the 7 days yeah you're covered, for the 30 I don't know if anything besides defective would fall into that category(outside of really pushing a manager or something).
[quote name='timobkg']I just looked up their return policy. So I can buy it used, and then return it for a full refund within 7 days? That seems almost too good to be true.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I've done it plenty of times as forms of "free rentals". They do take down your information when you return a game (I'm guessing to trace you down in case the game doesn't end up working), so you can't abuse the system too much. But it's a great way to play short games without having to spend any money, or as in your case, see if you like the game without any risk.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm glad that Demon's Souls exists and that so many people like it. What I don't get is why its fans have this pressing need to belittle people who don't want to play it.[/QUOTE]

I think this all happens as a defensive stance to defend what they value. Loads of people simply piss on the game without thinking twice. Given its "love it/hate it" nature... the "hate it" people rags on it and complaining about all the aspects of the game and how broken it is... Meanwhile those precise points are what made the game for the "love it" folks... You get the gist...

As for folks asking about online, it's not exactly a deal breaking feature if you can't experience it. After all, the game mostly focuses on single player. However, the online take is quite unique. While it's almost completely useless for you to see white ghostly figures of other people playing around your area... it does provide an odd sense of... "community/bond" some how. Yea, I know, it sounds weird... but when I was shitting my pants on certain parts, seeing that ghostly figure running past me and knowing that someone else(a human player) is also experiencing this area RIGHT now gives me a bit of a tingle feeling inside. :)
[quote name='timobkg']I just looked up their return policy. So I can buy it used, and then return it for a full refund within 7 days? That seems almost too good to be true.[/QUOTE]

As long as its a used copy you can return it for any reason within 7-days. Still have to put the money down + cost of gas for the return trip, but its risk free as long as you remember to return it and keep your receipt.
[quote name='XClaude']stuffity stuff[/QUOTE]

It's true. I don't try to just "defend" the game but, and no offense to people that are being negative about it that have, it sounds like half or more have not even played it. I mean, come on.

Online definitely isn't necessary, but I couldn't imagine playing without it. With lobbies, mics, matchmaking blah blah these days, it's damn fun and unique to interact with. Just wish the character poses for emotions didn't take so long to use.
Some folks are just overly defensive about the game I think. I am enjoying it the further I get into it but I can plainly see why some folks would hate the game.

That first hour or two before you beat the first boss is like crawling through glass depending on what starting class you picked as you begin the game with a 50% HP penalty until you find the cling ring and there is little opportunity to improve your character until the first boss is beaten.
True this game is unforgiving, but I've wanted to throw my controller at a lot of other games more than this lol. And this game isn't for everyone. But if you do play it just don't try to play it as a hack'n'slash and think while you play, you should do alright. Dieing is inevitable but you learn from what you did not know or messed up on.
In a generation where most of the games are far too easy IMHO this is a welcomed bit of fresh air so to speak.
[quote name='SovietSlayer']I'm sorry but where have you been the last 20yrs? That is the way ALL bosses are besides simple shoot and don't stop shooting FPS bosses.[/QUOTE]

Nah, not really. There are many games that have boss fights that accommodate multiple strategies while still offering a challenge. Persona 4 excelled in this regard, in my opinion.

When I lose a battle in a game, I want to be able to reflect on my experience and figure out what I did wrong to improve for the next try. Demon's Souls certainly has this quality, but the problem is that I don't find the methods the game encourages to be either strategic or satisfying.

Part of what makes playing a game so much fun is that the player is put into a world with certain rules - rules defined by the developers. When you learn the rules and become skilled with them, you excel in the game, and feel rewarded. The problem with Demon's Souls is that often, you're not encouraged to learn the rules and play the game. You're just encouraged to 'bend' the rules and find exploitations. That isn't really my cup of tea. Gameplay has been evolving beyond that since the NES days.
[quote name='BarrettSan']Nah, not really. There are many games that have boss fights that accommodate multiple strategies while still offering a challenge. Persona 4 excelled in this regard, in my opinion.

When I lose a battle in a game, I want to be able to reflect on my experience and figure out what I did wrong to improve for the next try. Demon's Souls certainly has this quality, but the problem is that I don't find the methods the game encourages to be either strategic or satisfying.

Part of what makes playing a game so much fun is that the player is put into a world with certain rules - rules defined by the developers. When you learn the rules and become skilled with them, you excel in the game, and feel rewarded. The problem with Demon's Souls is that often, you're not encouraged to learn the rules and play the game. You're just encouraged to 'bend' the rules and find exploitations. That isn't really my cup of tea. Gameplay has been evolving beyond that since the NES days.[/QUOTE]
And how is this different then how bosses have been in the past? Your reflection is just another way of saying you need to figure out what the developers put in the game that allow you to beat the boss. And just like all games you either figure this out or figure out a cheap strategy that gets around it aka bends the rules.
[quote name='KingKhoiCorp']Is this a sale by gamestop? or is it a price drop?

I'd rather wait for amazon to drop it to 39.99 if its the latter.[/QUOTE]

It looks like it is just on sale at Gamestop for right now (after checking other retail sites).

Can we get back to discussing the deal, instead of loving/bashing the game for a minute? Is $33.98 + tax the cheapest price (15new) or is there another code?
[quote name='SovietSlayer']And how is this different then how bosses have been in the past? Your reflection is just another way of saying you need to figure out what the developers put in the game that allow you to beat the boss. And just like all games you either figure this out or figure out a cheap strategy that gets around it aka bends the rules.[/QUOTE]

I suppose you're right, but I stand behind my gripe... which is basically that a lot of the content that the developers of Demon's Souls put into the game which "enables you to win" is neither satisfying nor all that strategic. A lot of people feel differently though.
[quote name='BarrettSan']I suppose you're right, but I stand behind my gripe... which is basically that a lot of the content that the developers of Demon's Souls put into the game which "enables you to win" is neither satisfying nor all that strategic. A lot of people feel differently though.[/QUOTE]

Thats true but then again in most games once you figure out how to play the only battles that are rewarding are the ones where its all luck if you win or die and most people probably hate those games more.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Some of us don't like breaking controllers, thanks. :)
Seriously I watched someone play that at PAX East and it took any desire I ever had of playing it out of me.[/QUOTE]

Breaking controllers is a hobby of mine, I enjoy it very much. That's too bad you will be missing out on the one of the hardest you "would have" ever played.:boxing:
[quote name='MSUHitman']Some of us don't like breaking controllers, thanks. :)
Seriously I watched someone play that at PAX East and it took any desire I ever had of playing it out of me.[/QUOTE]

Even though I'm normally a kamikaze gamer, I learned really quickly to pace myself and I at least got up to the first boss before I traded the import copy I bought from someone on CAG. I just recently traded for this again on CAG, but I have the US version now, so that means that if I get truly stuck I can perhaps use the complicated way to call up a friend on PSN to come and find and 'invade' my game to help me.

But I loved the game the last time I had it. It's a great change of pace from the FF clones out there.

[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']stupid topic, please close. this is ALWAYS the case at GS. Ugh, please OP, this isn't a deal or funny, stop flooding the board with garbage[/QUOTE]

This game was worth it at $60, it was worth it at $50 and now it's still worth it at $40. But there's also a version coming out in the UK in June that has a hardcover artbook, hardcover guide, soundtrack CD and the game. The one site is currently offering it for about $55 or so and I believe that's a SHIPPED price to the US.

Link to Demon's Souls discussion thread on PS3 board:
[quote name='homersteve']If the servers go down will the game be playable at all?[/QUOTE]

Of course it will. Just because a game loses the online component doesn't mean it loses the single player component.

Although I sure will miss all of the valuable 'this is harsh, evaluate me' hints people dropped in various spots in game.:roll:
I love Demon's Souls so much. That said I havnt played it yet this year, I think I got my fill last year. But that would totally suck if they took down the servers already. Im not that interested in blood stains or messages, but blue and red phantoms were so awesome. I had more tension/excitement every time a black phantom invaded your world, especially when you had two blues all ready to go! :)
oh n I wish there were more levels. When you start the game it seems massive and the 1st level is insane to get through. but then you realize each world only really has 2 stages and a boss. It's a letdown that only archstone 1 has 4 whole levels, when the prison level and island and swampy place and mines only have 2 stages and a boss. oh well, demon's souls 2 hopefully :)
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[quote name='rockafella420']It looks like it is just on sale at Gamestop for right now (after checking other retail sites).

Can we get back to discussing the deal, instead of loving/bashing the game for a minute? Is $33.98 + tax the cheapest price (15new) or is there another code?[/QUOTE]
If you order $100+ dollars worth of games (new or used) you can use 25OFF + SAVER to get 25% off your order + free shipping. I used that to get Assassin's Creed 2, Ratchet + Clank: Crack in Time, and Demon's Souls a couple of weeks ago for $77 before tax.

If you don't have little big planet yet, can get the GOTY edition for $27 ($20.25 after discount) + a future $10 credit. Then you just need another $40 game ( or 2 x $20 games) to slip in there for $106.
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bread's done