Deoxsys Download Event

I just spoke with the Golden Gamestop and here's some info. The event is ALL day long. No hour limitations other than OPEN - CLOSE.

HOWEVER, not all Gamestops have gotten their download packs, and all stores recieved an email stating that if they haven't gotten their download pack, they are to direct customers to stores which have.

Just got back from mine -- much more of an ordeal than I was expecting.

I tried downloading on my own, but couldn't find a signal. So, I asked one of the employees, who knew nothing of it and simply handed me the instruction page. The other employee then went to get his DS and try it, but had no success either. So, after about 20 minutes of waiting (he had to take phone calls), the guy looked at the download station, only to realize the distribution game was never inserted :roll: They both started complaining about what a shitty company they work for, and that the manager told them the night before he had taken care of it and it was ready to go. But, in the end, the employees were pleasant and helpful, and I've got Deoxsys in both Diamond and Pearl :)
[quote name='lakers310']for anybody thats gone, are they giving any type of coupon like at tru?[/QUOTE]

Nothing like that -- just a page of instructions, with some Mystery Dungeon codes on the back.

[quote name='UltimoRey']its it a straight download, or is it an item like a ticket?[/QUOTE]

It's a Mystery Gift download. You download Deoxsys, then head over to a shop and grab him from the delivery man.
[quote name='PRMega']It's a Mystery Gift download. You download Deoxsys, then head over to a shop and grab him from the delivery man.[/quote]
thanks wanted to be sure
I just got back from getting one. It's pretty straightforward. If your shop had a midnight release recently (My store had an MGS4 midnight event) they should have it. Just go in, turn on the DS, Mystery Gift from Space, bam, done. No lines, no fuss.

Jolly Natured Deoxys. Weird if you ask me.
[quote name='KingBroly']I just got back from getting one. It's pretty straightforward. If your shop had a midnight release recently (My store had an MGS4 midnight event) they should have it. Just go in, turn on the DS, Mystery Gift from Space, bam, done. No lines, no fuss.

Jolly Natured Deoxys. Weird if you ask me.[/quote]
Why didn't you soft reset?
[quote name='guinaevere']I just spoke with the Golden Gamestop and here's some info. The event is ALL day long. No hour limitations other than OPEN - CLOSE.

HOWEVER, not all Gamestops have gotten their download packs, and all stores recieved an email stating that if they haven't gotten their download pack, they are to direct customers to stores which have.


I failed to heed this advice and sure enough, the store closest to my house did not receive the materials. I had to drive to another one at the mall to get my Deoxys.
[quote name='Link127']how far in the game do you have to be to DL this? I haven't even started my Diamond copy other than to try it out.[/quote]

You need the pokedex.
I haven't picked mine up yet from the delivery man. Not decided what nature to get...

I'm away from home, and my internet access is so so. I haven't been able to get through the websites I wanted to. Dang, I need an iphone.

Must. Always. Have. Internet. Access.

Anyhoo...I was wondering: Can you trade deoxys and then go back next weekend for another? :D

I probably won't...but just wondering.
[quote name='mcelfour']
Anyhoo...I was wondering: Can you trade deoxys and then go back next weekend for another? :D

I probably won't...but just wondering.[/quote]

If you want multiple Deoxys's, you have to delete your save and start a new game. (After trading off the Deoxys, of course). Only then can you get a new wonder card (and a new Deoxys).
[quote name='Quintessence']I will probably forget about this one like I did the other one. :cry:[/quote]Me too.I missed the TRU one and this one. I'll try to go the 28.Do I just go in and ask for the pokemon?
[quote name='mcelfour']I haven't picked mine up yet from the delivery man. Not decided what nature to get...

I'm away from home, and my internet access is so so. I haven't been able to get through the websites I wanted to. Dang, I need an iphone.

Must. Always. Have. Internet. Access.

Anyhoo...I was wondering: Can you trade deoxys and then go back next weekend for another? :D

I probably won't...but just wondering.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you can't. Seems my wife had a deoxys that the info was in her game as if she owned it and I couldn't d/l it. She has no idea how the info got there or where that deoxys is...
My son went off with Mom and brother to get his deoxsys on Saturday while I stood in line for an hour renewing my driver's license. I think he got the better deal.
I got Both my Event P0K3mahns !!!


I didnt even get out of my car to get
from Gaym Stop. I got the Mystery Gift signal from the parking lot. lol.
[quote name='Clarke']

Ya, you like that trainee, i consider myself quite the jokester. :cool:

On a side note i have a plethora of extinct pokemon,
, if anyone is looking for them. There are several, non legendary, pokemon for whom i would give you one of each. Or if you just really want one of these id probably give em to you for nothing.
I got Deoxsys on Friday. I walked into the Anaheim Gamestop, got noticed by one of the associates, ("Hey, Luigi, what happened to your hair?" *shrugs* "I got bored." Long story.) and walked to one corner of the store.

Got in, got Deoxsys, got out, got on with my life.

I didn't care that anyone saw me there. Hell, I even wore my T-shirt with the old NES pad that says "GAMER" on it. So, meh...
That sucks. So I guess there's no point in me doing this as I'm pretty early on in Diamond. I'd have to get the National Pokedex first... which is at the end of the game I believe.
[quote name='RynoZebz']That sucks. So I guess there's no point in me doing this as I'm pretty early on in Diamond. I'd have to get the National Pokedex first... which is at the end of the game I believe.[/quote]

You don't need the national dex. I don't have the national dex, and I do have dexoys.
[quote name='pete5883']Got my Deoxys yesterday, parked in the fire lane in front of Gamestop.[/quote]

I got mine today, though I actually went into the store. Walked out with Deoxys and also a copy of Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play for cheap (yay for used games + Edge card + credit). It wasn't nearly as embarrassing as I thought it'd be.

[quote name='lakers310']Can you dl deoxys with emerald?[/quote]

Um, as a part of this Gamestop event, no.

If you have it in your Emerald game, you should be able to transfer it to your DS game.

[quote name='terpkristin']I got mine today, though I actually went into the store. Walked out with Deoxys and also a copy of Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play for cheap (yay for used games + Edge card + credit). It wasn't nearly as embarrassing as I thought it'd be.


Got mine today...and mine was nearly as embarrassing as I thought it'd be :)
All I did was go in, go behind one of the racks and act like I was looking at Rock Band Wii with my DS at the bottom and looking down occasionally to make sure I was pressing in the right area.
Last Sunday I walked into Gamestop, there were no advertisements for it whatsoever so I had to ask.

"Do you know anything about a Pokemon giveaway?"

Two employees, first one looks at me like I myself am a Pokemon, the other one goes "Uh yeah, we're giving away Deoxsys." I asked if it was set up, he said yes, so I just whipped it out and received my gift.

*intentional innuendo FTW*
[quote name='Melatonin']Last Sunday I walked into Gamestop, there were no advertisements for it whatsoever so I had to ask.[/quote]

Actually, I was surprised that the GS I went to had no advertisements for it, either. I too had to ask if they were participating. But the guy I asked knew exactly what I was talking about, no funny looks for me.

Went to my local GS yesterday and discovered they were closed for inventory. We parked behind the store and tried to get a signal, but nothing. I was going to give up, but we circled around to the front and were able to get it. My wife thought the drive-by wifi nature of it was very cool.
bread's done