Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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Ran Nightfall on both my guys.

-LDR 5001 sniper.  Same  fooking damage type as my other one I already have :bomb:  but this one has much better perks so I'm keeping it and going to level it up fully

-I'm not as pissed at the above because my run with my Warlock got me Starfire Protocol (new exotic Warlock chest that grants extra ammo to fusion and heavy and I get a 3rd grenade if I run that with my Sunsinger).  My buddies that ran this one with me got:  Thunderlord and other got a Dragon's Breath!  Apparently I'm good luck ;)

-Did the raid on my hunter and got the chest piece. :)   So now I only need shards to hit 32 since I have an updated exotic helm. :D  No weapons though.  My other friends got the raid helms for the Hunter (it looks badass) and the Warlock (also very cool looking)

-Still need to run it on my warlock so hopefully that yields Black Hammer or Hunger of Crota!

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I got two Radiant energies, 4 shards, and another raid chest from the raid last night. At this point it will be months before I can get enough shards to hit 32. Bungie really ruined this game with the expansion. There just isn't enough content to keep people playing since all the good items and the only ways to progress are locked behind the once a week(per character) raid with very limited rewards. If the raid is the only way to get Radiant shards/energy then why are we only getting 2 per checkpoint or chest? It doesn't make any sense.  They need to start making radiant materials obtainable from public events, the nightfall, and daily quests or at the very least increase the amount you get per checkpoint during the raid.

I got two Radiant energies, 4 shards, and another raid chest from the raid last night. At this point it will be months before I can get enough shards to hit 32. Bungie really ruined this game with the expansion. There just isn't enough content to keep people playing since all the good items and the only ways to progress are locked behind the once a week(per character) raid with very limited rewards. If the raid is the only way to get Radiant shards/energy then why are we only getting 2 per checkpoint or chest? It doesn't make any sense. They need to start making radiant materials obtainable from public events, the nightfall, and daily quests or at the very least increase the amount you get per checkpoint during the raid.

Before my first raid run last night, I needed 28 just to max out my raid boots and arms. Now throwing in the chest makes it 49... :wall: The really need to give a reward for the Deathsinger too (personally I don't think it is hard at all but man a reward for that part would be nice!). Maybe add another chest or two?!?!

Agree with Sin.  I hit a few raid chests/checkpoints yesterday with two characters and got nothing but radiant energy and a couple shards.  Doesn't do me much good when I've only gotten one piece of armor and no weapons.  Since ascendant shards are mostly worthless now, they need to replace those with their radiant brethren in public event drops.

Agree with Sin. I hit a few raid chests/checkpoints yesterday with two characters and got nothing but radiant energy and a couple shards. Doesn't do me much good when I've only gotten one piece of armor and no weapons. Since ascendant shards are mostly worthless now, they need to replace those with their radiant brethren in public event drops.
Plus for the people that need ascendant for some odd reason, they can just run VoG to get them since you get them like candy.

I got two Radiant energies, 4 shards, and another raid chest from the raid last night. At this point it will be months before I can get enough shards to hit 32. Bungie really ruined this game with the expansion. There just isn't enough content to keep people playing since all the good items and the only ways to progress are locked behind the once a week(per character) raid with very limited rewards. If the raid is the only way to get Radiant shards/energy then why are we only getting 2 per checkpoint or chest? It doesn't make any sense. They need to start making radiant materials obtainable from public events, the nightfall, and daily quests or at the very least increase the amount you get per checkpoint during the raid.
From our perspective it doesn't make sense, but from Bungie's it does. They don't have a ton of stuff to do in the DLC so to pad things out you have to level Eris up very slowly (unless you're io). You now are more likely to get the raid armor you need, but to keep you from hitting that 32 mark too quickly you need radiant shards which are a limited quantity item. At least they didn't make it so the raid gear levels as slow as the exotics to top it off... though it wouldn't really matter since you would still need the shards to get it maxed anyway. I can't wait to see what new currency House of Wolves introduces. Lupine shards and enrgies here we come. :whistle2:D

Any news on which faction that is, I only do FWC on my sunbro.

They need to get new designs. Its like the same 3 ships with different wings/booster extension with a different paint job. Good to know it ain't brown though.
Dead Orbit. The ship should have a similar color scheme to your faction.

Ran Nightfall on both my guys.

-LDR 5001 sniper. Same fooking damage type as my other one I already have :bomb: but this one has much better perks so I'm keeping it and going to level it up fully

-I'm not as pissed at the above because my run with my Warlock got me Starfire Protocol (new exotic Warlock chest that grants extra ammo to fusion and heavy and I get a 3rd grenade if I run that with my Sunsinger). My buddies that ran this one with me got: Thunderlord and other got a Dragon's Breath! Apparently I'm good luck ;)

-Did the raid on my hunter and got the chest piece. :) So now I only need shards to hit 32 since I have an updated exotic helm. :D No weapons though. My other friends got the raid helms for the Hunter (it looks badass) and the Warlock (also very cool looking)

-Still need to run it on my warlock so hopefully that yields Black Hammer or Hunger of Crota!
Not sure if it actually lets you have 3 grenades, iirc it caps at 2. Let us know if that's true or not!

Plus for the people that need ascendant for some odd reason, they can just run VoG to get them since you get them like candy.
What they could and should do is let people choose the rewards they get(from the list of all possible rewards of course) when they do a daily quest, public event, or nightfall. That way the player could choose if he wanted radiant or ascendant materials or a strange coin for doing a public event or daily quest.

From our perspective it doesn't make sense, but from Bungie's it does. They don't have a ton of stuff to do in the DLC so to pad things out you have to level Eris up very slowly (unless you're io). You now are more likely to get the raid armor you need, but to keep you from hitting that 32 mark too quickly you need radiant shards which are a limited quantity item. At least they didn't make it so the raid gear levels as slow as the exotics to top it off... though it wouldn't really matter since you would still need the shards to get it maxed anyway. I can't wait to see what new currency House of Wolves introduces. Lupine shards and enrgies here we come. :whistle2:D
Even for Bungie it doesn't make sense because it gives players less of a reason to play when they realize they can only make progress doing the raid and even with that the raid might not give them what they need to progress. The problem really is that Bungie just didn't think this expansion through. This first DLC should have just been 100 new weapons and armor(all better or on par with anything from the base game), 2 new strikes, a new lvl 32 Very Hard VoG mode, and 2 new MP Maps for $10. This would have given bungie more time with actual new content so it could span more than two light levels.

What they could and should do is let people choose the rewards they get(from the list of all possible rewards of course) when they do a daily quest, public event, or nightfall. That way the player could choose if he wanted radiant or ascendant materials or a strange coin for doing a public event or daily quest.

Even for Bungie it doesn't make sense because it gives players less of a reason to play when they realize they can only make progress doing the raid and even with that the raid might not give them what they need to progress. The problem really is that Bungie just didn't think this expansion through. This first DLC should have just been 100 new weapons and armor(all better or on par with anything from the base game), 2 new strikes, a new lvl 32 Very Hard VoG mode, and 2 new MP Maps for $10. This would have given bungie more time with actual new content so it could span more than two light levels.
Well, yes and no. Once you have that new gear you need to level it up. You can't level up in the raid so you need to go back and do bounties. Then once you get enough XP you need shards to level up your armor. Back to the raid for that. Oh, you got a better roll on gloves better level those. Ok, now you need shards and you have energy. Guess you better do some bounties for Eric's Mom so you can use her gift exchange. It is a cyclical design. I don't agree with it and I have the same problems with it you do, but I do see their reasoning for it. I believe gotdott mentioned to me while online that the Bungie devs have said their issues with the game are similar to ours (don't know if it includes this), but at least they have shown they are willing to try and tweak things and hopefully that continues next year.

Bungie is basically trying to make TDB last until the next DLC (March?). If you think about it, everyone with only a single character will take 2-3 months to hit 32 due to the shard gating. In this context the gating makes sense. For everyone else with 3 characters we can get enough for a character in under a month and then we run out of things to do/work on our alts (we are not the majority).

Bungie is basically trying to make TDB last until the next DLC (March?). If you think about it, everyone with only a single character will take 2-3 months to hit 32 due to the shard gating. In this context the gating makes sense. For everyone else with 3 characters we can get enough for a character in under a month and then we run out of things to do/work on our alts (we are not the majority).
Yup, but will that single toon player stick around that long.

Most of the the players who have stuck it out this long seem to have at least 2 characters (from my experience anyway).

Which makes this frustrating for all of us who had hit 30.

We reached the top and didn't get anywhere enough time to reap the benefits of tearing thru missions at that higher level.

Would have been fine if they kept level 28 missions + rewards and then added on the level 30 missions with better rewards. But nope... they did what they did.

Hopefully they learn this wasn't cool and make the next DLC/LightLevel implementation better

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Yeah, I suppose it would take about 2 months to get a single character to 32. In my 9 runs I got more than enough shards to get one char to 32 and one weapon maxed out even without the Eris exchange. I probably had enough to max armor after about 7 runs - so the timing seems to me to allow people to hit 32 right when hard mode Crota comes out.

My problem is that the armor drops are crap. I dare say they have been worse for me than in VoG. This was made even more apparent when I recently ran one single VoG checkpoint (Oracles) and got TWO pieces of armor just from that checkpoint! I got 2 armor drops in my very first VoG even - sure as hell didn't happen in Crota.

But even with 3 different characters, I'm running into the "nothing to do" issue. I got a couple of new pieces in my last set of 3 Raid runs but just after last night I have them all leveled up (got the exp maxed - but held off on shards for the last 3 nodes). It really doesn't take long to level them up. I almost wish they did take exotic-type experience to level up. I've done all 3 nightfalls and weeklies. There's nothing left for me to do except max my Eris rank, which, depending on how many bounties they have I might get done tonight. Then there's nothing for me to do until next Tuesday. So I may start Dragon Age Inquisition ;).

But then again, I can see why they wouldn't let people run the Raid over and over (with rewards). Tons of people would have hit 32 within days and been done. I think one of the biggest problems with this DLC is that the Raid is so short. With VoG I would almost never get 3 full runs in right at the reset. I certainly wouldn't have been able to do 2 3/4 runs between 1:30 AM and 4 AM like I did with Crota this week (and another 20-30 minutes to finish of Crota a 3rd time with CAG people).

About Raid armor rolls: Does anyone know of a place where people are comparing Raid armor stats? I want to know if it is OK to max out certain pieces based on their stats. For example my Titan gloves are about 100 Intellect. That seems pretty good. The only one I've gotten two of are the Hunter gloves and they are both Int/Disc (or maybe Int/Str) and only differ by a few points (the second one I got being slightly better of course). But I wonder if they are all the same type of stats (like either just Int, or Int/Disc, or whatever) with just different rolls or if they can even have different types.
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Yeah, I suppose it would take about 2 months to get a single character to 32. In my 9 runs I got more than enough shards to get one char to 32 and one weapon maxed out even without the Eris exchange. I probably had enough to max armor after about 7 runs - so the timing seems to me to allow people to hit 32 right when hard mode Crota comes out.

My problem is that the armor drops are crap. I dare say they have been worse for me than in VoG. This was made even more apparent when I recently ran one single VoG checkpoint (Oracles) and got TWO pieces of armor just from that checkpoint! I got 2 armor drops in my very first VoG even - sure as hell didn't happen in Crota.

But even with 3 different characters, I'm running into the "nothing to do" issue. I got a couple of new pieces in my last set of 3 Raid runs but just after last night I have them all leveled up (got the exp maxed - but held off on shards for the last 3 nodes). It really doesn't take long to level them up. I almost wish they did take exotic-type experience to level up. I've done all 3 nightfalls and weeklies. There's nothing left for me to do except max my Eris rank, which, depending on how many bounties they have I might get done tonight. Then there's nothing for me to do until next Tuesday. So I may start Dragon Age Inquisition ;).

But then again, I can see why they wouldn't let people run the Raid over and over (with rewards). Tons of people would have hit 32 within days and been done. I think one of the biggest problems with this DLC is that the Raid is so short. With VoG I would almost never get 3 full runs in right at the reset. I certainly wouldn't have been able to do 2 3/4 runs between 1:30 AM and 4 AM like I did with Crota this week (and another 20-30 minutes to finish of Crota a 3rd time with CAG people).

About Raid armor rolls: Does anyone know of a place where people are comparing Raid armor stats? I want to know if it is OK to max out certain pieces based on their stats. For example my Titan gloves are about 100 Intellect. That seems pretty good. The only one I've gotten two of are the Hunter gloves and they are both Int/Disc (or maybe Int/Str) and only differ by a few points (the second one I got being slightly better of course). But I wonder if they are all the same type of stats (like either just Int, or Int/Disc, or whatever) with just different rolls or if they can even have different types.
Meanwhile Crota drops have been the complete opposite of VoG drops for me ;)

Not sure about gloves because I haven't gotten any yet (currently at 4 chests, 3 boots, 1 helm). Highest roll on chest has been over 160 though.

Decided to get the digital edition. It's $45, but I got $50 Xbox dollas for $45 through Gyft and Amazon is giving me $21 for my physical version; so not a big cost for the convenience. My kids are getting Xbox One games for Christmas, so now that I'm sharing the console I don't want to go searching for my discs.
^ Yeah, even though I upgraded when it was just $10 off ($80 for the Guardian Edition) I'm glad I did. Factoring in the $35 I would have had to pay for the DLC I paid the same $45 you did to go digital (plus I sold my disc for $40 back when it was worth more).

My son has been playing Ass Creed and Wolfenstein and it is nice to have Destiny always ready to go. I did end up buying the Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition digitally for $45 as well (and just traded my regular version disc that I had yet to open to Best Buy for $44.80).

gotdott said:
Not sure about gloves because I haven't gotten any yet (currently at 4 chests, 3 boots, 1 helm). Highest roll on chest has been over 160 though.
How about we list all our Raid gear here and we can find the highest out of our group - that will give the rest of us a guide on what to upgrade and what to hold out on.

So here's mine (just off the web site so it doesn't show the max value which is generally just a few points higher):

Willbreaker's Fists: 100 Intellect
Willbreaker's Greaves: 137 Strength

Deathsinger's Grip: 51 Intellect, 52 Discipline
Deathsinger's Mantle: 140 Intellect (I do have this one maxed out)

Dogged Gage (gloves): 52 Intellect, 51 Strength (I think this maxes out at 54/54)
Dogged Gage: 48 Intellect, 51 Strength
Tireless Striders: 68 Discipline, 71 Strength

So just judging by my own sample, it seems like gloves give you about 100, boots 140, and Chest also 140. I have no idea what the helm does.

I wonder if you can just check out other people's profiles on and get a good sample that way?

For example, I'm tempted to max out my Warlock gloves since Ilike the Int/Disc combo. I also like the Titan ones with 100 Intellect. But I can wait on the greaves if I can get something that isn't pure strength.
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Yep, I just checked out a bunch of profiles and here are the different values, with ones in yellow being maxed out and the others not.

Willbreaker's Fists: 100 I, 91 I, 52 D/51 I, 49 I/52 D, 88 D, 47 D/53 S
Willbreaker's Resolve: 141 S, 78 D/80 S
Willbreaker's Greaves: 137 S, 76 D/76 S, 71 D/71 S, 73 I/72 S, 66 D/72 S, 139 I

Deathsinger's Gaze: 100 I
Deathsinger's Grip: 51 I/52 D, 105 I, 106 S, 96 S, 101 I, 100 I, 51 I/47 S, 96 I, 96 S, 52 I/53 S,
Deathsinger's Mantle: 140 I, 141 Disc, 140 I, 135 Disc, 156 I (not even maxed!), 141 S, 162 D, 149 D, 79 D/77 S, 158 I
Deathsinger's Herald: 136 D, 66 Disc/70 I, 135 I, 134 I, 72 D/68 S, 133 D, 66 I/65 D, 122 I, 137 S, 129 D, 138 S, 68 I/67 D

Dogged Gage: 52 I/51 S, 48 I/51 S, 96 I, 49 I/50 D, 52 D/ 52 S, 100 I, 51 I/50 D, 94 I
Relentless Harness: 74 I/68 D, 81 I/74 S, 156 D, 146 I, 157 I
Tireless Striders: 68 D /71 S, 140 I, 76 I/70 D, 69 D/75 S, 122 I, 65 I/72 D, 64 D/74 S, 142 D, 134 S

.. still working on this and will keep adding more. I have yet to see anyone with a helm (edit: found 1 finally). And there are a lot of Warlocks!

Some quick observations: it seems like you can get any stat or combo of 2 stats on any piece. So you are "safe" to wait for that Int/Disc piece or whatever. It does seem like the chest pieces tend to be one stat only for Warlock/Titan but not for Hunter.

They also seem to have different perks so you might want to choose based on that. For example my Warlock chest has increased ammo for auto rifle and shotgun (both relatively useless to me). I saw another with increased sniper/pulse.

And it appears my Warlock chest piece was about as low as it can be (it is 140 maxed out and some go as high as 162). D'oh!

OK, did this for about an hour. My conclusions:

- Helm: no clue since I only found one person with one
- Gloves: anything with a base of 100 (or very close to it) seems to be good. There are some dogs out there though (with just 88 for example)
- Chest: 140 seems to be a common number but some go up to 160 so I would hold out for something in that range
- Boots: Can go as high as 152, but most are in the 140's. I'd keep it if it is mid-to-high 140's with the stats/perks you want.

And it appears that for the most part the rolls I got are crap. The only good onse are the Warlock gloves at 51 Intellect, 52 Discipline (with 3 nodes still left to upgrade) and the Titan gloves at 100 Intellect. And gloves don't have specific weapon ammo perks so no need to get "better" ones there. I made a mistake upgrading my Warlock chest piece though. Of course, I may never get another...

I'll wait to see what I get next week but then upgrade those gloves if I don't get better ones. Hopefully I can replace my other gear at some point.
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Just ran VOG from Templar on. Nothing but shards and energy through gatekeepers; Atheon dropped the sparrow, epilogue, helm, and mythoclast! Two weeks in a row I've sharded that helm that eluded me for so long. Pretty thrilled about the mythoclast though. I hope Xur offers an upgrade for it soon, I don't want to level it until then.

Merry Christmas everyone!
RADa5AURU5 said:
Just ran VOG from Templar on. Nothing but shards and energy through gatekeepers; Atheon dropped the sparrow, epilogue, helm, and mythoclast! Two weeks in a row I've sharded that helm that eluded me for so long. Pretty thrilled about the mythoclast though. I hope Xur offers an upgrade for it soon, I don't want to level it until then.

Merry Christmas everyone!
The Mythoclast is sort of already upgraded. They did it with a hotfix a few weeks ago. It went from 300 damage to 323. It is still a little short of the new weapons which have 331 (or 332?). But it ought to be pretty good for just about everything we can run into at this point.
Played a bit tonight and there was yet another Warlock-specific bounty (kill 10 Hive rapidly with solar grenades during Radiance - use the Fist of Crota mission like with so many others) so with that I was able to hit Rank 4 for Eris. She gave me a new emblem which I had yet to see anyone using so I'm probably one of the earliest people to hit rank 4. More importantly I got that cool Sunsetting shader. I bought two (one for my Hunter as well) and will probably get a third for my Titan. I bought the Warlock and Hunter Eris rank 4 items. Neither is as nice as the Rank 2 ones, unfortunately. I can't see the non-Warlock ones before buying so I couldn't tell on the Hunter. I'll probably just buy the Titan one anyway though also.

You can see the emblem here on my Warlock:

Problem is all those purchases drained me of glimmer (they were like 2500 each) so I had to do the Exclusion zone thing with my Hunter just to get back enough so I can maybe get one upgrade from Xur this week.

I may just fully upgrade my Hunter boots. It turns out they are 73 D/77 S max with the ammo perk being extra Heavy which is always good. That 150 combined stat score is higher than any I found (on my list earlier). I always try to go with Int/Disc but maybe for a Hunter that isn't the right thing to do - Str is probably a little more important for them.
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Xur-ta Klause in coming to the tower.

Center, next to the Vanguard mentors

Gear for sale:

titans-armamentarium Dis 138/149

hunter-achlyophage symbiote Dis 87/93

warlock- claws of ahamkara Dis 49/52 and Str 49/52

weapon-no land beyond  (ugh!)

upgrade highlights:  gjallarhorn (yes!), heart of praxic fire, sunbreakers, hawkmoon, helm saint-14

No heavy ammo, no engram... thanks Bungie.

(No Hawkmoon for us dude ;))

Yeah, it always takes a while to find him. I was down there after the reset and he wasn't there. It seems like he doesn't show up till like 5 or 10 after.

I didn't even have enough glimmer to upgrade my Ghally but I ran exclusion zone just to get some. I bought the new sniper (No Land Beyond) but it is a piece of crap at least before being leveled up. It sits in your primary slot but it has to be cocked before every shot and in exclusion zone I wasn't even one-shotting the Cabal there. Oh well, at least it is good for some grimoire score and just to collect...

Other upgrades include Suros Regime and Last Word. If I can scrape together enough glimmer I might as well upgrade my Last Word (I think I have one but I never use it).

I think that Armamentarium roll is better than the one I upgraded a few weeks ago. I guess you can just do it again even on one you did before.

I decided to spend the 21 radiant shards and upgrade my Titan gloves since they are 105 Int when maxed - that is a good roll. I think I'll do my Hunter boots next. That means I'm maxing one piece for each char which puts me in danger of not hitting 32 any time soon. But since the Raid gives me crap drops I won't have the gear for it anyway. At least I can exchange shards/energy now.

So, anyway, just when I thought there was nothing to do I get an upgraded Ghally and now I need to crush some Eris and Vanguard bounties to get that thing leveled up at least for the perks. So now I'm off to use my Hunter in the Omnigull strike (which is an Eris bounty today). The bonus there is that hopefully I can snag some engrams and get more sapphire wire which I am all out of. Also, I like to use an Ether Seeds in the beginning and a Black Wax Idol halfway through for bonus cash.
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(No Hawkmoon for us dude ;))

Yeah, it always takes a while to find him. I was down there after the reset and he wasn't there. It seems like he doesn't show up till like 5 or 10 after.

I didn't even have enough glimmer to upgrade my Ghally but I ran exclusion zone just to get some. I bought the new sniper (No Land Beyond) but it is a piece of crap at least before being leveled up. It sits in your primary slot but it has to be cocked before every shot and in exclusion zone I wasn't even one-shotting the Cabal there. Oh well, at least it is good for some grimoire score and just to collect...

Other upgrades include Suros Regime and Last Word. If I can scrape together enough glimmer I might as well upgrade my Last Word (I think I have one but I never use it).

I think that Armamentarium roll is better than the one I upgraded a few weeks ago. I guess you can just do it again even on one you did before.

I decided to spend the 21 radiant shards and upgrade my Titan gloves since they are 105 Int when maxed - that is a good roll. I think I'll do my Hunter boots next. That means I'm maxing one piece for each char which puts me in danger of not hitting 32 any time soon. But since the Raid gives me crap drops I won't have the gear for it anyway. At least I can exchange shards/energy now.

So, anyway, just when I thought there was nothing to do I get an upgraded Ghally and now I need to crush some Eris and Vanguard bounties to get that thing leveled up at least for the perks. So now I'm off to use my Hunter in the Omnigull strike (which is an Eris bounty today). The bonus there is that hopefully I can snag some engrams and get more sapphire wire which I am all out of. Also, I like to use an Ether Seeds in the beginning and a Black Wax Idol halfway through for bonus cash.
Oops... my bad on Hawkmoon. Forgot that's exclusive.

I was just stoked to see it since I pulled a 1.0 version from the VoG lucky chest (not too long ago).

And yeah, saw gjall-y as an upgrade option and went immediately to Exclusion Zone to upgrade it.

Xur gave me a lump of coal this Christmas. All I wanted was Suros Regime or an upgrade for the Symbiote helmet. Not even an engram today, come on.
Ryuukishi said:
Xur gave me a lump of coal this Christmas. All I wanted was Suros Regime or an upgrade for the Symbiote helmet. Not even an engram today, come on.
He's selling a Symbiote Helmet - but it is a pretty bad stat roll. I didn't even notice the lack of an engram. Hopefully that means Bungie has something cool up their sleeve for the holiday bonus thing they mentioned. Maybe an exotic engram delivered via the postmaster? Yeah, I doubt it, but we can always hope...

I forgot to check my Armamentarium to see if I want to upgrade it yet again. Oh well, can do that tomorrow.

I got my Ghally past the tracking perk but I still have some work to get it to the cluster perk. I ought to have no problem doing that just running bounties on my Hunter the next few nights (so I can also collect Sapphire Wire).

I decided to upgrade The Last Word, too, so now I have less than 300 glimmer...

Don't forget to put on your Eris class item (i.e., swap it with the Raid one if you have it) since one of her bounties is to kill Hive Majors with it equipped.
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He's selling a Symbiote Helmet - but it is a pretty bad stat roll. I didn't even notice the lack of an engram. Hopefully that means Bungie has something cool up their sleeve for the holiday bonus thing they mentioned. Maybe an exotic engram delivered via the postmaster? Yeah, I doubt it, but we can always hope...

I forgot to check my Armamentarium to see if I want to upgrade it yet again. Oh well, can do that tomorrow.

I got my Ghally past the tracking perk but I still have some work to get it to the cluster perk. I ought to have no problem doing that just running bounties on my Hunter the next few nights (so I can also collect Sapphire Wire).

I decided to upgrade The Last Word, too, so now I have less than 300 glimmer...

Don't forget to put on your Eris class item (i.e., swap it with the Raid one if you have it) since one of her bounties is to kill Hive Majors with it equipped.
I'm expecting a santa hat that lasts 30 minutes. Maybe I'll be surprised. ;-)

Last Word is awesome. I maxed it out and I'm tempted to keep using it as my main primary. We'll see how much I like my upgraded bad juju when I get it.

I don't think I have swapped out my bad juju yet ;). Well I did for a little bit to level my thorn which I now kind of like better than last word.
Well, I keep holding off, but since this is the third week in a row Xur has offerred them, I guess he's trying to tell me I should upgrade my Sunbreakers.  I haven't upgraded TLW yet either, so maybe this is the week for that, too.

Got this with the MS Store sale and just getting going after moving.  If anyone sees evilwon8675309 running around and wants to be generous in helping me level up I would appreciate any assistance.

Have Destiny on the PS4 but that has been confiscated by my brat.....

[quote name="BxJoka814" post="12361371" timestamp="1419624870"]Anybody have those gauntlets Xur has for sale this week? Opinions?[/quote]
I have talked to a few people who still prefer the sunbreakers for an exotic. I can't remember their reasons and don't have a set myself.
I forgot to check my Armamentarium to see if I want to upgrade it yet again. Oh well, can do that tomorrow.

I got my Ghally past the tracking perk but I still have some work to get it to the cluster perk. I ought to have no problem doing that just running bounties on my Hunter the next few nights (so I can also collect Sapphire Wire).
Armamentarium's roll is not as good as the one available for upgrade, way back during the very first week (aka 2 weeks ago). I did the upgrade on 1 set then and it maxed Discipline at 167. I did buy the one he's selling now (for 2 reasons): don't have to go thru the expense/time to upgrade my 2nd Armamentarium and it'll be one less armor piece to move around.

And after I upgraded Gjall-y, I turned in about 8 bounties... barely made a dent in the nodes. Got past tracking and partially into the next node.

Looks like this is a job for Ruin Wings... up, up and away!

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simosaurus said:
Well, I keep holding off, but since this is the third week in a row Xur has offerred them, I guess he's trying to tell me I should upgrade my Sunbreakers. I haven't upgraded TLW yet either, so maybe this is the week for that, too.
Renegade Moose said:
I have talked to a few people who still prefer the sunbreakers for an exotic. I can't remember their reasons and don't have a set myself.
I should check out the stats on those and maybe get them as well. If nothing else, I can always use an extra exotic to upgrade while I'm upgrading weapons. I had settled on Sunbreakers as my exotic when I finally got the VoG helm. They extend the duration of solar grenades which is always useful.

Sunbreakers give increased speed of special weapon reload (not so great when I always used Icebreaker but will be better for using Black Hammer), damage with melee reduces grenade cooldown (an OK perk I guess), and increased duration of solar grenade.

Edit: Hmmm... It seems I did upgrade my Sunbreakers (or got new ones at some point). Mine are not leveled up all the way (at least as far as I can tell from the web site). They have 92 Int. What do Xur's have?

And yeah, my Armamentarium is 156 Disc right now (not fully upgraded) so I guess I will stick with those! Hopefully I can get the helm from the Raid for both my Warlock and Titan so I can use these. I'll hold off upgrading the Raid Warlock gloves and Titan chest (once I get it).

evilw0n said:
Got this with the MS Store sale and just getting going after moving. If anyone sees evilwon8675309 running around and wants to be generous in helping me level up I would appreciate any assistance.
Add all the CAGs you see posting regularly here - we're usually on pretty often. Once you hit level 26 or so hit us up and we'll help you run the Vault of Glass Raid. That also goes for any more newbies to the game who might be on CAG!
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Anyone else unable to connect?  My buddy wanted to upgrade both his G-horns since he might get called out for work and might not make it back before the Xur is gone.  So I may end up having to log on for him.

[quote name="Vendetta_x360" post="12361933" timestamp="1419641332"]Anyone else unable to connect? My buddy wanted to upgrade both his G-horns since he might get called out for work and might not make it back before the Xur is gone. So I may end up having to log on for him.[/quote]
Yep. I wanted to do my strikes so I could start the next part of my bounty. Probably won't be home tomorrow night to them and then I'll have to wait another week. fucking script kiddies.

Edit: made it to orbit then got kicked with error prune. Kind of fitting since this is a big pile of...
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Anybody have those gauntlets Xur has for sale this week? Opinions?
They're the same one's from last week right?

I'm just about to fully upgrade, just need some glimmer. Can't say I'm a fan, supposed to allow quicker melee, doesn't feel like it at all. It does allow you to have x2 energy drain melee...but I would say skip it unless you're interested in that.


Anyone need to do the Thorn bounty strike? I've attempted it by myself and its impossible to do alone, the majors/ultras have what seems like impenetrable shield.

They're the same one's from last week right?

I'm just about to fully upgrade, just need some glimmer. Can't say I'm a fan, supposed to allow quicker melee, doesn't feel like it at all. It does allow you to have x2 energy drain melee...but I would say skip it unless you're interested in that.
Hmm maybe i'll pass. I have the sunbreakers already.

FYI, Eris rank caps at 4. If you turn in bounties after that point it doesn't continue up. It would have been nice to get rewards for continuing to rank that up. Would it have killed them to maybe give you 2 radiant shards/energy for each level after that? They could keep the same 4000 exp needed to go from rank 3 to rank 4 for each subsequent rank. That isn't something you can do more than once a week, even if you do the double bounty thing.

I'll still do them if they are easy ones since they give you weapon/armor exp. But you get a little more out of Vanguard rank with the care packages.

Of course I still have to hit rank 4 of my Titan and Hunter so I'll continue to run them with those characters regardless.

So I got my Ghally to that last perk - only a few damage upgrade nodes left. I just need to decide if I want to max out an armor piece for my Hunter. I will probably wait till next week to see what armor I get from the Raid. If I max one out for her I'll be down to about 9 shards. So, basically, I was done until the reset. Until...

I was killing Blades of Crota just while on patrol tonight and got a Husk of the Pit for my Hunter (I had gotten one on my Warlock before). So, yeah, just when I'm about to take a break the game gives me just enough of something to do. I figure I might as well get that upgraded so I have 2 Eidolon Allys ready to go when the Hard raid comes.

Regardless, though, I'm done for the night on Destiny and will probably start Dragon Age. I tend to become obsessed with one game and then the next (like serial monogamy ;)). Destiny took way more of my time than most games, though. We'll see if DA pulls me away from it...

Oh, I also noticed a distinct uptick in the number of newbs running around the Cosmodrome. There was definitely a Christmas boost to the player base. It had gotten to the point the last few weeks where I was starting to see the same people a lot, not only in the Tower, but on patrol. It has sort of always been that way in the Tower (where it seems to like to put you with people who are geographically close - can tell by some of the gamertags), but I never noticed it on Patrol till recently. I'm guessing that meant the number of people playing had gone down a lot. But tonight (as opposed to even last night) there were a lot of newbies at level 4-6 running around the Cosmodrome.
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^^^ I love seeing a level 6 struggling to even get the shield down on a 'kill the target' public event and then swooping in and dropping most of his life with a few sticky grenades and some Hunger of Crota rockets.
^^^ I love seeing a level 6 struggling to even get the shield down on a 'kill the target' public event and then swooping in and dropping most of his life with a few sticky grenades and some Hunger of Crota rockets.
Yeah, the other night I came across a lonely level 8 getting overwhelmed while trying to defend a Warsat and I felt like a super-hero swooping in to save the day as I obliterated the crowd around him with my Nova Bomb. :D/

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[quote name="Ryuukishi" post="12363058" timestamp="1419697105"]Half of the "noobs" we see around are probably alts of people who already have a different class at 30+. :lol:[/quote]
You can tell pretty easy if they are. Just hover over their gamertag and check their Grimoire score.
Knocked out all of my weekly stuff on Tuesday and now I don't have anything to do other than Eris bounties until the next reset.  Xur offerings look like a bust this week too.  Unless I get lucky and pull a new exotic out of the raid/nightfall there is really not much to do in this game.  I don't even bother with the public event or the daily story for the most part now.

io is there even a reason to level your other guys to Eris level 4?  Can't you just swap items between them and have one guy be designated shard exchanger.  Then again, her bounties are usually very easy and we know there isn't much to do in this game right now.

I was so bored the other day I tracked down the remaining ghosts I had not found, including the 6 new ones.  Of course one of them glitched on me and won't show for any profile and it isn't where it is supposed to be in the game either. 

io is there even a reason to level your other guys to Eris level 4? Can't you just swap items between them and have one guy be designated shard exchanger. Then again, her bounties are usually very easy and we know there isn't much to do in this game right now.
Well, you kind of answered it there ;).

But in addition, there is an emblem you get when hitting rank 4 - I might as well get that for all my characters. I'm in no hurry to do it - I'll just knock out the easy ones while I'm doing Vanguard stuff that overlaps.

I still have at least 3 exotic weapons to upgrade, so I'll run bounties just for that (until I get more Raid gear).
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io is there even a reason to level your other guys to Eris level 4? Can't you just swap items between them and have one guy be designated shard exchanger. Then again, her bounties are usually very easy and we know there isn't much to do in this game right now.

I was so bored the other day I tracked down the remaining ghosts I had not found, including the 6 new ones. Of course one of them glitched on me and won't show for any profile and it isn't where it is supposed to be in the game either.
Speaking of Ghost hunts... anyone have a link to that Ghost tracking site???

I remember seeing a post on Bungie's forum and it linked to a site that not only showed you ghost locations but let you know how many you had found in each area.

Problem was that I was on a work computer so didn't save the site info and now I can't find it, argh.

And I thought it funny that my Titan could buy the warlock armband, which I did since my 'lock is still on "0" level for Eris :whistle2:$

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