Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

When you hover over the destiny beta in the XMB it compares your score with friends scores. Right now im at the top with 244 "Most Strike Kills". What does Most Strike Kills mean?

When you hover over the destiny beta in the XMB it compares your score with friends scores. Right now im at the top with 244 "Most Strike Kills". What does Most Strike Kills mean?
How many kills you have gotten in a single strike match. 287 here, :???:.

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Update:  So, I've played for a few hours now via the PS Vita using Remote Play (from work aka "away from home").  The controls aren't great, as in, precise controls aren't all there.  But for single player, it's perfectly great.  The control setup, despite not being "precise", works perfectly for it being on Vita (as in, instead of using the imprecise back controls, they've made tapping the screen for grenade / ghost / melee and the down d-pad for running).

In addition, despite being on a 5 mbps connection at home and playing an online game, there was no noticeable lag.

I'm utterly amazed at how well this works.  It really makes me sad that there isn't cross-platform play, because I have *a lot* more Xbox One friends.  Not fair.

So I've had my chance to compare 3/4 versions of Destiny

I began on the Ps3 version.  The game was blurry, had some draw distance issues, and some jaggies.  I made a character and got him up to level 6 and cleared all the story missions on the initial difficulty.  I played a few crucible matches.  This character was a Warlock.

I played the 360 version, which was much nicer looking than the PS3 version.  I got my character to level 6 here and a few crucible matches.  The game had less draw distance issues and a lot less blurry than the PS3 version.

I tried the Destiny companion app on Android.  Very cool.  I had previously linked all my accounts to my profile (which miraculously still had my Halo 2 matches from a decade ago).  It actually lets you switch between PSN and Xbox Live accounts.  I don't really see much use for the app, but it's cool to look at your character and information.  Maybe it will act as a map ala Ground Zeroes (which was incredibly useful).

Then I played the PS4 version and... WOW.  I've logged some hours into it now.  All the jaggies, blurriness, and draw distance issues are gone.  It's a beautiful game on PS4.  What was really cool, is after downloading and updating the Beta, at the title screen my PS3 character was already selectable on the title screen.  Very cool that you can switch between consoles so easily.  Let me play with my same character with different friends.  While this is an awesome feature now, when the full game is released I'm definately not buying 2 copies for different systems.

I've said it a few times, but it is basically Phantasy Star Online smooshed with Halo.  Every MMO/RPG aspect in the game closely resembles an element from PSO.  But Destiny is on a far grander scale.  This is going to bring MMO type games to a lot of people who do not like the gameplay of traditional MMORPGs.

How many kills you have gotten in a single strike match. 287 here, :???:.
I still dont understand what a strike match is. Must be during single player?

I went into sharefactory and was going to upload the match i came out on top in. Then i thought maybe i can just cut out all the good parts and put them all together. I never used the sharefactory before. Is it possible to clip 15-20 short clips from one long clip?

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Went into Iron Banner yesterday afternoon with a friend and the first match I had a serious desync issue against the server again. Same map as last time it happened too. I've noticed that occasionally when I first make it to an area, I can melee a guy fine but after that the server (based on what my friend told me) doesn't stop my character from continuing to run forward. After that first melee, all hell breaks loose and it gets pretty bad. Somehow I managed to lag kill a bunch of people and we still won, but geez. I really hope this gets fixed.

Guess I'll see what happens today when the Moon mission opens up. Also if anyone is curious, my connection isn't exactly crappy either (Taken right after the above match as a test. Second one was done a little later after I thought about it, but it's pretty normal.):


I still dont understand what a strike match is. Must be during single player?
Strikes are essentially 3-man dungeons. If you have a pre-made party, you can go in but it will fill the other slots with other players via matchmaking.

There are raids as well that will be 6-man once you hit level 20.

I'm utterly amazed at how well this works. It really makes me sad that there isn't cross-platform play, because I have *a lot* more Xbox One friends. Not fair.
Quit yer bitchin' and add me: MattYoung730. :p

I plan to play this game a lot and I have several good friends doing the same.
[quote name="The 7th Number" post="11956932" timestamp="1406351767"]When you hover over the destiny beta in the XMB it compares your score with friends scores. Right now im at the top with 244 "Most Strike Kills". What does Most Strike Kills mean?[/quote]
My crucible score is higher than yours. ;)
Don't think so. You have time for one game while you wait probably.

I just logged in. I'm doing one PVP then heading to the tower.
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"The Moon is now playable for a short period of time in the #DestinyBeta. Play any activity today and earn an Emblem in the final game!"

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So I ended up doing the free 2 day PS+ trial to give the MP of Destiny a try.  Absolutely hated it.  Just not my cup of tea.  The SP part of this game is still very fun though.  Hopefully this game will be released on PC so that players won't be nickel and dime'd for coop.

Kind of a shame stuff will reset.  I'm up to 3 blue level 10 pieces that would be pretty nice if i could get to lvl 10.  Though, my overall time put into the game isn't that high so hopefully it wont take that long to find em again.

There are two Ogres in the caverns of the Moon (around Hall of Wisdom and World's Grave areas). Took us awhile to finally get out.

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Made a video showing all the dance moves. :D

Dances are as follows, Human male, Human female, Awoken male, Awoken female, Exo male, Exo female.

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Probably a stupid question but where are the loot chests? I played around in explore mode for a bit and couldn't find any.
Usually in caves or enemy spawn points. They are also behind foliage, structures, pillars, and can be found up on catwalks or beams.

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So I ended up doing the free 2 day PS+ trial to give the MP of Destiny a try. Absolutely hated it. Just not my cup of tea. The SP part of this game is still very fun though. Hopefully this game will be released on PC so that players won't be nickel and dime'd for coop.
It does seem the multi does need some tweaking. Most matches are noticeably one-sided.

Couldn't get into the moon and no mention of any reward for playing towards the end of the beta. Lots of fun and it sold me on buying the game and I am eager to see more worlds. 

Yeah i think it looks like a fun game, sometimes the MP makes me rage or question wtf just happened. But overall im interested in the main campaign. I will be getting it on PS4 so if anyone wants to add me as a friend send me a request. I only have about 18 friends right now. LOL. Left all my friends over on Xbox 360. :(

Galahad-B is turning out to be my favourite weapon. It's a full AUTO assault rifle which does well in PVP.
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Galahad-B is turning out to be my favourite weapon. It's a full plants assault rifle which does well in PVP.
That was my primary in Alpha until the Beta nerf. I moved onto the Jigoku-SR3 since then and never looked back. :D Shingen auto-rifles are great though too.

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Galahad-B is excellent, that is what I've been using the past couple of days. I've heard that shingen is the best AR but I haven't come across a high level one yet.

Interesting.  I like how Bungie changed some of their announcements to specify that the only reward is that.  Makes it really clear.

Ah, thanks. I hadn't found confirmation of what the prize for today was. I suppose I'll buy the game... maybe not for full price at launch, though.

Rusted Lands last night. Some people are calling the PVP boring but honestly, I don't see it that way at all. I've been having more and more fun as I've been learning the guns.

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Shore of Time. Probably my favorite map so far... The moon map has so much potential but the vehicles hurt it a little...

Only one area per planet?

Will this affect anyone's decision to get the game if true?
Well the beta showed earth and its pretty big i think. The first area is small but once you go around the corner and travel all the way through buildings and come out on the other side there is even more areas to explore, along with many many cave areas. I dont really think this is an issue. As you have seen in the beta, there could be multiple missions in the same areas with different points of interest. I think it will be fine. It might not be skyrim but it still should be big enough. Im not worried. I just hope every planet will be included.... will pluto be in the game? LOL

Well there's also this and/or this for a bit of context in regards to the amount of content and how it's implemented.
 (not that people shouldn't be concerned but rather to point-out that one explore activity per area isn't exactly the full in-context picture here depending on how you feel about those other activities)

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Well there's also this for a bit of context in regards to the amount of content and how it's implemented.
(not that people shouldn't be concerned but rather to point-out that one explore activity per area isn't exactly the full in-context picture here depending on how you feel about those other activities)
Cool thanks. Looks like only Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury are the only planets in the game.

Also we're in the beta. They can easily restrict, omit or block things off. You're only playing what they want you to see and when they want you to see it. It's a beta.
Was using either AR or pulse rifle, but near the end I switched to using a hand cannon and I enjoyed it since its headshots hit hard and body shots stagger most enemies so I would weaken them and then finish them off with a knife to the head. Played one strike match, will never do that again, with only 3 players killing the mech and the final boss is so tedious since they have so much HP. Go out from wall, shoot until time to reload, duck behind wall, reload, rinse repeat about 80-100 times. It'd be one thing if it changed things up in some way as the battle progressed, but nope, just a wave of enemies to refill ammo every 5 minutes or so.

bread's done