Devil May Cry 4 - Gen. Discussion & Info


170 (100%)


Devil May Cry® 4 immerses you in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonist clashes with a familiar hero. As the new leading man Nero, unleash incredible attacks and non-stop combos using a unique new gameplay mechanic with his powerful "Devil Bringer" arm.
With the advanced graphical capabilities of Xbox® 360, high-definition visuals and intricate detail come to life as you explore new and exotic locales. Dynamic action and undeniable style combine with explosive fighting options and a gripping story to produce incomparable experience that only a Devil May Cry game delivers.
  • Next-gen visuals: The high-definition immersive experience is presented at 60 frames per second.
  • Familiar and new: The newcomer Nero clashes with veteran Dante, with new characters and environments and a signature blend of guns and swordplay. The deep combo system rewards stylish dispatching of enemies, while the unique "Devil Bringer" arm opens up a range of combo options.
  • Exceed System: This new system allows Nero to charge up his sword with a throttle effect, revving up to three levels with powerful attack options. The new active style change system for Dante allows him to switch styles and weapons on the fly, producing crazy combo possibilities.

Update 11/5: Collectors Edition Announced
Collectors Edition Announced:

Four Episode Anime DVD, SteelbookTM Case and Bonus Disc Included

Capcom® Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced the contents of the Devil May Cry® 4 Collector’s Edition package, which includes volume 1 of ADV Films’ Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, a Steelbook™ case and a bonus DVD filled with extras. The $79.99 Devil May Cry 4 Collector’s Edition will be available February 5, 2008, for both the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.


The Devil May Cry: The Animated Series anime disc will be packed with the Steelbook case, and will include the first four episodes of the 12 episode anime series. Volume one of the four-disc DVD anime series will be available from ADV Films at the same time the game launches. Inside the case will be a second bonus DVD alongside the game that users can slip into their computers. The bonus DVD will contain a “making of” feature on the game, music from the Devil May Cry 4 soundtrack, a digital art book with images and sketches from the development team, wallpapers, icons and screen savers.

The highly anticipated Devil May Cry 4 immerses gamers in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonist clashes with series mainstay Dante. As new leading man Nero players will be able to unleash incredibly powerful and stylish attacks and non-stop combos using a combination of the Devil Bringer arm and the Exceed system, both of which are new gameplay mechanics for the series. Fans of Dante won’t be disappointed as he too will be playable during the course of the game.

Devil May Cry 4 is an epic story where the lines between good and evil are constantly blurred. Taking full advantage of the advanced graphical and processing power of the next-gen systems and Windows PC it draws gamers into the rich and highly detailed world of Fortuna and its surrounds with more enemies than ever before and some of the most breath-taking bosses ever conceived.

Devil May Cry 4 includes the following features:

• From the producer of the original Devil May Cry® and Resident Evil® 4
• 2 playable characters – take control of both Nero & Dante
• High-definition visuals moving at 60 frames per second
• Blend of familiar and new: newcomer Nero clashes with veteran Dante plus appearances from Trish, Lady and others from the DMC series
• Exceed System allows Nero to easily charge up his sword with a throttle effect, revving up to three levels with powerful and varied attack options
• Deep combo system rewards stylish dispatching of enemies
• Unique "Devil Bringer" arm opens up a range of never seen before combo options
• Distinct set of weaponry and moves for Nero and Dante
• New active style change system for Dante allows him to switch styles and weapons on the fly, producing crazy combo possibilities
• Numerous new characters and environments
• Signature blend of guns and swordplay

Devil May Cry 4 Collector’s Edition contains the following extras:

• Volume 1 of ADV Film’s Devil May Cry: The Animated Series on DVD, including four complete episodes of the anime (a retail value of $29.99)
• Unique Steelbook™ metal case
• Bonus DVD
o Making of Devil May Cry 4
o Music from the soundtrack
o Digital artbook
o PC content (screen savers, wallpapers, icons)

Capcom releases press release saying Devil May Cry 4 is officially coming to the 360:

I know that this has been brought up in the past in other threads, one which was mine but a new interesting article on the Offical Playstation Magazine reveals that Capcom will be porting this ex-sony exclusive to our beloved white box:

[quote name='']Jonah tipped us off on the contents of his official Playstation Magazine (yes, the same one with the Gears ad). Inside, there is an article discussing the future of Devil May Cry 4 and whether it will remain a PS3 exclusive. PSM is reporting that Capcom will be showing some more Microsoft love and will be bringing the series to the Xbox 360. We've all heard this rumor before, but we're starting to feel a little more giddy by the day.[/quote]
PS3 sales are down. 360 sales are up. Between Dead Rising and Lost Planet, Capcom is rolling in the dough.

It's a no brainer, DMC4 will hit 360.
Where is tha pic from? Dante looks next-gen but that gun is straight out of an N64 or PS1.

Back to the subject at hand...

It makes sense from a financial standpoint for Capcom to put out more games for the system with the largest install base. More 360 consoles = more software sales.
it better be true, I started out real bad on the series with part 2, but then when 3 came out, it made me love the hell out of it.. but it would make sence seeing how well dead rising and lost planet did/are doing. hardly anythings exclusive anymore. :bouncy:
FYI make sure to read between the lines. That quote doesn't say they are bringing DMC4 to the 360, just that they might bring the series. So its possible they might release a compilation of the first 3 like they did for PS2.
Well unless the PS3 hits 4 million + by December, and 25% of those people are going to buy DMC4, there won't be any profit to be had off the game for Capcom on the PS3, where as the 360 could easily get a million units sold.

I just hope they release part 4 and skip the remakes of the first three. Most people own a PS2 that own a 360 (maybe they should do a poll on this?) so seeing those remakes on the 360 probably won't be needed. THe same could be said for MGS1-3 before 4 hits.
I hope we get some version of it.

Knowing capcom, we might get updated ports before we get a new one, but I'll take that.
It's makes sense and dollars for Capcom to do it. After selling a million Dead Risings and shipping a million Lost Planets, can you really blame them? I expect all Capcom releases to be at least cross-platform 360/PS3, if not 360 exclusives.
[quote name='valor19']Where is tha pic from? Dante looks next-gen but that gun is straight out of an N64 or PS1.
That's not Dante, its the new guy you play as who happens to look a lot like Dante :p
[quote name='Brian9824']FYI make sure to read between the lines. That quote doesn't say they are bringing DMC4 to the 360, just that they might bring the series. So its possible they might release a compilation of the first 3 like they did for PS2.[/quote]

Devil May Cry Triology?
There's no reason why it shouldn't come to the 360.

And with Hideo Kojima looking at the 360... perhaps even more Japanese developers will come to our beloved box.
As an aside, since when did everyone who writes for a game blog start calling PSM "official." I know OPM is dead now, but has sony given official status to PSM?

Anyway, I am shocked people haven't grown tired of the DMC license as of yet. I think the gameplay still holds together, but overall the IP itself has gone through the system far too much.
[quote name='slickkill77']I think we'll get it along with RE 5....Theres about 10 million 360's in the wild[/QUOTE]
RE5 was confirmed for 360 early last year
[quote name='porieux']Only the first one was any good, 2 and 3 were terrible. So it matters not to me.[/QUOTE]
DMC3 is NOT terrible, definitely a step up from DMC1 gameplay-wise.
[quote name='Surferflames']As an aside, since when did everyone who writes for a game blog start calling PSM "official." I know OPM is dead now, but has sony given official status to PSM?

Anyway, I am shocked people haven't grown tired of the DMC license as of yet. I think the gameplay still holds together, but overall the IP itself has gone through the system far too much.[/quote]
Unless PSM has changed their name recently, that's not PSM or OPM. It's a UK mag called PSM3, though it appears that they're sister mags.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']

I know that this has been brought up in the past in other threads, one which was mine but a new interesting article on the Offical Playstation Magazine reveals that Capcom will be porting this ex-sony exclusive to our beloved white box:[/quote]

Boy howdy, you sure love looking down the barrel of a gun.
Well considering that they ported RE4 to the PS2 due to lack of sales (and there were alot more cubes than ps3's, I think this one is a no brainer).
Somewhere, Shane Bettenhausen is sipping some white zinfandel, gently sobbing while listening to Barbara Streisand's "Memories", and hugging his "SONY"-embroidered 'Banky'.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Screw that... we need updated Dreamcast/Saturn titles.[/quote]YES, we do. I would punch a baby for a new Powerstone.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Well considering that they ported RE4 to the PS2 due to lack of sales (and there were alot more cubes than ps3's, I think this one is a no brainer).[/QUOTE]

Sales of well over 1.5 million units can hardly be described as 'lack of sales.'

It wasn't that RE4 failed to make money on the GameCube, just that there was so much more money to be made by offering it to the PS2 horde. The PS2 version has matched and exceeded the GameCube version's success.
[quote name='whoknows']DMC3 is NOT terrible, definitely a step up from DMC1 gameplay-wise.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought it sucked donkey balls
and gave it away a couple of days after buying it.
This is yet a rumor that, like every third-party title ever, won't die: it's coming to the 360.

In some cases, it may appear inevitable. My guess is that MGS4 will appear on the 360 at some point. However, will it have the same impact on the 360 that MGS2: Substance had on the Xbox? Will it matter at all? Will it sell any more consoles, prevent PS3 sales, or just mean nothing in the end?

I think that, by the end of the year, you'll see roughly 4-6 big titles coming out for the 360. However, if they're going to be ported and released 6 months after the PS3 version, it won't mean a thing for most people. I also think that eventually developers and publishers are going to find a saturation point that interferes with their ability to sell the games they have planned to come out for this or that console. If MGS will directly conflict with the sales of another konami game on the 360, expect to see it delayed or not released; likewise, if DMC will compete on the same platform at the same time as Dead Rising 2, then expect to see a delay or a PS3-exclusive.

Ultimately, I think the "they'll make more money if they put it on more systems" argument is oversimplified and flawed, though not entirely so.
I hope this is true! I can definitely see this happening considering the success of Dead Rising and Lost Planet. Even if it's just for the first 3 to come to the 360 what woudl stop them at that point from bring DMC4 to the 360 as well.
I hope all these rumors are true - any less incentive I can have for buying a PS3 the better. Saves me some money...
[quote name='javeryh']I hope all these rumors are true - any less incentive I can have for buying a PS3 the better. Saves me some money...[/quote]


March 20th, 2007
Press Release
3-1-3, Uchihiranomachi, Chuo-ku
Osaka, 540-0037, Japan
Capcom Co., Ltd.
Kenzo Tsujimoto, President and CEO
(Code No. 9697 Tokyo - Osaka Stock Exchange)

Capcom¡Çs "Devil May Cry 4" Goes Multiplatform! Mega-hit Title set for PLAYSTATION® 3, Xbox 360™ and PC!

¡¡Capcom Co., Ltd., a world-wide leader in the gaming industry, is proud to announce the development of "Devil May Cry 4" for the PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360™ and PC platforms.

¡¡"Devil May Cry" is a series of popular, stylish action games, with a cast of unforgettable characters. Since the release of the original "Devil May Cry" in 2001, the series has shipped 6,800,000 copies as of December 31st, 2006, proudly making it one of Capcom's flagship titles. The series appeal is not limited to games; an animated TV series to be broadcast on Japan's WOWOW network is slated to air Spring 2007. The latest iteration, "Devil May Cry 4" will take advantage of each platform's hardware strengths to achieve the most stunning visuals in the series to date, and the introduction of a mysterious new protagonist will keep the action fast and fresh. Even before its release, "Devil May Cry 4" has been met with tremendous anticipation, as fans patiently endured long lines at TOKYO GAME SHOW 2006 for the chance to play the demo. "Devil May Cry 4" will be released simultaneously for the PLAYSTATION®3 and Xbox 360™ platforms.

¡¡Capcom was among the first software developers in the world to make games for the next-generation consoles, and those efforts have been met with great success. In addition, Capcom's use of an integrated development environment is one of the many methods being employed to improve efficiency and help take advantage of the cutting-edge functionality in next-generation systems.

¡¡Capcom will continue to produce titles that appeal to users while pursuing a multiplatform strategy to help enhance profits.

Product Details 1. Title Devil May Cry 4
2. Genre Stylish Action
3. Platform ¡¦PLAYSTATION®3
¡¦Xbox 360™
4. Release Date To be announced.

* PLAYSTATION is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Corporation.
* Xbox 360 is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
I know this one's been around longer, but there's a new thread that has all the current information. I'm going to lock this one.
fuck YES!!!!! FINALLYYYYYY!!!! lol im really excited if you cant tell

especially since ive been playing through the DMC series in hopes that it would indeed come to 360!
[quote name='Scorch']How many topics do we need?[/QUOTE]

I searched and did not see one in the 360 forum and we generally have one topic per game in here, so unless I missed something, this will be the 360 topic about Devil May Cry 4.

I see Trakan closed the one that Linkin already had going, so I'll just merge these and add the info to the OP since Linkin does a good job of keeping the individual game topics in order.
[quote name='Scorch']The thread that exists is in the GI forum.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I know, and like I said we generally have a single thread on each 360 game that people want to talk about, so this thread is still valid. That thread in general gaming will die out while this one will continue to be posted in as people want to talk about the specific 360 version.

In other words, the general gaming thread is about the announcement. This thread is about the game and any other future news (and the current news just happens to be the announcement).
[quote name='shipwreck']Yes, I know, and like I said we generally have a single thread on each 360 game that people want to talk about, so this thread is still valid. That thread in general gaming will die out while this one will continue to be posted in as people want to talk about the specific 360 version.

In other words, the general gaming thread is about the announcement. This thread is about the game and any other future news (and the current news just happens to be the announcement).[/quote]

I'm aware. That's why I was saying that the thread that's currently out there is in the GI forum. I was just pointing it out. I know that this one is specifially for the 360 version.
Now there's just MGS4 left which I'd enjoy seeing, having Sony's legs almost blown off from under them after the announcement had been made.
bread's done