Devil May Cry 4 - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Not your fault by any means, because they looks damn near the same. The devil arm and the revolver are exclusive to Nero though. Dante will rock the dual pistols.

There better be a reason behind why these two look so similar. Other wise it's just piss poor creativity on Capcom's behalf.

With that said I can't wait for the game's release. It's also nice to hear that I am not the only person that hasn't beaten the boss.[/quote]
That's what Ive been thinking since they showed off Nero, why the hell would Capcom make the 2 characters look the exaxct same. If there's no reason behind it you might as well be playing as Dante with new powers.
[quote name='thrustbucket']+1

I've never understood the DMC boner. I guess my tastes are severely out of step with the majority of the CAG community because I have had a lot more fun with Undertow than this demo - while it seems most people hate Undertow.[/QUOTE]

i feel like i might like undertow if i was playing it with a magnifying glass. i'm playing it on a 40 inch tv sitting about 5 feet from it and squinting to see the characters on screen.
I've felt the same really. The demo was fun for a few minutes, but Undertow has been pretty much at least a game or two every time I turn on my 360.
I just downloaded the demo and I have to say I'll be waiting for buy this when the price drops later on this year. I have DMC 1 and 3 and have yet to beat them so I'll do that before purchasing DMC 4.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Why are people not talking about this game? It comes out in 2-3 days.[/QUOTE]
Don't worry, I'll be talking a lot once it comes out.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Why are people not talking about this game? It comes out in 2-3 days.[/QUOTE]

The demo talk took over a lot of that. There's a great neogaf thread about the game if you're looking to chat about it... has lots of impressions from people who bought the j-version (for better or for worse.)
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Why would you buy the Japanese version when the US version comes out less than a week later...[/QUOTE]

cocaine, it's one hell of a drug
I'm really on the fence about the game. Like all week I've been trying to decide whether to buy it or not. I should probably wait to rent it, then buy it after a price drop, but the videos of the boss battles just look so cool I may not be able to resist.
How do I make Nero do his little dash? When I'm running he'll sometimes do it for no reason, and I don't see it when they show you the controls.
I pre-ordered a copy after playing the demo, looks fucking fantastic. I used to be pretty big into DMC but then after finishing the second game I never went back and still haven't played DMC3.

I'll have to find like a plot synopsis or something for the third game, I'll probably play it eventually but I'd like to not be completely lost going into the fourth game.
DMC3 takes place before the first game. There isn't much plot you'll need to know. Probably the only important bit will be that Dante had a twin brother named Vergil who was not a nice guy.
Good to hear, looks like I'm all set to play DMC4 then.

I'll order DMC3 as well though, might be fun to play DMC3 to DMC to DMC2, since I haven't played the previous games in a hell of a long time.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Why would you buy the Japanese version when the US version comes out less than a week later...[/QUOTE]

There are a bunch of people in Japan on gaf. lotta psychos who are just that hardcore too ;)
[quote name='InuFaye']Dont order DMC2.

If you love yourself.

Dont do it.[/quote]

Already have DMC2, bought it when it first came out for $50.00.

...I was sad.
[quote name='yukine']I pre-ordered a copy after playing the demo, looks fucking fantastic. I used to be pretty big into DMC but then after finishing the second game I never went back and still haven't played DMC3.

I'll have to find like a plot synopsis or something for the third game, I'll probably play it eventually but I'd like to not be completely lost going into the fourth game.[/QUOTE]
Heh, do what I did...someone made a playlist of all the important cutscenes/parts from the DMC games:

You're welcome.
I'm not too sure if I am going to buy it anymore.

When you guys get your hands on it tell me what's up. I want to some impressions and I also want to know how much game is actually there to determine if it's a buy, rent, or buy at $30 game.
There's tons of cut scenes going on between the fights. So far I've just played up to where the demo ends, so I can't really say anything that you haven't already seen for yourself.
[quote name='yukine']Yeah... I still feel the burn on that one, hence why I probably didn't bother with DMC until now.
DMC2 was such a cakewake. Me and my brother were cracking up when on the last boss I was literally just circling it and slowy pelting away with bullets as all his attacks missed me. DMC3 on the other hand is a beast. I'd suggest you play it just for all the attack styles/weapons. I know the styles are in 4 but I don't think all of the weapons are in. Icey Nunchuks and Bat Guitar FTW!
Demo = awesome. It reminded me of Onimusha 3.

I haven't played DMC3 on PS2 yet, so I'll be waiting for a price drop on this one. I'll be getting it for sure, though.
[quote name='zewone']Game is very easy.[/QUOTE]

told ya, that's just the normal difficulty.

there a few more to unlock after that. Son of Sparda is the better difficulty. Then there's "Hell or Hell"--1 hit death, enemies don't die unless you get SSS rank in fights. :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']told ya, that's just the normal difficulty.

there a few more to unlock after that. Son of Sparda is the better difficulty. Then there's "Hell or Hell"--1 hit death, enemies don't die unless you get SSS rank in fights. :lol:[/quote]

Wow, that sounds fun! :roll:
[quote name='yukine']How are you getting all these games before anyone else?

Modded 360?[/QUOTE]

Why do you think he doesn't play many games on his PS3?

;) :whistle2:$
Call me crazy but I'm gonna wait on the PC version. It's going to be $39.99 at launch (we have to wait a few months though, no biggie.) Also PC games drop like rocks, so I might even be able to have it for $20 or so by the end of this year. With the 360 to PC controller computability I see no issues.

I enjoyed the demo but I have to beat anything past Devil May Cry 1, so im in no rush.
This is not a 'next gen' game , it feels like a hi-res DMC .

DMC HD , yeah that's it .

I guess if you love Japanese games this is , cool ?

Don't read too much into this if you're offended that was not my intent .
[quote name='DomLando']Anyone know if Gamestop got the art books in yet??[/QUOTE]

yeah, they should have them.

[quote name='Richlough']This is not a 'next gen' game , it feels like a hi-res DMC .

DMC HD , yeah that's it .

I guess if you love Japanese games this is , cool ?

Don't read too much into this if you're offended that was not my intent .[/QUOTE]

current gen is last gen in HD
[quote name='Moxio']The Gametrailers review has me considering giving this a rental.[/QUOTE]

Replace Gametrailers with Eurogamer and I've had the same reaction.

Numerical scores aside, pretty much every review I read said the exact same thing about the game; that the combat and graphics are marvelous, but the level design, dialogue, camera, and overall game design is woefully dated. This is something that will bother some people a lot, and others not so much. Sadly, I'm more in the former category. I only buy new games if I think they'll be truly great and exceptional, but I'm getting more of a "good, but not as good as it should be and ultimately disappointing" vibe from DMC4 based on what I've read. I'd still like to rent it though and may very well buy it after a price drop.
I'm on the fence about this game. Pending any explosions about how awesome it is across the boards, I think I'll wait for the eventual price drop/deals on the game.
I never really played any DMCs until this one so I've always thought I was missing out. Now that I've had a chance to play DMC 4 I feel that it is a pretty good game. I was under the impression that this was going to be a must have game, but so far it is a good game, but not an amazing game. I do feel it deserves better scores than a lot of places are giving it. I guess if people are on the fence on this game they should just rent it first.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Replace Gametrailers with Eurogamer and I've had the same reaction.

Numerical scores aside, pretty much every review I read said the exact same thing about the game; that the combat and graphics are marvelous, but the level design, dialogue, camera, and overall game design is woefully dated. This is something that will bother some people a lot, and others not so much. Sadly, I'm more in the former category. I only buy new games if I think they'll be truly great and exceptional, but I'm getting more of a "good, but not as good as it should be and ultimately disappointing" vibe from DMC4 based on what I've read. I'd still like to rent it though and may very well buy it after a price drop.[/QUOTE]

While I don't agree with the reviews that are knocking it for being the same old shit (some games only need to be fine tuned and don't need a massive overhaul every game), I do think it's a step back from DMC3--mainly for the lack of styles and weapons for Nero.

It's no DMC2, but it's no DMC3 either. I'm not disappointed because there hasn't been a good original hardcore action game release since DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden last gen (sorry, too much of a snob to count GoW or HS.)

That said, I still think it fucking rules and I'll be playing it and replaying it until 5 comes out. I wouldn't consider it rental material since there are so many unlockable modes, but if you just want to play it once and beat it, then definitely rent it.
[quote name='Apossum']While I don't agree with the reviews that are knocking it for being the same old shit (some games only need to be fine tuned and don't need a massive overhaul every game), I do think it's a step back from DMC3--mainly for the lack of styles and weapons for Nero.

It's no DMC2, but it's no DMC3 either. I'm not disappointed because there hasn't been a good original hardcore action game release since DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden last gen (sorry, too much of a snob to count GoW or HS.)

That said, I still think it fucking rules and I'll be playing it and replaying it until 5 comes out. I wouldn't consider it rental material since there are so many unlockable modes, but if you just want to play it once and beat it, then definitely rent it.[/QUOTE]

I'm okay with lack of innovation if it is in lieu of polish, but from what I gather DMC4 hasn't fixed earlier problems with the series. The fact that it's a game about running from point A to point B until you kill a certain amount of enemies bothers me none as that's exactly what I'd expect from this sort of game. But going back through the same environments fighting the same enemies and bosses is just plain lazy. It sounds like they should have made the game shorter and then let you replay it as Dante rather than padding the game out by making you go through many of the same levels twice in a single campaign. So I don't think critics are panning it (or praising it less as 8/10s are still good) because it has "last-gen gameplay," but rather because it doesn't bother to tidy up earlier problems with the series and in many cases makes them worse.

That being said, I do really look forward to playing it and am rather tempted to buy it as there's no telling when Blockbuster or Hollywood Video will get it (and if it won't be checked out). I'm sure I would love it at first, but at the end of the day I think I'd regret spending $54 on it and should wait until Ninja Gaiden 2 or a price drop.
Strange- the game has been out now for a full day and no one's been talking about it. Are you guys still alive? Did the forum crash again today while I was away? Has anyone actually bought this game? Very well then, I guess I'll have to get the ball rolling...

So despite my best intentions, I decided to cave in and buy the game. I was very on the fence about such a purchase, but I figured I'd end up renting it anyway ($8), then buying it eventually for $30 or so, so figured I'd just spend the extra $16 or so and just get it now while it's still new and exciting and there's nothing interesting coming out for a couple months. so anyway, onto my impressions...

I'm about 3 hours in and generally liking it, though somehow it's failed to grab me quite the same way DMC3 did though this seems to be the better game. I think I'm just having a hard time adapting to the new controls. The guns seems weaker with Nero, and the demon arm is cool, but I often forget to use it or I end up mostly mashing the sword button and occasionally throw in the demon arm grab move for good measure. But this may just be me trying to get a handle on the finer points of the game's combat system. I am enjoying it though.

One thing I will mention that I really like about the game is that you can basically sell your moves back for the same price you paid and thus switch up your move set throughout the game rather than committing to a particular style. It reminds me of God Hand in this way and it's a vast improvement over earlier installations of the series. I also like that the game has checkpoints, so dying on a boss doesn't send you back to the beginning of a level and you don't have to waste currency on yellow orbs. In this way it is a far more accessible game than its' predecessors.

On the down side, as many critics have pointed out, the camera is wonky and occasionally cheap, but mostly during exploration moments and in tight corridors and rarely during combat. The level design is a bit convoluted, but no worse than DMC3. So ultimately the game is a lot like DMC3, but with better graphics, more customization, and checkpoints, but with less focus on guns. It doesn't move the series forward and the trademark flaws of the series are still intact, so while far from perfect, the good heavily outweighs the bad.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Strange- the game has been out now for a full day and no one's been talking about it. Are you guys still alive? Did the forum crash again today while I was away? Has anyone actually bought this game? Very well then, I guess I'll have to get the ball rolling...

So despite my best intentions, I decided to cave in and buy the game. I was very on the fence about such a purchase, but I figured I'd end up renting it anyway ($8), then buying it eventually for $30 or so, so figured I'd just spend the extra $16 or so and just get it now while it's still new and exciting and there's nothing interesting coming out for a couple months. so anyway, onto my impressions...

I'm about 3 hours in and generally liking it, though somehow it's failed to grab me quite the same way DMC3 did though this seems to be the better game. I think I'm just having a hard time adapting to the new controls. The guns seems weaker with Nero, and the demon arm is cool, but I often forget to use it or I end up mostly mashing the sword button and occasionally throw in the demon arm grab move for good measure. But this may just be me trying to get a handle on the finer points of the game's combat system. I am enjoying it though.

One thing I will mention that I really like about the game is that you can basically sell your moves back for the same price you paid and thus switch up your move set throughout the game rather than committing to a particular style. It reminds me of God Hand in this way and it's a vast improvement over earlier installations of the series. I also like that the game has checkpoints, so dying on a boss doesn't send you back to the beginning of a level and you don't have to waste currency on yellow orbs. In this way it is a far more accessible game than its' predecessors.

On the down side, as many critics have pointed out, the camera is wonky and occasionally cheap, but mostly during exploration moments and in tight corridors and rarely during combat. The level design is a bit convoluted, but no worse than DMC3. So ultimately the game is a lot like DMC3, but with better graphics, more customization, and checkpoints, but with less focus on guns. It doesn't move the series forward and the trademark flaws of the series are still intact, so while far from perfect, the good heavily outweighs the bad.[/quote]

I agree about the gun play. The only time I have ever seen fit to use the gun is against these little fish like things swim inside the walls/floors and move really fast. Using the gun on them will make them pop out of the ground and fall helplessly back down where you can then take the sword to them. Other than that it's just been for fun.

One of the additions I really liked was the diamond that shows you where entered from. God only knows how many times I have gotten all turned around in a hack & slash and gone back out the way I came in.

So far I have enjoyed the boss fights, but apparently they're going to be recycled?

The stagnant camera angles are pretty lame. Especially when you're running into a place and the camera does a 180 causing you to run right back out.
[quote name='zewone']Oh, the bosses will be recycled count on that.

Probably the part about the game that bothers me the most.[/QUOTE]
A bunch of Capcom games suffer from the Megaman Syndrome. Beat all bosses, beat them all together again at the end. Viewtiful Joe comes to mind.

[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Strange- the game has been out now for a full day and no one's been talking about it. Are you guys still alive? Did the forum crash again today while I was away? Has anyone actually bought this game?[/QUOTE]
I'm waiting for to ship mine out. bah!
bread's done