Devil May Cry 5: This is not the Dante you are looking for...

Wow, I came into this thread by accident, but I can't tell you how horribly depressing this has made me for the evening. Wow, there has been such a drought lately in top, great quality gaming with innovative ideas/stories/characters/anything. What the fuck is Capcom thinking. Do they really enjoy taking a shit on their fan favorite series? They're just about as bad as Namco is with the Soul Calibur series. I guess we got lucky that they still had some self respect when they did SF 4. This Dante looks like absolute crap and I will not buy (not that I have a lot of money now anyway, but DMC has always been a favorite/guilty pleasure of mine). I loved DMC 1,3 and even 4 (I actually kind of liked Nero and thought it was finally a cool addition to the series, unlike DMC 2 (don't remember who it was, but I remember it was a female and she sucked)). You know what, at this point I wouldn't mind if they threw away this garbage and instead of doing a reboot, continued Dante's story (obviously) or expanded his universe/did a spin off.
[quote name='SynGamer']If the gameplay is fun, that's all I care about. The storyline (or there lack of) was never anything to write home about in the DMC games.[/QUOTE]

I thought the storyline of the first DMC was really good. I remember enjoying the third, but hated the second, but after the first it's really kind of murky for me other than the giant spider of the first, that was badass.:lol::D
[quote name='whoknows']I just can't see myself buying this trash. If they made this it's own series that has absolutely nothing to do with DMC I might give it a chance.[/QUOTE]

Nope, not even making this its own series could help this garbage. The character design just looks gay, for lack of a better word and my mind not working at the moment (I don't mean this in a pejorative sense).

[quote name='ninja dog']Chaos Legion 2![/QUOTE]

This is actually a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's repetitive as fuck and kind of bland as whole, but I actually really enjoyed it.
[quote name='SynGamer']If the gameplay is fun, that's all I care about. The storyline (or there lack of) was never anything to write home about in the DMC games.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but who wants to play Justin Bieber?
This is the thread on the Capcom forums where a mod/dev? is responding. Same gripes as here.

tl/dr of the thread: Mod says that it's a reboot, Dante is Much younger, is still "Devil May Cry"(whatever that means at this point), the white streak in his hair is part of the story, stop being $$$s, and just wait and see. Which, btw, sounds a lot like they're not going to do anything about it.

From now on, I shall refer to the guy in the trailer at Faunte until the game starts looking and sounding better as a fan.
Anyone else think Team Ninja got wind of this and decided to announce Ninja Gaiden 3 on the same day on purpose?
[quote name='KingBroly']Anyone else think Team Ninja got wind of this and decided to announce Ninja Gaiden 3 on the same day on purpose?[/QUOTE]

Maybe so, and all they've shown is 1 picture of Ryu Hayabusa, and that alone is looking way better than this entire damn trailer.
[quote name='KingBroly']Anyone else think Team Ninja got wind of this and decided to announce Ninja Gaiden 3 on the same day on purpose?[/QUOTE]

What would one have to do with the other really? I'm going to say no either way.
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, but who wants to play Justin Bieber?[/QUOTE]

Again, if the GAME is FUN (see the two words I capped?) then that's all that matters.
I can eventually get over the look. I'm sure it's explained in the story, and it's part of how he really "becomes" Dante. What I can't forgive, is the smoking. Dante isn't a smoker. He was created as a non-smoker.

Having him smoke, really just pissed me off.. much more than his new look.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I can eventually get over the look. I'm sure it's explained in the story, and it's part of how he really "becomes" Dante. What I can't forgive, is the smoking. Dante isn't a smoker. He was created as a non-smoker.

Having him smoke, really just pissed me off.. much more than his new look.[/QUOTE]
I kinda agree. This is a huge departure from what the original creator intended despite Dante being based on Cobra, whom smoked, but was a conscious decision to not copy the smoking aspect of it.

I can't imagine the horror that will be his DT.
See, what I think turns makes this look so bad is Capcom's reputation with making these decisions. They don't have the reputation of, oh, say Blizzard who can make Diablo look like a paradise, which I will still buy, and have my full faith and trust that the game will be awesome. here you just have Capcom pulling a Capcom and destroying a series. By the way, that Capcom forum thread is priceless, especially the explanation of the pics on the first page.
He doesn't have his white hair? I'm sure there are better ways to criticize the game.

Or maybe there aren't. I remember I went apeshit when Mario's overalls went from green/red to red/blue. I remember thinking DO NOT WANT.
he actually does have a white strip of hair, he's probably turning into his true form in the game.

but you can count on Ninja Theory to completely fuck up the character himself, and not just the aesthetics. that trailer was supposed to be their ace in the hole, their badass-dante-beats-up-some-baddies reveal -- except it was terrible, cliche, and the only thing it showed fans was a middle finger to the game's history, personality and to one of the biggest gaming icons of the PS2 era.
I can't understand Shipwreck's tweet about Capcom making Dante into a dude. #-o

The new Dante looks more girly, more Twilighty, and more fruity than ever. And the most recent Dante sure looked like a dude to me.

[quote name='IRHari']He doesn't have his white hair? I'm sure there are better ways to criticize the game.
[quote name='IRHari']

Or maybe there aren't. I remember I went apeshit when Mario's overalls went from green/red to red/blue. I remember thinking DO NOT WANT.[/QUOTE]

It's not that his hair isn't white it's that they just completely went away with what made DMC great it was more his personality than how he looked. he was the cocky/arrogant badass that everybody loved now he's that dude from the twilight movies. Nonetheless I'll probably end up renting it from gamefly if I'm desperate for a new game but the way things look that's not gonna happen any time soon.​
[quote name='GUNNM']fuck this game and fuck the lead developer its obvious he made dante look like him, this was posted at capcom forums
oh man I can't decide if that is side splittingly funny or utterly pathetic.
I was under the impression the DMC series had grown kind of stale, so pretty surprised at all this frothing, I thought people would welcome a change.

and I never thought of Dante as "manly" or "badass" (I cant believe btw that people are throwing those words out there with a straight face when talking about how "cliche" this character is) He always seemed like a leather wearing goth type, this isnt that big of a departure. I missing something here? Didn't "classic Dante" drive his motorcycle vertically up buildings, beat up baddies before his pizza fell to the ground, and spew enthusiastic quips like "time to rock and roll!" If you want THAT Dante, the Dante that's basically an embodiment of Chuck Norris jokes without the actual joke part, you can keep him. Personally I always thought the DMC series was a great premise that was ruined by Dante... it was like a blind grope at what Americans think is cool (according to the Japanese at least), and it was corny as hell.

I'll admit I'm not completely taken with the new Dante myself, although it's moreso because he looks like a drugged-up Stephen Dorff from Blade, I don't quite get the whole "moody dreamboat" thing people are whining about. Personally I'm pretty excited for this, I love the DMC games and although DMC4 wasn't bad it didn't really leave much of an impact so a "reboot" is fine by me. I'm anxious to see what Ninja Theory will do with this... okay so Trish is probably going to be a redhead and I'm sure Andy Serkis will show up somewhere but I'd like to think they can handle it.
[quote name='eastshore4'] I missing something here? Didn't "classic Dante" drive his motorcycle vertically up buildings, beat up baddies before his pizza fell to the ground, and spew enthusiastic quips like "time to rock and roll!" If you want THAT Dante, the Dante that's basically an embodiment of Chuck Norris jokes without the actual joke part, you can keep him. Personally I always thought the DMC series was a great premise that was ruined by Dante... it was like a blind grope at what Americans think is cool (according to the Japanese at least), and it was corny as hell.

I'll admit I'm not completely taken with the new Dante myself, although it's moreso because he looks like a drugged-up Stephen Dorff from Blade, I don't quite get the whole "moody dreamboat" thing people are whining about. Personally I'm pretty excited for this, I love the DMC games and although DMC4 wasn't bad it didn't really leave much of an impact so a "reboot" is fine by me. I'm anxious to see what Ninja Theory will do with this... okay so Trish is probably going to be a redhead and I'm sure Andy Serkis will show up somewhere but I'd like to think they can handle it.[/QUOTE]

DMC3 is balls out ridiculousness that you'll either find amazingly dumb or hilariously awesome -- it's almost as if it were mocking the cliche action character itself.

This new DmC basically just stuffed all that personality into a cigarette.
[quote name='panzerfaust']DMC3 is balls out ridiculousness that you'll either find amazingly dumb or hilariously awesome -- it's almost as if it were mocking the cliche action character itself.

This new DmC basically just stuffed all that personality into a cigarette.[/QUOTE]
Definitely gonna gamestop when they have their old gen clearance sale and this is 2.99
[quote name='GUNNM']fuck this game and fuck the lead developer its obvious he made dante look like him, this was posted at capcom forums
:rofl: This is fucking hilarious. What's the dev's name? Everyone should just refer to "Dante" as said developer's name.
Think I'm going to be sick. I'm a pretty big DMC fan and always thought Dante was badass. He's like the Solid Snake of his series. Seeing the pic of that director guy just doubles my nerdrage.
He also looks like one of those generic Rock Band characters. The ones that show up when you're not using a custom made character, especially in that pose in the photo above.
Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. God damn you Capcom.

And this isn't just offensive in terms of how stupid everything looks or the story or whatever. It's the fact that Heavenly Sword is a halfassed, shallow, wannabe, button-mashing piece of shit that isn't one-tenth as intricate as a Devil May Cry game. The developers are in way over their heads, because they've clearly demonstrated that they can't make anything better than mindless button mashers for people who can't understand more than mashing one attack button over and over again, and doing a bunch of QTEs every 10 seconds, which is not what Devil May Cry is. fuck you Capcom and fuck you for farming this shit out to these no-talent British hacks, just because nearly all your in-house Japanese talent has left the company.

I just want to take this opportunity to say thank god for Platinum Games.
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. God damn you Capcom.

And this isn't just offensive in terms of how stupid everything looks or the story or whatever. It's the fact that Heavenly Sword is a halfassed, shallow, wannabe, button-mashing piece of shit that isn't one-tenth as intricate as a Devil May Cry game. The developers are in way over their heads, because they've clearly demonstrated that they can't make anything better than mindless button mashers for people who can't understand more than mashing one attack button over and over again, and doing a bunch of QTEs every 10 seconds, which is not what Devil May Cry is. fuck you Capcom and fuck you for farming this shit out to these no-talent British hacks, just because nearly all your in-house Japanese talent has left the company.

I just want to take this opportunity to say thank god for Platinum Games.[/QUOTE]

You guys are loco...

I'll hold off judgement until I try it.
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[quote name='celegus']That's not Dante, that's some confused kid that fell out of Twilight!

Oh well... goodbye DMC. At least we still have Bayonetta.[/QUOTE]

thank you. new Dante, the result of Edward + Jacob.
[quote name='bobo2k4']Think I'm going to be sick. I'm a pretty big DMC fan and always thought Dante was badass. He's like the Solid Snake of his series. Seeing the pic of that director guy just doubles my nerdrage.[/QUOTE]

Didn't he surf on enemies? Sorry guys... classic Dante's about as badass as a pair of JNCOs.
[quote name='eastshore4']Didn't he surf on enemies? Sorry guys... classic Dante's about as badass as a pair of JNCOs.[/QUOTE]

i should have been the one to fill your dark soul with lliIIIIIIIGHHHHHHttttt
[quote name='eastshore4']Didn't he surf on enemies? Sorry guys... classic Dante's about as badass as a pair of JNCOs.[/QUOTE]
He Does have a Devil May Care attitude... ;)
[quote name='yankeessuck']I wonder if they expected such a negative reaction to the game[/QUOTE]
I think they expected some backlash, but nothing to this extent. While there may only be a few people joining Capcom and Ninja Theory boards just to bitch about it, the bitching certainly outnumbers the praises.

Capcom mods are trickling tiny bits of info out and it looks like there are some easter eggs in the trailer, so who knows. Between the resemblance to the head designer and radically different tone, I think they need to let something big leak, but not necessarily completely spoil the twist.

I remember there was some bitching about DMC4 teasers as well, but the design was still always in the spirit of the first 3 games. This one is just completely whacked.
[quote name='CouRageouS']:rofl: This is fucking hilarious. What's the dev's name? Everyone should just refer to "Dante" as said developer's name.[/QUOTE]
I think you mean "Daint-e"
Apparently one of the original designers doesn't like the new look either. Saw something about a tweet where he 'misses the old Dante'.
[quote name='Jodou']Apparently one of the original designers doesn't like the new look either. Saw something about a tweet where he 'misses the old Dante'.[/QUOTE]
Where'd you see that?
[quote name='whoknows']They're going to replace old Dante in MvC3 with this Dante.[/QUOTE]

Well, then, I won't buy MvC3 either. What a shitty looking Dante. He seriously looks like he fell straight out of a Twilight movie. And what the fuck is this putting a cigarette out on the demon, thing? That's not Dante style at all, but hey, I've only played the 4th game, so I might be wrong.
[quote name='DarkRider23']Well, then, I won't buy MvC3 either. What a shitty looking Dante. He seriously looks like he fell straight out of a Twilight movie. And what the fuck is this putting a cigarette out on the demon, thing? That's not Dante style at all, but hey, I've only played the 4th game, so I might be wrong.[/QUOTE]

Go and play True DMC 1 and True DMC 3 (they will now forever be termed as True DMC) immediately.

From the trailers put up in the MvC 3 thread, I thought it was good ol' classic true Dante and not ballerina emo Twilight Dante.
[quote name='whoknows']They're going to replace old Dante in MvC3 with this Dante.[/QUOTE]

Don't even fucking joke about that.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']lol.

You guys are loco...

I'll hold off judgement until I try it.[/QUOTE]

They're messing with DMC's image. Something kind of sacred in the franchise. Even if it plays amazingly, the art direction is incredibly disappointing. Art direction is an important function of a game, and first impressions are that they totally failed here. And you're talking to people who LIKE DMC.

Take a franchise you like. Now take the main character and turn him into the opposite of what he is. That's who you're talking to right now.
Yeah this new Dante looks like he's from Twilight... if Twilight was a movie about cokeheads. I still don't get see how you guys are making a pretty-boy out of this guy... let's compare:

New Dante:
-Dirty Clothes

Old Dante:
-Often walked around without a shirt
-Long, pretty, silky-smooth hair
-Hung out with three hot chicks but never plowed any of 'em

They're messing with DMC's image. Something kind of sacred in the franchise. Even if it plays amazingly, the art direction is incredibly disappointing. Art direction is an important function of a game, and first impressions are that they totally failed here. And you're talking to people who LIKE DMC.
How did you guys actually LIKE old Dante? He was corny, I love the DMC series but I am ECSTATIC we're not getting the same Dante we had before. I don't think the art direction is a failure; from the teaser the city still has that mish-mash of different architecture types, and the enemies seem similiar to what you fought against in other DMC games.

When you're flipping out because "Dante wouldn't put his cigarette out like that" (he probably would've high-fived their arms off, right?), you might be a touch too critical.
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