Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

Will the beta have a minor update when the full game comes out? Or will we have to redownload from scratch?

I want to pre install my Diablo 3 because I do not have a cd drive. Once I receive my game through amazon I would like to play as soon as I get it and not have to wait to download the client.

Could someone give me the pre install for Mac install?
one of my friends was just playing so i said i'd run through it with him.

they have changed a lot of stuff since i last played, mostly for the better.

something that really bugs me now is that they don't list any stats for the spells where as it used to say (for example) Arcane Blades: Slash at an enemy 3 times doing 110% weapon damage each hit.

Now it doesn't tell you shit.

You can now swap skills freely in the field with a cooldown instead of having to go back to town to switch which is ok.
The rune system is completely different now too.
[quote name='crystalklear64']one of my friends was just playing so i said i'd run through it with him.

they have changed a lot of stuff since i last played, mostly for the better.

something that really bugs me now is that they don't list any stats for the spells where as it used to say (for example) Arcane Blades: Slash at an enemy 3 times doing 110% weapon damage each hit.

Now it doesn't tell you shit.

You can now swap skills freely in the field with a cooldown instead of having to go back to town to switch which is ok.
The rune system is completely different now too.[/QUOTE]

It's not what I thought D3 would be....

thank goodness I had a good discount on it.

GO GO double ECA!

the game is already paid for, but I feel it will not be played often enough... not like D2.
[quote name='xycury']It's not what I thought D3 would be....

thank goodness I had a good discount on it.

GO GO double ECA!

the game is already paid for, but I feel it will not be played often enough... not like D2.[/QUOTE]
oh yea don't misunderstand that, they won't change the things that make it bad for me, just saying that at least they are making some improvements.

they're never going to redo the art direction or the skill/stat system or the animations or the stupid aesthetics (NEED MORE RAGE, MY RAGE IS LOW!) or the lifeless voice actors.

literally the only thing that would make me buy d3 (apart from peer pressure) is if the story turns out to be absolutely phenomenal but i fear that they are just going to use those stylized 2d cutout cutscenes done in aftereffects which never look good imo.
I tried out the beta and was playing the Monk, never played any of the previous Diablo games. It wasn't doing anything for me, just feels so repetitive. Now it may be because I turned down the graphics to play on my laptop, but it looks and sounds like a game that should have come out 4-5 years ago.
[quote name='crystalklear64']something that really bugs me now is that they don't list any stats for the spells where as it used to say (for example) Arcane Blades: Slash at an enemy 3 times doing 110% weapon damage each hit.[/QUOTE]

Options -> Gameplay -> Show Advanced Tooltips
I just played a bit as a Monk so far, definitely glad I got a preorder on this one, and yeah while it is quite different from Diablo 2 I'm okay with that as I'm still having fun with it.
[quote name='Jodou']Pfft, amateur. Triple or nothing![/QUOTE]

ha ha, yeah I felt shady enough...

I'll install it, but there are better things to play than Diablo 2.75.
[quote name='Draekon']Options -> Gameplay -> Show Advanced Tooltips[/QUOTE]

Or just press Alt while hovering over a skill...Or it might be Ctrl. It's one of the 2.
i haven't been able to log at all and i've tried all day,i type out all my info at the login screen but the login button is blacked out. is anyone else having this issue as well?
I enjoyed it as well. Played thru as Demon Hunter, and had a good time. I do wish there were more magic/rare drops though. I know it's early game, but the best part of Diablo is finding good loot. I also really like that I dont have to carry a stack of identify scrolls anymore.
everyone gets their own loot which is sort of lame ex. when stuff drops only you can see it/pick it up. you can drop stuff for other people though. i always liked the free for all method.
[quote name='crystalklear64']everyone gets their own loot which is sort of lame ex. when stuff drops only you can see it/pick it up. you can drop stuff for other people though. i always liked the free for all method.[/QUOTE]
It really is a testament to how carebear games are now. Casual gamers ruined the hobby for everyone. :\
[quote name='Jodou']It really is a testament to how carebear games are now. Casual gamers ruined the hobby for everyone. :\[/QUOTE]
yea the big one for me is no pking. that is what made d2 worth playing over divinity 2 or arcanum or nox. enter a game, hostile everyone, see who you can find and kill with the risk that the same could happen to you. people talk mad shit, call on your crew, game turns into a pvp-fest outside act 1 town. good times. also a big part of what makes the souls games fun.

and now, there is literally no pvp in d3. if/when they add it, its going to be that bullshit arena.
[quote name='Jodou']It really is a testament to how carebear games are now. Casual gamers ruined the hobby for everyone. :\[/QUOTE]

Nah, that was always bullshit. Loot should have been divided equally between players. Or only characters in that "class" that can use the weapon should be able to pick it up.
[quote name='slowdive21']Nah, that was always bullshit. Loot should have been divided equally between players. Or only characters in that "class" that can use the weapon should be able to pick it up.[/QUOTE]
either play with people who would divide it or be fast. i'm not satisfied with my loot. i want your shit too.
so i can sell it to gheed
[quote name='crystalklear64']either play with people who would divide it or be fast. i'm not satisfied with my loot. i want your shit too.[/QUOTE]

"fast" depends on server connection does it not? So even If I have the fastest internet in the world and click immediately, the guy who is closest to the server gets the loot.

That is why you are a d-bag.
[quote name='slowdive21']Nah, that was always bullshit. Loot should have been divided equally between players. Or only characters in that "class" that can use the weapon should be able to pick it up.[/QUOTE]
Nope. Either bring a crew you can trust or whoever does the most work, reaps the rewards. In D2 you could either leech exp from hell cows or be that nova sorc clearing it in search of phat loot. People used to love me since I could clear a game in 2 mins flat while picking up any good UNID items. That's what was so brilliant about the game because everything just worked where people depended on each other.

Really makes me sad epic games like that are no longer designed. It's all about the casual gamer now and how to please their pussy.
[quote name='slowdive21']"fast" depends on server connection does it not? So even If I have the fastest internet in the world and click immediately, the guy who is closest to the server gets the loot.

That is why you are a d-bag.[/QUOTE]
Keep in mind you had to have inventory space to pick it up too, so if you got greedy on gems you might fuck yourself when something legendary drops. Never forget the time an UNID Monarch Shield dropped and I shit my pants because I wasn't close to Baal when it did. Next thing I know it's flopping on the ground because the other guy doesn't have space. Snatched that Stormshield up so fast he cried for an hour straight in whispers. God damn that game was so good.
[quote name='Jodou']It really is a testament to how carebear games are now. Casual gamers ruined the hobby for everyone. :\[/QUOTE]

I'm half and half on it. On one side, I'm glad I don't need to put in a ton of effort trying to make sure I'm able to pick up loot and fairly distribute it which is stressful when dealing with randoms. On the other side, I feel like I'm missing out on the experience that was more present in the older online loot/level driven games.

If all you do is play with people you know and can trust, it honestly doesn't matter one way or the other.
[quote name='slowdive21']"fast" depends on server connection does it not? So even If I have the fastest internet in the world and click immediately, the guy who is closest to the server gets the loot.

That is why you are a d-bag.[/QUOTE]
Sorc with TK and FCR which was super common with nova. Of course, back when you could still pick loot up with TK...
[quote name='Draekon']I'm half and half on it. On one side, I'm glad I don't need to put in a ton of effort trying to make sure I'm able to pick up loot and fairly distribute it which is stressful when dealing with randoms. On the other side, I feel like I'm missing out on the experience that was more present in the older online loot/level driven games.

If all you do is play with people you know and can trust, it honestly doesn't matter one way or the other.[/QUOTE]

I started playing d2 again when they reset the ladder and there was no distribution with the people I played with. The only reason I would even play on battlenet, is to get some different loot. My game would always generate the same items over and over again. So I would keep getting the same 3 set items, but never the others to complete the set. Or I'd sell something and get it back in the next game I played.
Sounds like you are the target audience for diablo 3 which is good for you.

Also, isn't it neat that you can't play a single-player game because the servers are down? Even SC2 had offline for the campaign...
[quote name='crystalklear64']Sounds like you are the target audience for diablo 3 which is good for you.

Also, isn't it neat that you can't play a single-player game because the servers are down? Even SC2 had offline for the campaign...[/QUOTE]

Yes and no. I am one of the people that doesn't like the look of the game now. I am not going to buy it until they release a B.C. version or if I can get a CE on clearance. I bought D2 on day 1, but d3, I will wait a few years. I haven't cracked my SC CE yet, because I know I will find a valid cd key at a garage sale this year.

I would think the reason you have to be connected is to prevent duping and fraud, since you can sell your loot now.

The only reason I would buy it at release would to possibly make money selling my loot, but there are probably 100,000 Asians that will beat me to it.
I always thought the PVP in D2 was horseshit. Never understood the appeal for it in that game. 10 minutes of people running (or teleporting) in huge circles hoping to land a couple skills isn't my idea of good pvp. The idea of going hostile and headhunting players was kinda neat, though.

Admittedly, I didn't play pvp in D2 that much. I was too busy playing games like DAoC for pvp.

As for the personal loot thing, I'm leaning toward liking it more than disliking it. I guess I don't get the rush knowing I screwed a bunch of people out of loot, but I doubt I'll ever play with randoms anyway in D3, so it will be a non-issue regardless.

I don't think selling loot is going to be a fruitful as people think it's going to be. You can't deal in volume cause you're limited to like 10 auctions at a time I think (though I can see some bullshit like "upgrade your auction limit by +10 only $19.95!" being pulled by ActiBlizz). You might score a ultra rare item sometime and be able to sell it for a decent amount, but that remains to be seen. I agree with slowdive that China will probably single-handedly ruin the market simply because they will be able to deal in volume because they will have a shit ton of accounts with 10 auctions each. Where your average real person will only have the one.
[quote name='TLPRIME']As for the personal loot thing, I'm leaning toward liking it more than disliking it. I guess I don't get the rush knowing I screwed a bunch of people out of loot, but I doubt I'll ever play with randoms anyway in D3, so it will be a non-issue regardless.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly how I feel. I did a beta run with three other friends last night, and if any of us found something for one of the other guys characters, we'd drop it for them. I'd NEVER play D3 with randoms, so the way it is now is perfectly fine for me.
[quote name='SEH']This is exactly how I feel. I did a beta run with three other friends last night, and if any of us found something for one of the other guys characters, we'd drop it for them. I'd NEVER play D3 with randoms, so the way it is now is perfectly fine for me.[/QUOTE]

Can you communicate on mics on D3? (or D2?) I always found typing to be a pain when playing.
As far as I know, no, there isnt any type of in-game voice chat. I didnt bother checking though as my friends and I all have a Mumble server.
[quote name='Jodou']It really is a testament to how carebear games are now. Casual gamers ruined the hobby for everyone. :\[/QUOTE]

This times a million.

Enjoying it so far though doesn't seem to blow my mind, hoping the retail release will prove different. Diablo 2 was by far my favorite game on the PC, and Blizzard games are the only hope I have left for even turning on my PC for games these days.
[quote name='SEH']As far as I know, no, there isnt any type of in-game voice chat. I didnt bother checking though as my friends and I all have a Mumble server.[/QUOTE]

hmm, I've never heard of that..now all I need are some friends. :cry:
Loot grabbing wasn't a hugely positive part of D2.

Game is growing on me, think it will be a good time come full release. And maybe it's just the beta, but there's scarcely any music to be heard for me. Too quiet =[
I played it a month or two ago and felt a bit underwhelmed like most of you. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but after running through and killing Leoric with a Monk and a Witch Doctor, I had no desire to play anymore. I played a Barbarian today with two other people and had a lot more fun. I should have known that it's always more fun to play with people.

Don't think I'll buy at launch though. It doesn't matter what game it is, I can't justify spending $60 on a single game. Plus I'm sure there will be some bad bugs that will take 2-4 weeks to sort out.
As a veteran of D1 and D2, I just don't know what to make of this game. The game play is true to its roots, but other aspects just seem wrong. I am afraid that the new skill system and auto stats will simplify the game to a point where replay value is killed. I'm not a fan of the real money auction house either. I can just imagine rooms full of Chinese teenagers getting paid a buck an hour to farm items for auction.

I decided to check out the beta just yo see if it would run well on my laptop, but now I'm not even sure if I want to buy this game. It seems like Blizzard was aiming for a broader audience rather than the hardcore players that made D1 and D2 so successful.
Well the good thing with the skills and runes is you can change them anytime, and since stats are all the same you could just max out five characters and be done with it and change your skills/build whenever, as long as you have the means of getting matching equipment for that type of character. Was it really fun making a Poison Nova, Summoner and Bone Mancer PVP necro? Really? Seems like a lot of time wasted... and it was for me.

After more playing I can't put my finger on it either. Everything seems well for a sequel to D2. I guess I'll find out when I get the game on release.
Yes, lol, cause the stat system in D2 was sooooooo deep and hardcore. I mean you had to do all that figuring to determine how high to put your first 3 stats to use the gear you wanted, and then put the rest into vit. Sooooooooooo hardcore.

The skill system was limited too because of the synergies. If you picked a certain skill you petty much had to pick it's synergies as well for them to be any good, with a few exceptions, and put all your skill points into them. I'm no expert on D3, but it seems like you have a ton more room to experiment and mix & match skills and try all kinds of stuff.

I'm iffy on the Auction House as well, but those Chinese kids would be getting a buck an hour to farm D3 whether it was in the game or not.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well the good thing with the skills and runes is you can change them anytime, and since stats are all the same you could just max out five characters and be done with it and change your skills/build whenever, as long as you have the means of getting matching equipment for that type of character. Was it really fun making a Poison Nova, Summoner and Bone Mancer PVP necro? Really? Seems like a lot of time wasted... and it was for me.[/QUOTE]

The appeal of starting new chars on D2 was a big part of the enjoyment.
Well, the always connected thing has already pissed me off once. We're in the middle of the demo, bare in mind we had to wait to connect anyhow, and get a message "Server shutting down in 5 min". I will admit that the mad race to kill/collect as much as possible before it closed was a little fun, but thats gonna be such BS when you're in the middle of a long boss fight and the server closes on you.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well the good thing with the skills and runes is you can change them anytime, and since stats are all the same you could just max out five characters and be done with it and change your skills/build whenever, as long as you have the means of getting matching equipment for that type of character. Was it really fun making a Poison Nova, Summoner and Bone Mancer PVP necro? Really? Seems like a lot of time wasted... and it was for me.

After more playing I can't put my finger on it either. Everything seems well for a sequel to D2. I guess I'll find out when I get the game on release.[/QUOTE]

Valid point. The time spent building new characters from scratch can be invested in hunting down new high level runes and gear.
[quote name='TLPRIME']Yes, lol, cause the stat system in D2 was sooooooo deep and hardcore. I mean you had to do all that figuring to determine how high to put your first 3 stats to use the gear you wanted, and then put the rest into vit. Sooooooooooo hardcore.

The skill system was limited too because of the synergies. If you picked a certain skill you petty much had to pick it's synergies as well for them to be any good, with a few exceptions, and put all your skill points into them. I'm no expert on D3, but it seems like you have a ton more room to experiment and mix & match skills and try all kinds of stuff.

I'm iffy on the Auction House as well, but those Chinese kids would be getting a buck an hour to farm D3 whether it was in the game or not.[/QUOTE]
Plenty of builds didn't use the stats for gear pump vit build.
Many melee builds favor strength over vit to a certain point for the %damage bonus. Pumping dex for max block or AR is common as well.
Pumping energy for any sorc build utilizing ES is common.

And yea, compared to D3's system it is deep, because guess how many choices about your stats you get to make?

You know the synergy system didn't come about until patch 1.10 in D2 and almost every build still worked from before then just fine.

Zeal- Synergy is sacrifice. Even a pure Zealot won't always max it. Enough points in Zeal to get your 5 hits. Synergy safely ignored.
Zeal can be used on ANY paladin build successfully with a decent weapon and 5 points in it.

Frozen Orb- Synergy is Ice Bolt which gives 2% per level. Works fine with cold mastery and without the synergy.
Any sorc with 20-40 points to spend can get a very effective cold spell to supplement her main tree allowing for some creative combos.

Nova- Has no synergies except light mastery.
Not as strong as it was but with static field and its stunning ability along with being one of the only reliable damage sources light gets (avg 2k-3k damage vs the 1-14k range of most light spells) means its a great way to spec for light but still leave a ton of points open for whatever.

Whirlwind- Has no synergies.
This shit is on almost every barb. There are no synergies.

Plenty of one point wonder skills for all classes.

I could continue but I'm heading to work.
You know I just realized that you won't be able to do Ironman tournaments which was another ridiculously fun thing to do. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BLIZZARD
bread's done