Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

Yea, not a monk so going on the AH - haven't check prices lately for things, but if it sells should be able to get something nice for my wiz.

Damn it just sold for 500 mil
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So...any other CAGgers playing this still? I am, trying to get to paragon 100 but it's ridiculously boring without people to play with.
I've decided to finish-out my Witch Doctor now that enough changes have been implemented to make them not completely suck and also because Jay has moved on and it looks like things are headed in a positive direction in regards to itemization. (also "fuck that loser.")

A ways out and strategically avoiding the official forums (as everyone should for all Blizzard games) it's actually quite nice to play while listening to podcasts.
[quote name='Pookymeister']it's been stuck at the .25 floor since ive checked[/QUOTE]

Booo... even though it would be fun to come back I'm having way too much fun playing a variety of games vs just Diablo 3.

It will be interesting to hear more details about the PS3/4 release of D3 and if you can tie it to the same account. I mean I'd prefer to play it on the PC BUT my PC is also garbage too so the graphics are all turned down.. I'm sure having a console release might throw some new life into the game and have new wave of interest from people who would normally not play it on PC..
Yea, so if you try to sell gold you are competing with everyone else to sell at same exact price. When i sold the one thing for 500 mil gold, i could only get rid of like 75 of it. Then just blew the rest on some upgrades. (then haven't really used them by playing...)
[quote name='Pookymeister']Yea, so if you try to sell gold you are competing with everyone else to sell at same exact price. When i sold the one thing for 500 mil gold, i could only get rid of like 75 of it. Then just blew the rest on some upgrades. (then haven't really used them by playing...)[/QUOTE]

Yeah that is a very good point. Now I don't feel so bad not playing...

How is the new patch? Does it bring any new life to the game or does it still feel like a grind? Some of the new items you can get seem pretty cool but I wonder how hard it would be to make them in hardcore....

Off topic: Since I stopped D3 I've played and finished off some of my backlog. Racked up a few platinums along the way too.... The Walking Dead, Far Cry 3, Dead Space 3, Spec Ops: The Line.... also played & beat Ni No Kuni, Metal Gear Rising, & Tomb Raider.
Haven't really messed around too much with the crafting - i tried a little bit but seemed the same as before....just get a lot of junk and wasted gold.
I've been playing the new patch a lot.

Essentially the new crafting system is D3's version of 'gambling'. Only you can make them specific to whatever class you're playing, which is nice. Takes tons of rolls to get an upgrade though.

D3 on the PS3/PS4 will be completely separate from the PC version, unfortunately. It's like a ladder reset, in essence :)

Also, like you, I racked up a ton of Plats, mainly from the R&C Collection & Okami HD & Devil May Cry 1.

Darksiders 2 on Apocalyptic can be infuriating sometimes though so I took a break from that and here I am.


The crafting system is worth trying, most of the people I've played with that have ridiculous gear have gotten it from crafting. Seriously, like, 300 int 200 vit 80 all resists shoulders aren't unheard of.
I see this thread has been resurrected again. I just started playing again since launch. If anyone wants to play just let me know! My BT is DonDonRaiden#1208. I only have 2 characters atm (Barb, Monk), but want to make more so if anyone wants to start fresh or work on paragon levels, im down.
New patch came out with some gold dupe method, some people got hundreds of billions of gold. Gem prices skyrocketed because everyone was flipping Radiant Star Emeralds and theyre < $1 on RMAH. I wound up selling all my gems that I had and I've got about 977 million atm.

Oh wow, just read up about gold sellers making tons of cash IRL off this. I hope lawyers have a field day with Blizz on this one. They need to burn for once to knock their bitch asses down a peg.

> 12:00 a.m. PDT: At this time (and after careful consideration), we've decided to not move forward with rolling back the servers. We feel that this is the best course of action given the nature of the dupe, how relatively few players used it, and the fact that its effects were fairly limited within the region. We've been able to successfully identify players who duplicated gold by using this specific bug, and are focusing on these accounts to make corrections. While this is a time-consuming and very detailed process, we believe it's the most appropriate choice given the circumstances. We know that some of you may disagree, but we feel that performing a full roll back would impact the community in an even greater way, as it would require significant downtime as well as revert the progress legitimate players have made since patch 1.0.8 was released this morning.

> 10:40 p.m. PDT: Maintenance has concluded, and the fix has been implemented. Once we’ve been able to test this fix and verify that it works correctly, we'll then mark the gold and real-money auction house live.

> 10:35 p.m. PDT: To assist our teams with their review process, we have disabled all gold trades in the Americas region until further notice. Players can still trade items, but trades that involve any sum of gold currency cannot be completed.

> 10:15 p.m. PDT: We believe we’ve found a fix for the gold duplication bug and will be deploying it shortly to all regions. In order to implement this fix, we'll be bringing Diablo III into maintenance. We anticipate this maintenance will last for approximately 1 hour, lasting until approximately 11:30 p.m. PDT.


Hey everyone,

As you may have already seen in the Breaking News window (or discovered while trying to load up the Auction House once logged in), we've brought both the gold and real-money Auction Houses offline for maintenance. After the release of Patch 1.0.8 this morning, we found that some players were exploiting a bug that enabled them to duplicate gold through the Auction House. We're working on fixing the bug right now, and bringing the Auction Houses offline helps us troubleshoot in a more stable environment while preventing further exploiting.

Q. When will the Auction House be available?
We don’t have an ETA just yet. Our priority at the moment is (of course) to fix the bug and make sure it can’t happen again. We know this is an inconvenience for some of our players, so we’ll be providing updates in this thread as soon as we have any details to share.

Q. Will there be a rollback?
Our priority is to fix any issues with the game client first—that's what we're working on right now. After we've addressed the situation, we'll need to determine whether or not a rollback is appropriate. We know this is an important issue for all of our players, so we’ll be sure keep you informed of what's happening and will provide any updates in this thread, as well.

Q. Will players be banned for using this dupe?
We're currently in the process of reviewing the accounts involved and taking appropriate actions, including temporary locks, suspensions, and/or bans. Our exploitation policy for Diablo III can be found here, which should give you an overview of the kinds of activities that are and aren’t cool within the game.

Q. How will this affect other regions and patching up to 1.0.8?
This will not affect the patch maintenance schedules for Europe or Asia. As we believe we've been able to fix the dupe, patch 1.0.8 will still be released in both of these regions as normal. However, please note that we have temporarily reverted the stack size for gold on the real-money Auction House from 10,000,000 to 1,000,000. There's an active bug that's preventing gold stack sizes from displaying correctly, so we've reversed that one change until we can fix it. (This will also be the case for the Americas once the Auction House is marked live.)

Thank you for all of your reports, and for your patience. In the meantime, to help streamline communication, we're going to be locking and redirecting posts to this location.


So, not enough people duped billions of gold for them to roll back servers? They do realize it only takes one to completely fuck the economy right?
So Hari, would it be worth my while to log on and sell my gems at the inflated rate right now or is that done? I'm all for exploits and sticking it to blizz, so I'd actually log in to make some gold just for the hell of it lol.

Actually, I don't even know if I had any gems left over so w/e. Grats on the near billionaire status though! :lol:
[quote name='gamechampion']I heard diablo 3 isnt worth buying, Is this true?[/QUOTE]

just depends on your expectations. i had my expectations appropriately low and i was quite surprised with how much fun it was (and still is, whenever i get in the right mood to play it).
[quote name='gamechampion']I heard diablo 3 isnt worth buying, Is this true?[/QUOTE]
Buy Dragon's Dogma instead. D3 is a complete waste of everyone's time.
[quote name='gamechampion']I heard diablo 3 isnt worth buying, Is this true?[/QUOTE]

When it first released, I would have said yes(and i prob got like 200+ hours out of it). Now with these new issues and economy, I might argue against it (though i haven't logged in months)
The problem with the game is once you see the light, you regret wasting any time on it. As you can read in this thread, I raged often about grinding act III on hell for little to no reward at all. All my gear came from the AH, so in reality all I was doing was farming for semi-decent gear to get the gold I needed to buy better gear. I will say playing with friends and CAGs was fun as hell, but in that time all we were doing was farming/crafting. It wasn't like WoW where you're playing together to beat a raid boss or PvP (because we all know how that turned out; fuck you Blizzard). Doing that solo was far more rewarding because it wasn't easy and actually felt like an accomplishment.

Even then, if you were the weakest link you were only making bosses harder for the team or if you didn't have five stacks of the MF buff coming in it would tend to piss people off. Overall, poorly designed and left you with bad experiences at times.
Ha, and in other news WoW is down to 8.3 million subs. They expect to be even lower at year's end and claim that less casual engagement has been the driving factor for the losses. Well when the only content you create is dailies, dailies, and more dailies -- I can see why you'd drive of millions of players Blizz. This company is in dire need of radical new management because they've lost sight of what makes games fun.
I'm of the opinion that WoW has run it's course and nothing they do will drive numbers back up. It's just old and you can't be on top of the world forever. If Blizzard wants to remain super relevant, they need to announce the new MMO at Blizzcon this year. WoW is pretty much over and Diablo 3 is a complete failure. StarCraft is their only thing with a lasting future, but I don't even ladder because I don't like being repeatedly punched in the face and kicked in the balls. Since Titan is still 4-5 years out, they need to push Blizzard All Stars (hate that fucking name) out as soon as possible. With the success of LoL and DotA2, BAS might wind up being very popular.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Even at 8 million subscribers, what is that a month in revenue? 120 million? Still not too shabby for an old game.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but it's leaving some servers desolate or faction dominated. Blizz keeps spouting off at the mouth about how they want players back in the world, hence the dailies and no-flight zones, but it's pointless without world pvp or interaction. You could make everything instanced and it would make no difference, except maybe more enjoyable since you wouldn't have to beg in chat for a group to do something. My server is currently 3:1 ratio against, so I have plenty of players to kill but on the flip side trying to find a group for ANYTHING is like pulling teeth.

Cross realm is not the answer and the sooner they wake up to the fact that unhealthy servers are what's killing the game, the better.
[quote name='Jodou']The problem with the game is once you see the light, you regret wasting any time on it. As you can read in this thread, I raged often about grinding act III on hell for little to no reward at all. All my gear came from the AH, so in reality all I was doing was farming for semi-decent gear to get the gold I needed to buy better gear. I will say playing with friends and CAGs was fun as hell, but in that time all we were doing was farming/crafting. It wasn't like WoW where you're playing together to beat a raid boss or PvP (because we all know how that turned out; fuck you Blizzard). Doing that solo was far more rewarding because it wasn't easy and actually felt like an accomplishment.

Even then, if you were the weakest link you were only making bosses harder for the team or if you didn't have five stacks of the MF buff coming in it would tend to piss people off. Overall, poorly designed and left you with bad experiences at times.[/QUOTE]

OMG it has been years since I touched WoW. I think the only thing you really left out was the Leroy Jenkins factor. That reminds me of how my first raid went. Well, guess I wasn't quite Leroy but when you are with elitist pigs who don't communicate and assume...well, they got what they deserved. :) The funny thing was, I told them I didn't know what we were doing and they were still crazy enough to have me gank the mob...ah, the good old days.
Auction House back up.

Prices aren't totally fucked, seem to be dropping back to normal levels. Lots of morons posting bullshit for astronomical prices, which happens anyway. Gems are a little higher than pre-patch but should be coming down.
Bought (most) of the gems I sold back (don't care about my wiz gems atm):

Well, I'm in the process of recovering my account (locked out since I no longer have access to the iOS authenticator). Never thought I'd re-install this ever again, but the summer game drought is upon us. Should be interesting as the last time I played was right around this time last year.

I really don't have anything else to play aside from LOL and occasionally Blops 2 for some good dude bro fun. There isn't shit coming out until August (Payday 2). 

Wow....everyone is acting like the game is DN Forever or Daikatana.  It is not that bad and the 1.08 patch improved it immensely.  If you have not played it since last summer (as I was before a month ago) it is a lot better.

I am not saying it is excellent or GOTY material and the launch sucked, there are worse games out there people could choose.

Got better how?  I saw no notes that the RMAH had been removed or that they were no longer balancing drops around the AH in terms of quality.  It's not even worth arguing over.  I beat Diablo on Inferno before any nerfs, so I finished the game.

There's nothing left for me to prove.

They made Diablo a humongous pussy on Inferno. The one thing I couldn't do before I quit was solo him with my Barb. Literally the first thing I did after re-installing was attempt to solo him. It took me all of five minutes to kill him. Never even came close to dying. My Barb who was pretty decent with nice gear but who still had trouble at the end of Act 3 and Act 4 Inferno is now an unstoppable killing machine.

Jodou - glad that you are perfect and it is all about you.  Re-read what I wrote.  There are worse games out there.  Then again, if you haven't beaten Skyrim that is a game I would play before firing up Diablo 3.  Nowhere did I say perfect, I simply said better.  Are there things still messed up about the game - yep.

One minor item that is better - I no longer need to use the AH to get gear for starters.  I get better drops now and could care less about the RMAH.  In hardcore RHAM doesn't buy you gold so you either farm it or earn it the regular way.   But whatever, I really do not care what you have to say as you are so jaded in your opinion that there is nothing anyone can say to you.  Maybe you should go back to Demon's Souls.

Maybe this forum can be changed to Cranky Ass Gamers instead.

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No, you're just giving this game higher praise than it deserves.  You said they improved the game, but you failed to mention how, because they didn't improve it "immensely".  So you got luckier with RNG after the patch, grats, but that's not improving anything.  Sure there are worse games out there, but there are far more better games out there too.

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